1873 - Carlton's third Premiership


1873 was the year of Carlton's Third Premiership, the first of a treble.
Carlton Captain. G.Kennedy.
President. J. Walls.
Secretary. T. Power.
Home Ground. Royal Park.
Games played, 12. Won 5 Lost 0 Drew 7.
Honours. Champion of the Colony. Jack Donovan.

gkennedy clr2.jpg

Carlton wore dark blue guernsey, blue knickerbockers, (knee length shorts) with long grey stockings.
Carlton Captain George D. Kennedy
appeared in the Carlton - Melbourne match (Sept.27) clad in Sky Blue.
(Pre dating the 1997 M&M game by 124 years and the 2011 clash jumper by 138 years!
See The Guernsey )

Competing clubs,
Albert Park, Carlton, Collingwood, East Melbourne, Essendon, Hawthorn, Melbourne, South Melbourne, Richmond, St.Kilda, Southern, South Yarra and Studley Park.

Carlton vs Melbourne 1873. Carlton 2 wins 2 draws.
At their third meeting this time at Royal Park, the Blues snatched victory almost with the last kick of the day.
Bill Newing marked for Carlton and kicked the only goal.

Said one writer: "To picture the delight of the crowd would be impossible, the result was so sudden and unexpected. The ground was rushed and the successful kicker elevated and carried round....This should be a lesson to all clubs to play the game well out to the end, never acknowledge themselves beaten, for a turn of luck might come at any moment."

St.Kilda now a senior club. Carlton won 2-1

"Oh, if I had money plenty,
I'd put it all on the Carlton twenty."


Junior Clubs

Carlton Imperial, Carlton Rifles, Carlton United, Clyde, Pelham Street. (Origins of Australian Football Vol. 1)

March 14
A meeting was held in Windsor by people interested in forming a St.Kilda football club, a provisional committee of seven were elected.

March 18 Tuesday
A meeting of the Carlton Football Club was held at the Carlton Club Hotel.

March 31 Monday


Carlton held their annual concert at the Carlton Rifles Orderly Room on Grattan Street.
"Several amateur vocalists kindly lent their services for the occasion, the most conspicuous of whom were several of the veteran Carlton football players who acquitted themselves in a highly commendable manner.
The vocalists comprised Mrs. Smythe and Miss Bessie Harrison, Messrs; H. J. Carr, Finn, Fletcher, Glennon, Ievers, James, Marshall, Sim, and Wright.
Owing to the indefatigable efforts of the honorary secretary, Mr. T. Power, everything passed off well. In an artistic and financial sense the concert maybe considered a complete success."
The concert was followed by a plain dress ball.
(Age March 31/April 01 p2)

April 26
Carlton met at the University Reserve for practice.

May 01 Thursday
Carlton AGM at the Carlton Club Hotel, Cardigan Street.
John Walls presided.
60 members attended.
33 new members elected, now numbering 93. (previously 68)
1872 season;
First Twenty had played 11 matches for 6 wins, 2 losses, and 3 drawn games.
Goals For 15, Against 3.
J. Donovan 7 goals, W. Newing 4 goals.
Finances; "The balance sheet showed that the receipts, including the balance of £15 8s 6d from the previous season, had amounted to £59 11s , which left a balance, after all expenditure of £12 17s 6d, to commence the coming season."
All playing members of the club to adopt a uniform and wear a blue shirt or jacket.
Club to look into providing a Challenge Cup for the Second Twenty competition.
The club's annual athletic competition to be restricted to club members.
Election of office bearers;
President: John Walls.
Vice presidents: Robert Robertson and E. Latham.
Hon. Sec. and Treasurer: Thomas P. Power.
Second Twenty secretary: Edmund Finn.
Captain: George Kennedy.
Committee: Donovan, Guy, Gardiner, Glennon, McHarg, Newing, O'Brien, Wallace and W. Williams.
"At the conclusion of the formal business of the evening, Mr. R. Robertson presented to Mr. J. H. Guy, on behalf of the members, a handsome set of tea service, &c., as a token expressive of the high esteem and regard felt for him during his long and successful career in the club; and Messrs. J. Williams, G. Kennedy, and J. Donovan received the club's annual presentation gifts of illuminated addresses.
The recipients in each case were treated to a hearty round of applause, and appropriately returned thanks. A vote of thanks to all the retiring office-bearers terminated the proceedings."
(The Argus May 8 / Advocate May 10 p14)

Donovan's Illuminated Address.
Note the almost present day (2006 - 2014) representation of the CFC monogram, 142 years on.

May 03
All the trees that interfered so much with play at the Melbourne Football Ground have been removed.

May 10
Carlton practice match at Royal Park.
Players to be selected for the Ballarat match on May 24.

May 17
Carlton practice match at Royal Park.
Players to be selected for the Ballarat match on May 24.

May 19 Monday
Meeting of secretaries of football clubs at Nissen's Cafe to draw up this season's programme.
Many clubs attended, the principle clubs were Albert Park, Carlton, Collingwood, East Melbourne, Essendon, Hawthorn, Melbourne, North Melbourne, Richmond, St.Kilda, Southern, South Melbourne, South Yarra and Studley Park.
Junior clubs suggested when they play the senior clubs want to play with a handicap of only two men.
Playing 20 men to that of 18 of the senior club.

May 24
Carlton was to play Ballarat in Ballarat, but the match was called off, due to Ballarat not being able to field a full team.
Carlton team; (26 named)
Blanchard, Burrows, Clark, Donovan, Dismorr, Dedman, Dalton, Dalton, Ellis, Guy, Gardiner, Goer, Gillman, Johnson, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, MacGibbon, Monie, Newing, O'Brien, James Robertson, Todd, Wallace, Williams, Williams.
This squad was named on May 10 and a practice match on that day would determine who was selected from the above players.

Carlton played a President's vs Vice President's match instead.

Carlton Reserves played Carlton Imperial at Royal Park.

May 31
Carlton played Albert Park at Albert Park.
The players met at the Town hall at 2pm.
The Blues were late in getting to the ground and the game didn't commence until 3.30pm.
Carlton losing the toss kicked to the northern goal against the breeze.
Donovan kicked off and took the ball to within a few yards of the Alberts' goal, where it was cleared.
After about 30 minutes of play Baker of Albert Park, kicked a beautiful long kick into their forward line where his team mate George Crooke marked the ball.
"The Central Umpire (Mr. F. Allan) was appealed by the Carlton players to as to whether it was a mark or not, and he decided that it was, when the Carlton Captain, to the astonishment of his opponents and the numerous spectators, disputed the decision of the umpire, refused to abide by it, and said that if the mark were insisted upon his men would leave the ground."
Baker the Albert captain decided to uphold the umpire's decision.
Game terminated when Carlton players walked off after they claimed that they had touched the ball before a mark was paid to G. Crooke of Albert Park one yard from goal.
"In fact, if Baker had yielded the point to them football might as well not be played, as unless the umpire's decision is repected there would be an end to all fairness in the game."
Umpire; F. Allan
Carlton team; (23 named)
Barnard, Blanshard, Bill Dalton, Dedman, Donovan, Donaldson, Ellis, Gardiner, Goer, Guy, Johnson, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, Monie, Macgibbon, Newing, Henry F. Rix, Robertson, Robertson, Todd, Wallace, Williams.
Result: Match called off.
Players mentioned; Kennedy, Donovan.

Carlton Reserves played St.Kilda at St.Kilda.
The players met at the Town Hall at 2pm, for a 2.30pm start.
Carlton team; (24 named)
Aram, Bennent, J. Carr, Fletcher, Albert Griffiths, Healey, Kennedy, J. Lennon, Lynch, W. H. McClure, McHarg, Morgan, Moody, Marshall, J. Newing, Ormsby, Page, F. Power, Robinson, Dave Scott, Sharpe, Toohey, Templeton, Wright.
St.Kilda won 3-0


"Fair Play" in the Australasian, May 31, says there is a dispute brewing between Carlton and Melbourne.
The clubs have fixtured to play each other 3 times this season and Melbourne by their success last season claim the right to hold the first of the 3 games on their own ground. This means they would hold the third game on their ground.
To avoid this, it is suggested that the final game be held on a neutral ground.


The lengths of goal posts is proving a problem.
Most posts are 8-10 feet above the ground and when the ball is kicked above that height disputes arise. To overcome this, Melbourne are installing posts of 20 feet and it is hoped all other clubs will follow.


"A team of the Melbourne Football Club, numbering eighteen players, met twenty of the men of Richmond. The Melbourne team wore their novel uniform, consisting of knickerbockers and coloured shirts." (Trove: Advocate June 07 p15)

June 06 Friday
At a meeting of the Albert Park club a motion was passed to advise all club delegates that the umpire's decision is final.
The club also instructed it's secretary;
"To write to the secretary of the Carlton Club, inviting the players to apologise for their unfootball-like conduct in disputing the decision of the central umpire in the match played on Saturday 31st."
See June 14.

June 07
Carlton (14) played a Local Forces 20 at Royal Park.
Many of the Blues players did not turn up and had to play with 14 men.
The report laments that the military lack a player who can teach their players the correct rules of the game.
This led to confusion with rules as many of the military did not understand the Australian game.
The Weekly Times report said Carlton fielded at team of 14 players.
Carlton team; (22 named)
Bennent, Blanchard, Bill Dalton, Dedman, Donovan, Gardiner, Goer, Johnson, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, MacGibbon, Monie, Newing, O'Brien, Henry F. Rix, James Robertson, John Robertson, George Robertson, Todd, Wallace, Williams.
Game ended in a 1-1 draw.

Carlton Reserves/Second Twenty played Essendon at Essendon.


(McCracken's Paddock, or E. Rigby's Paddock? Flemington Hill)
According to wikipedia this was Essendon's first official match, and they remained a junior club until 1878.
The McCracken's were a successful brewery and hotel owing family that initiated the formation of the club.
Flemington Hill was the Dons home ground until the end of 1880, when they moved to the East Melbourne ground.
On May 24 (back page, p8) of this year, The Age said the ground was near Newmarket Railway Station.
The only goal was kicked by a J. McCracken.
Carlton Reserves lost 0-1.
Best; Kennedy, McClure.

The dispute between Carlton and Melbourne has been resolved, and they will now play each other 4 times this season.
The first match will be next week in Royal Park.

June 10 Tuesday
General meeting of the Carlton Football Club at the Carlton Club Hotel at 8pm.

June 14


The Australasian (p12) reported that Albert Park F. C. has moved from their home ground at the lower end of Clarendon Street (which would have been near the Yarra River) to a new ground at the other end of Clarendon Street in the park lands of Albert Park.
The new ground is situated on level-well drained sandy soil, its such a contrast to the old, rough, and often muddy ground.

June 14
The dispute between Carlton and Albert Park.
The Age;
In reference to the late dispute re the umpire's decision given in a match played between the Carlton and Albert Park clubs, the former club has sent the following apologetic note to the Parkites: -
"That the Carlton Football Club admit they were in error, but, while regretting the abrupt termination of the match and the recrimination that took place on the ground, still consider that the circumstances fully warranted their refusal to submit to the central umpire's decision, and therefore decline to tender the apology to the Albert Park Football Club."

June 14
Carlton played Melbourne at Royal Park.
Crowd; 2,000
The rain which had been almost incessant for the past month cleared on Saturday morning.
Not all players selected turned up and emergencies were used.
Melbourne won the toss and kicked to the University or eastern end of the ground.
Kennedy captained the Blues and kicked off just after 3pm, almost 30 mintues late.
Dalton scored Carlton's only goal after 20 mintues of play.
The game was hindered by crowd encroachment onto the ground. Delays occurred with the umpire refusing to throw the ball in until the crowd had moved back beyond the boundary flags.
Crowds rushed the ground just before full time was called and the match was terminated.
The reporter called for the roping of the boundary, and non playing members and police to control the crowd.
Carlton team; (20 named + emerg)
B. Barnett, Blanchard, Bill Dalton, Dedman, Donovan, Guy, Gardiner, Goer, G.Kennedy, Adam Kennedy, Thomas Kennedy, Macgibbon, Monie, Newing, O'Brien, James Robertson, John Robertson, Henry F. Rix, Wallace, Williams.
Emergencies; G. Robertson, Donaldson.
Match drawn; 1-1.
Umpire; W. H. McClure
Goal; Dalton.
Players mentioned; Kennedy, Newing, Dalton, Donovan, Blanchard, Macgibbon, Monie, Gardiner.

Carlton Reserves played Richmond Union at Richmond paddock.

June 21
Carlton 18 were to play a Richmond 20 at Royal Park.
This match did not proceed as Richmond were unable to field a team.
Carlton team; (19 named)
Barnet, Dalton, Donaldson, Donovan, Dedman, Gardiner, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, Macgibbon, Monie, O'Brien, Newing, Robertson, Robertson, Robertson, Henry F. Rix, Wallace, Williams.

Carlton Reserves played North Melbourne at Royal Park.
Best; Power, Page, Bennent, Newing
North Melbourne won 2-0

June 26 Thursday
"A meeting of the Carlton Football Club will be held this evening at the Carlton Club Hotel, Cardigan-street, for the purpose of considering the club's present uniform, and other business to be submitted." (Age June 26 p3)

June 28
Carlton 18 played East Melbourne at Royal Park.
The brief report only mentions that Carlton are to adopt the blue knickerbockers and grey stockings or socks. (See July 01)
Carlton team; (17 named)
B. Barnett, Dalton, Donovan, Goer, Gardiner, Healey, Adam Kennedy, G. Kennedy (Capt.), Thomas Kennedy, Macgibbon, Monie, O'Brien, G. Robertson, James Robertson, Henry F. Rix, Todd, Wallace.
Match drawn.

Carlton Reserves played Hawthorn, possibly Urquhart Park/Scullin Park.
(Another report said Mr. Box's paddock, Hawthorn)
The players gathered at the Town Hall at 2pm.
Play was due to start at 2.30pm.
A good attendance with a lot of ladies present. The grandstand was full.
"The ground was not the best in the world for playing on, and after the late rains it was in a delightful state of slush." "The tosses that some of the players got were laughable; the Carlton captain went flying into a waterhole about two inches deep, and this upset was loudly cheered by the Hawthorn team, as the captain was making himself rather disagreeable with his hands..."
Hawthorn scored their goal when a cow ran onto the field disrupting play. The Carlton players were more concerned with the welfare of the ladies in the crowd, than where the ball was, allowing their opponents to score a goal.
Drawn game; 1 - 1.
Goal; William H. Leonard

July 01 Tuesday


A general meeting of the Carlton Football Club held at the Carlton Club Hotel, corner of Grattan and Cardigan Streets.
Mr. A. W. McHarg presided.
Mr. Thos. Thompson was elected hon. secretary of the Reserves/Second Twenty.
It was resolved that the uniform of the club in the future should be blue knickerbockers, grey stockings and blue cap.
A hope was expressed that the playing members would turn out in uniform, and be a little more regular in their attendance at matches.
The committee was instructed to obtain the services of four mounted policemen to keep the playing arena clear of spectators at all principal matches.
See the article "How the Blues become Blue" - go to About Us-Index-Articles (under Historical Events)

July 05
Carlton played University at Royal Park.
The match was delayed as not all the University players turned up for the match.
Carlton were too good for the students and they had trouble getting the ball into their forward line for the 20 minutes the game lasted. A heavy shower ended the game.
The Blues in the short time available had several chances to goal with Donovan and Gardiner being nearly successful.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Burnett, Blanchard, Dalton, Dedman, Donovan, Gardiner, Goer, Healey, Adam Kennedy, G. Kennedy (Capt.), F. Kennedy, Monie, Macgibbon, Newing, O'Brien, Jas. Robertson, G. Robertson, Henry F. Rix, Todd, Williams.
Match drawn 0-0

Carlton Reserves played North Melbourne at Royal Park.
Two Carlton players disappeared after the players left the ground due to a shower of rain.
T. Power the Carlton captain wanted to use substitutes, but the opposition would not allow it.
Carlton lost; 0 - 3
Players mentioned; Power, Fullarton, Toohey, Page, McHarg.

July 12
Carlton 15 played Victorian Artillery 20 (Local Forces) at Victorian Artillery's ground, the Princes Bridge Reserve.
Only 12 of the 15 players turned up for the game, 3 substitutes were found.
After match entertainment was provided by the military in tents erected on the ground.
No team details.
Carlton won. 1 - 0
Goals; W. Dedman
Dedman scored another goal, but the umpire disallowed it on some technical point.

Carlton Reserves played Studley Park at Studley Park.
The team met at the University Hotel prior to proceeding to Studley Park.
Carlton team; (21 named)
Aram, J. Carr, Fletcher, Fullarton, Glennon, J. Kemp, J. Lennon, Lynch, McFarlane, McHarg, Nathan, Newing, Page, T. P. Power, F. Power, Robinson, Templeton, Toohey, Toohey, Waugh, Williamson
Match drawn. 1 - 1
Goal; unknown.

July 12
"Kicking the oval sphere is now among the the most popular of outdoor sports in Victoria."
Australian Sketcher with Pen and Pencil.

Possibly from the July 19 match. The Blues wore grey socks only in 1873.
This image (in black and white) also appeared in the Australasian Sketcher with Pen and Pencil, June 12 (p41) 1875.
In 1874 Carlton wore hooped socks ala Geelong, so it seems it was not sketched in that year (1875)
Image: Ron Barassi Collection/L. Joel


July 19
Carlton played Melbourne at the Melbourne ground (Richmond paddock).
A crowd of a least 6,000 eagerly watched game between the two top sides in the city.
Police were in attendance to keep the crowd off the playing arena.
Both teams wore uniforms.
Carlton turned out in their new uniform;
Blue shirt, blue knickerbockers, blue cap, and grey stockings.
The George Kennedy won the toss and the Blues kicked to the Richmond end with the aid of a slight breeze.
Dedman scored the first goal after 20 minutes of play.
Dalton marked, and from a place kick on a tight angle put the Blues in front with 30 minutes left to play. The match ended at 5.15pm.
Carlton team; (20 named)
G. Kennedy (Capt), B. Barnett, Blanchard, Dalton, Donovan, Dedman, Gardiner, Goer, Guy, Healy, Adam Kennedy, Thomas Kennedy, Macgibbon, Monie, Newing, Robertson, Robertson, Henry F. Rix, Todd and Wallace.
Umpire; McClure.
Carlton won 2-1. Half time 1-0
Goals; Dedman, Dalton.
Players mentioned; (10) G. Kennedy, Dedman, Dalton, Blanchard, Newing, Goer, Monie, Gardiner, Donovan, Macgibbon.

Carlton Reserves played St.Kilda at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (23 named)
Aram, Bennett, J. Carr, Fletcher, Fulton, Glennon, Kemp, J. Lennon, Lynch, W. H. McClure, R. McFarlane, McHarg, Nathan, J. Newing, Page, Power, Power, C. Robinson, V. Robertson, Toohey, Toohey, Waugh, Williamson
Result; Walkover for St.Kilda

July 26
Carlton 18 played a Collingwood 20 in Royal Park.
Carlton team; (19 named)
Blanchard, Barnet, Dalton, Dedman, Donovan, Gardiner, Goer, Healey, Hogan, Adam Kennedy, G. Kennedy (Capt.), Thomas Kennedy, Macgibbon, Monie, Newing, Jas. Robertson, G. Robinson/Robertson, Henry F. Rix, Todd.
Carlton won 1-0
Goal; Goer.

Carlton Reserves played Combined Ironmongers at Royal Park at 2.45pm.
Carlton team; (23 named)
Aram, Bennett, J. Carr, Duncan, Fletcher, Fulton, Glennon, McNamara, R. McFarlane, W. H. McClure, McHarg, Norris, S. Nathan, Power, Power, Page, Robinson, V. Robertson, Shaw, Sharp, Toohey, Toohey, G. Waugh.
Result unknown

August 02
Carlton played Melbourne at Royal Park.
A fine balmy day and the ground was in good condition.
Crowd; at least 5,000 - 6,000.
The North Melbourne Advertiser's reporter said; "Never, I think, have I witnessed such a large concourse of people in the Royal Park as was assembled there on Saturday last, and never have I seen such interest taken in the game of football as was exhibited on that occasion, and the Melbourne supporters seemed to be very confident of victory for their men."
The police and two troopers kept the crowd off the playing arena.
Carlton won the toss and kicked with a strong breeze to the eastern or University end at 3pm.
Both sides played with great spirit, and Melbourne missed two vital chances to goal.
Melbourne held the ascendancy in the second half, but neither side could score.
Time was running out, and the Blues got the ball into their forward line where Newing marked. With the last kick of the day, Newing scored the winning goal seconds before the end of the game.
"To picture the delight of the crowd would be simply impossible; the result was so sudden and so unexpected. The ground was at once rushed, and the successful goal kicker elevated and carried around." (The Australasian)
This was the third of four games against Melbourne this season.
The first game in Royal Park was a draw, the second in Richmond Paddock two weeks ago resulted in a Carlton victory and with this win Carlton secured the title of the leading team in Victoria for 1873.
Carlton team; (20 named)
B. Barnett, Blanchard, Dalton, Donovan, Dedman, Guy, Goer, Gardiner, Heatley, Hogan, Adam Kennedy, Thomas Kennedy, Macgibbon, Monie, Newing, Jas. Robertson, G. Robertson, Henry F. Rix, Wallace, Williams
Umpire; W. McClure.
Carlton won; 1-0. (Half time 0-0)
Goal scorer; W. Newing.
Injuries; Hogan (ankle) second half - took no further part in the game.
Players mentioned; (13) Adam Kennedy, Donovan, Dedman, Dalton, Hogan, Newing, Guy, Macgibbon, Gardiner, Goer, Monie, Newing, Jas. Robertson.

Carlton Second Twenty were to play Richmond Union.
Match cancelled as Carlton could not field a team.


An English reporter for the British newspaper The Globe, was writing about Winter In Australia.
His report was published in the Bradford Observer on October 9 1873.
Part of his report was about the above Carlton vs Melbourne football match.
"By far the most popular of all Victorian amusements is football. Indeed, it may be said to be the only one which reaches to the dignity of a national pastime. Every Saturday afternoon, be it rain or sunshine, fog or wind, witnesses every available space in the neighbourhood of Melbourne occupied with players clad in divers uniforms of hues and stripes of many colours, sometimes graceful, ordinarily weirdly grotesque.
The one or two clubs which have won for themselves real prominence here enjoy an enormous share of the public interest. Indeed, I never remember at home to have seen so such enthusiasm displayed at any football match as I have ever seen here on the occasion of the encounter between the Melbourne and Carlton Football Clubs.
This took place last Saturday week in the Royal Park, under a bright sun, and in the presence of certainly not less than from 6,000 to 8,000 spectators of both sexes, who gave loud vent to their feelings in shouts and groans, according as the ball was forced into unpleasant proximity with one goal or another.
The play was magnificent. I never saw more pluck or dash exhibited than these young fellows. Unfortunately the Victorian football rules are singulary calculated to discourage kicking the ball at all. The great object of the game is catch the ball in the hands, and to run with it through the enemy, the only condition being that the runner must bounce the ball every ten yards. This leads to frequent scrimmages, and encourages a deal of rough work, which is inevitable in such a method of playing.
There is no "behind side" (off side?) here; consequently "goal sneaking" is the rule, not the exception. However, such as it is, football is most enthusiastically played here in a country whose climate resembles that of Spain more than any other European country with which I am acquainted; and all honour to the young men who do their best by encouraging athletics to strive against the dolce far niente (pleasant idleness) feeling engendered by the soft, warm air here the greater part of the year round.
The worst of these games, as of all other public amusements out here, is the horrible amount of bad and filthy language heard from the lips of men of all conditions. The words which most disgust an Englishman are deemed perfectly harmless, or at most slightly impressive, by a colonial youth; and one cannot but regret that the upper classes here should not strive more earnestly to avoid this revolting custom."
(Courtesy of the British Library)

August 09
Carlton 18 played a combined 18 North Melbourne and Collingwood team in Royal Park at 2pm.
Supposed to have been 18 against 20. With 10 from the formidible North Melbourne junior team and 10 from Collingwood.
Not all of the selected Carlton teamed turned up, 6 or 7 were absent, and most of the Collingwood side failed to show.
16 a side was played.
The Combine shocked Carlton and scored an early goal. This woke the Blues up and they scored two goals.
"Donovan set to work in his old style, setting the other members of the Carlton team a fine example to follow. His kicking was really splendid, and his play altogether was the theme of admiration."
James Robertson kicked a long goal, but the umpire would not allow it as on of the goal posts had been been moved.
Carlton team; (20 named)
B. Barnett, Blanchard, Bill Dalton, J. Dalton, Donovan, W. Goer, Dedman, Healey, Adam Kennedy, G. Kennedy (Capt.), Thomas Kennedy, MacGibbon, Monie, Newing, O'Brien, J. Robertson, G. Robertson, James Robertson, Henry F. Rix, Williams.
Carlton won 2 - 1
Goals; W. Newing, G. Kennedy.
Players mentioned; (7) G. Kennedy, MacGibbon, Donovan, W. Newing, Robertson, Goer, Dalton.

Carlton Reserves played Essendon at Royal Park.
Match drawn 0 - 0

August 16
Carlton (18) played North Melbourne 20 at Royal Park.
Described as a mixed Carlton team with 15 First Twenty and 3 Second Twenty players.
Kennedy won the toss and kicked with aid of the breeze to the eastern goal.
A well contested struggle with the Blues lucky to get away with a draw. The juniors played well in the first half against the wind with their back-line holding up well. In the second half with the wind, they missed many chances to goal.
North Melbourne Advertiser;
"Before closing this report I must say I think the juniors had great cause of complaint, owing to the fact that one of the Carlton team persisted in playing in full dress, overcoat included. This proved very deceiving, as he was taken for a goal umpire several times. The player in question, I am sure did not mean to obtain any advantage thereby, as he is one well known to play fair and square, but I am sure his own club would have been first to object to such a proceeding."
Carlton team; (18 named)
B. Barnett, Blanchard, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, J. A. Duncan, Donovan, Donaldson, Gardiner, Goer, Adam Kennedy, G. Kennedy (Capt.), K. Kennedy, Thomas Kennedy, Newing, O'Brien, Henry F. Rix, G. Robertson.
Match drawn. 0 - 0
Players mentioned; (8) G. Kennedy, Williams, Newing, Gardiner, Donovan, B. Barnett, O'Brien, Goer.

Carlton Reserves played Hawthorn in Royal Park.
A very windy day and the game ended at 5pm.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Aram, Amess, J. Carr, Duncan, Fletcher, Fullarton, W. H. McClure, McHarg, Nathan, Newing, Page, F. Power, T. P. Power, Robinson, Templeton, Toohey, Toohey, Walker, Waugh, Williamson.
Emerg; Kemp, Bennett, Fulton
Carlton won 2 - 0
Goals; T. P. Power 2

August 23
Carlton played Ballarat at Wynne's Paddock in Ballarat.
The team met Friday evening at Spencer Street station to catch the 7pm Ballarat train.
Crowd; 1,000
"As is usual in these far distant visits, the best teams are not always fothcoming, a fact Carlton was made aware of at the last moment by the absence of some of the club's crack players; but luckily several members desirous of the trip under such pleasant circumstances made up the complement.
The journey was relieved of its monotony in the most agreeable manner, songs, and shouts of laughter frequently disturbing the slumber of some retired and muffled-up traveller, and amusing the more jocularly inclined, so that by the time the lights of the golden city appeared in the distance, the company were all in high spirits."
"The goals were placed so that the wind, blowing fresh, swept straight down the ground."
(Leader August 30 p11)
The Ballarat Courier commented on the Blues' uniform of dark blue guernseys and knickerbockers, and grey stockings.
The ground was wet and slippery and not suitable for good play.
The game commenced at 2.30pm and finished near 5pm.
Donovan captaining the Blues won the toss and kicked against the wind.
Dedman and Power missed easy chances in the first half and Dalton in the second.
After game entertainment was held at Braithwaite's Camp Hotel (36 Sturt Street) before catching the train back to Melbourne.
Carlton team; (20 named)
R. Amess, B. Barnett, Blanchard, W. Dalton, Jack Donovan, Billy Dedman, Jack Gardiner, Billy Goer, Adam Kennedy, George Kennedy (Capt.), Kirk Kennedy, Thomas Kennedy, Macgibbon, W. Newing, Lanty O'Brien, T. P. Power, James Robertson, George Robertson, Henry F. Rix, Williams.
Carlton won 1-0 (Half time 0-0)
Goal; Adam Kennedy.
Players mentioned; (12) Jack Donovan, Tom Power, Billy Dedman, W. Dalton, Adam Kennedy, Blanchard, W. Newing, Jack Gardiner, J. Robertson, Barnett, Macgibbon, Goer.

Carlton Reserves played Carlton Imperial at the University reserve.
Carlton Imperial won 5-0.

August 25 Monday


Trove; Ballarat Star August 25 p4

August 30
Carlton (18) played St. Kilda (20) at St.Kilda.
Only 14 Carlton players and 18 St.Kilda players showed up.
Two subsitutes were found and a Carlton 16 played a St.Kilda 18.
St.Kilda won the toss and decided to kick downhill.
G. Kennedy leapt and just touched the ball, preventing a certain St. Kilda goal.
There was a great deal of goodwill between the two clubs.
It was reported in the Herald that the Saints played four men on Carlton's goal sneak Newing.
Carlton team; (19 named plus emerg)
B. Barnett, Blanchard, Dalton, Donovan, Dedman, Dismorr, Gardiner, Goer, Guy, G. Kennedy (Capt.), Kirk Kennedy, Tom Kennedy, Adam Kennedy, Monie, Macgibbon, Newing, O'Brien, James Robertson, Wallace.
Emergencies; G. Robertson, Healey.
Match drawn 1-1 (Half time 1-1)
Goal; W. Dalton.
Players mentioned; Monie, W. Dalton, G. Kennedy, Dismorr, O'Brien, Newing Gardiner, Kennedy

Carlton Second Twenty played Kardinia, (from Geelong), in Royal Park.
Kick off at 3pm.
Crowd encroachment was a problem.
The visitors were entertained after the match by the Blues at The Carlton Club Hotel.
Carlton team; (21 named)
Aram, Amess, J. Carr, Duncan, Fletcher, Healy, W. H. McClure, McHarg, Nathan, J. Newing, Page, Power, Power, Robertson, Robertson, Straw, Templeton, Toohey, Toohey, Waugh, Williamson
Carlton lost; 0 - 1
Players mentioned; Robertson, Toohey, Templeton

September 06
Carlton played Geelong on the Argyle Street ground, Geelong.
The Blues met at Spencer Street station for the 11.30am. train to the Pivot.
T. W. Wills captained the Geelong team.
G. Kennedy won the toss and the Blues kicked with the aid of a slight breeze.
Crowd; 2,000 - one of the largest crowds to attend a football match in Geelong.
"Slinging" was the order of the day and several players were injured.
The Age;
"A better contested game was, perhaps, never played in the colony.
Fortune in the early part of the struggle favored the club with the aristocratic title, as the first goal was kicked by Dismorr for Carlton within ten minutes of the commencement of the game. Then ensued a contest that was sustained with great vigor and determination for about three hours, when Hall won a goal for Geelong."
"The Pivot players did not appreciate the Carlton men's style of play, and Messrs. Synnot and Rout were so much injured they had to retire."
(Weekly Times September 13 p13)
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
B. Barnett, Blanchard, Dalton, Donovan, Dismorr, Dedman, Gardiner, Goer, Guy, Adam Kennedy, G. Kennedy (Capt.), K. Kennedy, Thomas Kennedy, Macgibbon, Monie, Newing, O'Brien, Henry F. Rix, James Robertson, Wallace.
Emergencies; G. Robertson, Duncan, Power.
Match drawn; 1-1 (Half time 1-0)
Goal; Dismorr
Players mentioned; G. Kennedy, Dismorr, Gardiner, Goer, Dalton, Newing.

Carlton Reserves played South Park at Albert Park at 3pm.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Aram, Amess, Bennett, J. Carr, Duncan, Fletcher, Kemp, W. H. McClure, McHarg, Nathan, J. Newing, Page, Power, Robertson, Straw, Templeton, Toohey, Walker, Waugh, Williamson
Result unknown

September 13
Carlton were to play Melbourne at Melbourne.
Carlton team; (20 named
B. Barnett, Blanchard, Dalton, Dedman, Dismorr, Donovan, Gardiner, Goer, Guy, Adam Kennedy, G. Kennedy (Capt.), Thomas Kennedy, Macgibbon, Monie, Newing, O'Brien, James Robertson, G. Robertson, Wallace, Williams.
Game postponed due to heavy rain.

September 16 Tuesday
A meeting of the Carlton Match Committee at the Carlton Club Hotel, Cardigan Street.
Vice president Mr. R. Robertson presided.
The meeting was about playing of the cancelled match with Melbourne.
Melbourne cancelled because of the weather, and Carlton were willing to play as they had a strong team on the ground.
No agreement could be made and time ran out.
It was agreed that the match should be played next Saturday, if it is convienient with the Melbourne club.

September 20
The Leader (p11) reporting on the Carlton meeting on Tuesday said that Carlton would play a scratch match this day.
Earlier in the article they also mention that Carlton would play St. Kilda at Royal Park today..

September 20
Carlton were to play St.Kilda on Royal Park.
The Australasian September 27 p12 said that it is St.Kilda's first season.
Buoyed by their performance a few weeks ago, St.Kilda had the boldness to agreeing to play the Blues on equal terms in a 20 aside match.
Both teams were stripped and ready for play when the rain came down.
No team details.
As a result the match was called off.
Most matches in Melbourne were cancelled.

Carlton Second Twenty were to play Carlton Imperial in Royal Park.
Match due to start at 2.30pm
Carlton team; (21 named)
Aram, Amess, Bennett, Carr, Duncan, Fletcher, Kemp, McClure, McHaig/McHarg, Page, Nathan, Newing, Power, Power, Robertson, Templeton, Toohey, Toohey, Waugh Walker, Williamson,

September 27
Carlton played Melbourne on the Melbourne ground.
Crowd; 5,000.
The Ballarat Courier reported 7,000 - 8,000
A unseasonally warm day under a cloudless sky.
G. Kennedy clad in sky blue lost the toss, and kicked to the western goal.
As he prepared to kick-off in the centre, "he cried, "Are you ready?" and as an affirmative was shouted back, by a vigorous kick sent the bone of contention sailing away up the hill and the fun began."
Possibly Billy Lacey's debut game.
Play commenced at 3.30pm.
The game was marred with many scrimmages and slinging disrupting the game.
Crowd encroachment reduced the ground width to a strip of 30 yards.
"At a quarter to 6 Kennedy, the Carlton captain, (why will he attire himself like a monte-bank?) called his men together to give three cheers for their opponents. These were duly returned, the ground was rushed by the crowd, and football was over for the season.
Having defeated the Melbourne in two matches out of three, the Carlton are now in the proud position of champion football club for 1873." (The Australasian)
Carlton team; (20 named)
B. Barnett, Blanchard, Dalton, Donovan, Dedman, Dismorr, Gardiner, Goer, Guy, Adam Kennedy, George Kennedy (Capt.), Thomas Kennedy, Lacey, Macgibbon, Monie, Newing, O'Brien, Jas. Robertson, Geo. Robertson, Wallace.
Umpire; W. H. McClure
Match drawn 0-0.
Players mentioned; (12) Donovan best on the ground, Blanchard, G. Kennedy, Kennedy, Robertson, Macgibbon, Guy, Lanty O'Brien, Gardiner, Mooney/Monie, Newing, Dedman .

October 04
The Southern club played Carlton Imperial.
The result was a nil-all draw.
The newspaper, The Telegraph, St.Kilda, Prahran, & South Yarra Guardian (October 11 p5) reported that five members of Carlton Football Club played for the Imps.

October 10 Friday
Illustrated Australian News for Home Readers;
"The football season has taken it's departure with the arrival of cricket, and the result of the past campaign places the Carlton club in the premier position, the first twenty of this club having carried all before them."


October 11
The second annual athletic sports day of the Carlton Football Club took place at the paddock at the rear of the University.
Entry for public, 1 shilling (10c)
Entries were confined to Carlton members, "to create a spirit of friendly rivalry amongst all its players...."
132 entries, some players mentioned competing; James Robertson, Dalton, Bracken, Donovan, James C. Duncan, Macgibbon, Monie, W. Newing, T. Power, G. Waugh, J. Newing, W. Guy, W. Marshall, D. Jones, W. Browning, Attrill, Pashely, Caddon, Moodie, J. H. Guy. (Gardiner and Rix not available)
The Band of the Carlton Rifles provided the musical entertainment.
Rain fell early and kept a kept many people away, about 500 - 600 people attended.
The new University ground was in excellent condition.
There were 10 events and the principle race was the Ladies Gift which first prize was a gentlemen's dressing case presented by the ladies of Carlton.
The Age;
"Mr. Monie, one of the club's leading players, created a furore of excitement by his excellent performances, appropriating the 150 yards Handicap, the First Twenty Drop Kick, and the 250 yards Handicap for the Ladies Gift.
Bracken and Pashley also ran well, but Robertson and Macgibbon seemed very much out of form, while the club's old favorite, J. H. Guy*, was too unwell to compete, which was much regretted."
Wallace was the judge.
George Kennedy acted as starter.
T. P. Power made the event a success.

150 Yard Handicap Race

James Robertson (scratch), J. H. Guy* (2 yds), J. Macgibbon (5 yds), W. Dalton (5 yds), W. Monie (6 yds), J. Donovan (6 yds), B. Bennett (6 yds), A. Kennedy (7 yds), L. Bracken (7 yds), E. Williamson (7 yds), G. Robertson (8 yds), J. Moodie (8yds), A. Fulton (10yds), J. Newing (10 yds), W. Guy (11 yds), T. P. Power (12 yds), D. Scott (12 yds).

Prize; 1. Gold Ring, 2. Cameo Scarf Pin,
1. W. Monie, 2. L. Bracken, 3. W. Guy, 4. E. Williamson.

First Twenty Drop Kick

G. Robertson, T. Kennedy, W. Goer, W. Newing, W. Dalton, W. Monie, Jas. Robertson, J. Macgibbon, A. Kennedy, W. Williams, James C. Duncan, J. S. Dismorr, G. Kennedy, J. Donovan.
"Donovan, Dalton and Duncan, who were looked upon as probable winners, kicked nowhere. Donovan arrived tired and late, Dalton hurt his ankle, and want of practice was Duncan's evident drawback." (Leader October 18 p12)

Prize; Opera glass
1. W. Monie 60 yards, 2. W. Newing 59 yards.

Second Twenty Drop Kick

A. H. Walker, J. Toohey, S. Toohey, J. Newing, S. Muir, A. W. McHarg, V. Robertson, T. Templeton, J. R. Duncan, W. Sage, J. Kemp, E. Williamson, G. Waugh, T. P. Power.

Prize; Silver Goblet
1. T. P. Power 61.5 yards, J. R. Duncan 58 yards, 3. Val Robertson

250 Yard Handicap Race

James Robertson (scratch), J. H. Guy* (4 yds), J. Macgibbon (7 yds), J. Pashely (7 yds), W. J. Caddon (or Cuddow?) (8 yds), W. Dalton (8 yds), W. Monie (9 yds), B. Barnett (9yds), L. Bracken (10 yds), R. Wright (10 yds), A. Kennedy (11 yds), A. Fulton (14 yds), W. Williams (18 yds), J. Toohey (18 yds), W. Newing (20 yds), E. Wren (20 yds).

Prize; The Ladies Gift, a gentleman's dressing case.
1. W. Monie, 2. W. Newing. 3. James Robertson, 4. B. Barnett

W. Newing led the race for 200 yards but Monie's staying power enabled him to win by 2 yards in the time of 30 seconds.
A special prize will be awarded to W. Newing for his sterling effort.

150 Yard Handicap Race - For non playing members

A. Jones (scratch), A. Garratt (scratch), R. Wright (1 yd), W. Marshall (2 yds), T. McFarlane (3 yds), C. McFarland (3 yds), W. Guy (3 yds), J. Bentley (4 yds), C. Thirlwill (4 yds), R. Robertson (6 yds), D. Scott (6 yds), D. Jones (6 yds), J. Percy (8 yds), D. Fisher (10 yds), H. Jones (10 yards), A. Webster (12 yds).

Prizes; 1st. Gold Locket, 2. Gold Locket, 3. Photo Album
1. A. Garratt, 2. Robert Robertson, 3. W. Guy, 4. T. McFarlane
Winning time 16.5 seconds

Drop Kick - For non playing members

C. Cavanagh, A. Webster, D. Fisher, A. Garratt, A. J. Azzopardi, D. Jones, E/F? Wren, D. Norris, T. Collins, A. Jones, H. McCormack, C. Donovan, W. Marshall, W. Browning (senior).

Prize; Silver Goblet
W. Browning (sen) 48 yards, 2. Master C. Donovan, 3. A. J. Azzopardi
"This event created a little excitement, as well as amusement, the first three being very close together. Master Donovan kicked in fine style and nearly wrested the victory from his older antagonist." (Age October 13 p3)

440 Yard Handicap Flat Race

A. Attrill (scratch), J. Robertson (2 yds), J. H. Guy* (4 yds), J. Macgibbon (5 yds), J. Pashley (5 yds), W. J. Cuddon (6 yds), W. Monie (12 yds), L. Bracken (15 yds), J. S. Dismorr (15 yds), A. Kennedy (18 yds), G. Robertson (18 yds), W. Williams (25 yds), A. W. Walker (25 yds), P. Toohey (30 yards), T. P. Power (30 yds), E. Wren (32 yds).

Prize; Sim's presentation cup
1. L/S? Bracken, 2. J. S. Dismorr
Winning time 57 seconds.

100 Yard Handicap Flat Race - For married members

J. H. Guy* (scratch), A. Jones (4 yds), A. Garratt (4 yds), T. McFarlane (4yds), A. Kennedy (5 yds), C. D. Stracher (5 yds), J. Hewston (6 yds), J. Roberts (6 yds), W. Williams (7 yds), Robert Robertson (7yds), O. O'Brien (7 yds), J. Perev/Percy? (7 yds), D. Jones (8 yds), T. P. Power (8 yds), J. Ormsby (8 yds), C. Cavanagh (11 yds), G. Kennedy (12 yds), R. Osgood (14 yds), J. Walls (14 yds), A. Pendrigh (14 yds).
S. Wallace, J. Gardiner, W. Newing

Prize; Pair of vases
1. T. McFarlane, 2. G. Kennedy, 3. T. P. Power, 4. A. Kennedy
Winners time 11.5 seconds

One Mile Handicap Flat Race

W. J. Cuddon (scratch), J. Moodie (40 yds), J. Pashly (60 yds), L. Bracken (80 yds), W. Gust (90 yds)
Handicappers; Robert Robertson, S. Wallace, T. S. Jones

Prize; 1. Gold Albert Chain, 2. Set of Gold Studs.
1. J. Pashley, 2. J. Moodie

(Competitors - The Leader Oct 11 p11 & Oct 18 p12)

October 11
Carlton was fixtured to play 10 of Richmond and 10 of East Melbourne at East Melbourne.

Carlton Second Twenty had been fixtured to play North Melbourne in Royal Park.
The above Carlton Sports Day was held.

October 11
The Leader (p9) in response to a reader's question;
"The Carlton is the premier club."

October 18
Carlton Second Twenty was fixtured to play Abbotsford at Abbotsford.

October 23 Thursday


The annual dinner of the Carlton Football Club held at the Carlton Club Hotel, Cardigan Street.
Presentation of the prizes for the Sports Day.
About 40 members attended and Mr. Walls presided.
Monie collected three prizes, Bracken two, Newing, Power, Browning, Robertson, and McFarlane one each.
Songs were sung and various speeches were made and responded to, one by former Carlton player James Byrne on behalf of the Melbourne Football Club.

October 25
Carlton Second Twenty was fixtured to play Abbotsford at Carlton.
(Age May 31 p5)

November 01
Carlton Second Twenty was fixtured to play South Park at Carlton.

1873. Premiers. Carlton, 2. Melbourne 3. Geelong.

The Carlton Story. Hugh Buggy and Harry Bell Pages. 29,30 259.
Mullen's Footballers Australian Almanac of 1951. Page. 66
The History of the Carlton Football Club. B. Hansen. Page. 25.
The Argus 1873 editions.
The Australasian 1873 editions.
The Age, 1873 editions.
The Ballarat Courier, 1873 editions.
The Bradford Observer, Yorkshire England.
The Herald, 1873 editions.
The Leader, 1873 editions.
South Bourke Standard, 1873 editions (poem, 27 June)
North Melbourne Advertiser, 1873 editions.

Pre VFL Players | The Guernsey | Pre VFL Venues | Pre VFL Rules of Football
Melbourne Rules Years: 1864 |Challenge Cup Competition: 1865 | 1866 | 1867 | 1868 | 1869 | 1870 | 1871 | 1872 | 1873 | 1874 | 1875 | 1876
VFA Years: 1877 | 1878 | 1879 | 1880 | 1881 | 1882 | 1883 | 1884 | 1885 | 1886 | 1887 | 1888 | 1889 | 1890 | 1891 | 1892 | 1893 | 1894 | 1895 | 1896

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