Victorian Football Association
DOB: 1860
DOD: 24 January 1903
Games: 35 - 37
Goals: 11
Career: 1877 1880-1882 1884
Charles Michael Donovan.
1877 Keeps his place in the field, fair kick and mark.
(The Footballer 1877. p36)
1880 Improved very much after his inclusion in the first twenty ranks, although not possessing the dash of his brother, is a player of considerable skill and determination.
(The Footballer. 1880. p23)
1880 Won the goal kicking competition in a kick off with John A. Turnbull (second) and Jack Spear (third) held at Princes Park, Saturday 9th. September.
C. Donovan was a member of the Carlton tour side to Adelaide in 1881.
(The Carlton Story, H.Buggy and H.Bell, p50)
1884 Charles Donovan was presented with an illuminated address for services to the club at the Carlton general meeting held Friday 4th. April.
1889 August 17
Charlie Donovan played for the Blues in an ex players match against former Pivotonians at Geelong to raise funds for the local hospital.
1903 Charles Michael Donovan passed away suddenly in East Melbourne. His funeral left his brother J. A. Donovan's residence 18 Dalgety Street St. Kilda on 26 January at 2.30pm. for the Melbourne General Cemetery.
1903 January 30
Mr. Charles Donovan a prominent Carlton footballer of some years back, and latterly well known as a traveller for Messrs. Patterson, Laing and Bruce, died on Saturday at a private hospital. (Corowa Free Press p2)
Died from the administration of chloroform prior to an operation. The autopsy revealed other diseases which affected his breathing. ( 'R' of Ad. Ref)
Charles was single, late of Paterson, Laing and Bruce Limited, and brother of Jack Donovan
The funeral left his brother's residence 18 Dalgetty Street St.Kilda for the Melbourne General Cemetery on 27 January at 2.30pm
Inquest Into Charles' Death.
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