
Players requiring Images

Pink = Latest found images

Light Grey = Strong evidence, but more evidence ideal

Originally missing 394, 278 found, 112 still missing. As of 14/03/2024

Abbott Les 1905 Ahern Bill 1897 Aitken Jimmy 1891-1897-1898
Allender Henry 1899 Anderson Charlie 1924 Andrew Joe 1914
Archbold Barry 1955 Archer Joe 1899 Armstrong Bob 1896-1897-1898
Armstrong Bill 1958-59 Arnott Billy 1897 Arrell Dave 1934
Ashton Ernie 1904 Atkinson Bob 1942-1944 Atkinson Wilf 1942
Ayers Fred 1937 -1938 . . . .
Baker Ted 1920 Balharry Jim Barlow Fred 1898
Barlow Alex 1901-1903 Bartlett Herman 1912 Batty Les 1910
Bavin Jack 1940 Beitzel Barry 1955 Bennett Ned 1900
Berner Leon 1955-57 Bickford Edric 1920-1922 Bignell Bernie 1940,1945
Bird Bob 1899-1900 Bishop Noel 1968 Blake George 1905
Blake Johnny 1951 Bloomer Steve 1933 Bowen Ned 1911-1912
Bradley Rupe 1904-1905 Breese Chic 1897-1898 Bristow Jack 1910
Brooks Fred 1910 Brown Charlie 1898 Brown Monty 1937
Brown Ivor 1942 Bryant Barry 1960-1961 Buck Otto 1897
Burleigh Herb 1914,1915
Butler Bert 1935-38
Byrne Ronnie 1925-1926
Caffery Jim 1897 Cahill Jack 1925 Calwell Clarrie 1920
Calwell George 1914-1916 Cameron Chris 1913 Cameron Bob 1897
Campbell Peter 1900 Campbell Bruce 1911 Carr Les 1947-48
Carter Ern 1916,1917
Casey Bill 1897-1900 Cashin Norm 1936–1937
Chandler 'Dick' Clinton 1940 Chapman Sam 1897-1898 Charleston Aub 1924-1925
Churchyard Bill 1898-99 Clarke Len 1931 Cochran Eric 1912
Cock Herbert 1911 Collins Bill 1899-1900 Considine Pat 1898-1901
Constance Paul 1966 Cook Bill 1914 Cooper S Jack 1947
Cooper Jack 1933-1935 Cornelius George 1901 Cornish Claude 1910
Cottrell Len 1958-59 Coucher Jim 1898 Cowell George 1899
Cowley Bert 1911 Crane Henry 1897 Credlin Harold 1922-1925
Crisfield Henry 1902 Crisp Gordon 1936,1938 Crone Len 1928,1930
Crowe Matt 1903-1904 Cullen Jim 1904 Cummins Arthur 1897
Daniel Harold 1901 Dashwood Rob 1902 Davies Johnny 1922–1924
Dern Harry 1950–1953 Dick Roy 1923 Dodds Bill 1901
Dohrmann Herman 1898-1899 Don Wally 1913 Donald Bill 1927
Douglas Jack 1898 Downie Bill 1927 Downs Lyle 1917-1921
Downs Johnny 1920 Dunne Henry 1896-1897-1898 .
Earsman Dave 1913 Eldridge Tom 1946-1947 Ellis Max 1956
Evans Harry 1899,1901 Evans Noel 1953 Evans Hope 1925
Everett Bert 1928-1929 Ewans Morrie 1919-1921 Evans Harold 1913
Farrow Alec 1922-1923 Faust Rowley 1923 Field Frank 1901-1902
Finn Frank 1934 Flynn Bill 1930 Fowler Maurie 1966
Frost Jack 1897 . . . .
Gaynor Jimmy 1904 Gibson Harvey 1906
Gilbert Jack 1899-1900 Gilbert Peter 1966 Gniel George 1942-1943
Gomez Frank 1901 Goodrick Garney 1923-1925 Goonan Jim 1897
Gordon Vic 1915 Gorsuch Dick 1899 Gough George 1927-1928
Gourlay Albert 1904 Graf Bert 1919 Grant Bill 1906
Grant Jack 1906 Greaves Harry 1916-1917 Greenhill Charlie 1922
Gregory Les 1944-1945 Gunter John 1911 Gutterson Daryl 1971
Hainsworth Herb 1902 Hall Arthur 1945 Hanna Frank 1913-1914
Hannah Brook 1897 Hanson Tom 1911 Hardie Greg 1963-1965
Hardy Jack 1949 Hardy Willis 1917 Harris Len 1946
Harrison Arthur 1914 Harrison Stan 1965 Harry Ray 1933
Hart Dick 1901-1902 Hart Tom 1923 Hart Kevin 1950
Hawking George 1927 Hay Charlie 1910 Hearn Adrian 1945
Hearnden Alf 1899 Heffernan Ted 1897 Henderson Brian 1964
Hill Clyde 1923 Hogg Norm 1903-1904 Holcombe Brian 1961
Holland Reuben 1910 Hooper Bobadil 1899 Hosking Jack 1953
Howard Harry 1897 Howell Max 1948-1950 Huggett Alf 1916
Hughes Tommy 1911 Humphrey Eric 1922 Hunt Kevin 1954
Hunter Basil 1948
Huntington Bill 1950-1951 Husband Les 1923-1924
Ilsley George 1954 Inglis Adam 1951 Irwin Frank 1925-1927
Jackson Percy 1918 Jane Henry 1911 Job Rex 1931
Johnson Roy 1911-1912 Johnson Bill 1912 Johnston George 1897
Jones Bill 1931-1932 . . . .
Keily Jack 1918 Keily Mort 1914-1921 Keller Carl 1925
Kelsey Bob 1947-1948 Kemp Graham 1922 Kennedy Jim 1905-1907
Kennedy Andy 1906 Kennedy Tom 1927 Kennedy Pat 1923-1925
Kerr Graham 1954-1955 Key Alf 1920 Kick Ned 1925
King Jack 1929 Kinman Tommy 1898 Kittle Les 1919
Knight Jim 1942-1943 . . . .
Lanigan Dan 1899 Lawson-Smith Gary 1970-71 Lazarus Barney 1902
Leahy Paddy 1902 Lear Darcy 1917 Leffanue Rod 1933
Lever Bill 1929-1930 Lewis Harry 1899 Lewis Bill 1900
Lithgow Bert 1903-1904 Loriot Jim 1901 Loughnan Jack 1912
Lowe Jack 1914 Lowenthal Herbie 1897 Lyons Jim 1897-1898
Lyons Des 1960 . . . .
Manchester Oscar 1897-1898 Manger Bill 1926 Mann Cyril 1939-1942,1945
Maplestone Charlie 1900-1902 Marchbank Bill 1908 Marden Les 1944
Marr Joe 1900-1902 Marriott Fred 1911 Marron Sam 1904
Martin Ernie 1923,1925 Martini Ray 1953 Matheson Harry 1911-1912
Matthews Jim 1900 McCann Les 1944 McCart George 1905
McCarthy Justin 1913-1914 McCluskey Tom 1910 McCulloch Dave 1960-1961
McDonald Rhoda 1901 McDonald Fen 1911-1912 McDonald Harold 1944
McFarlane John 1902 McGann George 1901 McKaige Ken 1953-1954
McKenzie Wal 1902 McKenzie Stan 1914 McLean Ken 1943-1944
McNeel Archie 1905 McNulty Pat 1902 McPetrie Henry 1897
McPherson Harry 1925-1926 McSpeerin Artie 1899 McTaggart Bert 1940-1941
McVeigh Bill 1905 Meadowcroft Des 1898 Meadway Charlie 1906
Mercovich Frank 1918-1920 Mewett Noel 1969 Miers Max 1960-1961
Mills Bobby 1934 Monagle Billy 1899 Moore Alf 1898
Morgan Reg 1942 Morgan Harry H 1897 Morris Jimmy 1914-1917
Morrison Len 1898-1902 Morrissey George 1931 Mount Frank 1927-1928
Muir George 1915,1918 Murphy Frank 1921 Mutch Fred 1926
Mutimer Wally 1934-1936 . . . .
Newbound Henry 1904-1905 Neylan Jim 1909-1910 . .
O'Brien Kevin 1954-1957 O'Day Tommy 1898 O'Donnell Andy 1910,1912
O'Dwyer Gerald 1900 O'Dwyer Ron 1956-1958 Ogden Terry 1934
Ogilvie Henry 1962-1963 O'Halloran Gerald 1925 O'Keefe John 1959-1960
Oliver Charlie 1900 O'Regan Ern 1931 . .
Paice John 1955 Parke Bert 1905,1913 Paton Joe 1897
Patterson Alby 1897 Patterson Bill 1897-1898 Pattison Andy 1908-1909
Pearce Horrie 1907 Pelly Pat 1904 Pender Jim 1898
Pender Mick 1898 Pender Dan 1898 Pettit Bill 1901
Peverill Noel 1929 Pitt Percy 1904 Pope Maurie 1956-1958
Powell Wally 1900-1902 Powell Harry 1901-1902 Prentice Alex 1903
Prescott Eddie 1904 Pritchard Frank 1922-1923 Pye Harry 1901-1902
Rae Keith 1939, 1943 Raff Charles 1901 Rainsford Don 1959
Raleigh Wally 1920-1921 Rapp Victor 1899 Rauber Charles 1912
Rayson Alan 1943 Reekie Jack 1897-1898 Regnier Lance 1941
Reid Sam 1897 Rhodes Ron 1954 Rigaldi Frank 1916
Rigby Harry 1900-1902 Ritchie Ray 1909 Robbins George 1925, 1929
Roberts Simon 1901 Robertson Jimmy 1924-1926 Robinson Jimmy 1901
Robinson Billy 1915-16,1918 Rose Fred 1945 Ross Gordon 1902-1903
Rowe Les 1911 Ryan Chris 1902-1903 Ryan Arthur 1904
Ryan Pat 1913 Ryan Kevin 1958 . .
Scadden Albert 1914 Scharp Bruce 1930-1931 Schunke Charlie 1901
Sexton Norm 1924 Sharkey Bill 1898-1901 Sharp Alf 1905
Sharp Athol 1913-1916
Skehan Allan 1927-1929 Skinner Jack 1939-1941
Slater Jim 1905 Sleith Arthur 1942-1943 Spears Billy 1901
Spence Ernie 1944 Standfield Bob 1942 Starr Les 1913
Stephenson John T 1903 Stephenson John 1958 Stewart Dick 1898-1900
Stewart Charlie 1901 Stewart George 1909 Stewart Jim 1912
Stivey Sam 1902-1903 Stone Billy 1925 Strickland Bill 1900
Stuckey Will 1899-1901 Styles George 1926-1927 Sweatman Charlie 1897-1899
Taylor Charlie 1911 Thomas Max 1966 Thompson Arthur 1899-1901
Thompson Harry 1899 Thomson Henry 1930 Todd Jack 1901-1902
Trebilco Stan 1924-1925 Trotman Jeff 1965 Truman Vic 1920
Tucker Neil 1943 Tudor Graham 1943-1944 Tuohill Ted 1943-1944
Turner Clete 1935 . . . .
Uren Clarrie 1924 . . . .
Vandenberg Dick 1966 Vernon Les 1898 . .
Walker Dick 1899 Walsh Bobby 1897-1902 Walshe Frank 1932
Warburton Peter 1971-1972 Warde George 1898 Watkins Les 1938
Watson Tom 1902 Way Jack 1925, 1927 Weir Bill 1897-1898
Wheeler Bert 1907 Whight Henry 1904 White Robert 1916
White Horrie 1917-1918 White Alan 1957-1959 Wickens George 1902
Williams Frank H 1907-1908 Williamson Jim 1932 Wilson Archie 1910-1913
Wilson Bob 1923-1925 Wilson Mac 1943-1944 Wittmann Dick 1920-1921
Wood Billy 1928 Woodhouse Bill 1894-1897
Yeomans Edgar 1905 Young George 1898-1899 Young Jack 1932-1933

Contributors to this page: blueycarlton , Jarusa , molsey , Grisdesa , PatsFitztrick , pblue and Bombasheldon .
Page last modified on Thursday 14 of March, 2024 12:11:44 AEDT by blueycarlton.

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