
Browsing Gallery: DOULL, Bruce

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356-game Carlton footballer 1969-86; premiership player 1972, 79, 81, 82; best and fairest 1974, 77, 80 & 84. One of the game's truly unique and much respected and revered competitors.
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1982 GF Fitzy, Doull and Parkin with the cup.
(336x418) [2966 Hits]

1982 GF "Supercool" Bruce Doull.
(354x336) [3010 Hits]

1982 GF Bruce Doull - Yeah Baby!!!
(347x336) [3647 Hits]

1982 GF Bruce Doull and the Streaker.
(195x448) [4196 Hits]

1982 Rd 20 Bruce Doull clears as McConville shepherds.
(339x336) [3402 Hits]

1982 Prelim Final Doull spoils Robertson.
(448x310) [3154 Hits]

Bruce Doull flies to spoil.
(336x342) [3319 Hits]

1966 - Bruce Doull
(213x249) [3463 Hits]

Bruce Doull early days clr
(217x295) [5907 Hits]

1996 - Bruce Doull Hall of Fame Footy Card.
(707x1007) [4373 Hits]

1995 - Bruce Doull (Jezza's Best Footy Card).
(742x1032) [4480 Hits]

Bruce Doull.
(974x1430) [4395 Hits]

Bruce Doull.
(998x1439) [9523 Hits]

1982 Finals Footy Record - Bruce Doull.
(334x208) [4366 Hits]

1981 Grand Final Celebrations - Bruce Doull.
(368x665) [4596 Hits]

Bruce Doull.
(1136x1628) [9028 Hits]

1973 - Bruce Doull (Kellogg's Sticker).
(400x519) [4553 Hits]

1975 - Bruce Doull (Scanlen's Footy Card).
(274x396) [4879 Hits]

1981 Grand Final - Bruce Doull marks over Craig Davis.
(412x678) [4907 Hits]

Bruce Doull
(217x295) [5158 Hits]

Bruce Doull
(615x515) [5116 Hits]

Bruce Doull
(342x460) [5052 Hits]

1982 Rd 2 - Bruce Doull
(720x576) [5312 Hits]

Bruce Doull
(666x471) [5040 Hits]

Bruce Doull
(529x522) [14970 Hits]

1973 - Bruce Doull (Scanlen's Footy Card).
(277x384) [5409 Hits]

Bruce Doull
(540x737) [62525 Hits]

Bruce Doull
(1176x1693) [14330 Hits]

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