Coach: TBD
Captain: TBD
Best & Fairest: Herb Turner
Position: 7th
Premier: St Kilda
A. Glascott (East Brunswick), M. Canny (Carlton local), P. Hill (Carlton local), A. George (Mitcham), E. Moore (Tooronga), J. Barnard (Abbotsford), H. McDonald (Nagambie), Jack Hoare (rover) West Melbourne, Bob Ferguson (former captain of Wesley), Graham Tudor (Cananore Tas.), Bill Ellis (6ft 1ins 15.5 year old local), and Ken McLean (Coburg/Army brother of Rod McLean), Frank Jessop (local) Townshend (Chelsea), Kevin Brown, Alan Rayson son of former Geelong champ. Arthur Rayson, W. Turner (West Melbourne), Gordon Teasdale (Bendigo), Harbour, Harry Clarke (rover, brother of Ansell Clarke), Tom Adam (East Sydney), J. Rodgers, Neil or Keith Tucker (Geelong), E. Touhill (Geelong), D. Talbot (Half foward flanker Warragul), Vin Lapesley (Bendigo), Harold McDonald (Nagambie), J. Mills (South Fremantle), H. Bolt (Creswick), O'Dwyer (local), A. George (Mitcham), T. V. Dillon (CYMS), J. Morgan (Geelong)Power (West-Glenelg)
Training List;
Atkinson, Anderson, Baird, Bennett, V. Brown, Chitty, Collins, Fitzgibbon, Francis, Gneil, Knight, K. Mclean, McInness, Morgan, Price, Rae, Sanger, Savage, Sleith, Tucker, Touhill, Wrout.(R. Cooper will be considered when available for training
Boys, Bolt, K. Brown, J. Clark, H. Clarke, K. Collicoat, D. Considine, Gillon, Ferguson, Fitzgerald, Gardiner, A. Green, Harbour, Hoare, Lapsely, Mills, McDonald, J. Morgan, Rayson, Talbot, Turner, Tudor, Teasdale.A. Glascott (Brunswick), H. McDonald (Nagambie), M. Canny (local), F. Hill (local), A. George (Mitcham), E. Moore (Tooronga), J. Barnard (Abbotsford), J. Brown (Geelong), B. Shannon (Beulah)
"Carlton are seeking a coach for their Seconds, as Harry Vallence, their former sharp-shooter, who was the Seconds playing-coach last season after a term with Williamstown, is not available. (Herald May 04 p6)Round 1
May 8th, 1943
Carlton played Richmond at the Richmond City Reserve.
From 23 named
Boys, Brown. Clark (2), Considine, Colllcoat, Fitzgerald, Green (2), Harbour (2). Kinder. Mills, Morgan, Rayson, Sillitoe, Smith, Turner, Tucker, Tudor. Tuohlll. Talbot, Teasdale
Carlton lost by 32 points
Carl; 4.3 6.5 -- 13.10.88
Rich; 2.6 7.14 -- 17.18.120
Round 2
May 15, 1943
Carlton played Footscray at McAllister Oval
Carlton team; (22 named)
Boys, Brown, Clark, Clark, Considine, Collicoat, Fitzgerald, Green, Harbour, Lapsely, Morgan, Morgan, Moore, McDonald, Price (Capt), Rayson, Sillitoe, Smith, Tudor Tucker, Teasdale, Talbot
Umpire; Leverett
Carl; 1.1 7.10 9.14 -?
Foots; 3.5 4.6 7.8 -?
May 15
"Reginald Morgan 23, married of Grange rd, Alphington, suffered a ruptured spleen when playing for Carlton Seconds on Saturday. He was operated on at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, and is on the danger list." (Argus Monday 17 May p8)
May 22
Carlton had the bye.
May 29
Carlton played Collingwood at Victoria Park.
Carlton team; (24 named)
Brown, Brown, Boys, Clark, Clark, Collicoat, Considine, Fitzgerald, Glasscott, Green, Harbour, Johnson, Kinder, Lapsley, Morgan, Moore, McDonald, Rayson, Sillitoe, Shannon, Smith, Teasdale, Talbot, Turner.
Carlton lost by 62 points
Carlton 8.7.55 - 17.15.117
June 05
Carlton played St.Kilda at McAllister Oval
Carlton team from; (18 plus emerg)
Boys, Brown, Considine, Clark, Collicoat, Fitzgerald, Glascott, Green, Harbour, Kinder, Moore, McDonald, Price, Rayson, Shannon, Sillitoe, Smith, Tucker.
Emerg; Tucker, Teasddale, Turner
Umpire; Lane
June 12th
CARLTON: From Brown, Considine. Clark, Collicoat. Fitzgerald, George,- Glascott, Green, Harbour, Kinder, Morgan, Moore, Muckle, McDonald, McLean, Rayson, Sillitoe, Shannon, Smith. Teasdale, Talbot, Turner,
June 19
Carlton played Melbourne at McAllister Oval Royal Park (Park St. near railway)
Umpire; O'Brien
June 26
Carlton played Fitzroy
Carlton team from
Boys, Brown, Butler, Bragge, Blackwood, Clark, Collicoat, Canny, Evans, Fitzgerald, Green, Harbour, Kinder, McDonald, Onslow, Rayson, Shannon, Sillitoe, Turner, Wilson
Carlton lost by 129 points
Fitzroy: 24.20.164
July 17
Carlton played North Melbourne at McAllister Oval
Carlton team from; (21 named)
Harbour, Wilson, Brown, Atkinson, Morgan, Tuohill, McLean, Kinder, Canny, Stillitoe, Collicoat, McDonald, Evans, Cook, Tucker, Lhuede, Turner, Periazzo, George, Fitzgerald, Muckie
Carlton won; 13.10.88 - 8.10.58
August 7
Carlton played Footscray at Newport
Carlton team from;
Atkinson, Alexander, Brown, Butler, Collicoat, Canny, Cook, Fitzgerald, Ferlazzo, Green, George, Harbour, Hines, Kinder, Lhuede, Morgan, McDonald, Shannon, Stillitoe, Talbot, Tucker, Tuohill, Taylor.
Umpire; Gilchrist
Carlton lost; 13.17.95 - 16.17.113
August 14
Carlton played Richmond
Carlton team from; (23 named)
Alexander, L. Heude, Collicoat, George, Green, Brown, Tuohill, Morgan, Sillitoe, Canny, Shannon, Harbour, Thompson, McDonald, Tucker, Turner, Talbot, Kinder, Cook, Fitzgerald, Ferlazzo, Taylor, Butler
Carlton won by 52 points
Carlton 11.17.83 - 3.13.31
August 21
Possible bye.
11 teams, Geelong not fielding a side.
Carlton are seventh the ladder with 28 points, 12 points outside the four.
St.Kilda head the table with 48 points.
Final round
August 28
Carlton played Collingwood
Carlton team; (20 named)
Alexander, Brown, Butler, Colicoat, Canny, Cook, Fitzgerald, Ferlazzo, Green, George, Harbour, Kinder, Lhuede, Morgan, McDonald, Sillitoe, Talbot, Turner, Tucker, Touhill.
Carlton lost by 25 points
Carlton 13.8.86 - 15.21.111
Final four sides, St.Kilda, Fitzroy, South Melbourne and Collingwood.
September 04, Semi Finals; St.Kilda defeated Fitzroy and South Melbourne defeated Collingwood.
September 11, Prelim. Fitzroy defeated South Melbourne and will meet St.Kilda in the Grand Final
September 18; Grand Final St.Kilda 11.14 defeated Fitzroy 8.6 and in doing so, won their second successive Seconds Premiership.