Carlton defeated Richmond by 24 points at Punt Road Oval.

Round 15, 1936

Venue: Punt Road Oval Date: Saturday August 15, 1936
Result: Win by 24 pointsUmpire: BattCrowd: 25,000
Goalkickers: J.Wrout 5, H.Vallence 3, A.Clarke 2, H.Bullen 1, B.Butler 1, C.Denning 1, T.Pollock 1.
Best: A. Clarke, J. Wrout, T. Pollock, J. Park, J. Francis, J. Hale
Reports: Injuries: C.Davey (ankle) replaced at half time by B. Butler, B. Green (strained thigh).

Game Review

In one of the great last quarter comebacks, Carlton came from 17 points down at three quarter time to defeat the old enemy Richmond by 24 points. To do so, the Blues overcame pelting rain, failing light and a howling gale. Even more pleasing, the win almost secured Carlton’s finals hopes and sent the Tigers tumbling out of the four.

The strenuous work of Tuesday’s training was not repeated by Frank Maher on Thursday night. Instead, the forwards were pitted against the defenders in a match simulation. Wally Mutimer and Jim Park, in particular, were in fine form during the session. Mick Crisp’s troublesome ankle meant that he would miss another week. He would be joined on the sidelines by Ron Cooper (shoulder) and Keith Dunn who was also injured. Frank Williams could consider himself unlucky to be omitted from the side following his great game last week. Bob Green, recovered from his thigh strain, was included, as were Keith Shea and Jack Hale, back after the last week’s state game. Secretary Newton Chandler stated that all players were at the top of their game and players and officials were confident about Saturday’s game.

Richmond won the toss and elected to kick with the strong northerly to the railway end. Almost immediately, a long kick put them deep in attack, but the shot at goal from 20 yards out hit the post. A quick snap shortly after posted the first Richmond goal. A series of Carlton attacks into the gale was thwarted by the strong Tiger defence and some inaccurate kicking from Wrout. Already the wind was playing havoc, with the ball changing direction while in flight, ensuring lots of kicks going out of bounds. So strong was the wind that one kick from Hale ended up behind him. At one stage, only six players were in Carlton’s forward line; all the others crowded around the packs. Carlton’s defence was doing well, keeping Richmond from scoring and forcing their forwards into hurried shots. Carlton’s first score came after 20 minutes with a mark to Denning who kicked a behind. Richmond answered with two behinds, both from frees, causing tempers to flare. Park’s kick out after the second behind was well marked by Richmond and the resulting long kick brought up their second goal. Shea set up a promising Carlton attack, evading two defenders and passing to Vallence, but he managed only a behind. Another Richmond free resulted in their fourth behind, before a good mark led to the ball being kicked off the ground for the third goal. The bell sounded with Richmond up by 20 points, but Carlton had done reasonably well, considering the strong wind and some wasteful kicking.

It did not take long for Carlton to kick its first goal. From the bounce, the Blues brought the ball around the wing to Clarke who was infringed, and he goaled from the free kick. It was a lucky shot; the wind pulling the ball first left, then right and finally straight. Anderson sent the Blues into attack again after marking in the centre. His kick found Wrout, whose snap from a pack scored full points. Pollock and Bullen were playing well in the ruck, providing plenty of drive and good play came from Shea. His pass found Vallence but his long shot fell short and was repelled well by the Tiger defence. Richmond made a series of attacks but were playing to the Punt Road wing, where kicks were going out of bounds, giving Carlton plenty of frees. Scoring was difficult for both sides, and Clarke and Wrout could manage only behinds. Wrout atoned soon after with another snap for Carlton’s third goal to level the scores. Carlton’s forward line had become very crowded, with only four players in Richmond’s forward line. Like Carlton in the first term, Richmond had done well so far, strong defence limiting the effect of the wind on the scoring. Attacking well, Richmond kicked two behinds, before Huxtable evaded several defenders and from a great run kicked to a limping Green but only a behind resulted. A late Richmond thrust brought a goal, with the player running into an unguarded goal square for a seven point lead at half time. Injuries now struck Carlton. Davey was carried off with a sprained ankle on the bell and Green’s thigh had reduced him to hobble. Already, the light was fading and dark rain clouds were gathering nearby, promising an interesting second half. Clarke, Wrout, Pollock, Francis and Park had played strong first halves.

Butler came on for the injured Davey at half time and was immediately under notice, when he received from Green and goaled with a running left foot snap. Richmond replied with a goal, kicked from five yards out. The third quarter now became a desperately fought affair. The pace had quickened but it was a dour struggle, players desperate for the ball. Clarke, very good all game, was now stationed at full back and was doing a great job, stopping several attacks. Both defences were heroic and despite a series of Richmond thrusts, a full ten minutes elapsed before they scored next, with a behind which was followed by another. Clever work from Hale and Denning started a promising Carlton attack, but Bullen missed the mark. He recovered the ball well and goaled for the Blues. Richmond now rallied strongly and Carlton’s defence faltered, a behind followed by two goals being scored; the first from a snap and the other from a nicely judged mark. Clarke, Hale and McIntyre repelled another thrust but a mark right on the bell resulted in a Richmond behind for a 17 point lead at the final change. Both sides seemed confident as they walked to their huddles, but Carlton was looking the stronger side, faster and winning well in the ruck.

Was 17 points enough? That was the question everyone at the ground would have been asking, as they looked at the threatening clouds looming overhead. So far, both sides had played better when they had been kicking against the wind but Carlton was about to change that fact. Realizing they had a chance of victory, Carlton attacked as the quarter began with two quick thrusts. From the first, a big effort from Carney sent the ball to Clarke, who marked well and drop kicked from 50 yards out, the ball just going through. The second thrust came from Gilby and Wrout who combined well for Vallence to take a great high mark and kick his first goal. The two goals had come in two minutes and Carlton was now only five points down. The rain, which had commenced at the bounce, had now become heavy, but no one in the crowd was leaving. Richmond looked tired when Carlton attacked again and Vallence marked from 50 yards out. His prodigious punt sailed through for Carlton’s eighth goal and the lead. When Wrout soared over a pack and kicked the ninth goal, the crowd was brought to fever pitch. The four goals had come in the first ten minutes and were so far unanswered but Richmond rallied and goaled from a kick off the ground in their square. Carlton quickly restored the seven point lead, with a tremendous punt from Wrout bringing full points. The Blues were now well on top, displaying almost perfect teamwork. Pollock and Bullen were the masters in the ruck, responsible for most of Carlton’s forward forays. The rain was now pelting down, the wind howling and the light fading fast but Carlton was unstoppable, hammering the goals for five minutes, before Vallence scored a single from an easy chance. Hale was seemingly everywhere and he combined with Denning to pass to Vallence, but Pollock intercepted the pass and kicked the eleventh goal. Now in the time-on period, Carlton turned a Richmond attack and swept down the Punt Road wing, with Shea finding Denning, who capped off some great play with a goal to give a 19 point lead. The fight had gone out of Richmond and Wrout evaded two opponents to kick his fifth goal. It was likely that only Carlton supporters were still at the ground now. Vallence goaled again to make it an amazing nine goal quarter for Carlton. A late Richmond goal came, but the bell sounded shortly after, giving Carlton a 24 point victory. Scenes of wild delight from players, committee and supporters were witnessed as the bell sounded on one of the great Carlton wins.

The two remaining spots in the four were now likely to be fought between Carlton, Melbourne and Richmond, all with ten wins; Carlton sitting in third place with their good percentage of 129.8. Geelong was two games behind making it difficult for them, but their defeat of St Kilda had ended that sides chances. Danger games against improved teams loomed next week. Carlton would play Footscray, Melbourne had North Melbourne and Richmond faced Hawthorn.


B: 6 Fred Gilby 26 Jim Park 2 Don McIntyre
HB: 9 Eric Huxtable 10 Jim Francis (c) 1 Frank Anderson
C: 7 Jack Carney 8 Keith Shea 32 Bob Green
HF: 11 Jack Hale 28 Jack Wrout 3 Wally Mutimer
F: 17 Charlie Davey 22 Harry Vallence 34 Clen Denning
Ruck: 16 Ted Pollock 15 Horrie Bullen 31 Ansell Clarke
19th Man: 29 Bert Butler
Coach: Frank Maher


50 Games: Jack Hale
50 VFL Games: Horrie Bullen

Round 14 | Round 16
Contributors to this page: Chicko , Jarusa , blueycarlton , Bombasheldon , timmyd , WillowBlue , molsey , camelboy , nikki and admin .
Page last modified on Thursday 25 of June, 2020 10:12:20 AEST by Chicko.

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