
Browsing Gallery: DOULL, Bruce

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356-game Carlton footballer 1969-86; premiership player 1972, 79, 81, 82; best and fairest 1974, 77, 80 & 84. One of the game's truly unique and much respected and revered competitors.
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1978 1st Semi - Harmes battles with Carmen & Doull pins down Dunne.
(800x538) [2749 Hits]

1978 Rd 11 - Bruce Doull in front of Russell Greene.
(637x600) [2821 Hits]

1978 Victorian Rep. Game Player of the week - Bruce Doull.
(117x448) [2683 Hits]

1978 Bruce Doull congratulated By Barassi after State Game.
(567x800) [2717 Hits]

1978 Victorian Squad - Barassi addresses Doull, McKay & Southby.
(800x568) [2784 Hits]

1978 Victorian Squad - Doull, McKay & Southby.
(800x547) [2810 Hits]

1978 Victorian Representative Bruce Doull.
(362x336) [2741 Hits]

1978 Rd 1 - Bruce Doull flies with Cloke.
(1290x1885) [3155 Hits]

1978 Practice Match - Bruce Doull.
(506x800) [2862 Hits]

1981 Doull cartoon.
(490x800) [2828 Hits]

1981 Rd 11 - Majestic looking Doull.
(429x800) [2654 Hits]

1981 Rd 10 Doull spoils South's John Roberts.
(561x800) [2936 Hits]

1981 Rd 8 Doull marks in front of Reynoldson.
(456x800) [2891 Hits]

1980 1st Semi Bruce Doull.
(329x448) [4288 Hits]

1980 Qual. Final Doull flies over Wood.
(449x800) [2727 Hits]

1980 Bruce Doull cartoon.
(329x448) [2788 Hits]

1980 Key Players for finals - Bruce Doull.
(253x448) [3512 Hits]

1980 Bruce Doull cartoon.
(336x405) [2874 Hits]

1980 Victorian Side Southby & Doull.
(800x440) [2861 Hits]

1980 Rd 12 Doull & Klomp swoop on Kink & loose footy.
(760x600) [2778 Hits]

1980 Rd 8 Doull tackles Bartlett.
(640x397) [2867 Hits]

1980 Rd 8 Bruce Doull spoils David Cloke.
(494x800) [2862 Hits]

1980 Rd 6 Bruce Doull spoils Briedis & McCann.
(528x800) [2906 Hits]

Bruce Doull - Mid 70's.
(253x800) [2962 Hits]

The Perfect Footballer - Bruce Doull Attribute
(448x330) [3236 Hits]

Who am I - It's Bruce Doull spoiling Hendrie.
(448x280) [3041 Hits]

1980 Doull Cartoon (voted winner for 1980).
(160x160) [2966 Hits]

1981 Rd 20 Doull chases loose ball.
(336x434) [2895 Hits]

1981 Rd 15 Doull spoils Maclure????
(403x336) [3089 Hits]

1980 Bruce Doull in pre-season Game Vs Sth Freo.
(766x600) [2955 Hits]

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