
Browsing Gallery: 1981 Grand Final

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Pictures from the 1981 Grand Final
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1981 GF - Scott Howell Article.
(622x600) [3124 Hits]

1981 GF - Scott Howell contests with Peter Moore.
(415x641) [6803 Hits]

1981 GF - Fitzy, Parkin, Rice & the Cup.
(246x316) [5959 Hits]

1981 GF - Fitzy & Moore in ruck duel.
(480x558) [4493 Hits]

1981 GF - Johnston showers Wells.
(336x441) [3057 Hits]

1981 GF - Fitzy & Ashman at a break.
(467x640) [3054 Hits]

1981 GF - Fitzy & Moore in ruck duel.
(480x562) [3050 Hits]

1981 GF - Fitzy flies high to spoil.
(353x640) [3464 Hits]

1981 GF - Fitzy at a boundary throw-in.
(461x640) [2978 Hits]

1981 GF - Fitzy, Parkin & the Cup.
(600x705) [2949 Hits]

1981 GF - Fitzy, Parkin & the Cup.
(464x800) [3043 Hits]

1981 GF - Mike's a Ripper Skipper.
(600x625) [2970 Hits]

1981 GF - Fitzy Wins.
(419x640) [2937 Hits]

1981 GF - Bruce Doull loses his 'halo'.
(422x640) [3678 Hits]

1981 GF - Bruce Doull: Norm Smith Medalist.
(258x640) [2944 Hits]

1981 GF - Doull: Star of the Day.
(231x448) [3025 Hits]

1981 GF - Wayne Harmes takes a screamer.
(437x800) [3143 Hits]

1981 GF - Fitzy & Parkin at the Melb. Town Hall.
(448x247) [2825 Hits]

1981 GF - A happy Hunter, Johnston, Parkin & Fitzy.
(336x446) [2709 Hits]

1981 GF - Johnston & Parkin celebrate.
(346x800) [2644 Hits]

1981 GF - Parkin chaired by Hunter, Ashman & Bosustow.
(293x640) [3689 Hits]

1981 GF - A happy David Parkin.
(239x235) [4896 Hits]

1981 GF - Peter Bosustow fires off a handball.
(640x394) [2766 Hits]

1981 GF - Peter Bosustow fills up the cup.
(438x800) [2819 Hits]

1981 GF - Ken Sheldon pours champers over Jimmy Buckley.
(331x448) [2619 Hits]

1981 GF - A drenched Jimmy Buckley.
(164x314) [2731 Hits]

1981 GF - Jim Buckley.
(110x314) [2632 Hits]

1981 GF - Ian Rice & Rod Ashman embrace.
(432x336) [2673 Hits]

1981 GF - We Did It!!!!
(789x600) [2692 Hits]

1981 GF - Peter Bosustow fires off a handball.
(235x300) [6058 Hits]

1981 GF - The Captain & Coach with the Cup.
(600x794) [4031 Hits]

1981 GF - Bosustow & Maclure celebrate a goal.
(600x793) [2734 Hits]

1981 GF - A jubilant Captain and the Cup.
(640x254) [2725 Hits]

1981 GF - Bosustow & Marcou hunt the loose ball.
(640x379) [2602 Hits]

1981 GF - A happy Ken Hunter & Rod Ashman.
(438x336) [2768 Hits]

1981 GF - Ashman, Wells & Buckley after the game.
(448x322) [2567 Hits]

1981 GF - Ashman with the cup as Fitzy & Rice look on.
(420x336) [2693 Hits]

1981 GF - Buzz & Rice hug as Doorman Ernie Lawrence looks on.
(640x417) [3978 Hits]

1981 GF - Ian Rice & Parkin chat after win.
(336x434) [2768 Hits]

1981 GF - Jubilation after the final siren.
(432x336) [2676 Hits]

1981 GF - The boys in a huddle after the game.
(480x494) [2780 Hits]

1981 GF - The Blues doing a lap of honour.
(640x424) [2635 Hits]

1981 GF - The Blues breaking through the banner.
(480x483) [2519 Hits]

1981 GF - The Blues doing a lap of honour.
(448x298) [2626 Hits]

1981 GF - The Parkin's and the Cup.
(448x316) [2620 Hits]

1981 GF - Blues back with a Vengance.
(600x793) [2627 Hits]

1981 GF - That One Blue Day in Sept. (pg 1 of 3).
(593x800) [2657 Hits]

1981 GF - That One Blue Day in Sept. (pg 2 of 3).
(600x766) [2512 Hits]

1981 GF - That One Blue Day in Sept. (pg 3 of 3).
(600x793) [2530 Hits]

1981 GF - Those $2 Million Dollar Blues (pg 1 of 2).
(600x777) [2402 Hits]

1981 GF - Those $2 Million Dollar Blues (pg 2 of 2).
(600x799) [2355 Hits]

1981 GF - Greatest Show on Earth (pg 1 of 3).
(600x788) [2444 Hits]

1981 GF - Greatest Show on Earth (pg 2 of 3).
(600x786) [2462 Hits]

1981 GF - Greatest Show on Earth (pg 3 of 3).
(600x788) [2275 Hits]

1981 GF - Fitzy & Parkin with the Holy Grail.
(316x421) [2517 Hits]

1981 GF - Mark Maclure in a marking contest.
(577x800) [2517 Hits]

1981 GF - Scott Howell.
(480x552) [2391 Hits]

1981 GF - Bruce Doull spoils Craig Davis.
(336x640) [3040 Hits]

1981 GF - David McKay takes a diving mark.
(640x478) [2337 Hits]

1981 GF - Mark Maclure takes a tumbling mark.
(517x480) [2803 Hits]

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