
Browsing Gallery: BACKWELL, Brett

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2001 - Brett Backwell.
(415x612) [700 Hits]

2000 - Brett Backwell.
(412x612) [563 Hits]

2007 - Former Blue; Glenelg's Brett Backwell.
(2000x2737) [611 Hits]

2004 - Former Blue; Glenelg's Brett Backwell.
(2000x2583) [660 Hits]

1999 - Brett Backwell.
(576x768) [1031 Hits]

2006 - Former Blue; Glenelg's Brett Backwell.
(743x965) [774 Hits]

2016 - Ex Blue Brett Backwell coaching SA Amateur team Prince Alfred Old Collegians.
(1023x576) [1883 Hits]

2000 Reserves - Backwell is tackled by Plunkett.
(205x314) [2221 Hits]

2001 VFL Finals - Brett Backwell.
(282x448) [2164 Hits]

2002 - Brett Backwell article (6/3/02).
(600x632) [2133 Hits]

2001 - Brett Backwell ties for the Liston Trophy.
(800x475) [2306 Hits]

2001 - Brett Backwell.
(235x314) [2217 Hits]

2001 Ansett Cup - Brett Backwell.
(247x353) [2417 Hits]

1999 Rd 5 - Brett Backwell.
(293x415) [2667 Hits]

2000 Rd 6 - Brett Backwell.
(293x360) [2318 Hits]

1973 - Owen Backwell (father of future Blue Brett).
(363x640) [2694 Hits]

1972 - Future Blue Brett Backwell's father.
(403x336) [2504 Hits]

Ex Blue & Glenelg Star Brett Backwell.
(200x300) [2638 Hits]

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