General Manager

General Manager - Football Department

1978 - 1979 Keith McKenzie
1980 - February Keith McKenzie (Canberra Times 16 Feb.)
1981 - J.R.C Allison (resigned 4/9/81), Ian Collins (appointed 16/11/81)

1987 - Stephen Gough (also referred to as Football Manager)
1988 - Stephen Gough
1989 - Stephen Gough
1990 - Stephen Gough

1994 - Geoff Walsh
1995 - Col Kinnear

1997 - 2003: Col Kinnear
2004 - 2006: Grant Williams
2007 - 2011 : Steven Icke
2012 - 2018 : Andrew McKay
2019 - : Brad Lloyd

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Contributors to this page: Jarusa , blueycarlton , Bombasheldon and admin .
Page last modified on Sunday 28 of March, 2021 01:59:01 AEDT by Jarusa.

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