"Bob was a leading hand at the Explosives Factory in Maribyrnong. He was exempt from military service due to the nature of his employment.
Bob was running late and the hierarchy were getting very anxious. It was only 15-20 minutes before the opening bounce when Bob arrived in a taxi, still dressed in his working clothes. He had a bandage on his hand and I seem to recall it was covered in iodine. Asked what had happened, Chitty replied that he had "knocked the top off my f
The doctor examined the finger as Chitty was helped into his Carlton uniform. The doctor opined that he would be unable to play but Bob just said "I'm playing" and headed out to do battle with the Shinboners.
Chitty is known only nowadays for his legendary toughness but should also be remembered as a fantastic player who at 5ft 81/2 could hold down full-back and centre half back or star on the ball or on a half back flank."
source: (kkk)