Carlton Captain. William Goer
Vice Captain. George Coulthard
President. R. Robertson
Secretary. M. B. Hearne
Second Twenty: Capt. F. Spear, Vice Capt. J. R.Terry
Home Ground. Princes Oval.
Games Played, 21. Won 12. Lost 4. Drew 5.
1882 Ladder
* East Melbourne disbanded in August. If anyone has the the Goals For/Against details, please contact Blueseum.
William "Billy" Goer 1882 Carlton captain.
1882 Carlton teams and results as published in newspapers.
Some match/result details are missing, if anyone can provide them please contact Blueseum.
March 08
May 06; vacant (Northcote 23 at Princes Oval)
May 13; vacant (Waverley 23 at Princes oval)
May 20; vacant Practice match
May 24; Ballarat at Ballarat
May 27; South Melbourne at E.M.C.G.
June 03; Melbourne at M.C.G.
June 10; Hotham at E.M.C.G.
June 17; East Melbourne at Princes Oval
June 24; Geelong at Geelong
July 01; Norwood at E.M.C.G.
July 08; South Melbourne at E.M.C.G.
July 15; Essendon at E.M.C.G.
July 22; Melbourne at M.C.G.
July 29; vacant (Bendigo combined at Bendigo)
August 05; vacant (South Mebourne at Lake Oval)
August 12; Hotham at E.M.C.G.
August 19; Melbourne at E.M.C.G.
August 26; Geelong at E.M.C.G.
September 02; East Melbourne at East Melbourne Football Ground.
September 09; Essendon at Princes Oval
September 16; vacant (Geelong at Corio Oval)
September 23; vacant (South Yarra 23 at Princes Oval)
September 30; Melbourne at Princes Oval
(Sportsman p4)
April 04 Tuesday
Carlton F. C. AGM held at the Clyde Hotel, Carlton 8pm.
Mr. R. Robertson, president of the club in the chair.
The election of office bearers resulted as follows;
Patrons, Messrs. Gardiner MLA, Latham, Pigdon, Bell.
President, Mr. R. Robertson; Vice presidents, Messrs. Gillespie, Power, Donovan, and V. Robertson.
Committee, Messrs. Brooks, Murphy, Robertson, Conway, Gardiner, A. Wilson, McHarg, and Turnbull.
Hon. secretary and treasurer, Mr. M. B. Hearne.
Captain, W. Goer.
Vice captain, G. Coulthard.
The club's finances are in a healthy condition.
April 05 Wednesday
The Sportsman,
Whelan, A good follower from Star of Carlton.
Tully and O'Loghlen, from South Carlton.
Michael Nash a heavy weight follower from Star of Carlton.
Peter Lacey, The crack of the Waverley Club.
April 08
It was agreed that the two clubs would merge into one and be called the Richmond Football Club.
April 15
The Argus classified ad (p1)
Assistant Secretary for Carlton F. C. £1 ($2) per week.
This position was taken by Mr. J. S. Spear.
Mr. F. Conway, became the caretaker and property master.
(The Argus April 21 p5)
April 15
Practice match on Prince's Oval 3pm.
Teams to be selected by the captain and vice captain.
"Bloomfield, a recent recruit from Essendon, played in fine form. Geo. Robertson the famous heavyweight who is spoken as of retiring from the scene of battle, joined in the practice, and played as brilliantly as of yore. The Carltonians will be strengthened by the addition of Bloomfield, Lacey (Waverley), Nash (Star of Carlton), Tankard (Hotham United), and Dean (Brittannia). The team will be deprived of the services of Crawford (one of the best back players) G. Robertson and E. Brooks." (Herald April 21 p2)
The Argus wrote about the inequities in the V.F.A. programme of matches.
To read click here>
April 22
President vs Vice President practice game on Princes Oval.
April 26 Wednesday
"I learn that Baker of the North Geelong Club, is in Melbourne and will appear in the battle-field on behalf of Carlton next Saturday against the Star of Carlton. Baler has not yet signified his intention of staying in Melbourne, but, should he do so, he will be a great acquisition to the dark-blue."
(Sportsman p4)
April 27 Thursday
The South Australian Register reports that the Carlton Football Club had donated £7 10s ($15.00) to the Lady Ayers Homes, twenty-five two houses in Adelaide.
April 29
Newcomers for this year are;
Sam Bloomfield from Essendon.
Boyd from Hotham.
Tom Bushell from South Melbourne.
Joseph 'Joey' Tankard from Hotham United.
Michael Nash A heavy weight follower from, the Star of Carlton.
Peter Lacey from Waverley.
Dean from Britannia.
Jack Joyce from Britannia.
Barney Murphy has returned and may play.
Jack Baker ex North Geelong.

April 29
Carlton played Star of Carlton (23) at Princes Oval.
Wilson, Bailey and O'Neil were absent.
Bushel of South Melbourne was selected but declined to play.
The match was played in drizzling rain and showers.
A rather monotonous game which was enlived after the break with a few goals.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Bailey, Boyd (ex Hotham), Bushel, Baker, Bloomfield, A. Coventry, Coulthard (Vice Capt.), Conway, Frayne, Goer (Capt.), Lacey, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, John Rickards, James Rickards, F. Spear, Smith, Tankard.
Emergencies; Doran, Muir.
Umpire; George Robertson
Carlton won; 3.5 - 0.4 (Half time 0.2 -0.3)
Goals; Muir 2, Boyd.
Best; Maloney, Frayne, Conway, Coulthard, McIntosh, W. Goer.
New recruits Baker ex Geelong, Bloomfield (BOG) and Tankard played well.
Players mentioned; (15.) Goer, Frayne, Bloomfield, Baker, Coulthard, Lacey, John Rickards, Conway, McIntosh, Tankard, Maloney, Doran, Boyd, Muir, Coventry
Carlton Reserves played Carlton Zingari* at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (24 named)
Alfreds, Anderson, Donovan, Doran, C.A. Donaldson, Goding, Graham, Gibbons, Hickford, Leach, Melville, J. Muir, W. Muir, McKay, Robertson, Spear, Slattery, Samuels, Sutherland, Thornhill, Terry, Wheeler, Woods, Woodburn.
No result details.
.* I Zingari is Italian for "the gypsies". In 1845 a cricket club, I Zingari, was formed in England to promote amateurism against the growing movement of professionalism. As they had no home ground they were the wanderers or gypsies of cricket. It is one of the oldest cricket clubs
May 06
An unnamed northern player was lured to a rival club south of the river, which was possibly South Melbourne.
The player was fully determined to get the highest value for his services.
The northern club in which he had gained his fame had secured regular employment for him last season. Everthing was fine until recently the rival southern club had offered him employment, a rent free house, and the prospect of match payments.
He agreed to the move.
However after he had moved camp, the player then decided to have a change of mind and his former team mates helped him move back to the northern suburbs; much to the disgust of his new team mates.
The Australasian's Peter Pindar said in part;
"Now, though this case has a decidedly comical side, it also has a decidedly serious one as indicating how far clubs are prepared to go, even to the the length in introducing the thin end of the wedge of professionalism, for the purposes of securing a desirable man; and there is no doubt, if this idea of beggar-your-neighbour goes on much longer, football will soon be confined to two or three clubs whose financial resources enable them to monopolise the best talent; and what is now a merely manly recreation, will speedily become but a money-making game, with all it's attendant evils.
I suppose it does not require a very brilliant discernment to trace the present tendancy to the gate-money business, and I think it is about high time the better class of clubs should band themselves together and endeavour to stamp out this semi-professional phase which is coming to the front, or before long we shall see such items as these in the annual balance-sheets, "Fees for professionals, first 20 so much; special services for A and B, so much," which assuredly would bring in the beginning of the end for football as it had been in the past, and as it's truest votaries* wish it may ever remain."
-*devoted followers.
May 06
This ill feeling between the two players would explode with dramatic consequences when Carlton met Hotham on August 12.
May 06
Carlton played Northcote (23) at Princes Oval.
Crowd; 3,000.
A strong wind blew across the ground, restricting good play.
Coulthard kicked the only Blues' goal in the first half.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Boyd, Bloomfield, Barrass, Coventry, Coulthard, Conway, Frayne, Goer (Capt.), Lacey, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Loghlen, O'Neil, O'Donnell, John Rickards, Smith, Slattery, Tankard.
Emergency; Donovan.
Umpire; George Robertson
Carlton won 4.8 - 1.1 (Half time Carl. 1.1 - 0.0)
Goals; Coulthard 2, Conway, John Rickards.
Best; (12) Baker (BOG), Coulthard (also a splendid game), Bloomfield, Boyd, Conway, O'Loghlen, Coventry, Frayne, Goer, Maloney, Rickards, Lacey.
Carlton Reserves played Royal Park at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (21 named)
Cook, Donovan, Gibbins, Goding, Graham, Hassett, Hickford, Leach, McKay, Melvile, J. Muir, W. Muir, Petherick, Samuels, Shearer, Spear, Sutherland, Terry, Wheeler, Woodburn, Woods.
Match drawn; Carl. 0.2 - 0.11
Players mentioned; Hassett, Melville, Cook, Graham.
May 13
Carlton played a Waverley (23) at Princes Oval.
Crowd; 2,000.
The visitors kicked to the eastern goal with the advantage of the wind in the first half.
Although Waverley, playing two players short, were overwhelmed by the Blues, a fast and lively game was played.
P. Lacey who was reported to have been a new Carlton recruit this year captained the Waverley team in this match.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Boyd, Bloomfield, Barrass, Coventry, Coulthard, Conway, Doran, Frayne, Goer (capt.), Lacey, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, O'Loghlen, John Rickards, Smith, Slattery, Wilson.
Emergencies; Donovan, W. Muir
Umpire; George Robertson.
Carlton won; 5.12 - 1.2 (Half time 4.4 - 1.2)
Goals; Coulthard 2, Conway, A. Wilson, Baker.
Players mentioned; (12) Coulthard, Coventry, Baker, Frayne, Bloomfield, Goer, Smith, O'Donnell, A. Wilson, Rickards, Conway, McIntosh.
Carlton Reserves played Footscray at Footscray.
Footscray won the toss and kicked with a strong breeze at their backs, the Blues evened up in the second half.
Carlton team; (21 named)
Cook, Ford, Graham, Goding, Hassettt, Hickford, Leach, J. Muir, W. Muir, McKay, McCartie, Petherick, Riley, Samuels, Shearer, Spear, Sutherland, Terry, Woodburn, Wheeler, Thurnhill/Thornhill
Match drawn 1.7 - 1.7 (Half time 0.2 - 1.5)
Players mentioned; Ford, Wilmott, Sutherland, Graham, Anderson
May 20
No scheduled match for the Blues.
Instead Carlton held a practice match at Princes Oval.
The Herald Friday May 19 (p4) has the Carlton team playing a team to be advised.
Carlton team; (20) Baker, Bailey, Bloomfield, Boyd, Barrass, Coventry, Conway, Coulthard, Frayne, Goer, Lacey, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Loghlen, O'Neil, Rickards, Smith, Spear, Wilson
Emerg; Doran, Slattery.
Carlton Reserves played Victory at Princes Oval.
Carlton team; (23 named)
Anderson, Bradshaw, Cook, Donovan, Ford, Graham, Goding, Hassett, Hickford, Leach, Melville, J. Muir, W. Muir, J. McIntosh, McKay, Riley, Robertson, Shearer, Spear, Sutherland, Samuels, Slattery, Woodburn.
No result details
May 24 Wednesday Queen's Birthday Holiday.
Carlton played the Ballarat Football Club at Saxon paddock in Ballarat.
The team left for Ballarat on Tuesday afternoon.
The weather was poor in the Golden City.
The home team colours were red, white, and blue.
Crowd; 5,000
The Blues kicked against the wind, and rain set in towards the end of the game.
Conway scored the only Carlton goal in the first half.
The half time break was 10 minutes.
Frayne added the next two goals, followed by one from Coventry.
The locals reckoned that this was the finest display of football the city had seen.
After the game the teams went to the Kent Hotel opposite the ground for refreshments & toasts from the captains.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Bailey, Baker, Barrass, Bloomfield, Boyd, Conway, Coventry, Coulthard (Vice Capt), Doran, Frayne, Goer (Capt), Lacey, Moloney, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neill, O'Loghlen, Jas. Rickards, Smith and Wilson.
Emergencies; Donovan, Brooks, Melville.
Umpire; John Fraser
Carlton won; 4.9 - 1.6 (Half time Carl. 1.2 - Ball. 1.3)
Goals; Frayne 2, Conway, Coventry.
Best; Frayne, Coulthard, Baker, Bloomfield, Conway, Wilson.
Players mentioned; (15) Rickards, O'Neil, Doran, McIntosh, Goer, Coventry, O'Donnell, O'Loghlen, Bailey, Conway, Coulthard, Baker, Bloomfield, A. Wilson, Frayne.
Carlton Second Twenty played Colac at Colac.
The match was played on J. V. Bartlett's paddock fronting Lake Colac and the Blues were entertained at Willis's Commercial Hotel that evening.
Carlton team; (23 named)
Anderson, Bradshaw, Cook, Donaldson, Ford, Graham, Henry, Hassett, Leach, Muir, Muir, McKay, McIntosh, McWilliams, R. W. Robertson, J. Robertson, Spear, Samuels, Shearer, Terry, Thornhill, Woodburn, Woods.
The Colac Herald May 26;
"Coming, however, to the present match we may say that we were rather disappointed in the visiting team, and this fact is borne out by the result of the match. It was certainly good of a number of strangers to come so far to treat the Colac people to an enjoyable game of football, and although they were not immerically weak they were so physically. Throughout the game Carlton had no show of winning the match, and next season they had better send up their first twenty, instead of their second."
Carlton lost; 0.1 - 5.17
Best; Hassett, Robertson, Spear, Muir
A depiction of the Carlton vs South Melbourne, May 27 1882, The Leader, Mark Pennings' Origins of Australian Football Vol 2.
The Carlton player standing behind the umpire is possibly George Coulthard
May 27
Carlton played South Melbourne at the East Melbourne Cricket Ground.
A beautiful day and hardly a breeze.
Crowd 14,000.
Goer won the toss and kicked down the slope towards the railway, play began at about 3.15pm.
A very close fought game that was not decided until the final moments when South kicked a couple of goals.
Poor kicking for goal was again a problem. The Blues missed a couple of sitters right in front when the ball twice slid from the player's hands just before getting a boot to it.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Baker, Barrass, Boyd, Bloomfield, Bailey, Coventry, Coulthard (Vice Capt.), Conway, Frayne, Goer (Capt.), Maloney, E. Murphy, McIntosh, O'Neil, O'Donnell, John Rickards, James Rickards, Smith, F. Spear, Wilson.
Emergencies; B. Murphy, Lacey.
Umpire; P. O'Neill
Carlton lost; 1.11 - 3.6. (Half time Carl. 1.7 - S.M. 1.3)
Goal; Baker.
Best; Coulthard, Barrass, Bailey, Bloomfield, Murphy, McIntosh, Wilson.
Players mentioned; (18) Goer, Frayne, Conway, Coulthard, Coventry, Maloney, O'Neil, John Rickards, Smith, Bailey, Harry Wilson, Baker, O'Donnell, McIntosh, Spear, Barrass, Bloomfield, Murphy.
Carlton Reserves played South Melbourne at Princes Oval.
Carlton Reserves won; 2.10 - 1.1
Best; Donovan, Spear, Doran, Woods, Graham
Carlton played Melbourne at the M.C.G.
Crowd; 9,000.
Half time entertainment was a tug-of-war between two teams from Carlton and Melbourne football clubs.
Despite a more important match being played nearby on the East Melbourne ground between Essendon and South Melbourne which attracted 6500 spectators;
The Argus wrote;
"It is probable that even if the Melbourne and Carlton twenties were to sink to the level of junior teams, their matches would still for the sake of old associations be liberally patronised by the public. Many of the spectators at Saturday's match remembered having watched with even more interest than at the present similarly clad twenties struggling for supremacy in matches in which no single player among the forty who on Saturday carried their club colours took part.
Another reason for the good attendance was the fact that however unfortunate either club may have been in matches with other teams besides it's old rival, when coming together each always managed to present it's most formidable front, and consequently the matches always are, probably always will be, fraught with interest."
Neither team fielded it's best twenty, Conway and James Rickards did not play.
Umpire O'Neill was impartial, but he was far too lenient with infringements of the rules and failed to even pay one free kick!
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Bloomfield, Barrass, Boyd, Coulthard (Vice Capt.), Coventry, Conway, Frayne, Goer (Capt.), Maloney, E. Murphy, McIntosh, O'Neil, O'Donnell, James Rickards, John Rickards, Smith, F. Spear, Wilson.
Emergencies; Donovan, B. Murphy.
Umpire; P. O'Neill
Carlton won; 6.13 - 2.5 (Half time 2.8 - 2.4)
Goals; Baker 3, Rickards, A. Wilson, Coulthard.
Free Kicks: Carlton 0, Melbourne 0
Players mentioned; (18) John Rickards, Harry Wilson, Baker, Coulthard, Donovan, Maloney, Bailey, Barrass, B.Murphy, O'Donnell, Frayne, Bloomfield, Smith, O'Neil, McIntosh, Goer, Boyd, Coventry.
Others (2) E. Murphy and F. Spear, not mentioned, probably played.
At the V.F.A. meeting the Hotham delegate Mr. Jordan, proposed dividing the the game into quarters, this would eliminate one team having too much of an advantage with the wind.
The proposal was voted on with 7 votes for, and 3 against.
Football pioneer H.C.A. Harrison strongly argued against.
As an abolute majority is required to alter the laws, this proposal was defeated.
June 10
The Australasian reporting on the popularity of the game in Western Australia says that the game is still in it's infancy in Perth and loyalities are somewhat divided with the Australian game and Rugby.
"As to it's dominion football is played exclusively in Victoria, South Australia, and Tasmania; while in New South Wales, Queensland, and New Zealand it embraces half the playing talent, the other half being addicted to the Rugby game, the association game of Britain being scarcely known, and all the intercolonial matches even that with New South Wales, are played under it.
It must further be remembered that there are as many players in Victoria as in all the other colonies together, and that the sport is immensely popular with the public, who flock in crowds of from 10,000-15,000 to see a first-class match; whereas a Rugby Union game in Sydney, the stronghold of that code, a tenth part of that number would be a good gathering.
Moreover, from a player's point of view, it is much less intricate, and less dangerous, than the Rugby; and much more interesting owing to the absence of "off" and "on" side, and the multitude of scrimmages that characterise that game.
I would certainly say to my West Australian friends - if you want a game that will become popular with the public and players - a game with strong inherent vitality - go for the Victorian one which is the greatest athletic sucess of late years, and put aside any thought of the Rugby code, which is almost stagnant, if not actually losing ground, all over Australia, and which apparantly has had it's day, and soon, from present symptoms, will cease to be south of the line."
June 10
Carlton played Hotham at the East Melbourne C.G.
Crowd; 7,500.
The Blues won the toss and kicked to the railway end with the aid of a slight breeze.
Play got underway just after 3pm.
It was soon evident that the game was one sided and the Carlton supporters gave the Hotham blue and whites plenty of advice when the ball was at their end.
"Carlton were disciplined, spirited, and safe, making few mistakes, while Hotham, by comparison, played but little together, marked and kicked indifferently, and seemed to have no great relish for the rough and tumble work in which their adversaries were adepts."
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bloomfield, Barrass, Boyd, Bailey, Coventry, Coulthard, Conway, Frayne, Goer (Capt.), Murphy, Murphy, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, John Rickards, Smith, F. Spear, Wilson.
Emergencies; Donovan, Brooks
Umpire; J. Gibbons
Carlton won; 6.10 - 1.11 (Half time 5.7 - 0.2)
Goals; Coulthard 3 Baker 2, Bailey/Murphy. (Geelong Advertiser gave the goal to Murphy)
Best; Goer, Baker, Boyd (wing), Maloney, Rickards, Coulthard, Frayne.
Players menioned; (19) Bailey, Baker, Barrass, Bloomfield, Boyd, Conway, Coulthard, Coventry, O'Donnell, Frayne, Goer, McIntosh, Maloney, B. Murphy, Murphy, O'Neil, Rickards, Smith, H. Wilson. (plus probably F. Spear)
Carlton Reserves played Melbourne at Princes Oval.
Carlton team; (21 named)
Doran, Donovan, Ford, Graham, Goding, Hassett, Leach, Longstaff, Melville, Muir, McWilliams, Robertson, Robertson, Samuels, Spear, Slattery, Sutherland, Walsh, Woodburn, Woods, Wilmott.
No details
June 17
Carlton played East Melbourne at Princes Oval.
Crowd; 1,000.
Play was delayed till 3.40pm due to the lack of East Melbourne players.
Seven subsitutes had to be made and they started the game with 19 men.
Carlton had 18 as two of their players failed to arrive.
East Melbourne kicked to the cemetery end aided by the wind.
A dispute interupted the game for 15 minutes when Tuckfield of East Melbourne's goal was disallowed by the Carlton goal umpire. While the East Melbourne players were disputing the goal umpire's decision, the Blues immediately kicked off and rushed the ball up to the other end and scored a goal by McIntosh. The East Melburnians refused to play until the decision on the first goal was overturned. The game was stopped for a quarter of an hour. Some Carlton players said that the goal should be allowed, however the majority held that it was impossible to overule a decision of the umpire.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Boyd, Bloomfield, Barrass, Coulthard, Conway, Coventry, Donovan, Frayne, Goer (Capt.), Murphy, Murphy, Moloney, McIntosh, O'Neil, J. Rickards, J.Smith, F. Spear, Wilson.
Emergency; Graham.
Missing Carlton players unknown.
Umpire; George Robertson
Carlton won; 2.7 - 0.6. (Half time Carl. 1.4 - 0.5)
Goals; Baker, McIntosh.
Best; Baker, A. Wilson, McIntosh, Goer, Coulthard, Frayne.
No other players mentioned.
Carlton Reserves played East Melbourne at East Melbourne C.G.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Doran, Ford, Goding, Leach, Longstaff, Melville, McKay,McWilliams, J. Muir, Paterson, W. Robertson, Spear (Capt), Samuels, Slattery, Sutherland, Thornhill, Woodburn, Woods, Wilmott, Walsh
June 17
The Australian Town & Country Journal has had an on-going debate between two writers calling themselves "Carlton" & "Emu."
The issue between them has been ongoing for three weeks, and this week "Carlton" has the final say.
To read click here>
June 21 Wednesday
The Norwood Football Club arrived from Adelaide on the S.S. Aldinga.
They were met by the committees of the Carlton and Melbourne clubs and driven to Garton's Hotel where their healths were proposed by Mr. H.C.A. Harrison.
Norwood are the premier club in Adelaide and will play matches against Carlton and Melbourne.
After expenses, all takings from these matches will be donated to Melbourne charities.
The Herald (p2) reported that the Carlton Football Club donated £16 to the Carlton Mechanics Literary Institute and Free Library.
Friday's Herald reports that William Goer has resigned the captaincy of Carlton. The paper said that a new captain will be appointed on the Corio Ground tomorrow. The paper said Frayne, Coulthard and Baker are candidates for the vacancy.
June 24
Carlton played Geelong at the Corio Cricket Ground.
500 Carlton fans arrived in a special train from Melbourne which departed at 1.10pm and arrived in Geelong at 2.45pm.
"For some seasons past there has been a healthy rivalry existing, and occasionally vindictive play has been shown by Carlton, caused chiefly through the rabid clamorings of the club's supporters. This spirit was shown on Saturday, and the game nearly terminated in an unsatisfactory manner, through a dispute." (Geelong Advertiser June 26 p3)
Crowd; 5,500.
The match got underway at 3.20pm, with the Blues' John Rickards kicking off to the southern end.
A strong breeze was blowing across the ground providing no assistance to either team.
Just before half time the ball was kicked to a group of players "about 30 yards from the Geelong goal, and Harry Wilson of Carlton, by a sudden spring above the heads of those around him, cleverly secured a mark. In trying for goal, he kicked the ball so that it dropped just between the goal-posts, and then bounced through them, giving the first goal to Carlton, admist tremendous cheering from the Melbournites present." (Sportsman)
Rain during the break and into the second half made the ball heavy and slippery.
Umpire Sommers said he could not go on, and to Carlton's doubts for not wanting the match to be drawn, accepted Austin, a former Geelong captain as umpire.
Friday's Herald said W. Goer had resigned the captaincy and a new captain would be picked out of Coulthard, Frayne and Baker.
The Carlton Advertiser said;
"Owing to the state of the weather, darkness was stealing on at about 5 o'clock, when Mr. Sommers, who, up to that time, had acted as central umpire, complained of being "done up," and left the ground without informing either captain of his intention. At that juncture a stranger stepped into the arena and offered his services as umpire. After some time, Austin was sent to fill the vacancy, and when the ball was sent on its way again it could scarcely be seen. Some rough play took place in front of the Carlton goal, when one of the Geelong men got the ball, and deliberately threw it to Curdie, who kicked it to another player. Carlton appealed for a free kick under the circumstances, but although the umpire was fifty yards distance when the ball was thrown, and he could not see it, he disallowed the appeal, and gave a mark to Curdie, who sent the ball through the Carlton posts, amid the wildest expressions of joy from the Geelong supporters. That finished the match, making it a draw in favor of Carlton, the score standing - Carlton, 1 goal and 7 behinds; Geelong, 1 goal and 5 behinds.
It seems strange, to say the least of it, that Mr. Sommers, the central umpire, should resign his position at that stage of the game, especially for the reason given - exhaustion, as he is a trained athlete, who plays football, and goes in regularly for rowing, and other exercises."
The umpire came in for severe criticism by the Carlton men and their supporters who felt the Blues had been robbed of a victory by a partisan decision by a prominent Geelong clubman.
John "Jock" Robertson a first rate back from Hotham United.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Boyd, Bloomfield, Barrass, Coulthard, Coventry, Conway, Frayne, Goer (Capt), B. Murphy, E. Murphy, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Neil, John Rickards, J. Robertson, J. Smith, F. Spear, H. Wilson.
Emergencies; James Rickards, O'Donnell, Donovan.
Umpire; J. Sommers/A. Austin.
Match drawn; Carl. 1.7 - Geel. 1.6. (Half time Carl 1.3 - Geel 0.5)
Goal; H. Wilson 1.0, John Rickards 0.2 Baker 0.1, Coulthard 0.1 rest of behinds unknown
Best; B. Murphy, Barrass, Goer, Harry Wilson (BOG), Spear, Bloomfield, Frayne.
Players mentioned; (19) Rickards, McIntosh, Bailey, Conway, Coulthard, B. Murphy, Goer, Baker, O'Neil, Frayne, Barrass, Maloney, Robertson, Harry Wilson, Smith, Spear, Bloomfield, McIntosh, Coventry.
Carlton Reserves played the Brighton Football Club at Prince's Oval.
The Horsham Times reported a discussion between the secretary of the Carlton Football Club, M. B. Hearne and the secretary of the Horsham Football Club, Mr. W. J. Uren.
It was about members of the first twenty who are not selected in the first team, playing for the second twenty.
Hearne "agrees with the views lately expressed by Mr. Longden secretary of the Melbourne Football Club:-
The practice in this club is,
(1.) The second twenty is considered to be the next best twenty that can be got together in the club after the first twenty has been chosen, irrespective of one or more of them having at any time previously played with the first twenty.
(2.) The emergency men chosen for the first twenty are frequently allowed to play with the second twenty if not required to play in the match for which they may have been chosen as such an emergency.
(3.) It would, however, be manifestly unfair, in the event of a first twenty having no match on the date on which the second twenty may be playing, to swamp, so to speak, the second twenty with recognised first twenty players, but there can be no question raised regarding the status of either team should both meet engagements on one and same date."
June 29 Thursday
Norwood (South Australia) played South Melbourne.
The Gippsland Times said;
"Some decisions of Umpire Barrass, of the Carlton Club, were so grossly unfair to the visitors that the spectators demonstrated their feeling in a manner that could not be mistaken."
Norwood 2.5 defeated South Melbourne 1.10
July 01
The Argus classified ad. (p15)
Carlton F. C.
Tenders invited for the erection of Club Rooms at Prince's Oval.
July 01
Carlton played the Norwood Football Club at the M.C.G.
A poor attendance of 1500. (The Advertiser said 4,000 attended.)
Gate takings donated to charity.
Norwood were fresh from having beaten South Melbourne on Thursday.
Waldron won the toss and Norwood kicked with aid of the wind to the railway end.
Norwood played well although lacking the dash and precision of the Carlton team.
The South Australian Advertiser said,
"The quiet and gentlemanly game played by the Carltons was a marked contrast to the rough and unfriendly game played by the South Melbourne team on Thursday."
Kinsella was a recruit from North Geelong.
The Carlton team was selected at the Clyde Hotel on Friday evening. (The Clyde Hotel is still operating in 2021)
The Blues intend giving the Norwood team a picnic at Mordialloc.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Boyd, Bloomfield, Barrass, Coulthard, Coventry, Conway, Frayne, Goer, B. Murphy, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Neill, Jno. Rickards, Jno. Robertson, Smith, F. Spear, Wilson, Snodgrass.
Emergencies; O'Donnell, E. Murphy, Jas. Rickards, Donovan.
Umpire; E. Murphy
Carlton won; 4.19 - 0.6 (Half time Carlton 0.8 - Norwood 0.5)
Goals; Coulthard 2, A. Wilson, Rickards or Baker.
Players mentioned; (18) Goer, Murphy, Frayne, Coventry, Boyd, Rickards, Conway, Coulthard, Maloney, Bloomfield, Baker, Bailey, Robertson, H. Wilson, Barrass, Kinsella, McIntosh, O'Neil.
Carlton Reserves played Carlton Zingari at Princes Oval.
The Sportsman;
"The Carlton Zingari - which has only suffered a defeat once this season, met the Carlton 2nd. Twenty, on the Oval, last Saturday, and after a very exciting game, during which neither side had any perceptible advantage, the match ended in a draw each side obtaining 1 goal, Berry doing the needful for Zingari, and Slattery ditto for Carlton."
Match drawn. 1-1 (Half time Carl. 1-0)
Goal; Slattery.
Best and the only players mentioned; William Westwood, Walsh, Slattery, Donovan, and Spear.
July 04 Tuesday
(Weekly Times July 08 p12)
July 07 Friday
Melbourne and Essendon were willing to donate their gate takings.
July 08
(Weekly Times July 08 p12)
July 08
Carlton played South Melbourne at the East Melbourne C.G.
There was some discussion if the game should ahead or be cancelled.
Despite the incessant rain a crowd of 6,000 attended, and the grandstands were packed.
One correspondent suggested that football must be a fascinating game, or, there are a lot of lunatics in this city as 2,000-3,000 people were prepared to stand in the outer and get soaked to the skin.
Just after the start, South Melbourne were fortunate to score their only goal.
It was not long into the game before the ground was turned into a sea of mud, and the players were slipping and sliding. The Blues had opportunities to score, but the heavy, waterlogged and greasy ball, made kicking very difficult.
With 5 minutes left in the game, Coulthard marked in front, 15 yards out, and scored the equaliser.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Barrass, Bloomfield, Bragge, Coulthard, Conway, Coventry, Frayne, Goer, B. Murphy, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, John Rickards, Robertson, Smith, F. Spear, Wilson.
Emergency; James Rickards.
Umpire; P. O'Neill
Match drawn; 1.8 - 1.4 (Half time Carl. 0.4 - 1.2)
Goal; Coulthard.
Best; Maloney (in the centre), Bloomfield and A. Wilson (followers)
Players mentioned; (15) Rickards, Wilson, Goer, Maloney, Bailey, Coventry, Coulthard, Bloomfield, O'Neil, Frayne, Conway, Murphy, Butler, Barrass, Baker.
Carlton Reserves played South Melbourne on the South Melbourne C. G.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Doran, Goding, Graham, Hassett, Leach, Longstaff, Melville, Muir, McKay, J. Rickards, G. Robertson, Spear, Slattery, Sutherland, Thornhill, Woods, Woodburn, Wilmott, Walsh, Westwood.
Emergencies; Anderson, Robertson.
Carlton won; 2.9 - 0.0
Goals; unknown
Best; Walsh, Robertson, Woods, Rickards, Spear, and Muir.
July 15
Carlton played Essendon at the East Melbourne C. G.
This was possibly the Dons' first victory over a Carlton senior team.
Weather was fine, but the ground was soft due to the recent rain.
Baker did not play.
Crowd; 10,000
Essendon won the toss and kicked with the wind to northern end.
Rickards kicked off at 3.15pm.
Essendon playing on their new home ground played a perfect game easily overwhelming the Blues.
Coulthard missed a couple of easy chances to goal early on.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg.)
Baker, Bailey, Bragge, Barrass, Bloomfield, Coulthard, Conway, Coventry, Frayne, Goer (Capt.), B. Murphy, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, John Rickards, Robertson, Smith, Spear, Wilson.
Emergency; James Rickards, J. Woods.
Umpire; A. Ley.
Carlton lost; 1.4 - Essendon 6.12 (Half time 0.1 - 3.8)
Goal; Coulthard.
Best; A. Wilson, Frayne, Maloney, O'Neil, Goer, Bailey.
Players mentioned; (16) John Rickards, Frayne, Coventry, Goer, Smith, Spear, Wilson, O'Neil, Bloomfield, McIntosh, Coulthard, Maloney, B. Murphy, Bailey, Robertson, Barrass.
Carlton Reserves played Essendon at Princes Oval.
Carlton Reserves won; 4-0.
Goals; Leach, Hassett, Woodburn, Slattery.
Best; Muir, Walsh, Melville, Slattery, Goding.
July 15
July 20 Thursday
July 22
The Australasian's Peter Pindar said;
"I see the question of changing ends more frequently was again considered, and with the result of things being allowed to remain in their present unsatisfactory condition, and I suppose we will now have to possess our souls in patience till the fog of an extreme conservatism be dispelled from the minds of a number of our worthy delegates, or till the place that knows them now shall know them no more, and others of more liberal views are to the fore."
July 22
Carlton played Melbourne on the M.C.G.
Weather fine, a brisk northerly breeze blowing goal to goal, and the ground was dry.
Crowd; 10,000
Frayne was the Blues only absentee, replacement unknown.
Rannard of Melbourne won the toss, kicked with the wind, and a desperate game developed.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg.)
Baker, Bailey, Barrass, Bloomfield, Coulthard, Coventry, Conway, Frayne, Goer (Capt.), B. Murphy, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, Rickards, Rickards, Robertson, Smith, F. Spear, Wilson.
Emergencies; Woods, Walsh
Umpire; E. Murphy.
Carlton won; 2.11 - 1.14 (Half time Carl. 0.4 - Melb. 0.7)
Goals; Bailey, John Rickards.
Best; Baker, H. Wilson)), G. Smith, O'Donnell, Bailey, Goer.
Players mentioned; (17) Goer, James Rickards, John Rickards, Spear, Bloomfield, McIntosh, Coulthard, O'Neil, Wilson, Bailey, O'Donnell, G. Smith, Baker, Maloney, Coventry, Murphy, Barrass.
July 29
Carlton played Sandhurst and Associated Clubs at Upper Reserve Sandhurst. (Bendigo)
The weather was mild, the ground was in good condition, and a crowd of 3,500 attended.
Goer won the toss and chose to kick to the southern end. Play began at 3.30pm.
Only 12 first twenty players took part in the game, and the Blues missed many opportunities to goal.
The teams were evenly matched.
The goal posts were only nine feet high, which made the goal umpire's job very difficult, especially judging those kicked on the angle.*
Coulthard had two goals which were not given.
Frayne, O'Donnell, Bailey, A. Wilson, and Coventry did not play.
Carlton team; (20 named + 3 emergs.)
Baker, Bailey, Barrass, Bloomfield, Baker, Conway, Coulthard, Frayne, Goer, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Neil, John Rickards, James Rickards, Robertson, Smith, Spear, Walsh, Wilson, Woods.
Emergencies; Woodburn, Graham, Wilmott.
Umpire; Mungovan
Match drawn; Carlton 2.16 - Sandhurst 2.5 (Half time Carl. 1.7 - 0.3)
Goals; John Rickards, Baker.
Players mentioned; (9) Goer, Rickards, Baker, Coulthard, Conway, Maloney, McIntosh, Robertson, Barrass
Carlton Reserves played Royal Park at Princes Oval.
.*In August the Ballarat club made arrangements to play the Sandhurst Association. The Ballarat secretary wrote to the Sandhurst Association enclosing the piece from the Sportsman newspaper regarding the height of the goal posts. and hoping that the problem would be rectified.
The Bendigo Advertiser (August 12) said,
"Such a stupid assertion as that contained in the Sportsman was quite in keeping with the ridiculous reports of the match which appeared in the other weekly papers.
If the posts were rather short, it was only to the advantage of the Carlton team, as had they been higher, what was recorded as the first goal for Carlton would have been merely a behind, as the ball would have struck the post."
August 05
Carlton played South Melbourne at the South Melbourne C.G.
Friday's Herald said it will be first time in three years the Blues had played there. The paper also said Frayne, O'Neil, and probably Bailey will be missing.
Weather fine and the ground was in good condition.
Crowd; 12,000.
Goer won the toss and kicked to the railway end.
Coulthard who had a roving commission was dangerous and scored an early goal with a nice place kick. He shortly scored another goal, this time from 60 yards out.
The Blues put on another two goals after the break to O'Donnell and Baker and led 4-2.
South not to be out done, with a withering burst late in the game slammed on four unanswered goals.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Barrass, Bloomfield, Conway, Coulthard, Coventry, Goer (Capt.), Murphy, Maloney, McIntosh, Tom Nosworthy, O'Neil, O'Donnell, Rickards, Rickards, Robertson, Smith, Spear, Wilson.
Emergencies; Woodburn, Walsh.
Umpire; P. O'Neill
Carlton lost; 4.10 - 6.9 (Half time Carl. 2.6 - S. Melb. 2.5)
Goals; Coulthard 2, O'Donnell, Baker.
Best; Baker, A. Wilson, Coulthard, Coventry.
Players mentioned; (17) Baker, Coulthard, O'Donnell, Wilson, Coventry, Goer, John Rickards, Barrass, Bloomfield, Murphy, Woodburn, Maloney, McIntosh, Smith, Spear, Robertson, Conway.
Carlton Reserves played South Melbourne at Princes Oval.
The Herald Friday 04 said Carlton Second Twenty were to play Brighton at North Brighton.
August 11 Friday
South Melbourne protested that Carlton had played Tom Nosworthy a Sandhurst player, without the permission of the V.F.A. on August 5.
The Association fined the Blues £5. ($10)
Carlton played Hotham at the East Melbourne C.G.
Crowd; Between 1,000 - 1,500.
While this match was played on Essendon's home ground, Essendon played Melbourne on Carlton's Princes Oval.
Proceeds go to the development of the Hotham Football and Cricket ground.
A fight erupted not long after the start between A. Wilson and Ley of Hotham, then almost immediately after, Tankard and Couthard clashed.
This was to be George Coulthard's 140th. and last game.
"Tankard, one of the Hotham team, was thrown down in a scrimmage, and on rising he struck Coulthard of Carlton, who retaliated with his fists, and a fight occurred. The combatants were separated, and play was continued, but in the pavilion at half-time Coulthard challenged Tankard to fight either then or after the match, but Tankard refused. According to the latter's statement he was struck and thrown down by Carlton, and on rising feeling aggreived he struck Coulthard." (Bendigo Advertiser August 14 p3)
The V.F.A. suspended Coulthard and Tankard (Hotham) for fighting.
Hotham appealed and Tankard was later reinstated, but the V.F.A. refused to lift the ban on Coulthard, even though the Carlton champ had a clean record.
Coulthard later contracted tuberculous and died painfully in October 1883.
Hotham won the toss, and Robertson kicked off at 3.20pm.
The scores were not a true indication of the game. However, the Blues did make the most of their chances.
"Woodburn by a low quick kick scored the fourth goal, Bloomfield contributing a fifth. The ball was marked by Tankard, but the umpire (Mr. R. McInnis) ruled that it had gone past the posts."
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Bailey, Baker, Bloomfield, Conway, Coulthard, Coventry, Goer, Maloney, Murphy, McIntosh, Tom Nosworthy, O'Donnell, Rickards, Rickards, Robertson, Robertson, Smith, Spear, H. Wilson, Woods.
Emergencies; Woodburn, Walsh
Umpire; R. McInnis
Carlton won; 5.2 - 0.9 (Half time Carlton 3.1 - Hotham 0.4)
Goals; McIntosh 2, Coulthard, Woodburn, Bloomfield.
Best; Coulthard, Coventry, Rickards, Goer, Wilson.
Players mentioned; (12) Baker, G. Robertson, McIntosh, Maloney, Coulthard, Coventry, Wilson, Woodburn, Bloomfield, Rickards, Goer, Nosworthy.
In the first half, an incident occurred,
"While the ball was being thrown in onto the eastern boundary Tankard (Hotham) and Coulthard (Carlton) came to blows, but were quickly separated.
The crowd rushed the ground seeing the disturbance, and play was interrupted for some time"
(The Argus Monday 14th August Page 5)
"At the recent Carlton and Hotham match on the East Melbourne cricket ground, Tankard, in the heat of the moment, struck Coulthard in the face, and the latter retaliated in kind, further strife being at once stopped by their respective comrades."
Further on,
"Moreover, another part of the affair that strikes one with astonishment is, that they made distinction between aggressor and aggrieved. Now, there is a very manifest difference between the man who strikes a blow, however tempted. I think, in view of all things and especially of the fact of it's being the first offence, that a censure or short disqualification would have amply met the case, and in Coulthard's case, especially, it would have quite sufficient punishment, as he was first struck."
(The Australasian August 26)
Just earlier A. Wilson and Ley clashed, then,
"Shortly afterwards Coulthard and Tankard came to blows, and one of the most disgraceful affairs witnessed on a football field was enacted. The language used by one of the combatants was of a very low and filthy character. It is hoped that this matter will be brought under the notice of the Association, and in any case that body should take some action, otherwise respectable people will be obligied to absent themselves from football matches."
(The Sportsman August 16)
August 12; "A disgraceful scene occurrred at the East Melbourne Cricket ground to-day during the football match Carlton against Hotham. A disagreement occurred between Couthard, of Carlton, and Tankard, of Hotham, ending in a stand-up fight, which was put to a stop by the crowd rushing the ground."
(South Australian Advertiser, August 14)
The V.F.A. acted, and the following week matters reached boiling point.
Carlton Reserves played Melbourne Imperial at the back of the E.M.C.G.
August 18 Friday.
Read the Herald's report of the VFA meeting, The VFA agreed to disqualify both players for three matches.
Carlton were to play Melbourne at the East Melbourne Cricket Ground.
The Carlton committee would not take responsibility for playing Coulthard, and the Blues' players insisted on playing Coulthard, and defying the V.F.A. ruling.
Both teams were on the ground.
The Melbourne captain refused to play, except under protest.
The match did not take place.
Both the team and the committee regretted this action against Melbourne, their old foe and friend.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Barrass, Bloomfield, Coulthard, Conway, Coventry, Goer, Murphy, Maloney, McIntosh, Tom Nosworthy, O'Donnell, Rickards, Rickards, Robertson, Robertson, Smith, Spear, A. Wilson, Woods.
Emergency; Woodburn.
Carlton Second Twenty played Royal Park on Princes Oval.
The twenty players chosen refused to take the field unless Coulthard was permitted to play.
The Carlton executive appeared to intend to secede from the V.F.A., but took no further action.
The Sportsman newspaper commenting on Carlton's decision said,
"Such action as this is not worthy of a club with the reputation of the Carlton, and it's members should be the first to uphold the rulings of the Association."
Carlton Reserves/Second Twenty played Royal Park on Princes Oval.
August 21 Monday
A letter to the editor of The Argus;
Sir, The Carlton Football Club, feeling dissatisfied with the recent action of the Victorian Football Association re the Coulthard enquiry, are taking steps to receive sworn evidence in the matter, and I am desired on behalf of the club to ask the public in the meantime to withold their judgment.
Yours, & c.,
M.B. Hearne, Hon.Sec. C.F.C.
Carlton, August 19
August 21 Monday
The Argus classified advertisment.
CARLTON FOOTBALL CLUB - Coulthard inquiry.
Evidence solicited. Select committee MEET on Tuesday evening, 8 o'clock, Clyde Hotel, Carlton.
M. B. Hearne, Hon. Sec.
August 21 Monday
The South Australian Register said;
"It is stated that the Carlton Club, which has been fined £10 for playing a man a second time who did not belong to the Club, intends to secede from the Association."
The unregistered player mentioned would be Nosworthy.
A letter to the editor of The Argus from the Hotham F. C.
E. J. Lawrence, Hotham Hon. Sec., pleading on behalf of Joey Tankard that he should be let off with a lighter sentence than George Coulthard, as the latter was found guilty of using bad language.
To read the letter, click here>
August 22 Tuesday
A large meeting of Carlton members took place at the Clyde Hotel.
These members were upset at the treatment handed out to Coulthard by the V.F.A.
A "select committee" had been formed and by 9pm felt that they could not proceed any further. They took some evidence, in private, from one or two persons. It is understood that this will be added to at a further meeting.
These details have not been released to the press.
Trove; Melbourne Punch Aug 24
August 25 Friday
"Football as played in Melbourne, appears to be degenerating from a fine manly game into an exhibition of unseemly brawling and brute force.
The public reserves and cricket grounds are occupied Saturday after Saturday by excited crowds and still more excited players. The latter quarrel violently amongst themselves, and many of them use the most offensive language, while the contagion of the passion spreads to the crowd, which howls and roars in it's excitement, and too frequently emulates the players in the use of bad language. The whole scene is one of noise, turmoil, and uproar, more in keeping with a street row than with the pursuit of a legitimate sport.The nuisance has been growing worse and worse, and the brawling culminated on Saturday week in a disgraceful scene on the East Melbourne ground.
In the midst of play, during a match between Hotham and Carlton; blows were exchanged between TANKARD, of Hotham, and COULTHARD, of Carlton; and the latter aggravated his offence by using language of a most improper kind, not once, but repeatedly. The matter was brought under the notice of the Football Association, which promptly disqualified both players for the remainder of the season, expressing the opinion at the same time, that COULTHARD was more to blame than the Hotham player.
We do not think the Assocation could have done less, and it might have been expected and that the decision would be acquiesced in and repected. But instead of that, we find the Carlton Club defying the Association and insisting on playing COULTHARD the very next Saturday in a match against Melbourne. The Melbourne team very properly refused to allow a proscribed player to take part in the game, and the match fell through. We trust that footballers generally will show no sympathy with the Carlton Club, but will make common cause in upholding the authority of the Association.
If football is to be a reputable game - if it is to be saved from the ruffianism which is fast corrupting it - such conduct as COULTHARD'S must be severely repressed. The Assocation, in the course that it has taken, has had the interests of the game and the reputation of the players alike at heart, and though it has roused itself to vigorous action rather late in the day, it ought to be thanked and applauded by footballers, as it assuredly is by the public.
The game must be played decently and respectably, or it will become a question whether it should be permitted at all in places of general resort."
Click here>
V.F.A. special meeting held at Young and Jackson's Hotel, Swanston Street.
"A letter was read from G. Coulthard one of the Carlton players asking that the nature of a charge made against him at the preceeding meeting of the association might be clearly explained, and further that the association would favour him with their written decision on the occasion of having disqualified him for disorderly conduct in the field.
The secretary was instructed to provide the information required."
Others matters were on the night's agenda.
"At the completion of the meeting Mr. T. P. Power, one of the Carlton delegates, and Mr. H. H. Budd, representing Benalla, tendered their resignations as hon. treasurer and secretary respectively.
After expressing regret at the action taken, the association requested both gentlemen to reconsider the matter, and hold office at least until the close of the present season."
August 26
The South Australian Register commenting on the Coulthard-Tankard affair, and Carlton's subesquent refusal to play Melbourne said;
"The Executive of the Carlton Club, however, who, it appears (says The Argus), intend to secede from the Association, refused to take any action which would render them liable to further punishment pending their withdrawal, and as their players still remained obdurate, the teams (who were in uniform, ready to start) left the field, and an announcement was made that the match would not be played.
It is not known whether the Carlton Club intend to throw up their other engagements for the season, or whether their players will consent to take the field against other clubs without Coulthard's assistance."
Carlton were to play Geelong at the East Melbourne C.G.
Carlton, because of the Coulthard situation also cancelled this match and Geelong played Hotham instead.
A mixed Carlton Firsts and Reserves played Britannia at Princes Oval.
Carlton won; 2 - 0
August 28 Monday
The Argus classified advertisement,
CARLTON FOOTBALL CLUB - Coulthard inquiry,- Select committee MEET to receive evidence This evening, 8 o'clock, Young and Jacksons Hotel, Swanston street.
M. B. Hearne, hon sec.
The Carlton Football Club backed down in defying the V.F.A.
The club decided to meet the rest of it's engagements without George Coulthard.
They were due to play East Melbourne, but this will now be changed to playing the Melbourne F. C.
The Sportsman newspaper congratulated Carlton, but says they should have taken this step earlier.
The paper commends those clubs which had refused to play the Blues while they were in revolt.
The Herald's report;
August 31 Thursday
The Bendigo Advertiser (p3) wrote;
Writing last night, our Melbourne correspondant says :-
The Carlton Football Club see on reflection that a mistake had been made in ignoring the decision of the association disqualifying Coulthard, owing to the fracas which occurred between that player and Tankard, and they have decided to complete the season without him. At the same time they do not admit that their crack was in the wrong, and have, in fact, absolved him from blame.
August 31 Thursday
A mixed team (seniors/reserves/others) from the Carlton F. C. played the junior team, Melbourne Imperial Trades.
Carlton team;
Goer, Bloomfield, Conway, Conway, Barrass, Tom Nosworthy, Woods, Spear, Spear, Hall, William Westwood, E. Snodgrass, Keefe, B. "Bluey" Flowers, Tulley.
A. Wilson was from the Star of Carlton.
Carlton had numerous shots at goal which resulted in behinds.
Rain stopped the game 20 minutes before time, with the Imperial team victorious.
Carlton lost; 0.12 - 1.5 (Half time Carl. 0.12 - Melb. Imps.1.0)
Best; Goer, Bloomfield, Tully, Conway, Spear.
V.F.A. Meeting at Young and Jackson's Hotel, Swanston street.
Carlton delegate T. P. Power resigned at the last meeting and Mr. T. J. Marshall would take his place.
The Hotham Football Club wrote and requested that the season ending disqualification against Tankard be overturned as from September 2nd.
Mr. H. H. Budd from Benalla, and Mr. B. Hall, Geelong, asked the association to refuse the request.
The request was put to a vote and passed 9-4.
A letter was then read from the Carlton Football Club that a similar concession be made to their player George Coulthard.
Carlton delegated Mr. Marshall said that in Coulthard's eleven year career no charge of a similar kind had been brought against him.
This was put to the vote, and rejected 7-6.
Carlton also had to pay a £15 ($30) fine for playing Tom Nosworthy, a former Sandhurst player, without obtaining permission from the Association.
Nosworthy's application for a permit was rufused, even though he had moved to live near Melbourne.
The V.F.A. decided that in future no permits will be issued after July 25.
September 02
The members did not want the club demoted to junior status. The players have been playing each week against adversity and feel that if they had had their own ground, then the Oriental's fate may have been different.
The players can't play with another club this season, however, most will probably join the Melbourne club next year.
September 02
Carlton played Melbourne at the Melbourne Football Ground.
The ground is still in it's primitive condition of roughness.
Melbourne was due to play East Melbourne, but their demise opened a spot to play the Blues.
George Coulthard suspended.
One report said it was the largest crowd of the season.
The Australasian said at least 10,000.
The day was fine, and Carlton kicked with aid of a slight wind in the first half.
Frayne and Maloney did not play.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Barrass, Bloomfield, Conway, Coventry, Goer (Capt.), Murphy, McIntosh, O'Neil, O'Donnell, Rickards, Rickards, J. Robertson, Robertson, Smith, Spear, A. Wilson, Woods, Woodburn.
Emergencies; Walsh, Muir.
Umpire; H. C. A. Harrison.
Match drawn; Carlton 3.15 - Melbourne 3.9 (Half time Carl. 3.6 - 2.4)
Before half time, J. Robertson and Sloman (Melb) clashed, both taken from field and took no further part in the game. J. Robertson was badly cut and required stiches to his face.
Goals; Baker, James Rickards, Coventry.
Best; A. Wilson, Goer, Coventry, Baker, Bloomfield, Woods, O'Neil.
Players mentioned; (16) Bloomfield, Murphy, Baker, Bailey, O'Neil, James Rickards, Goer, J. Robertson, John Rickards, Conway, Wilson, McIntosh, Barrass, Coventry, Woodburn, Woods.
September 05 Tuesday
A meeting of George Coulthard's friends was held at the Clyde Hotel to consider the proposal of presenting him with a testamonial. The business was referred to a committee, which will be formed during the week. A few pounds have already been collected, which will probably be considerably increased.
September 09
Carlton played Essendon at Princes Oval.
"Only one football match of any importance was played here this afternoon, but as it was between Carlton and Essendon plenty of interest was taken in the match, and the spacious Princes' oval, or rather square, was surrounded by a thick ring of spectators." (Bendigo Advertiser September 11 p3)
A fine, dry day with a slight breeze. The turf was a little heavy due to recent rains.
Crowd; 8,000
Essendon were 2-1 favourites to win.
Carlton were weakened with the loss of Coulthard (suspended), Frayne, and Maloney.
F. Spear and J. Robertson were also unavailable.
To everyone's surprise the Blues kicking, little marking, and pace was superior to the Don's in the first half.
Half of Essendon's behinds were rushed by the Blues.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Barrass, Bloomfield, Coventry, Conway, Goer (Capt.), Murphy, J. Muir, McIntosh, O'Neil, O'Donnell, Jas. Rickards, Rickards, Spear, Spear, Smith, Wilson, Woods, Walsh.
Emergencies; Leach, Woodburn.
Umpire; P. O'Neill
Match drawn; Carlton 3.5 - Essendon 3.12 (Half time Carl. 1.3 - Ess. 0.2)
Goals; Jas. Rickards, A. Wilson, Bailey.
Best; Conway, A. Wilson, Baker, Barrass.
Players mentioned; (12) Bloomfield, McIntosh, Conway, Barrass, Wilson, John Rickards, Baker, Bailey, O'Neil, Coventry, Murphy, Woods.
September 16
September 16
For; Budd, Boyd, Swift, Hall, Major, Gilchrist, and Wynne.
Against; Harrison, Longden, Jordan, Lawrence, Hearne, and Marshall.
5/7ths. of the majority were delegates of country clubs, Horsham, Ballarat, Geelong, Benalla etc; while the minority were all entirely metropolitan clubs.
"The conclusion of the whole matter points very plainly to a reconstruction of the association, now apparently little better than a smaller circle into which are brought the various jealousies and petty personal interests of individual clubs, with a smattering of rival cricket concerns thrown in, and the substitution of a representative body, elected by the whole of the clubs, who would have the general interests of the game at heart, and not see it through the medium of club spectacles, or as the means of keeping their club's turfs during the unprofitable summer months."
September 16
Carlton played Geelong at the Corio Cricket Ground Geelong.
A special train left Spencer Street at 1.10pm for Geelong.
Crowd; 4,000.
A player named Brownlow named in Geelong team.
Goer won the toss and kicked to the Southern goal aided by a strong wind.
Walsh's goal from a mark, was a 60 yard drop kick.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Bloomfield, Barrass, Conway, Coventry, Goer, McIntosh, Murphy, Maloney, O'Donnell, O'Neil, Rickards, Rickards, Smith, Spear, Woods, Walsh, Woodburn, Wilson.
Emergencies; Spear, J. Muir.
Umpire; J.J. Trait.
Carlton lost; Carlton 3.6 - Geelong 4.20 (Half time Carl. 2.4 - Geel. 1.8)
Goals; Bailey, Baker, Walsh.
Best; Baker, Bailey, Maloney, Conway, Bloomfield, H. A. Wilson, Henry.
Players mentioned; (15) Goer, Bailey, Baker, Walsh, Maloney, Conway, Bloomfield, H. Wilson, O'Neil, Coventry, Frayne, Rickards, Barrass, Spear, Henry ( the newspapers said Henry is an assumed name.)
September 23
Carlton played South Yarra (23) at Princes Oval.
The ground was in good condition, however a gusty northerly wind was blowing across the ground which marred the spectacle.
Carlton kicked to the eastern goal, however South Yarra soon had the first goal on the board.
Barass in the second half got things off to a good start with a splendid run and kick.
Crowd; 2,000
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Bailey, Baker, Barrass, Bloomfield, Conway, Coventry, Goer (Capt.), Murphy, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Neil, O'Donnell, Rickards, John Rickards, F. Spear, J. Spear, Smith Wilson, Woods, Walsh.
Emergencies; J. Muir, Woodburn.
Umpire; Fitzgerald
Carlton won; 4.11 - 2.7 another report said 4.21 - 2.9 (Half time Carl. 1.5 - 2.3)
Goals; Bailey, J. Spear, Goer, F. Spear,
Players mentioned; (13) Bailey, Barass, Murphy, McIntosh, Wilson, John Rickards, J. Spear, Goer, F. Spear, Baker, Smith, Bloomfield, Maloney.
September 30
Carlton played Melbourne at Princes Oval.
Crowd; 5,000.
Donations collected for the Working Men's College. (Forerunner to R.M.I.T.)
The ground was in good condition and the grass had recently been trimmed by a flock of sheep.
Play commenced at 4pm. Melbourne kicked with a strong north west wind to the Cemetery end in the first half, which the Blues used to full advantage in the second half.
Bailey scored two quick goals after half time
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Barrass, Bloomfield, Conway, Coventry, Goer (Capt.), Murphy, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, R. Richards/Rickards?, Jas. Rickards, Smith, G. (F?) Spear, J. Spear, Wilson, Woods, Walsh.
Emergencies; Woodburn, Muir, Jno. Rickards
Umpire; Fitzgerald.
Carlton won; 6.14 - Melbourne 3.12 (Half time Carl. 0.4 - Melb. 3.8)
The Age; Carl. 7.15 - 3.12 (the Blues kicking 7 goals in a row, no goal scorers mentioned.)
Goals; Bailey 2, O'Donnell, Goer, J. Spear, G (F?). Spear.
Best; Bailey, Conway, Maloney, O'Donnell, J. Spear, G. (F?) Spear.
Players mentioned; (15) Baker, Goer, F. Spear, James Rickards, Murphy, Frayne, Barrass, Conway, Maloney, O'Donnell, J. Spear, Bailey, Wilson, Bloomfield, Woods
October 03
The population of Melbourne and it's suburbs is estimated to be 284,874
October 07
Handicappers; T. S. Marshall, T. P. Power, W. Donaldson
Starter; O. T. L. O'Brien
Judges; A. McHarg, G. Robertson
Carlton Football Club Handicap 100, 200, 300 yards for First and Second Twenties, to be decided by points.
First in each events 5 points; second, 3 points, and third, 2 points.
The winner in each event to receive 1 Pound.
First Prize; 4 Pounds and Gold Medal, Second Prize; 2 Pounds, Third Prize; 1 Pound.
Medals presented by Mr. Kennedy.
First Event; 300 Yards
1. Baker (13 yards), Coventry (10 yards), Walsh (scratch)
Second Event; 200 Yards
1. James Rickards (10 yards), 2. J. Baker (8 yards), 3. A. Coventry (6 yards)
Third Event; 100 Yards
1. A. Coventry (2 yards), 2. J. Baker (5 yards), 3. J. Rickards (6 yards)
Final Result;
1. Jack Baker (11 points), 2. Alick Coventry (10 points), 3. James Rickards (7 points)
100 Yards Maiden Race (for Members who have never won an advertised race)
First Prize; Trophy presented by J. Gardiner, Second; 1 Pound, Third; 10 Shillings.
1. J. Sutherland, 2. S. Bloomfield, 3. F. McIntosh
Drop-Kick at Football (for Second Twenty)
First Prize; 2 Pounds, Second Prize; 1 Pound, Third Prize; 10 Shillings
1. J. McWilliams, 2. J. Spear, 3. Muir.
Prize winners to kick off for Mr. V. Robertson's Trophy.
Carlton Football Club Handicap (100, 200,300 yards) for First & Second Twenties
To be decided by points; First, 5 points, Second 3 points, Third 2 points. The winner in each event to receive 1 pound.
First Event: First; J. Baker (13 yards), Second, A. Coventry (10 yards), Third, Walsh (scratch)
Second Event: First, J. Rickards (10 yards), Second, J. Baker (8 yards), Third, A. Coventry (6 yards)
Final Event: First, A. Coventry (2 yards), Second, J. Baker (5 yards), Third, Richards/Rickards (6 yards)
Total Points; First, J. Baker (11 points), Second, A. Coventry (10 points), Third, Rickards (7 points).
First Twenty Drop Kick
First, S. Bloomfield (62 yards 1 ft. 2 in.), Second, J. Rickards (60 yards 1 ft.), Third, J. Baker (51 yards 2 ft. 5 in.)
The prize takers for the First Twenty and Second Twenty Drop Kicks then kicked off;
First; J. Rickards (63 yards 3 ft. 7in.), Second, S. Bloomfield (62 yards 2.)
Carlton Advertiser 1882/Sportsman October 11 p4
"At the Carlton Football Club Sports on Saturday, the prize for a drop kick was won by Rickards with 63 yards."
(Bendigo Advertiser October 09 p2)
October 07
"On paper, from first to last this season, Carlton has had about the strongest team on the arena, but lack of generalship has undoubtedly in large measure contributed to the second rate results achieved by the club.
Whether the experienced gained will bring about an improved condition of affairs remains to be seen, but it is highly improbable that the club's rightful position will ever be reasserted under existing circumstances; moreover, the difficulty can be solved without going outside of the club's own ranks.
The first match against Geelong was a very good proof that the old club is not dead yet, and only wants a little improved discipline to regain it's former prestige."
It's leading players have been H. Wilson, Bloomfield, Frayne, Baker, Maloney, Coulthard, Conway, Bailey, Goer, F. Spear, Barrass, Smith, O'Neill, McIntosh, O'Donnell, and Coventry.
Major goal kickers; Coulthard 14, Baker 11, Bailey 8, John Rickards 6.
Blues named among the better players in the Association;
Harry Wilson, Bloomfield; followers.
Maloney, Frayne; backs.
Coulthard, Baker; forwards.
Conway, Bailey; the general proficiency division.(?)
The Carlton Story. Hugh Buggy and Harry Bell. Pages. 51, 52, 53, 259.
Mullin's Footballers Australian Almanac of 1951. Page 66.
Everything You Wanted To Know About Australian Rules Football But Couldn't Be Bothered Asking. Graeme Atkinson. Page 100.
The Argus 1882 editions.
The Carlton Advertiser and Trades Advocate.
The Sportsman, 1882 editions.
The Australasian, 1882 editions.
The South Australian Register, 1882 editions.
The Launceston Examiner, 1882 editions.
The Age, 1882 editions.
The Gippsland Times, 1882 editions.
The Australian Town & Country Journal (N.S.W.), 1882 editions.
The Horsham Times, 1882 editions.
Bendigo Advertiser, 1882 editions.
The Herald, 1882 editions.
Vice Captain. George Coulthard
President. R. Robertson
Secretary. M. B. Hearne
Second Twenty: Capt. F. Spear, Vice Capt. J. R.Terry
Home Ground. Princes Oval.
Games Played, 21. Won 12. Lost 4. Drew 5.
Pos | Team | Played | Wins | Losses | Draws | Goals For | Goals Against |
1 | Geelong | 24 | 21 | 1 | 2 | - | - |
2 | Essendon | 22 | 14 | 4 | 4 | - | - |
3 | South Melbourne | 24 | 13 | 7 | 4 | - | - |
4 | Carlton | 21 | 12 | 4 | 5 | 70 | 40 |
5 | Hotham | 24 | 12 | 10 | 2 | 44 | 51 |
6 | Melbourne | 23 | 6 | 13 | 4 | 53 | 70 |
7 | East Melbourne* | 14 | 5 | 7 | 2 | - | - |
Opponent | Played | Won | Lost | Drawn | Goals For | Goals Against |
Geelong | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 5 |
Essendon | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 9 |
South Melbourne | 3 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 6 | 10 |
Hotham | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 11 | 1 |
Melbourne | 4 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 17 | 9 |
East Melbourne | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Norwood | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 |
Sandhurst Association | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Ballarat | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 1 |
South Yarra (23) | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 2 |
Star of Carlton (23) | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 |
Carlton Juniors (23) | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 1 |
Waverley (23) | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Total | 21 | 12 | 4 | 5 | 70 | 40 |
1882 Carlton teams and results as published in newspapers.
Some match/result details are missing, if anyone can provide them please contact Blueseum.
March 08
April 29; Carlton Juniors (23) played Star of Carlton 23 at Princes OvalMay 06; vacant (Northcote 23 at Princes Oval)
May 13; vacant (Waverley 23 at Princes oval)
May 20; vacant Practice match
May 24; Ballarat at Ballarat
May 27; South Melbourne at E.M.C.G.
June 03; Melbourne at M.C.G.
June 10; Hotham at E.M.C.G.
June 17; East Melbourne at Princes Oval
June 24; Geelong at Geelong
July 01; Norwood at E.M.C.G.
July 08; South Melbourne at E.M.C.G.
July 15; Essendon at E.M.C.G.
July 22; Melbourne at M.C.G.
July 29; vacant (Bendigo combined at Bendigo)
August 05; vacant (South Mebourne at Lake Oval)
August 12; Hotham at E.M.C.G.
August 19; Melbourne at E.M.C.G.
August 26; Geelong at E.M.C.G.
September 02; East Melbourne at East Melbourne Football Ground.
September 09; Essendon at Princes Oval
September 16; vacant (Geelong at Corio Oval)
September 23; vacant (South Yarra 23 at Princes Oval)
September 30; Melbourne at Princes Oval
(Sportsman p4)
April 04 Tuesday
Carlton F. C. AGM held at the Clyde Hotel, Carlton 8pm.
Mr. R. Robertson, president of the club in the chair.
The election of office bearers resulted as follows;
Patrons, Messrs. Gardiner MLA, Latham, Pigdon, Bell.
President, Mr. R. Robertson; Vice presidents, Messrs. Gillespie, Power, Donovan, and V. Robertson.
Committee, Messrs. Brooks, Murphy, Robertson, Conway, Gardiner, A. Wilson, McHarg, and Turnbull.
Hon. secretary and treasurer, Mr. M. B. Hearne.
Captain, W. Goer.
Vice captain, G. Coulthard.
The club's finances are in a healthy condition.
April 05 Wednesday
The Sportsman,
E. Fitzgerald and Lampard from the Waverley Club.Whelan, A good follower from Star of Carlton.
Tully and O'Loghlen, from South Carlton.
Michael Nash a heavy weight follower from Star of Carlton.
Peter Lacey, The crack of the Waverley Club.
Mr. Thomas Henry Chuck the hon.sec. of the Carlton Football Club last year, has resigned his position, and Mr. Macarthur B. Hearne has been elected in his place. (Sportsman April 5 p4)April 08
The Australasian reports of a recent meeting held between the Richmond Alma and the South Richmond clubs with the aim of forming a club to represent the city.It was agreed that the two clubs would merge into one and be called the Richmond Football Club.
April 15
The Argus classified ad (p1)
Assistant Secretary for Carlton F. C. £1 ($2) per week.
This position was taken by Mr. J. S. Spear.
Mr. F. Conway, became the caretaker and property master.
(The Argus April 21 p5)
April 15
Practice match on Prince's Oval 3pm.
Teams to be selected by the captain and vice captain.
"Bloomfield, a recent recruit from Essendon, played in fine form. Geo. Robertson the famous heavyweight who is spoken as of retiring from the scene of battle, joined in the practice, and played as brilliantly as of yore. The Carltonians will be strengthened by the addition of Bloomfield, Lacey (Waverley), Nash (Star of Carlton), Tankard (Hotham United), and Dean (Brittannia). The team will be deprived of the services of Crawford (one of the best back players) G. Robertson and E. Brooks." (Herald April 21 p2)
April 21 FridayThe Argus wrote about the inequities in the V.F.A. programme of matches.
To read click here>
April 22
President vs Vice President practice game on Princes Oval.
April 26 Wednesday
"I learn that Baker of the North Geelong Club, is in Melbourne and will appear in the battle-field on behalf of Carlton next Saturday against the Star of Carlton. Baler has not yet signified his intention of staying in Melbourne, but, should he do so, he will be a great acquisition to the dark-blue."
(Sportsman p4)
April 27 Thursday
The South Australian Register reports that the Carlton Football Club had donated £7 10s ($15.00) to the Lady Ayers Homes, twenty-five two houses in Adelaide.
April 29
The Australasian reports that this season Carlton will lose the services of George Robertson and possibly Brooks/Brookes.Newcomers for this year are;
Sam Bloomfield from Essendon.
Boyd from Hotham.
Tom Bushell from South Melbourne.
Joseph 'Joey' Tankard from Hotham United.
Michael Nash A heavy weight follower from, the Star of Carlton.
Peter Lacey from Waverley.
Dean from Britannia.
Jack Joyce from Britannia.
Barney Murphy has returned and may play.
Jack Baker ex North Geelong.

April 29
Carlton played Star of Carlton (23) at Princes Oval.
Wilson, Bailey and O'Neil were absent.
Bushel of South Melbourne was selected but declined to play.
The match was played in drizzling rain and showers.
A rather monotonous game which was enlived after the break with a few goals.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Bailey, Boyd (ex Hotham), Bushel, Baker, Bloomfield, A. Coventry, Coulthard (Vice Capt.), Conway, Frayne, Goer (Capt.), Lacey, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, John Rickards, James Rickards, F. Spear, Smith, Tankard.
Emergencies; Doran, Muir.
Umpire; George Robertson
Carlton won; 3.5 - 0.4 (Half time 0.2 -0.3)
Goals; Muir 2, Boyd.
Best; Maloney, Frayne, Conway, Coulthard, McIntosh, W. Goer.
New recruits Baker ex Geelong, Bloomfield (BOG) and Tankard played well.
Players mentioned; (15.) Goer, Frayne, Bloomfield, Baker, Coulthard, Lacey, John Rickards, Conway, McIntosh, Tankard, Maloney, Doran, Boyd, Muir, Coventry
Carlton Reserves played Carlton Zingari* at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (24 named)
Alfreds, Anderson, Donovan, Doran, C.A. Donaldson, Goding, Graham, Gibbons, Hickford, Leach, Melville, J. Muir, W. Muir, McKay, Robertson, Spear, Slattery, Samuels, Sutherland, Thornhill, Terry, Wheeler, Woods, Woodburn.
No result details.
.* I Zingari is Italian for "the gypsies". In 1845 a cricket club, I Zingari, was formed in England to promote amateurism against the growing movement of professionalism. As they had no home ground they were the wanderers or gypsies of cricket. It is one of the oldest cricket clubs
May 06
The contenious issue of inducements or payments to players in a "strictly amatuer" sport is an interesting one.An unnamed northern player was lured to a rival club south of the river, which was possibly South Melbourne.
The player was fully determined to get the highest value for his services.
The northern club in which he had gained his fame had secured regular employment for him last season. Everthing was fine until recently the rival southern club had offered him employment, a rent free house, and the prospect of match payments.
He agreed to the move.
However after he had moved camp, the player then decided to have a change of mind and his former team mates helped him move back to the northern suburbs; much to the disgust of his new team mates.
The Australasian's Peter Pindar said in part;
"Now, though this case has a decidedly comical side, it also has a decidedly serious one as indicating how far clubs are prepared to go, even to the the length in introducing the thin end of the wedge of professionalism, for the purposes of securing a desirable man; and there is no doubt, if this idea of beggar-your-neighbour goes on much longer, football will soon be confined to two or three clubs whose financial resources enable them to monopolise the best talent; and what is now a merely manly recreation, will speedily become but a money-making game, with all it's attendant evils.
I suppose it does not require a very brilliant discernment to trace the present tendancy to the gate-money business, and I think it is about high time the better class of clubs should band themselves together and endeavour to stamp out this semi-professional phase which is coming to the front, or before long we shall see such items as these in the annual balance-sheets, "Fees for professionals, first 20 so much; special services for A and B, so much," which assuredly would bring in the beginning of the end for football as it had been in the past, and as it's truest votaries* wish it may ever remain."
-*devoted followers.
May 06
Joseph 'Joey' Tankard after having an altercation with George Coulthard left the Blues and was back playing for Hotham against Essendon on the M.C.G.This ill feeling between the two players would explode with dramatic consequences when Carlton met Hotham on August 12.
May 06
Carlton played Northcote (23) at Princes Oval.
Crowd; 3,000.
A strong wind blew across the ground, restricting good play.
Coulthard kicked the only Blues' goal in the first half.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Boyd, Bloomfield, Barrass, Coventry, Coulthard, Conway, Frayne, Goer (Capt.), Lacey, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Loghlen, O'Neil, O'Donnell, John Rickards, Smith, Slattery, Tankard.
Emergency; Donovan.
Umpire; George Robertson
Carlton won 4.8 - 1.1 (Half time Carl. 1.1 - 0.0)
Goals; Coulthard 2, Conway, John Rickards.
Best; (12) Baker (BOG), Coulthard (also a splendid game), Bloomfield, Boyd, Conway, O'Loghlen, Coventry, Frayne, Goer, Maloney, Rickards, Lacey.
Carlton Reserves played Royal Park at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (21 named)
Cook, Donovan, Gibbins, Goding, Graham, Hassett, Hickford, Leach, McKay, Melvile, J. Muir, W. Muir, Petherick, Samuels, Shearer, Spear, Sutherland, Terry, Wheeler, Woodburn, Woods.
Match drawn; Carl. 0.2 - 0.11
Players mentioned; Hassett, Melville, Cook, Graham.
May 13
Carlton played a Waverley (23) at Princes Oval.
Crowd; 2,000.
The visitors kicked to the eastern goal with the advantage of the wind in the first half.
Although Waverley, playing two players short, were overwhelmed by the Blues, a fast and lively game was played.
P. Lacey who was reported to have been a new Carlton recruit this year captained the Waverley team in this match.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Boyd, Bloomfield, Barrass, Coventry, Coulthard, Conway, Doran, Frayne, Goer (capt.), Lacey, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, O'Loghlen, John Rickards, Smith, Slattery, Wilson.
Emergencies; Donovan, W. Muir
Umpire; George Robertson.
Carlton won; 5.12 - 1.2 (Half time 4.4 - 1.2)
Goals; Coulthard 2, Conway, A. Wilson, Baker.
Players mentioned; (12) Coulthard, Coventry, Baker, Frayne, Bloomfield, Goer, Smith, O'Donnell, A. Wilson, Rickards, Conway, McIntosh.
Carlton Reserves played Footscray at Footscray.
Footscray won the toss and kicked with a strong breeze at their backs, the Blues evened up in the second half.
Carlton team; (21 named)
Cook, Ford, Graham, Goding, Hassettt, Hickford, Leach, J. Muir, W. Muir, McKay, McCartie, Petherick, Riley, Samuels, Shearer, Spear, Sutherland, Terry, Woodburn, Wheeler, Thurnhill/Thornhill
Match drawn 1.7 - 1.7 (Half time 0.2 - 1.5)
Players mentioned; Ford, Wilmott, Sutherland, Graham, Anderson
May 20
No scheduled match for the Blues.
Instead Carlton held a practice match at Princes Oval.
The Herald Friday May 19 (p4) has the Carlton team playing a team to be advised.
Carlton team; (20) Baker, Bailey, Bloomfield, Boyd, Barrass, Coventry, Conway, Coulthard, Frayne, Goer, Lacey, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Loghlen, O'Neil, Rickards, Smith, Spear, Wilson
Emerg; Doran, Slattery.
Carlton Reserves played Victory at Princes Oval.
Carlton team; (23 named)
Anderson, Bradshaw, Cook, Donovan, Ford, Graham, Goding, Hassett, Hickford, Leach, Melville, J. Muir, W. Muir, J. McIntosh, McKay, Riley, Robertson, Shearer, Spear, Sutherland, Samuels, Slattery, Woodburn.
No result details
May 24 Wednesday Queen's Birthday Holiday.
Carlton played the Ballarat Football Club at Saxon paddock in Ballarat.
The team left for Ballarat on Tuesday afternoon.
The weather was poor in the Golden City.
The home team colours were red, white, and blue.
Crowd; 5,000
The Blues kicked against the wind, and rain set in towards the end of the game.
Conway scored the only Carlton goal in the first half.
The half time break was 10 minutes.
Frayne added the next two goals, followed by one from Coventry.
The locals reckoned that this was the finest display of football the city had seen.
After the game the teams went to the Kent Hotel opposite the ground for refreshments & toasts from the captains.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Bailey, Baker, Barrass, Bloomfield, Boyd, Conway, Coventry, Coulthard (Vice Capt), Doran, Frayne, Goer (Capt), Lacey, Moloney, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neill, O'Loghlen, Jas. Rickards, Smith and Wilson.
Emergencies; Donovan, Brooks, Melville.
Umpire; John Fraser
Carlton won; 4.9 - 1.6 (Half time Carl. 1.2 - Ball. 1.3)
Goals; Frayne 2, Conway, Coventry.
Best; Frayne, Coulthard, Baker, Bloomfield, Conway, Wilson.
Players mentioned; (15) Rickards, O'Neil, Doran, McIntosh, Goer, Coventry, O'Donnell, O'Loghlen, Bailey, Conway, Coulthard, Baker, Bloomfield, A. Wilson, Frayne.
Carlton Second Twenty played Colac at Colac.
The match was played on J. V. Bartlett's paddock fronting Lake Colac and the Blues were entertained at Willis's Commercial Hotel that evening.
Carlton team; (23 named)
Anderson, Bradshaw, Cook, Donaldson, Ford, Graham, Henry, Hassett, Leach, Muir, Muir, McKay, McIntosh, McWilliams, R. W. Robertson, J. Robertson, Spear, Samuels, Shearer, Terry, Thornhill, Woodburn, Woods.
The Colac Herald May 26;
"Coming, however, to the present match we may say that we were rather disappointed in the visiting team, and this fact is borne out by the result of the match. It was certainly good of a number of strangers to come so far to treat the Colac people to an enjoyable game of football, and although they were not immerically weak they were so physically. Throughout the game Carlton had no show of winning the match, and next season they had better send up their first twenty, instead of their second."
Carlton lost; 0.1 - 5.17
Best; Hassett, Robertson, Spear, Muir

May 27
Carlton played South Melbourne at the East Melbourne Cricket Ground.
A beautiful day and hardly a breeze.
Crowd 14,000.
Goer won the toss and kicked down the slope towards the railway, play began at about 3.15pm.
A very close fought game that was not decided until the final moments when South kicked a couple of goals.
Poor kicking for goal was again a problem. The Blues missed a couple of sitters right in front when the ball twice slid from the player's hands just before getting a boot to it.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Baker, Barrass, Boyd, Bloomfield, Bailey, Coventry, Coulthard (Vice Capt.), Conway, Frayne, Goer (Capt.), Maloney, E. Murphy, McIntosh, O'Neil, O'Donnell, John Rickards, James Rickards, Smith, F. Spear, Wilson.
Emergencies; B. Murphy, Lacey.
Umpire; P. O'Neill
Carlton lost; 1.11 - 3.6. (Half time Carl. 1.7 - S.M. 1.3)
Goal; Baker.
Best; Coulthard, Barrass, Bailey, Bloomfield, Murphy, McIntosh, Wilson.
Players mentioned; (18) Goer, Frayne, Conway, Coulthard, Coventry, Maloney, O'Neil, John Rickards, Smith, Bailey, Harry Wilson, Baker, O'Donnell, McIntosh, Spear, Barrass, Bloomfield, Murphy.
Carlton Reserves played South Melbourne at Princes Oval.
Carlton Reserves won; 2.10 - 1.1
Best; Donovan, Spear, Doran, Woods, Graham
June 03Carlton played Melbourne at the M.C.G.
Crowd; 9,000.
Half time entertainment was a tug-of-war between two teams from Carlton and Melbourne football clubs.
Despite a more important match being played nearby on the East Melbourne ground between Essendon and South Melbourne which attracted 6500 spectators;
The Argus wrote;
"It is probable that even if the Melbourne and Carlton twenties were to sink to the level of junior teams, their matches would still for the sake of old associations be liberally patronised by the public. Many of the spectators at Saturday's match remembered having watched with even more interest than at the present similarly clad twenties struggling for supremacy in matches in which no single player among the forty who on Saturday carried their club colours took part.
Another reason for the good attendance was the fact that however unfortunate either club may have been in matches with other teams besides it's old rival, when coming together each always managed to present it's most formidable front, and consequently the matches always are, probably always will be, fraught with interest."
Neither team fielded it's best twenty, Conway and James Rickards did not play.
Umpire O'Neill was impartial, but he was far too lenient with infringements of the rules and failed to even pay one free kick!
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Bloomfield, Barrass, Boyd, Coulthard (Vice Capt.), Coventry, Conway, Frayne, Goer (Capt.), Maloney, E. Murphy, McIntosh, O'Neil, O'Donnell, James Rickards, John Rickards, Smith, F. Spear, Wilson.
Emergencies; Donovan, B. Murphy.
Umpire; P. O'Neill
Carlton won; 6.13 - 2.5 (Half time 2.8 - 2.4)
Goals; Baker 3, Rickards, A. Wilson, Coulthard.
Free Kicks: Carlton 0, Melbourne 0
Players mentioned; (18) John Rickards, Harry Wilson, Baker, Coulthard, Donovan, Maloney, Bailey, Barrass, B.Murphy, O'Donnell, Frayne, Bloomfield, Smith, O'Neil, McIntosh, Goer, Boyd, Coventry.
Others (2) E. Murphy and F. Spear, not mentioned, probably played.
June 09 FridayAt the V.F.A. meeting the Hotham delegate Mr. Jordan, proposed dividing the the game into quarters, this would eliminate one team having too much of an advantage with the wind.
The proposal was voted on with 7 votes for, and 3 against.
Football pioneer H.C.A. Harrison strongly argued against.
As an abolute majority is required to alter the laws, this proposal was defeated.
June 10
The Australasian reporting on the popularity of the game in Western Australia says that the game is still in it's infancy in Perth and loyalities are somewhat divided with the Australian game and Rugby.
"As to it's dominion football is played exclusively in Victoria, South Australia, and Tasmania; while in New South Wales, Queensland, and New Zealand it embraces half the playing talent, the other half being addicted to the Rugby game, the association game of Britain being scarcely known, and all the intercolonial matches even that with New South Wales, are played under it.
It must further be remembered that there are as many players in Victoria as in all the other colonies together, and that the sport is immensely popular with the public, who flock in crowds of from 10,000-15,000 to see a first-class match; whereas a Rugby Union game in Sydney, the stronghold of that code, a tenth part of that number would be a good gathering.
Moreover, from a player's point of view, it is much less intricate, and less dangerous, than the Rugby; and much more interesting owing to the absence of "off" and "on" side, and the multitude of scrimmages that characterise that game.
I would certainly say to my West Australian friends - if you want a game that will become popular with the public and players - a game with strong inherent vitality - go for the Victorian one which is the greatest athletic sucess of late years, and put aside any thought of the Rugby code, which is almost stagnant, if not actually losing ground, all over Australia, and which apparantly has had it's day, and soon, from present symptoms, will cease to be south of the line."
June 10
Carlton played Hotham at the East Melbourne C.G.
Crowd; 7,500.
The Blues won the toss and kicked to the railway end with the aid of a slight breeze.
Play got underway just after 3pm.
It was soon evident that the game was one sided and the Carlton supporters gave the Hotham blue and whites plenty of advice when the ball was at their end.
"Carlton were disciplined, spirited, and safe, making few mistakes, while Hotham, by comparison, played but little together, marked and kicked indifferently, and seemed to have no great relish for the rough and tumble work in which their adversaries were adepts."
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bloomfield, Barrass, Boyd, Bailey, Coventry, Coulthard, Conway, Frayne, Goer (Capt.), Murphy, Murphy, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, John Rickards, Smith, F. Spear, Wilson.
Emergencies; Donovan, Brooks
Umpire; J. Gibbons
Carlton won; 6.10 - 1.11 (Half time 5.7 - 0.2)
Goals; Coulthard 3 Baker 2, Bailey/Murphy. (Geelong Advertiser gave the goal to Murphy)
Best; Goer, Baker, Boyd (wing), Maloney, Rickards, Coulthard, Frayne.
Players menioned; (19) Bailey, Baker, Barrass, Bloomfield, Boyd, Conway, Coulthard, Coventry, O'Donnell, Frayne, Goer, McIntosh, Maloney, B. Murphy, Murphy, O'Neil, Rickards, Smith, H. Wilson. (plus probably F. Spear)
Carlton Reserves played Melbourne at Princes Oval.
Carlton team; (21 named)
Doran, Donovan, Ford, Graham, Goding, Hassett, Leach, Longstaff, Melville, Muir, McWilliams, Robertson, Robertson, Samuels, Spear, Slattery, Sutherland, Walsh, Woodburn, Woods, Wilmott.
No details
June 17
Carlton played East Melbourne at Princes Oval.
Crowd; 1,000.
Play was delayed till 3.40pm due to the lack of East Melbourne players.
Seven subsitutes had to be made and they started the game with 19 men.
Carlton had 18 as two of their players failed to arrive.
East Melbourne kicked to the cemetery end aided by the wind.
A dispute interupted the game for 15 minutes when Tuckfield of East Melbourne's goal was disallowed by the Carlton goal umpire. While the East Melbourne players were disputing the goal umpire's decision, the Blues immediately kicked off and rushed the ball up to the other end and scored a goal by McIntosh. The East Melburnians refused to play until the decision on the first goal was overturned. The game was stopped for a quarter of an hour. Some Carlton players said that the goal should be allowed, however the majority held that it was impossible to overule a decision of the umpire.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Boyd, Bloomfield, Barrass, Coulthard, Conway, Coventry, Donovan, Frayne, Goer (Capt.), Murphy, Murphy, Moloney, McIntosh, O'Neil, J. Rickards, J.Smith, F. Spear, Wilson.
Emergency; Graham.
Missing Carlton players unknown.
Umpire; George Robertson
Carlton won; 2.7 - 0.6. (Half time Carl. 1.4 - 0.5)
Goals; Baker, McIntosh.
Best; Baker, A. Wilson, McIntosh, Goer, Coulthard, Frayne.
No other players mentioned.
Carlton Reserves played East Melbourne at East Melbourne C.G.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Doran, Ford, Goding, Leach, Longstaff, Melville, McKay,McWilliams, J. Muir, Paterson, W. Robertson, Spear (Capt), Samuels, Slattery, Sutherland, Thornhill, Woodburn, Woods, Wilmott, Walsh
June 17
In Sydney the discussion is of which is the better game, Australian Football as played by the N.S.W. Football Association, or the Rugby code.The Australian Town & Country Journal has had an on-going debate between two writers calling themselves "Carlton" & "Emu."
The issue between them has been ongoing for three weeks, and this week "Carlton" has the final say.
To read click here>
June 21 Wednesday
The Norwood Football Club arrived from Adelaide on the S.S. Aldinga.
They were met by the committees of the Carlton and Melbourne clubs and driven to Garton's Hotel where their healths were proposed by Mr. H.C.A. Harrison.
Norwood are the premier club in Adelaide and will play matches against Carlton and Melbourne.
After expenses, all takings from these matches will be donated to Melbourne charities.
June 22 ThursdayThe Herald (p2) reported that the Carlton Football Club donated £16 to the Carlton Mechanics Literary Institute and Free Library.
June 23Friday's Herald reports that William Goer has resigned the captaincy of Carlton. The paper said that a new captain will be appointed on the Corio Ground tomorrow. The paper said Frayne, Coulthard and Baker are candidates for the vacancy.
June 24
Carlton played Geelong at the Corio Cricket Ground.
500 Carlton fans arrived in a special train from Melbourne which departed at 1.10pm and arrived in Geelong at 2.45pm.
"For some seasons past there has been a healthy rivalry existing, and occasionally vindictive play has been shown by Carlton, caused chiefly through the rabid clamorings of the club's supporters. This spirit was shown on Saturday, and the game nearly terminated in an unsatisfactory manner, through a dispute." (Geelong Advertiser June 26 p3)
Crowd; 5,500.
The match got underway at 3.20pm, with the Blues' John Rickards kicking off to the southern end.
A strong breeze was blowing across the ground providing no assistance to either team.
Just before half time the ball was kicked to a group of players "about 30 yards from the Geelong goal, and Harry Wilson of Carlton, by a sudden spring above the heads of those around him, cleverly secured a mark. In trying for goal, he kicked the ball so that it dropped just between the goal-posts, and then bounced through them, giving the first goal to Carlton, admist tremendous cheering from the Melbournites present." (Sportsman)
Rain during the break and into the second half made the ball heavy and slippery.
Umpire Sommers said he could not go on, and to Carlton's doubts for not wanting the match to be drawn, accepted Austin, a former Geelong captain as umpire.
Friday's Herald said W. Goer had resigned the captaincy and a new captain would be picked out of Coulthard, Frayne and Baker.
The Carlton Advertiser said;
"Owing to the state of the weather, darkness was stealing on at about 5 o'clock, when Mr. Sommers, who, up to that time, had acted as central umpire, complained of being "done up," and left the ground without informing either captain of his intention. At that juncture a stranger stepped into the arena and offered his services as umpire. After some time, Austin was sent to fill the vacancy, and when the ball was sent on its way again it could scarcely be seen. Some rough play took place in front of the Carlton goal, when one of the Geelong men got the ball, and deliberately threw it to Curdie, who kicked it to another player. Carlton appealed for a free kick under the circumstances, but although the umpire was fifty yards distance when the ball was thrown, and he could not see it, he disallowed the appeal, and gave a mark to Curdie, who sent the ball through the Carlton posts, amid the wildest expressions of joy from the Geelong supporters. That finished the match, making it a draw in favor of Carlton, the score standing - Carlton, 1 goal and 7 behinds; Geelong, 1 goal and 5 behinds.
It seems strange, to say the least of it, that Mr. Sommers, the central umpire, should resign his position at that stage of the game, especially for the reason given - exhaustion, as he is a trained athlete, who plays football, and goes in regularly for rowing, and other exercises."
The umpire came in for severe criticism by the Carlton men and their supporters who felt the Blues had been robbed of a victory by a partisan decision by a prominent Geelong clubman.
John "Jock" Robertson a first rate back from Hotham United.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Boyd, Bloomfield, Barrass, Coulthard, Coventry, Conway, Frayne, Goer (Capt), B. Murphy, E. Murphy, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Neil, John Rickards, J. Robertson, J. Smith, F. Spear, H. Wilson.
Emergencies; James Rickards, O'Donnell, Donovan.
Umpire; J. Sommers/A. Austin.
Match drawn; Carl. 1.7 - Geel. 1.6. (Half time Carl 1.3 - Geel 0.5)
Goal; H. Wilson 1.0, John Rickards 0.2 Baker 0.1, Coulthard 0.1 rest of behinds unknown
Best; B. Murphy, Barrass, Goer, Harry Wilson (BOG), Spear, Bloomfield, Frayne.
Players mentioned; (19) Rickards, McIntosh, Bailey, Conway, Coulthard, B. Murphy, Goer, Baker, O'Neil, Frayne, Barrass, Maloney, Robertson, Harry Wilson, Smith, Spear, Bloomfield, McIntosh, Coventry.
Carlton Reserves played the Brighton Football Club at Prince's Oval.
June 27 TuesdayThe Horsham Times reported a discussion between the secretary of the Carlton Football Club, M. B. Hearne and the secretary of the Horsham Football Club, Mr. W. J. Uren.
It was about members of the first twenty who are not selected in the first team, playing for the second twenty.
Hearne "agrees with the views lately expressed by Mr. Longden secretary of the Melbourne Football Club:-
The practice in this club is,
(1.) The second twenty is considered to be the next best twenty that can be got together in the club after the first twenty has been chosen, irrespective of one or more of them having at any time previously played with the first twenty.
(2.) The emergency men chosen for the first twenty are frequently allowed to play with the second twenty if not required to play in the match for which they may have been chosen as such an emergency.
(3.) It would, however, be manifestly unfair, in the event of a first twenty having no match on the date on which the second twenty may be playing, to swamp, so to speak, the second twenty with recognised first twenty players, but there can be no question raised regarding the status of either team should both meet engagements on one and same date."
June 29 Thursday
Norwood (South Australia) played South Melbourne.
The Gippsland Times said;
"Some decisions of Umpire Barrass, of the Carlton Club, were so grossly unfair to the visitors that the spectators demonstrated their feeling in a manner that could not be mistaken."
Norwood 2.5 defeated South Melbourne 1.10
July 01
The Argus classified ad. (p15)
Carlton F. C.
Tenders invited for the erection of Club Rooms at Prince's Oval.
July 01
Carlton played the Norwood Football Club at the M.C.G.
A poor attendance of 1500. (The Advertiser said 4,000 attended.)
Gate takings donated to charity.
Norwood were fresh from having beaten South Melbourne on Thursday.
Waldron won the toss and Norwood kicked with aid of the wind to the railway end.
Norwood played well although lacking the dash and precision of the Carlton team.
The South Australian Advertiser said,
"The quiet and gentlemanly game played by the Carltons was a marked contrast to the rough and unfriendly game played by the South Melbourne team on Thursday."
Kinsella was a recruit from North Geelong.
The Carlton team was selected at the Clyde Hotel on Friday evening. (The Clyde Hotel is still operating in 2021)
The Blues intend giving the Norwood team a picnic at Mordialloc.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Boyd, Bloomfield, Barrass, Coulthard, Coventry, Conway, Frayne, Goer, B. Murphy, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Neill, Jno. Rickards, Jno. Robertson, Smith, F. Spear, Wilson, Snodgrass.
Emergencies; O'Donnell, E. Murphy, Jas. Rickards, Donovan.
Umpire; E. Murphy
Carlton won; 4.19 - 0.6 (Half time Carlton 0.8 - Norwood 0.5)
Goals; Coulthard 2, A. Wilson, Rickards or Baker.
Players mentioned; (18) Goer, Murphy, Frayne, Coventry, Boyd, Rickards, Conway, Coulthard, Maloney, Bloomfield, Baker, Bailey, Robertson, H. Wilson, Barrass, Kinsella, McIntosh, O'Neil.
Carlton Reserves played Carlton Zingari at Princes Oval.
The Sportsman;
"The Carlton Zingari - which has only suffered a defeat once this season, met the Carlton 2nd. Twenty, on the Oval, last Saturday, and after a very exciting game, during which neither side had any perceptible advantage, the match ended in a draw each side obtaining 1 goal, Berry doing the needful for Zingari, and Slattery ditto for Carlton."
Match drawn. 1-1 (Half time Carl. 1-0)
Goal; Slattery.
Best and the only players mentioned; William Westwood, Walsh, Slattery, Donovan, and Spear.
July 04 Tuesday
"At the meeting of the Carlton committee on Tuesday night, it was unanimously agreed in their match against Hotham, on the 12th. August, to hand over to the Hotham Cricket Club their share of the proceeds towards improving their ground for next football season."(Weekly Times July 08 p12)
July 07 Friday
Carlton and South Melbourne were asked to donate the gate takings from the South Melbourne match next Saturday to the Victorian Rowing Association, both clubs refused.Melbourne and Essendon were willing to donate their gate takings.
July 08
"A curious request was made to the South Melbourne and Carlton clubs by the Rowing Association to hand over to them, as a benefit, their share of today's takings. The request was not complied with. The curious portion of the request is in the fact that the Rowing Association deprives all persons earning their livelihood by manual labour from competing for any trophies in rowing, on the ground that they are professionals, and yet they quite willing to take the money of the "professionals" (both of them being chiefly composed of working men), and offer its trophies amongst themselves."(Weekly Times July 08 p12)
July 08
Carlton played South Melbourne at the East Melbourne C.G.
There was some discussion if the game should ahead or be cancelled.
Despite the incessant rain a crowd of 6,000 attended, and the grandstands were packed.
One correspondent suggested that football must be a fascinating game, or, there are a lot of lunatics in this city as 2,000-3,000 people were prepared to stand in the outer and get soaked to the skin.
Just after the start, South Melbourne were fortunate to score their only goal.
It was not long into the game before the ground was turned into a sea of mud, and the players were slipping and sliding. The Blues had opportunities to score, but the heavy, waterlogged and greasy ball, made kicking very difficult.
With 5 minutes left in the game, Coulthard marked in front, 15 yards out, and scored the equaliser.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Barrass, Bloomfield, Bragge, Coulthard, Conway, Coventry, Frayne, Goer, B. Murphy, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, John Rickards, Robertson, Smith, F. Spear, Wilson.
Emergency; James Rickards.
Umpire; P. O'Neill
Match drawn; 1.8 - 1.4 (Half time Carl. 0.4 - 1.2)
Goal; Coulthard.
Best; Maloney (in the centre), Bloomfield and A. Wilson (followers)
Players mentioned; (15) Rickards, Wilson, Goer, Maloney, Bailey, Coventry, Coulthard, Bloomfield, O'Neil, Frayne, Conway, Murphy, Butler, Barrass, Baker.
Carlton Reserves played South Melbourne on the South Melbourne C. G.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Doran, Goding, Graham, Hassett, Leach, Longstaff, Melville, Muir, McKay, J. Rickards, G. Robertson, Spear, Slattery, Sutherland, Thornhill, Woods, Woodburn, Wilmott, Walsh, Westwood.
Emergencies; Anderson, Robertson.
Carlton won; 2.9 - 0.0
Goals; unknown
Best; Walsh, Robertson, Woods, Rickards, Spear, and Muir.
July 15
Carlton played Essendon at the East Melbourne C. G.
This was possibly the Dons' first victory over a Carlton senior team.
Weather was fine, but the ground was soft due to the recent rain.
Baker did not play.
Crowd; 10,000
Essendon won the toss and kicked with the wind to northern end.
Rickards kicked off at 3.15pm.
Essendon playing on their new home ground played a perfect game easily overwhelming the Blues.
Coulthard missed a couple of easy chances to goal early on.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg.)
Baker, Bailey, Bragge, Barrass, Bloomfield, Coulthard, Conway, Coventry, Frayne, Goer (Capt.), B. Murphy, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, John Rickards, Robertson, Smith, Spear, Wilson.
Emergency; James Rickards, J. Woods.
Umpire; A. Ley.
Carlton lost; 1.4 - Essendon 6.12 (Half time 0.1 - 3.8)
Goal; Coulthard.
Best; A. Wilson, Frayne, Maloney, O'Neil, Goer, Bailey.
Players mentioned; (16) John Rickards, Frayne, Coventry, Goer, Smith, Spear, Wilson, O'Neil, Bloomfield, McIntosh, Coulthard, Maloney, B. Murphy, Bailey, Robertson, Barrass.
Carlton Reserves played Essendon at Princes Oval.
Carlton Reserves won; 4-0.
Goals; Leach, Hassett, Woodburn, Slattery.
Best; Muir, Walsh, Melville, Slattery, Goding.
July 15
"A new feature in football this afternoon was that Mr. O'Neill the central umpire in the Melbourne and South Melbourne match, made his appearance in a neat uniform, consisting of light blue shirt, white knickerbockers and black stockings. The new idea was the cause of amusement and admiration." (Bendigo Advertiser July 17)July 20 Thursday
After investigation the charge against Bailey of Carlton for wilfully striking Cameron of South Melbourne in the face was dismissed.July 22
Changing ends after 30 minutes of play was once again brought up.The Australasian's Peter Pindar said;
"I see the question of changing ends more frequently was again considered, and with the result of things being allowed to remain in their present unsatisfactory condition, and I suppose we will now have to possess our souls in patience till the fog of an extreme conservatism be dispelled from the minds of a number of our worthy delegates, or till the place that knows them now shall know them no more, and others of more liberal views are to the fore."
July 22
Carlton played Melbourne on the M.C.G.
Weather fine, a brisk northerly breeze blowing goal to goal, and the ground was dry.
Crowd; 10,000
Frayne was the Blues only absentee, replacement unknown.
Rannard of Melbourne won the toss, kicked with the wind, and a desperate game developed.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg.)
Baker, Bailey, Barrass, Bloomfield, Coulthard, Coventry, Conway, Frayne, Goer (Capt.), B. Murphy, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, Rickards, Rickards, Robertson, Smith, F. Spear, Wilson.
Emergencies; Woods, Walsh
Umpire; E. Murphy.
Carlton won; 2.11 - 1.14 (Half time Carl. 0.4 - Melb. 0.7)
Goals; Bailey, John Rickards.
Best; Baker, H. Wilson)), G. Smith, O'Donnell, Bailey, Goer.
Players mentioned; (17) Goer, James Rickards, John Rickards, Spear, Bloomfield, McIntosh, Coulthard, O'Neil, Wilson, Bailey, O'Donnell, G. Smith, Baker, Maloney, Coventry, Murphy, Barrass.
July 29
Carlton played Sandhurst and Associated Clubs at Upper Reserve Sandhurst. (Bendigo)
The weather was mild, the ground was in good condition, and a crowd of 3,500 attended.
Goer won the toss and chose to kick to the southern end. Play began at 3.30pm.
Only 12 first twenty players took part in the game, and the Blues missed many opportunities to goal.
The teams were evenly matched.
The goal posts were only nine feet high, which made the goal umpire's job very difficult, especially judging those kicked on the angle.*
Coulthard had two goals which were not given.
Frayne, O'Donnell, Bailey, A. Wilson, and Coventry did not play.
Carlton team; (20 named + 3 emergs.)
Baker, Bailey, Barrass, Bloomfield, Baker, Conway, Coulthard, Frayne, Goer, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Neil, John Rickards, James Rickards, Robertson, Smith, Spear, Walsh, Wilson, Woods.
Emergencies; Woodburn, Graham, Wilmott.
Umpire; Mungovan
Match drawn; Carlton 2.16 - Sandhurst 2.5 (Half time Carl. 1.7 - 0.3)
Goals; John Rickards, Baker.
Players mentioned; (9) Goer, Rickards, Baker, Coulthard, Conway, Maloney, McIntosh, Robertson, Barrass
Carlton Reserves played Royal Park at Princes Oval.
.*In August the Ballarat club made arrangements to play the Sandhurst Association. The Ballarat secretary wrote to the Sandhurst Association enclosing the piece from the Sportsman newspaper regarding the height of the goal posts. and hoping that the problem would be rectified.
The Bendigo Advertiser (August 12) said,
"Such a stupid assertion as that contained in the Sportsman was quite in keeping with the ridiculous reports of the match which appeared in the other weekly papers.
If the posts were rather short, it was only to the advantage of the Carlton team, as had they been higher, what was recorded as the first goal for Carlton would have been merely a behind, as the ball would have struck the post."
August 05
Carlton played South Melbourne at the South Melbourne C.G.
Friday's Herald said it will be first time in three years the Blues had played there. The paper also said Frayne, O'Neil, and probably Bailey will be missing.
Weather fine and the ground was in good condition.
Crowd; 12,000.
Goer won the toss and kicked to the railway end.
Coulthard who had a roving commission was dangerous and scored an early goal with a nice place kick. He shortly scored another goal, this time from 60 yards out.
The Blues put on another two goals after the break to O'Donnell and Baker and led 4-2.
South not to be out done, with a withering burst late in the game slammed on four unanswered goals.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Barrass, Bloomfield, Conway, Coulthard, Coventry, Goer (Capt.), Murphy, Maloney, McIntosh, Tom Nosworthy, O'Neil, O'Donnell, Rickards, Rickards, Robertson, Smith, Spear, Wilson.
Emergencies; Woodburn, Walsh.
Umpire; P. O'Neill
Carlton lost; 4.10 - 6.9 (Half time Carl. 2.6 - S. Melb. 2.5)
Goals; Coulthard 2, O'Donnell, Baker.
Best; Baker, A. Wilson, Coulthard, Coventry.
Players mentioned; (17) Baker, Coulthard, O'Donnell, Wilson, Coventry, Goer, John Rickards, Barrass, Bloomfield, Murphy, Woodburn, Maloney, McIntosh, Smith, Spear, Robertson, Conway.
Carlton Reserves played South Melbourne at Princes Oval.
The Herald Friday 04 said Carlton Second Twenty were to play Brighton at North Brighton.
August 11 Friday
South Melbourne protested that Carlton had played Tom Nosworthy a Sandhurst player, without the permission of the V.F.A. on August 5.
The Association fined the Blues £5. ($10)
August 12Carlton played Hotham at the East Melbourne C.G.
Crowd; Between 1,000 - 1,500.
While this match was played on Essendon's home ground, Essendon played Melbourne on Carlton's Princes Oval.
Proceeds go to the development of the Hotham Football and Cricket ground.
A fight erupted not long after the start between A. Wilson and Ley of Hotham, then almost immediately after, Tankard and Couthard clashed.
This was to be George Coulthard's 140th. and last game.
"Tankard, one of the Hotham team, was thrown down in a scrimmage, and on rising he struck Coulthard of Carlton, who retaliated with his fists, and a fight occurred. The combatants were separated, and play was continued, but in the pavilion at half-time Coulthard challenged Tankard to fight either then or after the match, but Tankard refused. According to the latter's statement he was struck and thrown down by Carlton, and on rising feeling aggreived he struck Coulthard." (Bendigo Advertiser August 14 p3)
The V.F.A. suspended Coulthard and Tankard (Hotham) for fighting.
Hotham appealed and Tankard was later reinstated, but the V.F.A. refused to lift the ban on Coulthard, even though the Carlton champ had a clean record.
Coulthard later contracted tuberculous and died painfully in October 1883.
Hotham won the toss, and Robertson kicked off at 3.20pm.
The scores were not a true indication of the game. However, the Blues did make the most of their chances.
"Woodburn by a low quick kick scored the fourth goal, Bloomfield contributing a fifth. The ball was marked by Tankard, but the umpire (Mr. R. McInnis) ruled that it had gone past the posts."
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Bailey, Baker, Bloomfield, Conway, Coulthard, Coventry, Goer, Maloney, Murphy, McIntosh, Tom Nosworthy, O'Donnell, Rickards, Rickards, Robertson, Robertson, Smith, Spear, H. Wilson, Woods.
Emergencies; Woodburn, Walsh
Umpire; R. McInnis
Carlton won; 5.2 - 0.9 (Half time Carlton 3.1 - Hotham 0.4)
Goals; McIntosh 2, Coulthard, Woodburn, Bloomfield.
Best; Coulthard, Coventry, Rickards, Goer, Wilson.
Players mentioned; (12) Baker, G. Robertson, McIntosh, Maloney, Coulthard, Coventry, Wilson, Woodburn, Bloomfield, Rickards, Goer, Nosworthy.
In the first half, an incident occurred,
"While the ball was being thrown in onto the eastern boundary Tankard (Hotham) and Coulthard (Carlton) came to blows, but were quickly separated.
The crowd rushed the ground seeing the disturbance, and play was interrupted for some time"
(The Argus Monday 14th August Page 5)
"At the recent Carlton and Hotham match on the East Melbourne cricket ground, Tankard, in the heat of the moment, struck Coulthard in the face, and the latter retaliated in kind, further strife being at once stopped by their respective comrades."
Further on,
"Moreover, another part of the affair that strikes one with astonishment is, that they made distinction between aggressor and aggrieved. Now, there is a very manifest difference between the man who strikes a blow, however tempted. I think, in view of all things and especially of the fact of it's being the first offence, that a censure or short disqualification would have amply met the case, and in Coulthard's case, especially, it would have quite sufficient punishment, as he was first struck."
(The Australasian August 26)
Just earlier A. Wilson and Ley clashed, then,
"Shortly afterwards Coulthard and Tankard came to blows, and one of the most disgraceful affairs witnessed on a football field was enacted. The language used by one of the combatants was of a very low and filthy character. It is hoped that this matter will be brought under the notice of the Association, and in any case that body should take some action, otherwise respectable people will be obligied to absent themselves from football matches."
(The Sportsman August 16)
August 12; "A disgraceful scene occurrred at the East Melbourne Cricket ground to-day during the football match Carlton against Hotham. A disagreement occurred between Couthard, of Carlton, and Tankard, of Hotham, ending in a stand-up fight, which was put to a stop by the crowd rushing the ground."
(South Australian Advertiser, August 14)
The V.F.A. acted, and the following week matters reached boiling point.
Carlton Reserves played Melbourne Imperial at the back of the E.M.C.G.
August 18 Friday.
The V.F.A. met, and decided to suspend Coulthard and Tankard for the remainder of the season.Read the Herald's report of the VFA meeting, The VFA agreed to disqualify both players for three matches.
August 19Carlton were to play Melbourne at the East Melbourne Cricket Ground.
The Carlton committee would not take responsibility for playing Coulthard, and the Blues' players insisted on playing Coulthard, and defying the V.F.A. ruling.
Both teams were on the ground.
The Melbourne captain refused to play, except under protest.
The match did not take place.
Both the team and the committee regretted this action against Melbourne, their old foe and friend.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Barrass, Bloomfield, Coulthard, Conway, Coventry, Goer, Murphy, Maloney, McIntosh, Tom Nosworthy, O'Donnell, Rickards, Rickards, Robertson, Robertson, Smith, Spear, A. Wilson, Woods.
Emergency; Woodburn.
Carlton Second Twenty played Royal Park on Princes Oval.
Carlton disagreed with the V.F.A.'s decision to disqualify Coulthard for the remainder of the season for disorderly conduct.The twenty players chosen refused to take the field unless Coulthard was permitted to play.
The Carlton executive appeared to intend to secede from the V.F.A., but took no further action.
The Sportsman newspaper commenting on Carlton's decision said,
"Such action as this is not worthy of a club with the reputation of the Carlton, and it's members should be the first to uphold the rulings of the Association."
Carlton Reserves/Second Twenty played Royal Park on Princes Oval.
August 21 Monday
A letter to the editor of The Argus;
Sir, The Carlton Football Club, feeling dissatisfied with the recent action of the Victorian Football Association re the Coulthard enquiry, are taking steps to receive sworn evidence in the matter, and I am desired on behalf of the club to ask the public in the meantime to withold their judgment.
Yours, & c.,
M.B. Hearne, Hon.Sec. C.F.C.
Carlton, August 19
August 21 Monday
The Argus classified advertisment.
CARLTON FOOTBALL CLUB - Coulthard inquiry.
Evidence solicited. Select committee MEET on Tuesday evening, 8 o'clock, Clyde Hotel, Carlton.
M. B. Hearne, Hon. Sec.
August 21 Monday
The South Australian Register said;
"It is stated that the Carlton Club, which has been fined £10 for playing a man a second time who did not belong to the Club, intends to secede from the Association."
The unregistered player mentioned would be Nosworthy.
August 22 TuesdayA letter to the editor of The Argus from the Hotham F. C.
E. J. Lawrence, Hotham Hon. Sec., pleading on behalf of Joey Tankard that he should be let off with a lighter sentence than George Coulthard, as the latter was found guilty of using bad language.
To read the letter, click here>
August 22 Tuesday
A large meeting of Carlton members took place at the Clyde Hotel.
These members were upset at the treatment handed out to Coulthard by the V.F.A.
A "select committee" had been formed and by 9pm felt that they could not proceed any further. They took some evidence, in private, from one or two persons. It is understood that this will be added to at a further meeting.
These details have not been released to the press.

Trove; Melbourne Punch Aug 24
August 25 Friday
The Argus gives it's opinion on the Coulthard-Tankard affair in it's editorial."Football as played in Melbourne, appears to be degenerating from a fine manly game into an exhibition of unseemly brawling and brute force.
The public reserves and cricket grounds are occupied Saturday after Saturday by excited crowds and still more excited players. The latter quarrel violently amongst themselves, and many of them use the most offensive language, while the contagion of the passion spreads to the crowd, which howls and roars in it's excitement, and too frequently emulates the players in the use of bad language. The whole scene is one of noise, turmoil, and uproar, more in keeping with a street row than with the pursuit of a legitimate sport.The nuisance has been growing worse and worse, and the brawling culminated on Saturday week in a disgraceful scene on the East Melbourne ground.
In the midst of play, during a match between Hotham and Carlton; blows were exchanged between TANKARD, of Hotham, and COULTHARD, of Carlton; and the latter aggravated his offence by using language of a most improper kind, not once, but repeatedly. The matter was brought under the notice of the Football Association, which promptly disqualified both players for the remainder of the season, expressing the opinion at the same time, that COULTHARD was more to blame than the Hotham player.
We do not think the Assocation could have done less, and it might have been expected and that the decision would be acquiesced in and repected. But instead of that, we find the Carlton Club defying the Association and insisting on playing COULTHARD the very next Saturday in a match against Melbourne. The Melbourne team very properly refused to allow a proscribed player to take part in the game, and the match fell through. We trust that footballers generally will show no sympathy with the Carlton Club, but will make common cause in upholding the authority of the Association.
If football is to be a reputable game - if it is to be saved from the ruffianism which is fast corrupting it - such conduct as COULTHARD'S must be severely repressed. The Assocation, in the course that it has taken, has had the interests of the game and the reputation of the players alike at heart, and though it has roused itself to vigorous action rather late in the day, it ought to be thanked and applauded by footballers, as it assuredly is by the public.
The game must be played decently and respectably, or it will become a question whether it should be permitted at all in places of general resort."
For an amusing (?) take on FOOTBALLERS BEHAVING BADLY in 1882.Click here>
August 25 FridayV.F.A. special meeting held at Young and Jackson's Hotel, Swanston Street.
"A letter was read from G. Coulthard one of the Carlton players asking that the nature of a charge made against him at the preceeding meeting of the association might be clearly explained, and further that the association would favour him with their written decision on the occasion of having disqualified him for disorderly conduct in the field.
The secretary was instructed to provide the information required."
Others matters were on the night's agenda.
"At the completion of the meeting Mr. T. P. Power, one of the Carlton delegates, and Mr. H. H. Budd, representing Benalla, tendered their resignations as hon. treasurer and secretary respectively.
After expressing regret at the action taken, the association requested both gentlemen to reconsider the matter, and hold office at least until the close of the present season."
August 26
The South Australian Register commenting on the Coulthard-Tankard affair, and Carlton's subesquent refusal to play Melbourne said;
"The Executive of the Carlton Club, however, who, it appears (says The Argus), intend to secede from the Association, refused to take any action which would render them liable to further punishment pending their withdrawal, and as their players still remained obdurate, the teams (who were in uniform, ready to start) left the field, and an announcement was made that the match would not be played.
It is not known whether the Carlton Club intend to throw up their other engagements for the season, or whether their players will consent to take the field against other clubs without Coulthard's assistance."
August 26Carlton were to play Geelong at the East Melbourne C.G.
Carlton, because of the Coulthard situation also cancelled this match and Geelong played Hotham instead.
A mixed Carlton Firsts and Reserves played Britannia at Princes Oval.
Carlton won; 2 - 0
August 28 Monday
The Argus classified advertisement,
CARLTON FOOTBALL CLUB - Coulthard inquiry,- Select committee MEET to receive evidence This evening, 8 o'clock, Young and Jacksons Hotel, Swanston street.
M. B. Hearne, hon sec.
August 29 TuesdayThe Carlton Football Club backed down in defying the V.F.A.
The club decided to meet the rest of it's engagements without George Coulthard.
They were due to play East Melbourne, but this will now be changed to playing the Melbourne F. C.
The Sportsman newspaper congratulated Carlton, but says they should have taken this step earlier.
The paper commends those clubs which had refused to play the Blues while they were in revolt.
The Herald's report;
August 31 Thursday
The Bendigo Advertiser (p3) wrote;
Writing last night, our Melbourne correspondant says :-
The Carlton Football Club see on reflection that a mistake had been made in ignoring the decision of the association disqualifying Coulthard, owing to the fracas which occurred between that player and Tankard, and they have decided to complete the season without him. At the same time they do not admit that their crack was in the wrong, and have, in fact, absolved him from blame.
August 31 Thursday
A mixed team (seniors/reserves/others) from the Carlton F. C. played the junior team, Melbourne Imperial Trades.
Carlton team;
Goer, Bloomfield, Conway, Conway, Barrass, Tom Nosworthy, Woods, Spear, Spear, Hall, William Westwood, E. Snodgrass, Keefe, B. "Bluey" Flowers, Tulley.
A. Wilson was from the Star of Carlton.
Carlton had numerous shots at goal which resulted in behinds.
Rain stopped the game 20 minutes before time, with the Imperial team victorious.
Carlton lost; 0.12 - 1.5 (Half time Carl. 0.12 - Melb. Imps.1.0)
Best; Goer, Bloomfield, Tully, Conway, Spear.
September 01 Friday.V.F.A. Meeting at Young and Jackson's Hotel, Swanston street.
Carlton delegate T. P. Power resigned at the last meeting and Mr. T. J. Marshall would take his place.
The Hotham Football Club wrote and requested that the season ending disqualification against Tankard be overturned as from September 2nd.
Mr. H. H. Budd from Benalla, and Mr. B. Hall, Geelong, asked the association to refuse the request.
The request was put to a vote and passed 9-4.
A letter was then read from the Carlton Football Club that a similar concession be made to their player George Coulthard.
Carlton delegated Mr. Marshall said that in Coulthard's eleven year career no charge of a similar kind had been brought against him.
This was put to the vote, and rejected 7-6.
Carlton also had to pay a £15 ($30) fine for playing Tom Nosworthy, a former Sandhurst player, without obtaining permission from the Association.
Nosworthy's application for a permit was rufused, even though he had moved to live near Melbourne.
The V.F.A. decided that in future no permits will be issued after July 25.
September 02
The Australasian reports that the East Melbourne Football Club has disbanded.The members did not want the club demoted to junior status. The players have been playing each week against adversity and feel that if they had had their own ground, then the Oriental's fate may have been different.
The players can't play with another club this season, however, most will probably join the Melbourne club next year.
September 02
Carlton played Melbourne at the Melbourne Football Ground.
The ground is still in it's primitive condition of roughness.
Melbourne was due to play East Melbourne, but their demise opened a spot to play the Blues.
George Coulthard suspended.
One report said it was the largest crowd of the season.
The Australasian said at least 10,000.
The day was fine, and Carlton kicked with aid of a slight wind in the first half.
Frayne and Maloney did not play.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Barrass, Bloomfield, Conway, Coventry, Goer (Capt.), Murphy, McIntosh, O'Neil, O'Donnell, Rickards, Rickards, J. Robertson, Robertson, Smith, Spear, A. Wilson, Woods, Woodburn.
Emergencies; Walsh, Muir.
Umpire; H. C. A. Harrison.
Match drawn; Carlton 3.15 - Melbourne 3.9 (Half time Carl. 3.6 - 2.4)
Before half time, J. Robertson and Sloman (Melb) clashed, both taken from field and took no further part in the game. J. Robertson was badly cut and required stiches to his face.
Goals; Baker, James Rickards, Coventry.
Best; A. Wilson, Goer, Coventry, Baker, Bloomfield, Woods, O'Neil.
Players mentioned; (16) Bloomfield, Murphy, Baker, Bailey, O'Neil, James Rickards, Goer, J. Robertson, John Rickards, Conway, Wilson, McIntosh, Barrass, Coventry, Woodburn, Woods.
September 05 Tuesday
A meeting of George Coulthard's friends was held at the Clyde Hotel to consider the proposal of presenting him with a testamonial. The business was referred to a committee, which will be formed during the week. A few pounds have already been collected, which will probably be considerably increased.
September 09
Carlton played Essendon at Princes Oval.
"Only one football match of any importance was played here this afternoon, but as it was between Carlton and Essendon plenty of interest was taken in the match, and the spacious Princes' oval, or rather square, was surrounded by a thick ring of spectators." (Bendigo Advertiser September 11 p3)
A fine, dry day with a slight breeze. The turf was a little heavy due to recent rains.
Crowd; 8,000
Essendon were 2-1 favourites to win.
Carlton were weakened with the loss of Coulthard (suspended), Frayne, and Maloney.
F. Spear and J. Robertson were also unavailable.
To everyone's surprise the Blues kicking, little marking, and pace was superior to the Don's in the first half.
Half of Essendon's behinds were rushed by the Blues.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Barrass, Bloomfield, Coventry, Conway, Goer (Capt.), Murphy, J. Muir, McIntosh, O'Neil, O'Donnell, Jas. Rickards, Rickards, Spear, Spear, Smith, Wilson, Woods, Walsh.
Emergencies; Leach, Woodburn.
Umpire; P. O'Neill
Match drawn; Carlton 3.5 - Essendon 3.12 (Half time Carl. 1.3 - Ess. 0.2)
Goals; Jas. Rickards, A. Wilson, Bailey.
Best; Conway, A. Wilson, Baker, Barrass.
Players mentioned; (12) Bloomfield, McIntosh, Conway, Barrass, Wilson, John Rickards, Baker, Bailey, O'Neil, Coventry, Murphy, Woods.
September 16
Moves are afoot next year to promote the Richmond club to the senior ranks and a Fitzroy club maybe established next year.September 16
The Australasian reveals the voting results the V.F.A. went through to uphold the decision to suspended George Coulthard.For; Budd, Boyd, Swift, Hall, Major, Gilchrist, and Wynne.
Against; Harrison, Longden, Jordan, Lawrence, Hearne, and Marshall.
5/7ths. of the majority were delegates of country clubs, Horsham, Ballarat, Geelong, Benalla etc; while the minority were all entirely metropolitan clubs.
"The conclusion of the whole matter points very plainly to a reconstruction of the association, now apparently little better than a smaller circle into which are brought the various jealousies and petty personal interests of individual clubs, with a smattering of rival cricket concerns thrown in, and the substitution of a representative body, elected by the whole of the clubs, who would have the general interests of the game at heart, and not see it through the medium of club spectacles, or as the means of keeping their club's turfs during the unprofitable summer months."
September 16
Carlton played Geelong at the Corio Cricket Ground Geelong.
A special train left Spencer Street at 1.10pm for Geelong.
Crowd; 4,000.
A player named Brownlow named in Geelong team.
Goer won the toss and kicked to the Southern goal aided by a strong wind.
Walsh's goal from a mark, was a 60 yard drop kick.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Bloomfield, Barrass, Conway, Coventry, Goer, McIntosh, Murphy, Maloney, O'Donnell, O'Neil, Rickards, Rickards, Smith, Spear, Woods, Walsh, Woodburn, Wilson.
Emergencies; Spear, J. Muir.
Umpire; J.J. Trait.
Carlton lost; Carlton 3.6 - Geelong 4.20 (Half time Carl. 2.4 - Geel. 1.8)
Goals; Bailey, Baker, Walsh.
Best; Baker, Bailey, Maloney, Conway, Bloomfield, H. A. Wilson, Henry.
Players mentioned; (15) Goer, Bailey, Baker, Walsh, Maloney, Conway, Bloomfield, H. Wilson, O'Neil, Coventry, Frayne, Rickards, Barrass, Spear, Henry ( the newspapers said Henry is an assumed name.)
September 23
Carlton played South Yarra (23) at Princes Oval.
The ground was in good condition, however a gusty northerly wind was blowing across the ground which marred the spectacle.
Carlton kicked to the eastern goal, however South Yarra soon had the first goal on the board.
Barass in the second half got things off to a good start with a splendid run and kick.
Crowd; 2,000
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Bailey, Baker, Barrass, Bloomfield, Conway, Coventry, Goer (Capt.), Murphy, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Neil, O'Donnell, Rickards, John Rickards, F. Spear, J. Spear, Smith Wilson, Woods, Walsh.
Emergencies; J. Muir, Woodburn.
Umpire; Fitzgerald
Carlton won; 4.11 - 2.7 another report said 4.21 - 2.9 (Half time Carl. 1.5 - 2.3)
Goals; Bailey, J. Spear, Goer, F. Spear,
Players mentioned; (13) Bailey, Barass, Murphy, McIntosh, Wilson, John Rickards, J. Spear, Goer, F. Spear, Baker, Smith, Bloomfield, Maloney.
September 30
Carlton played Melbourne at Princes Oval.
Crowd; 5,000.
Donations collected for the Working Men's College. (Forerunner to R.M.I.T.)
The ground was in good condition and the grass had recently been trimmed by a flock of sheep.
Play commenced at 4pm. Melbourne kicked with a strong north west wind to the Cemetery end in the first half, which the Blues used to full advantage in the second half.
Bailey scored two quick goals after half time
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Baker, Bailey, Barrass, Bloomfield, Conway, Coventry, Goer (Capt.), Murphy, Maloney, McIntosh, O'Donnell, O'Neil, R. Richards/Rickards?, Jas. Rickards, Smith, G. (F?) Spear, J. Spear, Wilson, Woods, Walsh.
Emergencies; Woodburn, Muir, Jno. Rickards
Umpire; Fitzgerald.
Carlton won; 6.14 - Melbourne 3.12 (Half time Carl. 0.4 - Melb. 3.8)
The Age; Carl. 7.15 - 3.12 (the Blues kicking 7 goals in a row, no goal scorers mentioned.)
Goals; Bailey 2, O'Donnell, Goer, J. Spear, G (F?). Spear.
Best; Bailey, Conway, Maloney, O'Donnell, J. Spear, G. (F?) Spear.
Players mentioned; (15) Baker, Goer, F. Spear, James Rickards, Murphy, Frayne, Barrass, Conway, Maloney, O'Donnell, J. Spear, Bailey, Wilson, Bloomfield, Woods
October 03
The population of Melbourne and it's suburbs is estimated to be 284,874
October 07
Crowd; 1,500Handicappers; T. S. Marshall, T. P. Power, W. Donaldson
Starter; O. T. L. O'Brien
Judges; A. McHarg, G. Robertson
Carlton Football Club Handicap 100, 200, 300 yards for First and Second Twenties, to be decided by points.
First in each events 5 points; second, 3 points, and third, 2 points.
The winner in each event to receive 1 Pound.
First Prize; 4 Pounds and Gold Medal, Second Prize; 2 Pounds, Third Prize; 1 Pound.
Medals presented by Mr. Kennedy.
First Event; 300 Yards
1. Baker (13 yards), Coventry (10 yards), Walsh (scratch)
Second Event; 200 Yards
1. James Rickards (10 yards), 2. J. Baker (8 yards), 3. A. Coventry (6 yards)
Third Event; 100 Yards
1. A. Coventry (2 yards), 2. J. Baker (5 yards), 3. J. Rickards (6 yards)
Final Result;
1. Jack Baker (11 points), 2. Alick Coventry (10 points), 3. James Rickards (7 points)
100 Yards Maiden Race (for Members who have never won an advertised race)
First Prize; Trophy presented by J. Gardiner, Second; 1 Pound, Third; 10 Shillings.
1. J. Sutherland, 2. S. Bloomfield, 3. F. McIntosh
Drop-Kick at Football (for Second Twenty)
First Prize; 2 Pounds, Second Prize; 1 Pound, Third Prize; 10 Shillings
1. J. McWilliams, 2. J. Spear, 3. Muir.
Prize winners to kick off for Mr. V. Robertson's Trophy.
Carlton Football Club Handicap (100, 200,300 yards) for First & Second Twenties
To be decided by points; First, 5 points, Second 3 points, Third 2 points. The winner in each event to receive 1 pound.
First Event: First; J. Baker (13 yards), Second, A. Coventry (10 yards), Third, Walsh (scratch)
Second Event: First, J. Rickards (10 yards), Second, J. Baker (8 yards), Third, A. Coventry (6 yards)
Final Event: First, A. Coventry (2 yards), Second, J. Baker (5 yards), Third, Richards/Rickards (6 yards)
Total Points; First, J. Baker (11 points), Second, A. Coventry (10 points), Third, Rickards (7 points).
First Twenty Drop Kick
First, S. Bloomfield (62 yards 1 ft. 2 in.), Second, J. Rickards (60 yards 1 ft.), Third, J. Baker (51 yards 2 ft. 5 in.)
The prize takers for the First Twenty and Second Twenty Drop Kicks then kicked off;
First; J. Rickards (63 yards 3 ft. 7in.), Second, S. Bloomfield (62 yards 2.)
Carlton Advertiser 1882/Sportsman October 11 p4
"At the Carlton Football Club Sports on Saturday, the prize for a drop kick was won by Rickards with 63 yards."
(Bendigo Advertiser October 09 p2)
October 07
The Australasian's season review said of Carlton;"On paper, from first to last this season, Carlton has had about the strongest team on the arena, but lack of generalship has undoubtedly in large measure contributed to the second rate results achieved by the club.
Whether the experienced gained will bring about an improved condition of affairs remains to be seen, but it is highly improbable that the club's rightful position will ever be reasserted under existing circumstances; moreover, the difficulty can be solved without going outside of the club's own ranks.
The first match against Geelong was a very good proof that the old club is not dead yet, and only wants a little improved discipline to regain it's former prestige."
It's leading players have been H. Wilson, Bloomfield, Frayne, Baker, Maloney, Coulthard, Conway, Bailey, Goer, F. Spear, Barrass, Smith, O'Neill, McIntosh, O'Donnell, and Coventry.
Major goal kickers; Coulthard 14, Baker 11, Bailey 8, John Rickards 6.
Blues named among the better players in the Association;
Harry Wilson, Bloomfield; followers.
Maloney, Frayne; backs.
Coulthard, Baker; forwards.
Conway, Bailey; the general proficiency division.(?)
The Carlton Story. Hugh Buggy and Harry Bell. Pages. 51, 52, 53, 259.
Mullin's Footballers Australian Almanac of 1951. Page 66.
Everything You Wanted To Know About Australian Rules Football But Couldn't Be Bothered Asking. Graeme Atkinson. Page 100.
The Argus 1882 editions.
The Carlton Advertiser and Trades Advocate.
The Sportsman, 1882 editions.
The Australasian, 1882 editions.
The South Australian Register, 1882 editions.
The Launceston Examiner, 1882 editions.
The Age, 1882 editions.
The Gippsland Times, 1882 editions.
The Australian Town & Country Journal (N.S.W.), 1882 editions.
The Horsham Times, 1882 editions.
Bendigo Advertiser, 1882 editions.
The Herald, 1882 editions.