Carlton Football Club Trainers


1885 - 1900 Henry J. "Bonner" McKay also club's Property Master.

1892 Sam English trainer

1889 Alex McKay trainer

1899 George Weeks (trainer)

1902 McKay, Thompson, Wilkinson

1904 C. Tiley (amateur trainer) Stephen Turner (hon. massuer) P. J. Blakemore (first aid assistance)
Harry Sampson (1906-1943)
Hon. Massuer: Stephen Turner
First Aid Assistance: P. J. Blakemore
Hon. Medical Officer: Dr. R. H. Strong

1906 - 1944
"Mr Harry Sampson, head trainer of the Carlton Football Club has tendered his resignation to the committee after 38 years' service." (The Argus 7 Nov 1944)
Passed away circa 23 May 1953

Alex McKay now in his 20th year as a trainer.
A. Boyd, N. Bragge, Bert Snell, Harry Sampson, P. Lanigan, H. Hawley.
Harry Sampson was the caretaker of the Fitzroy ground way back in 1883 when Jack Worrall came to Brunswick Street. (Herald April)

1913 A. Sampson, B. Snell, Stanhope, Hawley, Wilkinson

1915 A. Snell, J. Walsh, S. Gray, S. Barrie. C. Campbell, P. Sweet, A. Lingington hon. assistants

"At one time when players were disabled, trainers dashed on to the field and rubbed their stomachs. That treatment was the cure-all, even if the players' injury was a sprained ankle. The method is different nowadays, and the trainer seizes the player's legs as if they were part of a wheelbarrow and almost stands him on his head. He argues that this movement sends the blood back to the head." (Herald July 28 p3)

1921 W. Colenso, E. Leslie

The Argus May 1947, Charlie Anderson has been the head trainer at Carlton for 22 years.
To read the article, click here> http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article22429808

1924 In the Carlton report for the AGM, "The training staff composed of Messrs; Harry Sampson, Campbell, Clarke, Gillet, Colenso, Mahoney and Pepperall did fine work." (Sporting Globe Feb 13)

1925 Ted Leslie has gone to Hawthorn as head trainer.

"George Hamil, one of the Carlton Football Club trainers, completed his eighth year, and becomes a life member of the club. All seven trainers are now life members, and their periods of service aggregate 111 years.
They are;- H. Sampson, head trainer (30 years); C. Campbell (23 years); W. Clarke (17 years); R. Place (12 years); C. Anderson (11 years); P. Gillet (10 years); and G. Hamil (8 years)" Argus May 06 (p18)

Trainers: Charlie Anderson, C. Campbell, W. J. Clark, P. Gillet, W. Hamill, R. Place

1941 Death of Alexander McKay former long serving Head Trainer and Carlton Life Member (Age July 25 p6)

Bert Deacon, Charlie Anderson and Ern Henfry, September

George Harrison, Carlton Football Club massuer

1951: Charlie Anderson (Head Trainer), Harry Crompton, George Harrison, Ron Kee, Hector Maggs, Bob Sutcliffe.

Training Room Staff: C. Anderson (Head), H. Crompton, G. Harrison, Ron Kee, H. Maggs, R. Sutcliffe and R. Vincent.
Hon. Chiropodist: A. Emery

1956 Noel "Nobby" O' Brien with Charlie Anderson
1956 Noel Nobby O'Brien Charlie Anderson Age April 06 Capture

New Trainer's Uniforms

Ted Harrison (1954-1974)
Ossie Vincent (1957-1980)
Perc Gillett
George Hamill (In 1937 he received life membership.)
George Harrison
Ron Kee
Graham McColl
Jim Taylor
Hugh Turner
Kevin Bogle
Bill Clark 1919 - at least 1946
Harry Crompton
Hec Maggs circa 1946 -
John Lamont
Alex McKay
Ralph Place 1938
Mick Scanlon
David Scanlon
Sean Scanlon
Peter Sullivan
Keith Leach
Percy Sweet
Ron Vincent
Gary Boucher
Rohan Bromley
Tom McLeod
Russell Roberts
Eric Mushins (1994 - Current)
Ray Spiteri (Head Trainer 1998-Current)
Paul Danzi
John Faulkner
Rob O'Gorman
Greg Jarvis
Simon McDonald
Sam Kouroumalis (1999 - Current)
Brett Parry
Ross Tripodi
Mark Walsh
Alysha Cliff
Simon Ward (1999 - 2007)
Tony Wullaert (2006 - Current)
Adam Doherty (2001-02)
Dan Rgalski
Henry Phillips
Adam Winch
Derek Cramer (1978-1983)

1965: George Christie (according to Dennis Munari George was partly responsible for getting him to Carlton and that Christie was mainly a Reserves' trainer.)

1976: R.Vincent (Head), R. Ebbage, G. Harrison, J. Taylor, R. Lambert, G. McColl.

1978: R.Vincent (Head), R. Ebbage, G. Harrison, J. Taylor, G. McColl, R.Lowrie.
1979: R.Vincent (Head), J.Taylor, G.McColl, J.Kidney & J.Carney (Training Room Supervisor).

1981: Ron Vincent (Head), Jim Taylor, G. McColl, Mick Scanlon, Leon Bazin, Albert Young, Keith Leitch & Henry Phillips.
1981: Training Room Manager: Jack Carney

2009: Head Trainer: Ray Spiteri

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Page last modified on Tuesday 11 of February, 2025 17:50:52 AEDT by blueycarlton.