
2012 Records

Records Created / Broken in 2012
OpponentRecord Fixture Record Previous Record
Port Power End to Winning Streak Round 10, 2012 5 games straight N/A
Hawthorn Continued record losing streak Round 14, 2012 9 games straight N/A
N/A Most Consecutive Games - Kade Simpson Round 15, 2012 158 games straight N/A
N/A Guernsey Games Record - Bret Thornton Round 18, 2012 188 games Bob Green - 187 games
N/A Guernsey Games Record - Eddie Betts Round 19, 2012 162 games Ian Collins - 161 games

Book of Records | Season 2012
Contributors to this page: molsey .
Page last modified on Thursday 13 of September, 2012 18:44:22 AEST by molsey.