
1933 Reserves

Reserves Season 1933
Coach: Colin Martyn
Captain: TBD
Best & Fairest: TBD
Position: 6th
Premier: Melbourne

After six years as Reserves coach Jimmy Goonan has retired from playing. His services will be retained as a vice president of the Reserves team.(Herald March 22 p3)

March 27
Training began under new coach Colin Martyn
Office bearers;
President: W. L. Hayes
Vice Presidents; F. Finch, J. Newbold, C. Craig, J. Goonan
Committee: W. Hynson, H. Simmons, A. Holdsworth, H. Toole.
Treasurer: E. Overend
Secretary: W. T. Henry
At the AGM;
W. P. Cain's trophy for best junior player; W. J. Hale
W. H. Millson's trophy; most regular attendance at training, W. L. Mills
Four Years Certificate; W. A. Clarke
(Sun March 01 p21)

Carlton Final List


A. Martyn, L .C. Oprey, Gilby, Kelly, Huxtable, Shea, Kelleher, Skuce, Crisp, Green, Johnson, Pollock, Davey, Young, R. Cooper, Street, Gill, Vallence, Crowe, Mackie, Park, Egan, Little, Bullen, Arthur, A. Clark, Haskell, Downs, Scharp, Dickenson.

New Players

Bawden (Leongatha), Bloomer, J. Boland (Prestige), McIntosh, and Hale (all second 18), J. Cooper (Tungamah), Dixon (Shepparton), G. Docherty (Beulah), Dobson (West Ports), Harvey (Traralgon), Hillard (Kew), Maskell (Geelong), Mills (Koo-wee-rup), McBeth (South Ports), McMahon (Melbourne seconds), Sheeran (Banks).

Practice Match April 22

Backs; Crowe, Gill, Park
Half backs; Huxtable, Mackie, Gilby
Centres; Kelly, Little, Oprey
Half forwards; Shea, Green, Crisp
Forwards; R. Cooper, Vallence, Pollock
Followers; Sheeran, Kelleher
Rover; McBeth

Blue & White
Backs; Jackson, A. Martyn, Street
Half backs; Bawden, Egan, Hale
Centres; McIntosh, Arthur, Primmer
Half forwards; Dobson, Harry, Skuse
Forwards; Downs, Dockerty, Bullen
Followers; Davey, Johnson
Rover; Clark
After half-time Young, Haskett, Sharp, Dickinson, Dixon, Bloomer, J. Cooper, Hillard, Maskell, Mills, McMahon, and Hawkins will be tried.

April 29
Opening round of the season
Carlton played South Melbourne at South Melbourne
Carlton team; (26 named)
From; V. Arthur, Baird, Bloomer, Caddaye, Cooper, Dickenson, Dougherty, Egan, Gilby, Goater, R. Green, Hale, Hildyard, Job, Lunt, Lynch, C. Martyn, Maskell, McBeth, McIntosh, McLaren, Pollock, Rowe, Quinn, Young, Williamson
A vigorous game in which South fielded a team which contained many senior players.
A. Martyn played, he was not named in the 26.
Carlton lost by 21 points; 3.12.30 - 7.9.51 (Qtr time 3.2 - 5.5)
Goals; Quinn 2, Hillyard
Best; A. Martyn, Hale, Young, Quinn, C. Martyn, Bloomer
Played 1, Won 0, Lost 1, For 30, Against 51, 58.82%, Points 0

May 6
Carlton played Hawthorn at Princes Park
Hawthorn won in the air, and on the scoreboard in a hard fought game.
Carlton team; (23 named)
From; Adams, Bloomer, Boland, Caddaye, J. Cooper, Dougherty, Fawcett, Goater, R. Green, Hale, Hillyard, Job, Kelleher, Lynch, A. Martyn, C. Martyn, Maskell, Macbeth, McLaren, Pollock, Quinn, Rowe, Young
The following players are to play with Ivanhoe; Hill, Forrest, Gilby and Baird.
Umpire; McLatchie
Carlton lost; 12.12.84 - 14.8.92
Goals; Hillyard 5, Quinn 3, Doherty 2, Pollock, Cooper
Best; Young, Hillyard, C. Martyn
Played 2, Won 0, Lost 2, For 114, Against 143, 79.72%, Points 0

May 13
Carlton played Geelong
Playing on a waterlogged ground, soccering the ball was the order of the day.
The Blues led 4.10 to 3.3 at half time.
Carlton scored one behind in the third term, and managed 2.0 in the final quarter.
Carlton team; (24 named)
From; Adams, Bloomer, Boland, Caddaye, Collick, J. Cooper, Crowe, Doherty, J. Gilby, Goater, R. Green, Hillyard, Job, Lunt, Lynch, K. Mackie, C. Martyn, Maskell, Mills, McLaren, Quinn, Rowe, Samblebe, Young
Carlton lost; 6.11.47 - 12.10.82
Goals; Mackie, Lynch, Hillyard, Mills, Quinn, Adams
Best; McLaren, Mills, Bloomer, Pollock, Dougherty, Job
Carlton last
Played 3, Won 0, Lost 3, For 161, Against 225, 71.55%, Points 0

May 20
Carlton played Essendon
The Blues kicked with the wind, their high marking and surer ball handling skills coming to the fore.
Carlton scored 7.5 to 2.2 in the opening term.
The Reserves opened their account for 1933.
Carlton team;
Backs; Crowe, Bloomer, Green
Half backs; Hillard, Batchelor, Young
Centres; Doherty, A. Martyn, Mills
Half forwards; Mackie, Maskell, Gilby
Forwards; Arthur, Goater, Cooper
Followers; Kelleher, Pollock
Rover; Quinn
Emergencies; Lynch, Job, Adams, Rowe, McLaren, Lunt
To play with Ivanhoe; Bolan, Hill, Morris, Vicary, Caddaye
Carlton won; 20.17.137 - 10.10.70
Goals; Mackie 8, Hillyard 6, Quinn 3, Batchelor 2, Dougherty
Best; Young, Mackie, Hillyard, Batchelor, Quinn, Crowe
Carlton tenth
Played 4, Won 1, Lost 3, For 298, Against 295, 101.01%, Points 4

May 27
Carlton played Collingwood
Collingwood were undefeated and every Carlton player played well.
The game was even early, but the Blues' high marking and kicking came to the fore.
At half time Carlton led 7.11 to 4.11
The high marking of Cooper and clever play around the goals by Batchelor was a treat.
Carlton team; (22 named)
From; Adam, Batchelor, Bloomer, J. Cooper, Crowe, Doherty, A. Egan, F. Gilby, Goater, R. Green, Hillyard, Job, Kelleher, Little, Lynch, K. Mackie, C. Martyn, Pollock, Rowe, Samblebe, Quinn, Williamson
To play with Ivanhoe; Caddaye, Boland, Forrest.
Carlton won; 16.21.117 - 12.12.84
Goals; Cooper 5, Batchelor 4, Mackie 3, Quinn 2, Pollock, Adams
Best; Cooper, Batchelor, Pollock, Green, Williamson, Bloomer
Carlton tenth
Played 5, Won 2, Lost 3, For 415, Against 379, 109.49%, Points 8

June 3
Carlton played Melbourne at Princes Park
A large crowd attended a gruelling, and congested match.
After a fairly even first half, Melbourne got out to a five goal lead during the third term. Carlton then hit back with seven goals straight and only one point separated the sides at three quarter time.
In the last term, the Blues led by 16 points with only ten minutes left and looked the winners, but they faded when Melbourne put the pressure on.
Carlton team;
Backs; Williamson, Rowe, Kelleher
Half backs; Bloomer, Park, Adam
Centres; Lynch, Martyn, Oprey
Half forwards; Hillyard, Doherty, Arthur
Forwards; Batchelor, Boland, Leffanue
Followers; Pollock, Job
Rover; Quinn
Emergencies; Goater, Lunt, Baxter, Caddaye
To play with Ivanhoe; Hill and Forrest
Carlton lost; 14.15.99 - 17.13.115
Goals; Batchelor 4, Boland 4, Lynch, Doherty, Leffanue, Hillyard, Goater, Pollock
Best; Pollock, Kelleher, Batchelor, Bloomer, Boland.
Carlton tenth
Played 6, Won 2, Lost 4, For 514, Against 494, 104.04%, Points 8

June 10
Carlton played St.Kilda at Princes Park
Both teams showed glimpses of good form in a scrambling type of game.
Carlton team;
Backs; Crowe, Haskett, Kelleher
Half backs; J. Morrissey, Egan, Bloomer
Centres; Lynch, C. Martyn, Arthur
Half forwards; Adams, Doherty, Hillard
Forwards; Leffanue, J. Cooper, Sherman
Followers; Pollock, Job
Rover; Batchelor
Emergencies; Rowe, Boland, Lunt, Goater, Quinn, McLaren
To play with Ivanhoe; Caddaye, Hill, Morris
Carlton won; 16.10.106 - 10.15.75
Goals; Boland 7, Cooper 2, Egan 2, Quinn 2, Arthur, C. Martyn, Morrissey
Best; Colin Martyn (BOG), Boland, Arthur, Kelleher
Carlton seventh
Played 7, Won 3, Lost 4, For 620, Against 569, 108.96%, Points 12

June 15
C. F. Williams (Carlton Seconds) granted a transfer to Prahran (Age p5)

June 17
Carlton played Footscray
The Blues played better football but trailled by 5 points at half time.
Scores were level at three quarter time. In a hard fought final term, Footscray's greater fitness overcame the Blues.
Carlton team; (24 named)
From; Adams, Arthur, Bloomer, Boland, Cooper, Caddaye, Doherty, Egan, Goater, Haskett, Hale, Kelleher, Leff anue, Job, Lynch, Lunt, McLaren, C. Martyn, A. Martyn, Oprey, Pollock, Quinn, Sheahan, Young
To play with Ivanhoe; Hill, Forrest, Fawcett
Carlton lost; 10.10.70 - 11.18.84
Goals; Goater 2, Lunt 2, Boland 2, Egan 2, Cooper, Adams
Best; Job (followed splendidly), Dougherty, Egan, Adams, Oprey, Bloomer (a fine defender)
Carlton eighth
Played 8, Won 3, Lost 5, For 690, Against 653, 105.66%, Points 12

June 24
Carlton played North Melbourne
A fairly even, hard scrambling game.
Carlton team; (22 named)
From; Adams, Baker, Bloomer, Boland, Caddaye, J. Cooper, Doherty, Forrest, Harry (from Traralgon), Hale, Haskett, Hughson, Job, Lunt, Lynch, A. Martyn, C. Martyn, McLaren, Pollock, Quinn, Treweek, Young
Carlton won; 13.19.97 - 10.12. 72
Goals; Pollock 4, Lunt 2, Quinn 2, Boland 2, Doherty, A. Martyn, Forrest (The Age; Quinn 1, Trewick 1)
Best; A. Martyn, C. Martyn, Pollock, Quinn, Harry, Trewick
Carlton seventh
Played 9, Won 4, Lost 5, For 787, Against 725, 108.55%, Points 16

July 1
Carlton played Fitzroy
The Blues played to position and were better in the air.
Carlton team; (24 named)
From; Adams, Bloomer, Boland, Boyd, Caddaye, Cooper, Downs, Goater, Hall, Harry, Hughson, Job, Little, Lynch, Lunt, A. Martyn, C. Martyn, Morris, McDonald, McLaren, Pollock, Quinn, Treweek, Young
Carlton won; 10.13.73 - 9.14.68
Goals; Cooper 2, Goater 2, Downs 2, Boland 2, Treweek, Adams
Best; Little, Bloomer, A. Martyn, Job, Goater
Carlton sixth
Played 10, Won 5, Lost 5, For 860, Against 793, 108.44%, Points 20

July 8
Carlton played Richmond
The Tigers led all day except for the final few minutes.
Carlton team; (25 named)
From; Adams, Bloomer, Boland, Caddaye, J. Cooper, Doherty, Downs, Goater, J. Green, Hale, Harry, Job, Lemmon, Little, Lunt, Lynch, A. Martyn, C. Martyn, McDonald, McLaren, Oprey, Pollock, Quinn, Treweek, Young
Carlton won; 8.14.62 - 8.10.58
Goals; Quinn 2, Downs 2, Adams, Harry, Treweek, Lynch
Best; Oprey, Pollock, Bloomer, Downs, Quinn, Harry
Carlton sixth
Played 11, Won 6, Lost 5, For 922, Against 851, 108.34%, Points 24

July 15
Carlton played South Melbourne
The Blues got off to a great start by scoring 7.4 to 1.3 in the first quarter.
Carlton then held off South's attacking moves in the remainder of the game.
Bloomer played a great game at centre half back, repelling many of the moves of the Southerners, and he saved the game in the final quarter.
Carlton team;
Backs; A. Martyn, A. Lew strong?, Caddaye
Half backs; Young, Bloomer, Hale
Centres; Oprey, Boyd, Lynch
Half forwards; Adams, Harry, Treweek
Forwards; Quinn, Sinnott, Cooper
Followers; Job, Pollock
Rover; Downs
Emergencies; J. Goater, McDonald, Lunt, Hill, McLaren, Forrest
Carlton won; 11.14.80 - 10.7.67
Goals; Sinnott 4, Cooper 2, Downs 2, Lynch, Adams, Quinn
Best; Bloomer, Quinn, Young, Harry, Job
Carlton fifth
Played 12, Won 7, Lost 5, For 1002, Against 918, 109.15%, Points 28

July 22
Carlton played Hawthorn at Glenferrie
The team met at the ground at 1.45pm, catching the train to Glenferrie Station.
Carlton team;
Backs; A. Martyn, Doherty, Lynch
Half backs; J. Young, Bloomer, Hale
Centres; Little, Boyd, Treweek
Half forwards; Sinnott, Harry, Adams
Forwards; Quinn, J. Cooper, Caddaye
Followers; McLaren, Street
Rover; Leffanue
Emergencies; Goater, Forrest, Samblebe, Hill, Lunt, Hodgkins
Carlton lost; 11.18.84 - 12.13.85
Best; Leffanue, Harry, Mills, Quinn
Carlton seventh
Played 13, Won 7, Lost 6, For 1086, Against 1003, 108.27%, Points 28

July 29
Carlton played Geelong at Princes Park
Despite the ground conditions, a good match was played with never more than two goals separating the teams.
Carlton team; (27 named)
From; Adams, Boyd, Bloomer, Boland, Cooper, Caddaye, Doherty, Forrest, Goater, J. Green, Hale, Harry, Hughson, Job, Giffen, Little, Lunt, Leffanue, Lynch, McLaren, Martin, Mills, Pollock, Quinn, Sinnott, Treweek, Young
Carlton won; 8.13.61 - 8.11.59
Goals; Sinnott 2, Quinn 2, Harry, Cooper, Mills, Pollock
Best; Job, Quinn, Young, Hale, Pollock, Cooper
Carlton sixth
Played 14, Won 8, Lost 6, For 1147, Against 1062, 108.0%, Points 32

August 5
Carlton played Essendon at Essendon
A fast paced match with high marking and long kicking being a highlight.
Carlton team; (23 named)
From; Adams, Boyd, Caddaye, J. Cooper, Doherty, Forrest, J. Green, Goater, Hale, Harry, Hodgkins, Hughson, Little, Leffanue, Lunt, Mills, Maskell, McDonald, McLaren, Sinnott, Trewick, Vaughan, Young
Carlton won; 16.14.110 - 7.8.50
Goals; Lynch 3, Adams 3, Green 2, Job 2, Hughson 2, Harry 2, Sinnott 2
Best; Mills, Maskell, Job, Little, Treweek, Sinnott
Carlton sixth
Played 15, Won 9, Lost 6, For 1257, Against 1112, 113.03%, Points 36

August 12
Carlton bye

August 19
Carlton played Collingwood at Victoria Park
A game that was close throughout due to the 'Wood's terrible kicking.
Carlton team; (24 named)
From; Adams, Boyd, Caddelaye, J. Cooper, Drew, Doherty, Goater, J. Green, Hale, Harry, Hughson, Job, Leffanue, Lynch, Maskell, Mills, McLaren, Oprey, Pollock, Quinn, Sinnott, Street, Treweek, Young
Carlton lost; 8.7.55 - 6.28.64
Goals; no details
Best; Young, Pollock, Hughson, Leffanue, Job, Hale
Carlton sixth
Played 16, Won 9, Lost 7, For 1312, Against 1176, 111.56%, Points 36

August 26
Carlton played Melbourne
The Blues with their surer ball handling and team work were the better team in the first half. Melbourne's strength wore the Carlton side down after half time.
Carlton team; (24 named)
From; Adams, Boland, Boyd, Caddaye, Cooper, Doherty, Hall, Harry, Job, Lambrick, Leffanue, Lunt, Lynch, Maskell, Mills, Movient, McDonald, McLaren, Pollock, Sanvleve?, Sinnott, Quinn, Vaughan, Young
Carlton lost; 11.8.74 - 14.11.95
Goals; Leffanue 3, Warne 2, Caddaye, Sinnot, Boland, Lunt, Toole, Lambrick
Best; Leffanue, Doherty, Job, Forrest, Young, Hale
Carlton sixth
Played 17, Won 9, Lost 8, For 1386, Against 1271, 109.04%, Points 36

September 2
Final round of the season.
Carlton played St.Kilda
St.Kilda kicked with the wind and wasted opportunities by scoring 4.11 - 0.2.
The Blues recovered to be 10 points down at half time.
The Saints then kicked away with nine goals in the third term.
The big win boosted St.Kilda's percentage enough to make the final four.
Carlton team; (28 named)
From; Adams, Bloomer, Boland, Boyd, Caddaye, Cooper, Doherty, Fawcett, Forrest, Goater, Hale, Harry, Job, Lambrick, Lunt, Lynch, Mills, McDonald, McLaren, Pollock, Quinn, Rowe, Sambleve, Sinnott, Treweek, Vaughan, Warne, Young
Carlton lost; 7.14.56 - 17.24.126
Goals; no details
Best; Young, Harry, Sinnot, Job, Treweek, Cooper
Carlton sixth
Played 18, Won 9, Lost 9, For 1452, Against 1397, 103.93%, Points 36

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Contributors to this page: blueycarlton , Jarusa and molsey .
Page last modified on Thursday 09 of May, 2024 11:42:03 AEST by blueycarlton.