Image; courtesy web site
1883 'Professor' William Miller
DOB: December 16 1846 Liscard UK
DOD: March 11 1939 Baltimore USA
Family emigrated to Victoria when he was 5 years old.
1883: A report of the benefit concert for Joe H. Henry said the Carlton footballers went through their dumb bell routine under the direction of their instructor, Professor Miller.
(Australasian July 21 1883 p13)
The Sporting Globe February 10 1945 (p4) in an article on Melbourne in the 1890's says;
"Professor Miller, physical culturist, boxer, and wrestler of note, spent a number of years here in his prime. He fought and defeated Harry Foley for the heavy weight championship of Australia. His forte, however, was wrestling, in which he excelled, having few equals. He acted as an instructor to the police, military, and sundry schools. His father a professor in education, was the principal of King's College, Nicholson Street, now a Salvation Army home. Miller died in America some years ago, age 84."

(Trove) Melbourne Punch Sept 29 1887/ Sporting Globe June 26 1926
1885 Henry J. "Bonner" McKay, also spelt MacKay
Born circa 1858, aged 72 in 1930.
"With Gilbertian humor, the players of the eighties christened H. McKay, their trainer, "Bonner," simply because he was physically the direct antithesis of the international cricketer." (Referee, Sydney March 03 1915)
His nick-name "Bonner" was given to him by Carlton legend George Coulthard.
In 1885 McKay was property master and trainer at Carlton, a position he held until 1900. He also played football for the Carlton second twenty side.
1887 Trainers "Bonnor" McKay and J. T. Kennewell
1888 Sam English
The Australian Star (Sydney) June 28 (p6) 1890, Carlton captain William Strickland was interviewed and mentioned Sam English was the head Carlton trainer. He was a former boxer who had his own gym where the Blues trained.
See below
1890 June 28
Carlton were in Sydney to play Tasmania, South Melbourne and NSW.Blues' captain William Strickland is interviewed by the Australian Star (Sydney) p6 about the club's training methods.
The interview took place on a cruise of the harbour with both the Carlton and South Melbourne teams.
This is a reproduction of part of a longer interview (see below), parts of this article are difficult to read;
"Of course when you are at home you go through a pretty severe training, don't you? was asked.
Well, yes we do; it's all this way. During the season none of the team are allowed to indulge in knocking about. They've got to keep very quiet and touch no drink. Temperance is one of the chief virtues of a good footballer. Then we have the run of English's gymnasium. You remember English? He was an old fighter and a boxer, and is a splendid chap to keep the boys in order and fettle. We all go there on Tuesday night and take a run of a mile, or even two, then dumbbell exercise for from half an hour to three quarters.
Swinging the clubs follows, and then comes exercise on the rings and ladders. A spell of high jumping to bring into play one lot of muscles, and at long jumping to tighten up another lot, and skipping is indulged in. We are very expert skippers, and do some fine fancy work. When we have finished skipping we have another long run, then a bath and a rub down.
Besides the head trainer we half a dozen assistants, who as the men come back from their last run are ready with rough towels to rub down, and so on, and are especially careful to keep the men from catching cold.
On Thursday we have a little more gymnastic exercise, but on Friday don't do much more than just see if we are fit. On Saturday we play, and playing is the best training that it is possible to have. You see that chap over there. That's Keane. He is a schoolmaster at Woodend. He is our fast man, and has won a Gurney Handicap. There ----- att*, of Louth*, over there. He's ra (rather?)* fleet, too, and has pulled off a good many handicaps. Including Keane, who trains away, we have 24 men in constant training, and should we ever run short can draw on the second 20, who are also in constant training during the season, having their own trainer.
After the Saturday's match is over in Melbourne, and we get home, we don't mind the fellows having a bit of a fling, but not much. Every team in Melbourne goes through the same course as we do, and if any man habitually goes off on the loose we don't pick him. Playing premiership matches you don't want men who tire away to nothing during the last half. It's then the pinch comes in, and it was only on Saturday week this was strongly proved. We were playing Geelong, who, five minutes before the call of time, had five goals to our three. Well, our fellows pulled themselves together, went off with rushes as if the match, for their part, had only just begun, and made a draw of the game."
.* att maybe a misprint of Batters or Wyatt.
.* misprint of South? Could also be J. Wyatt with the South Melbourne club who was a noted runner.
.* ra, maybe the word - rather.
To read the article in full about crowds, transport to and from the ground, club trips, little marks and the long kicking game, etc.
Click here>
1893 Dan Shine (trainer)
1894 Above, King Mitchell Richmond trainer 1888, Carlton trainer 1894.
Image: MCC Library; Jubilee: Fifty Years' History of Richmond F.C. 1885-1934
Jack Worrall writing in the Australasian September 03 1932 (p48) says, "King Mitchell one of the founders of Richmond."
1895 Sam English from the South Melbourne Cricket Club (Table Talk p3 29 March 1895)

Image: G.Weekes; Punch Aug 24 1899
1899 Weeks
"Weeks, the Carlton trainer, has bestowed extra pains on the blues for to-morrow, and has got them into capital form." (Herald June 16)
1902 McKay, Thompson, Wilkinson
1903 Medical Officers: Dr. Cole, Dr. Sutton
1904 C. Tiley (amateur trainer) Stephen Turner (Hon. massuer) P. J. Blakemore (first aid assistance)
Harry Sampson (1906-1943)
Hon. Massuer: Stephen Turner
First Aid Assistance: P. J. Blakemore
Hon. Medical Officer: Dr. R. H. Strong
Harry Sampson and Jim Park pre-season 1940

At the AGM held in March;
"Votes of thanks were recorded in the report to Dr. R. H. Strong (hon. medical officer), Mr. R. Lewis (time keeper), Mr. C. Tiley (amateur trainer), Mr. P. J. Blackmore (first aid assistance), and Mr. Stephen Turner (hon. masseur)." (Herald March 17 p8)
1906 - 1944
"Mr Harry Sampson, head trainer of the Carlton Football Club has tendered his resignation to the committee after 38 years' service." (The Argus 7 Nov 1944)
Passed away circa 23 May 1953
1907 Harry Sampson, Alf. Boyd, B. Snell, Norman Bragge or E. Bragg
1907 Trainers: Alf. Boyd, Norman Bragge, Harry Sampson, and B. Snell (missing)

Norman Bragge was the of nephew Carlton player George Bragge and the father of Les Bragge a 1940's Reserves player.

1909 Carlton trainers and players, Norman Clark standing with arms crossed. (Image: Trove, Argus June 19 p5)
To read The Argus article "The Labour of Sport," about football preparation & training click here>
1910 Edward McInerney
1913 "Mr. Alfred Peters has been appointed masseur to the Collingwood, University, Carlton, Prahran, Essendon Association, Brunswick and Port Melbourne football clubs." (Age April 26 p3)
A very busy man.
1914 Trainers: H. Sampson (head), H. Hawley, A. Snell, E. Stanhope, J. Walsh, A. Campbell, W. Young, S. Barrie, Sam Gray.
Property Master: A. McKay (25 years, Herald April 17 p4)
1913 Dr. E. A. Strahan
1917 Bert Snell (chief), H. Sampson (property master), Stan Barry, Dan Barry, A. Linnington, C. Campbell.
1917 P. Sweet (trainer) mentioned in The Herald May 04 (p3) as one of Carlton's serving soldiers.
1921 W. Colenso, E. Leslie
W. Coleman (1921)
E. Leslie (1921)
1922 Bert Snell has has been connected with Carlton for 20 years and has completed 15 years as one of the Blues' leading trainers. A life member of the club. (Herald Feb 23)
1922 H. Sampson, F. Boyd, P. Guillet
1923 Stan Keast
Training staff, Harry Sampson, Campbell, Clarke, Gillet, Colenso, Mahoney, Pepperall.
1925 Charlie Anderson
The Argus May 1947, Charlie Anderson has been the head trainer at Carlton for 22 years.
To read the article, click here>
1925 E. Leslie - Carlton and Victorian team trainer, appointed head trainer of fledgling Hawthorn club.
1927 Reserves: Ted Leslie Head Trainer - T. Poog, H. Gillard, George Harrison
1929 Alf Boyd died aged 56 on Monday 29 April (Herald April 30 p3)
1930 Perc Gillett
1933 A Dose of the Blues.
An article from Table Talk August 31 (p40)
1934 Medical Officer: Dr. E. A. Strahan
Another report says former player Dr. Phil McCumisky replaced the long serving Dr. E. A. Strahan in 1932.
Trainer: Ralph Place
Masseur: Vic Leverson, see photo to the right. This image was taken in 1915 when Vic used to do high diving stunts prior to joining the AIF in WW1.
1934 Trainer's New Uniforms
"As a result of a decision at a meeting of the Headtrainers' Association trainers will appear at matches on Saturday in guernsey and caps bearing club colours." (Argus May 02 p11)
1935 Trainers Gillard, Harrison, Harvey - accompanied Reserves team to Shepparton
1936 Masseur: Vic Leverson
1936 Dr. E. A. Strahan Carlton's medical officer for 31 years passed away on November 04
"George Hamil, one of the Carlton Football Club trainers, completed his eighth year, and becomes a life member of the club. All seven trainers are now life members, and their periods of service aggregate 111 years. They are;- H. Sampson, head trainer (30 years); C. Campbell (23 years); W. Clarke (17 years); R. Place (12 years); C. Anderson (11 years); P. Guillet (10 years); and G. Hamil (8 years)" Argus May 06 (p18)

H. Sampson 1936
Image: Age May 23
Ralph Place, born in Tasmania and was a prominent long distance runner. His last public apearance was in the 1927 Stawell Gift veterans race. (Herald Feb 03 1934)
PhysEd Instructor: H. Truemann
Chiropodist: Thomas Robertson for Carlton and Essendon.
Herald June 03 1938 p22
Age June 09
Trainers: Charlie Anderson, C. Campbell, W. J. Clark, Perc Gillet, W. Hamill, Ralph Place
Physical Training: H. Trueman
1943 Medical Officer: Dr. P. B. McCumisky
1944 November 06, Harry Sampson resigned after 38 years with Carlton. He had been with the Blues since 1906.

Trainers First Semi Final; Ron Kee, Harry Crompton, Perc Gillett.
1946: W. J. "Bill" Clark & Hec Maggs
Bert Deacon, Charlie Anderson and Ern Henfry, September

Read club historian Tony De Bolfo's article on Perc Gillet >
George Harrison, Carlton Football Club masseur

Carlton appointed W. E. P. Carruthers as director of physical training for the forth coming season. (article Sun 18 March p13)
Carlton masseur Ron Kee, Age May 13 1949 p12
Former player and long serving club doctor
Dr. Phil McCumisky
1951: Charlie Anderson (Head Trainer), Harry Crompton, George Harrison, Ron Kee, Hector Maggs, Bob Sutcliffe.

Left: Hec Maggs
Training Room Staff: C. Anderson (Head), H. Crompton, George Harrison, R. Kee, H. Maggs, R. Sutcliffe and R. Vincent.
Hon. Chiropodist: A. Emery
1953 Former Head trainer Harry Sampson died on the weekend of 23 - 24 April. He gave the club 38 years of service. (Argus Mon 25)
1954 Charlie Anderson (masseur), Ken Hands (new Victorian captain), Harry Crompton (head trainer), George Ferry, Perc Bentley (coach), & Jack Mills
Image; Trove, Age June 16 p12
Training Room Staff: C. Anderson (Masseur), H. Crompton (Head), George Harrison, R. Kee, H. Maggs, R. Sutcliffe and R. Vincent.
Hon. Chiropodist: A. Emery
Training Room Staff: C. Anderson (Masseur), H. Crompton (Head), George Harrison, R. Kee, H. Maggs, R. Sutcliffe and R. Vincent.
Hon. Chiropodist: A. Emery
1955 Football trainers may yet carry coaches message.
To see the Argus' report, click here>
Training Room Staff: C. Anderson (Masseur), H. Crompton (Head), George Harrison, H. Maggs, R. Sutcliffe R. Vincent and O. Vincent.
Hon. Chiropodist: A. Emery
Hon. Medical officer: Dr. P. B. McCumisky
1957 Geoff Luke. Hon. Physiotherapist, began his long association with the Blues.
1959 Harry Crompton (Head trainer), Ossie Vincent, Hec Maggs, Peter McGinness
New Trainer's Uniforms

1963 Harry Crompton (Head trainer)
1969 Ronald Dale Vincent, a Carlton trainer of 25 years, was suspended for 12 weeks for throwing a football in the face of Richmond's vice captain Mike Patterson.
Ron was the first trainer to be suspended by the League.
To read the Canberra Times report click here>

(Photo and article from The Age, May 28 1969)
1981 Trainer: Ray Spiteri - Head trainer 1998
Above, Ray Spiteri in 2012 with David Ellard (Age image)
1984 Club Doctor: John Fraser
2015 Club Doctors: Phil Bloom, Rob Vorich
Ted Harrison (1954-1974)
Ossie Vincent (1957-1980)

Perc Gillett
George Hamill (In 1937 he received life membership.)
George Harrison
Ron Kee
Graham McColl
Jim Taylor
Hugh Turner
Kevin Bogle
Bill Clark
Harry Crompton
Hec Maggs
John Lamont
Alex McKay
Ralph Place 1920-1940- (in 1940 he had been at Carlton for 20 years)
Mick Scanlon
David Scanlon
Sean Scanlon
Peter Sullivan
Keith Leach
Percy Sweet
Ron Vincent
Gary Boucher
Rohan Bromley
Tom McLeod
Russell Roberts
Eric Mushins (1994 - Current)
Ray Spiteri (Head Trainer 1998-Current)
Paul Danzi
John Faulkner
Rob O'Gorman
Greg Jarvis
Simon McDonald
Sam Kouroumalis (1999 - Current)
Brett Parry
Ross Tripodi
Mark Walsh
Alysha Cliff
Dan Rgalski
Henry Phillips
Adam Winch
1976: R.Vincent (Head), R. Ebbage, G. Harrison, J. Taylor, R. Lambert, G. McColl.
1978: R.Vincent (Head), R. Ebbage, G. Harrison, J. Taylor, G. McColl, R.Lowrie, Derek Cramer & J. Carney (In Charge of Training Room)
1979: R.Vincent (Head), J.Taylor, G.McColl, J.Kidney, Derek Cramer & J.Carney (Training Room Supervisor).
1980: Derek Cramer
1981: Ron Vincent (Head), Jim Taylor, G. McColl, Mick Scanlon, Leon Bazin, Albert Young, Keith Leitch, Henry Phillips and Derek Cramer .
1981: Training Room Manager: Jack Carney, Derek Cramer
1983: Derek Cramer
1999: Simon Ward
2000: Simon Ward
2001: Simon Ward, Adam Doherty
2002: Simon Ward, Adam Doherty
2003: Simon Ward
2004: Simon Ward
2005: Simon Ward
2006: Simon Ward, Tony Wullaert
2007: Simon Ward, Tony Wullaert
2008: Tony Wullaert
2009: Head Trainer: Ray Spiteri, Tony Wullaert
2010: Tony Wullaert
2015: Sandee Biggar (Head Trainer)