In different eras of football, as in life, a man's hirsute pursuit of facial hair has demonstrated the 'look of the times'. In the Blueseum's fine image galleries of the 1960's and 1970's are countless examples of brilliant beards, moustaches and sideburns that are worthy of celebration.

Which brings us to the 'Samson and Delilah' story of the Carlton Football Club. We go back to Round 4, 1969, a game in which Carlton Coach Ron Barassi apparently set the tone (both in football and fashion) with a directive to some of his key players. The following excerpt from Football Life of 1969 tells the story:

This was the week of the battle of the hair. 'Get those sideburns chopped back, or else,' coach Ron Barassi told four long-whiskered Blues - Peter Jones, Wes Lofts, Brent Crosswell and Adrian Gallagher. Although it was whispered at the time that Barassi couldn't grow sideboards himself the players agreed with the order and had trims. Collingwood beat Carlton in a game that was followed by eight reports against four players. But in a sensational decision all charges were thrown out by the tribunal on the technicality that the umpires had not told club delegates about the proposed reports immediately after the match. 'What a farce' said The Sun newspaper in an editorial. There was talk of a strike by umpires, but it was smoothed over in the end.

Whether it was the biblical story of Samson and Delilah or not, the Blues were trimmed both on and off the field.

Blueseum Footnote: For a fun look at facial hair through the generations at the Carlton Football Club, click here.

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