Games: 40 - 54
Goals: 4
Career; 1871-1876
James Stewart Dismorr
There is some confusion with this player's name/s. There may be one, two or three players here.
J. S. Dismore/Dismor/Dismorr/Dinsmore
Printer's error?- spelt Dismorr in the "The Footballer" 1875.
1871 July 08
Francis A. Dismorr is described in the Carlton-Melbourne game, "came completely out of his shell, astonishing friends and foes alike with dash and pluck."
1871 J. S. Dismore appears in the photo of the 1871 Challenge Cup winners portrait.
J. A. Dinsmore is named by Andy McHarg in 1915 as a forward player in the 1871 Challenge Cup match.
1875 Dismorr is named in The Argus to be playing in the Carlton First Twenty side to play a Carlton 25 in a scratch match at Royal Park on Saturday 8th. May.
1875 April 23.
J. S. Dismore, Billy Lacey and Billy Dedman 'received lockets' in appreciation of their service in 1874.
( The Carlton Story, H.Buggy and H.Bell p33)
1875 Plays back with judgment, runs well, and when in difficulties judiciously plays to his comrades.
(The Footballer. 1875 p27)
1876 Is losing pace and dash, but is still useful as a back on either wing.
(The Footballer 1876 p34)
1886 Monday June 07
The Daily Telegraph (Launceston) p3;
"From Mr. J. S. Dismoor (agent) for Messrs. Boyle and Scott, Melbourne, we have received the results of various matches played in Melbourne on Saturday, and which he received by telegram: - ...."
1888 June 19
The Carlton Football Club arrived in Launceston, en route to Hobart to play a series of matches.
They were welcomed at the wharf by Mr. J. J. McDonald, a member of the Northern Tasmanian Football Association, and J. S. Dismore.
1895 Dimorr is a V.F.A. goal umpire.
Related to Francis A. Dismorr? and A. Dismore?