Season 1893


Carlton Captain. D. Hutchinson.
Vice Captain. C. Coulson.
President. A. Gillespie.
Secretary. J. Melville
Premiership Matches Played. 21. Won 4. Lost 16. Drew 1.
Goals For; 71, Against; 138.

Leading Carlton goal scorers; Frank McDonald 26, Jack Leith 14.

Lack of a home ground, rumours of internal dissension, and the defection of players to other clubs resulted in 1893 being the worst season in Carlton’s 30 year history.

The 1892 Annual Report added that, towards the end of 1892, there was
“an absence of that espirt de corps and determination to uphold the club’s dignity and position, so requisite in such a game as ours.”

On the eve of the 1893 season players such as Billy Strickland, George Williams, and H Simpson went to Collingwood.
“Gib” Currie to South Melbourne.
Keane to Melbourne.
See May 6 to read the V.F.A. Permit Committee's proceedings in Strickland and Currie

Billy Strickland was a former Carlton Captain and champion.
He became a Collingwood captain and led them to their first Premiership in 1896.

Injuries to Dan Hutchison and Peter Williams added to the loss of talent.
The Leader commented in 1893,
"No other club possesses so numerically strong a following as Carlton, and with their favourites out of the hunt this large contingent of the football going public held themselves aloof from the games played by the other clubs, thus to a great extent prejudicially affecting attendances."

For the year Carlton’s better players;
Defenders, Jack Roberts, William Park, Harry Smith and Alexander Salton.
Followers, Harry Balharry, Frank McDonald and Frederick Franks.

Brook Hannah was regarded as good as or even a better player than Albert Thurgood, but he later went to China as a missionary.

1893 Ladder

Pos TeamPlayed WinsLosses DrawsGoals ForGoals AgainstPoints
4South Melbourne2113441339060
6Port Melbourne20993758138
13North Melbourne2031704711612

1893 Carlton - Matches Played 20, Won 4, Lost 15, Drawn 1

OpponentResultGoals ForBehinds ForGoals AgainstBehinds AgainstPoints
North MelbourneWon88154
St. KildaLost18300
Footscray(Lost) - Won*23584
St. KildaLost44640
South MelbourneLost651780
Port MelbourneLost26650
South MelbourneLost551070
Port MelbourneLost10890

-* "This match was won on the field by Footscray, but awarded to Carlton on a protest entered against the winners by Carlton for wrongly playing Powell." (The Argus) See June 9.
Other Matches

OpponentResultGoals ForBehinds ForGoals AgainstBehinds Against
North Williamstown 23Won6-3-
Brunswick 23Won7804
Carlton DistrictWon3-2-


1893 Carlton teams.
Some details are missing, especially Second Twenty/Reserves results.
If anyone has these could they please contact Blueseum.

January 14


The Australasian's cricket writer "Felix" (Thomas Horan) on page 17 in a lengthy article on cricket matters mention former Carlton footballers;
"As a lad I always regarded H. C. A. Harrison as the beau-ideal of an athlete. It was always a joy to me to see him do the quarter, to fly over the hurdles and take the water jump like a racer, and to see him put the football under his arm, and make those terrific charges which none but Jack Conway, George O'Mullane (South Yarra) Frank Hillsden, Tom Gorman, and George Kennedy could effectually stop."
"Both C. Forrester and J. Byrne played for the Carlton Football Club before they joined Melbourne, and there are old Carlton men present in the person of T. P. Power, Jim Clark and George Robertson, whose deep chest and broad shoulders grow deeper and broader every year. Tom Power and I revive pleasant memories of old Carlton battles in which Tom Gorman, Tom McCarthy, and the brilliant Harry Guy played prominent part, not forgetting Orlando Thomas Lockyer O'Brien, no relation to Tom Lockyer the famous "stoomper," but known to all Melbourne folk as "Lanty the Punter".
Old Carlton footballer Jim Clark has been an enthusiastic cricketer for well nigh thirty years. He used to play in the old Collingwood Commercial, and proved himself a capable all-round man and a sound judge of the game."
"Near at hand is Theo Marshall, the esteemed secretary of the football association. How many years ago I wonder, is it since he and I first met when Jack Macgibbon was young, and Harry Parish bowled his under-hand."
To read "Felix's" article in full via Trove, click here> http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article138105596

March 16 Thursday
The annual meeting of the Carlton Second Twenty was held at the Clyde Hotel at 8pm

March 29 Wednesday


Carlton F. C. AGM held at the Hibernian Hall Swanston Street, 8pm.
Mr. Gillespie occupied the chair and a large number of members attended.
Disappointment was expressed in the club's position last season which a lack of a home ground did not help.
There was an absence of an espirit de corps shown towards the end of the season, and "a lack of determination to uphold the club's dignity and the position so requisite in the game of football."
They called on this year's team "to use their utmost endeavours to restore to the "dark blues" the former proud and honourable position held by them amongst their keen and formidable rivals."
The balance sheet showed receipts amounting to £977 3s 6d. ($1,954.25) of which, £11 14s 6d was the balance from the previous year.
£266 14s from members, £675 17s 6d proceeds of matches, £22 10s sale of tickets for Geelong.
The expenditure amounted to £977 3s 6d., of which £26 was for a caretaker of Princes William Park play-ground, £42 2s for the Victorian Football Association, £86 17s for the players' fund, £36 15s entertainment account (outing to Mordialloc), £22 10s for Victorian railways (special to Geelong), £90 11s 8d. for country matches, £198 18s for training, £18 11s 6d. for testamonial fund, £59 5s for printing etc, £102 5s 6d. for materials, uniforms, and postages, £50 honorarium to the secretary, and £185 6s 10d. for general expenditure.
There was a credit balance left of £42 1s 4d. ($84.15)
Several members objected to the item under general expenditure, and it was suggested that the committee should take the balance-sheet back for amendment.
It was also stated by a member that his name did not appear amongst the list of members, although he had paid his subscription.
The adoption of the report and balance-sheet was proposed by the Chairman, but on being put to the meeting was negatived.
Several members pointed out that more than one third of the persons present had been admitted by ticket, and were not members of the club, yet they had been allowed to vote on the question of adoption or rejection of the report and balance-sheet. They suggested that the question mentioned should be put to the meeting again
The motion for the adoption of the report and balance-sheet was again put, and it was carried unanimously.
Illuminated addresses for long service to the club were presented to G. Currie, J. Roberts, P. Williams, and W. Walton of the first twenty.
Gold lockets were presented to R. Cameron and A. Grant of the second twenty for excellence of play.
Office bearers elected;
Patrons; Lieut. Colonel Robert Robertson, Major Ballinger, Cr. Pigdon, Mr. E. Latham.
President; Mr. A. Gillespie declined re-election as President.
(He was president next season, perhaps he was talked into continuing)
Vice presidents; Messrs, J. Gardiner, W. Ievers, J. Maloney, J. Henderson, and W. Donaldson.
Treasurer; Mr. A. Hearn/M. B. Hearne.
Secretary; J. Melville.
Committee; Messers, J. Roberts, W. Bailey, J. Irons, W. Moloney, E. Sutton, G. White, W. Strickland*, W. Hemsworth, J. Urquhart.
-*Strickland would later walk out on the club and play for Collingwood.

April 01
The North Melbourne Advertiser;
"The Carlton will this year sustain a loss in one of it's most brilliant and consistent performers, viz., Mr. Dan Hutchison, who has been offered and accepted the position of manager of one of the largest stores in Dunolly. All will no doubt wish "Hutchie," as he is popularly called, success, for as an exponent of the popular winter pastime, he had few equals and no rival. No doubt many of our readers will from time to time hear of him; and the Dunolly club can congratulate themselves of securing one of Melbourne's shining lights."

April 06 Thursday


By Observer.

"Although with each succeeding winter the pessimistic opinion that football has reached the climax of it's popularity, and may be expected to decline and have it's period of depression in common with most other games, finds pretty general expression, it must be admitted that, in spite of hard times and poorly-lined pockets, the outlook is as bright as ever. Indeed, our experience with cricket during the summer just closed shows that the worse the times the better the prospects for sports of this character, which can be cheaply enjoyed. Where, for example, can a man even reasonably fond of the game expect to find a cheaper sixpence- worth of entertainment than two hours exciting football on a Saturday afternoon? And when it is shown that the masses are no longer to spare even a sixpence for that purpose, then, indeed, will Melbourne be in a bad way. Cheapness is at once the strength and weakness of football. It ensures a sufficient revenue to conduct the sport in a large and liberal spirit where the expenditure is a judicious one, and enables the onlooker to see the game absolutely at it's best. But the cheapness also brings in an element that, if unchecked, would soon ruin the game, and the executive of football teams should bear the danger in mind before jumping to the conclusion, as they very often do, that much of the criticism to which they are subjected is the mere outcome of personal animus or club rivalry.
Most of the clubs have already held their annual meetings, the most stormy being that of the Carlton Club, at which an item of "general expenditure £185 6s 10d.," ($370.68) which looked very suspicious as it stood, but turned out to be very innocent on analysis, seems to have caused most of the mischef. If treasurers would go a little more into detail without carrying the principle to absolutely absurb limits much of this outcry would be stilled. In speaking of statements in the press as to the payment of players and selling of matches, the president of the Carlton Club has probably confused what he has heard with what he has read. Anyone who follows the game closely through a season will hear of instances by the hundred in which players are said to be either paid to win matches or bribed to lose them, but few people pay attention to this senseless chatter, and it rarely appears in print except where there is a desire to grasp at some ghost of suspicion for the sake of sensationalism.
What the president of the Carlton Club would do if he had his own way is pretty clearly indicated, and Mr. Gillespie's reasons in favour of professionalism is that it would prevent players running from club to club, but this is a point on which we are not altogether without experience. We know that one particular club was enabled for years to hold the premiership solely and wholly through a system of actual, if not open, professionalism, and that the best players of other clubs flocked to it's standard. The same effect, in a slightly varied form, would follow the adoption of professionalism now, save that a few of the richer clubs, instead of one club only, would have a monoploly of the premiership and its advantages, while the poor clubs would remain hopelessly poor. One great objection to professionaliam is that even the successful club for the year could not afford to pay even 20 players enough per week to keep them decently. At £2 per week it would cost £800 for 20 weeks' of football, apart from all the other expenses, and only a few of the best clubs could afford such an outlay. Let a club by all means spend as much as it can afford in entertaining its teams at dinners or theatre parties, or any other form of amusement which rich and poor, high and low, can take in common without feeling that they are either bribed or degraded, but payment for play, direct and avowed, brings a new element into the game, viz., men who will only play if paid, and will play badly if it be made more profitable to them to make mistakes than to win. I, for one, should like to hear all the reasons in favour of professionalism publicly stated by someone like Mr. Gillespie, whose position as president of a leading club gives him the right to speak authoritatively, and who has shown that he is not afraid of his opinions because the majority are against him."
To read the article in full, click here> http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article8534114
Argus April 06 p10

April 08
The Sporting Judge, said;
"A very large number attended of this club at the Hibernian Hall, on the 29th. ult., principally on the rumour that some unpleasant disclosures were to be made. None of the disclosures, however were unearthed, but from the remarks of one or two who spoke, the hon. sec seemed to be the person who was made the subject of attack. His re-election must now silence his detractors.
At one time the meeting seemed about to become uncontrollable, but a firm hand was kept by the president, Mr. A. Gillespie, and the business was proceeded with."
"The president spoke very strongly in favour of professionalism, and thought the Association had no right to dictate what clubs should do with their funds."

April 08


Sporting Judge;
"Strickland said there is not a businessman on the Carlton Football Club Committee. Let me see. No, your name does not appear Billy."
"Not a publican on the committee of the C.F.C. this season. Is this an indication that the players intended to train properly; let us hope so."
"Strickland, Walton, and P. Williams not satisfied with the election of office bearers. They intend playing with Collingwood. What says the committee in respect to clearances?"
"Tullock of Carlton will be seen this season in the ranks of the Ports."
"Currie intends to play for Williamstown." (Currie would play for Port Melbourne.)

April 08
Carlton practiced in Princes Park.

April 14 Friday
Former Blue George F. Bowen writing for the The Inquirer & Commercial News, Perth (p9), says it costs £1,000 per year to run a team in the V.F.A.

April 14 Friday


A concert was held in the Hibernian Hall in aid of Carlton footballer Wally McKechnie who met with an accident at his place of emplyment and will prevent him returning to work for some time. £50 was raised.
(Sportsman April 18 p3)

April 14
All members and intending members of the second twenty of Carlton are requested to turn up for practice at Princes Park. (Herald)

April 15
Carlton played North Williamstown (23) at Princes Oval at 3pm.
The first appearance of the Blues bought out a reasonably large crowd to watch the match which did not get underway until nearly 4pm.
McDonald quickly kicked 2 goals which was soon followed by one from Graham.
Carlton won by 3 goals.
Carl; 3.3 4.4 5.5 6.7
N.Wl; 0.0 0.3 3.5 3.5
Goals; McDonald 3, C. Graham, unknown

Carlton Second Twenty practiced at Princes Park

April 15


"The extreme enthusiasm which reigned at the meeting of the Carlton Club may be taken as an indication of the season as far as the Dark Blues are concerned is likely to be an interesting and perhaps an exciting one. in all probability there will be one or two conspicious absentees, if what one hears can be relied upon.
One of the main men, and one who has done remarkably good work for the old club will not appear. We refer to Wally McKechnie, who was ever in the forefront of battle and who has come out with great credit to himself and with honor to his club. He met with an accident some time ago and sustained serious injuries which may have the effect of preventing him from ever taking part in a game of football. The club has not failed to recognise the yeoman service he has rendered and arranged a capital concert, which came off last night in the Hibernian Hall."
(Herald p3)

April 15


Sporting Judge;
"Somethings wrong with the works" when such men as W. Strickland, G. Currie, P. Williams, and J. Moorehouse are resigning.
D. Hutchinson at business at Dunnolly. Travelling expenses, eh?
Geddes to play for the new junior team at Hawthorn. He is also their delegate.
Wally McKechnie having met with an accident will be unable to play.
What about the lost balance-sheet, the officers and members who condemned, and then turned the other way.
Consistency would be the best motto for the Carlton (all through) to have."
(Moorhouse would return later in the season)

April 15
Carlton played 23 of North Williamstown on Princes Oval.
"There was a large number of spectators present, and things were made terribly unpleasant for the juniors owing to the way in which the ground was encroached upon.
Very few of Carlton's last season players took part in the match, but some of the new men played extremely well, notably McDonald (St.Kilda), who booted four goals."
Carlton won
Carl: 3.3 4.4 5.5 6.7
N.W: 0.0 0.3 3.5 3.5
Goals; McDonald 4, C. Graham 2

April 18
The Herald (p3)
From Carlton Juniors;
A. Hearnden, best all round man
H. Burwwod - splendid follower
O. Smith - splendid back player, also good follower.

April 22
Carlton 21 played Brunswick 24 at Brunswick.
The Blues met at the Sarah Sands Hotel at 2.30pm.
A good attendance, the match started at 4pm.
The Sporting Judge, April 29, said;
"Carlton journeyed to Brunswick and after a good game put 23 of the local juniors through by kicking 7 goals 8 behinds to 4 behinds.
The goal kicking was good, being a marked improvement on several of their last season's displays.
Ned Sutton fairly excelled himself and, as a back man will be very hard to beat.
Crapp, Burwood, and Hastings, are a trio of juniors who are quite fit for the team, whilst Walton and Fullarton are as good as gold.
Fifteen new men were tried in the match, and the committee were highly satisfied with the form displayed by the team, which will have very little alteration when the season opens.

In order that perfect unanimity shall exist among the players, the committee have decided to grant clearances to all who apply for them."

Carlton team; (22 named)
Alwyn, Burwood, Cameron, Crapp, Franks, Fullarton, Graham, Hastings, Hoskings?, Kerr, Leith, McInerney, Patterson, Smith, Sutton, Stewart, Silk?, Thomson, Turner, W. Walton, Watson/Walton?, Wood.
The Sportsman April 25;
Carlton 21 team;
Alwyn, Burwood, Cameron, Crapp, Davis, Franks, Fullarton, Graham, Hastings, Kerr, Leith, McInerney, Patterson, Smith, Stewart, Sutton, Thomson, Turner, Walton (Capt), E. Walton, Wood.
Carlton team; 20 named (Herald)
Alwyn, Burwood, Cameron, Crapp, Franks, Fullarton, Graham, Hastings, Kerr, Leith, McInerney, Patterson, Smith, Stewart, Sutton, Thompson, Turner, Walton, Walton, Wood
Saturday evening's Herald 6th extra edition; (20 named)
Walton (Capt), Alwyn, Thomson, Turner, Sutton, Fullarton, Walton, Wood, Smith, Burwood, Leith, McInerney, Franks, Kerr, Cameron, Crapp, Graham, Hastings, Patterson, Stewart.
Carlton won.
Carl. 2.4 3.4 5.7 7.8
Brun. 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.4
Goals; Hastings 2, W. Walton, Leith, Graham, Thomson/Thompson, Stewart.

April 22
Carlton Second Twenty played on Princes Oval, probably a practice match.

April 22


The Sporting Judge newspaper says;
"Carlton will find it's deserters' list the longest, and South Melbourne will have the most recruits, whilst most of the other clubs will have sufficient new blood to help them maintain or improve their position. In this respect Williamstown must, unfortunately, be expected, but it is to be hoped that the local boys will rally round the banner, and not see their club stranded.
Carlton is also to be sympathised with, if the rumour is correct concerning the loss of so many sterling players. The "bust up" in the team, I am led to believe, was over a very trifling matter, and if the Association grants permits to some of the deserters, it will be acting as childishly as the men themselves.
South Melbourne got over it's difficulty, and Carlton needs show a little backbone and things will evidently pan out alright."
The Carlton Committee don't mind granting clearances to Strickland and Williams, "if they play for the juniors."

April 25


Jack McInerney from Collingwood
J. Graham (follower) from Austral
Travis from North Park

Billy Strickland to Collingwood
Owen (Carlton Second Twenty) to North Melbourne
Brodie to North Melbourne
(Sportsman (p6)

April 25


"Geelong and North Melbourne have done away with their second twenties, and will rely on juniors for their recruits."
(Sportsman p6)

April 25


Sportsman (p6)
"Its hard to say how the Carlton will shape. They began very brilliantly last season, but, towards the end, there were serious dissensions in the ranks.
Now, again, we have further dissensions in the form of the withdrawal of more than one leading player. It would be a great pity id such an old club as the Carlton were to occupy a lowly position in the premiership list solely through the inability of its members to pull together.
Strickland who has been with Carlton for seven or eight years resigned his position as committeeman and member of team on the result of the election for the captainship being known. He will probably throw in his lot with Collingwood.
Among other malcontents are Peter Williams (who will probably play with Collingwood), Currie (who may go back to Williamstown), Geddes (who will play with Hawthorn) and Moorehouse.
Wallie McKechnie, on account of serious injury will be an absentee, as will also Spedding who is under the ban of the association for a considerable portion of the season. Mr. W. Moloney, who, since his retirement from active service in the field has acted in the capacity of "guide, philosopher, and friend" will transfer the major portion of his energies to Hawthorn, which team he will probably captain.
Sec. Melville is, nevertheless, confident of putting a very good team into the field.
McDonald the noted St.Kilda kicker, is a certainty for the Dark Blues if he can get a permit. Jack McInerney, of Collingwood fame, is also a starter. Numerous juniors are being tried, and of these J. Graham a follower from the Austral, and Travis a place man from North Park have so far shown best form. Danny Hutchinson has been elected captain, but, as he has been just removed to Dunnolly, there is some doubt as to whether he will retain the position."

April 28 Friday
The Broadford Courier;
"Tom and Jack Kennedy of Tallarook is said to play with Carlton this season."
"Richardson, of the Carlton twenty, will don the Benalla colors."

April 29
Carlton played Carlton District (23) at the University Ground.
The team met at the Clyde Hotel at 2.30pm
A good attendance.
Charlie Coulson is captaining the Blues until Hutchison returns.
A number of the Carlton players played with the Juniors.
Carlton team; (35 named)
Bailey, Burwood, Coulson, Clinton, Crapp, Campbell, Cameron, Davis, Fullarton, Franks, Geddes, J. Graham, Hastings, Hensley, Jack Kennedy, -Tom Kennedy, Leith, Mitchell, McInerney, Monaghan, Roberts, Ryan, Russell, Stewart, Smith, Sutton, Turner, Thompson, Travis, Mel Walker, P. Williams, Walton, Walton, Alf. Wood, Swain.
The Sportsman May 02 p6;
Carlton team; (19 named)
Bailey, Burwood, Crapp, C. Coulson (capt), Sutton, Walton, Hoskings, Woods, Kennedy, Kennedy, Walker, Thompson, Fullarton, Davis, McInerney, Cameron, Travis, Smith, Turner
Carlton won;
Carl; 1.1 1.2 1.5 3.5
C.D.; 0.1 0.1 0.1 2.4
Goals; McDonald 2, Smith
Players mentioned; (19 named)
Bailey, Burwood, C. Coulson (Capt), Crapp, Cameron, Davis, Fullarton, Hoskings/Hastings?, Kennedy, Kennedy, McInerney, Smith, Sutton, Thompson, Travis, Turner, Walker, Walton, Woods
The Sportsman and The Herald in it's review of this game only had these 19 players named for the Carlton team line up.

Carlton Second Twenty played a practice match on Princes Oval.
The game was due to be played at 3pm.

May 04


The committee interviewed both Currie and Strickland about their reasons for seeking a transfer.
'G. Currie of Carlton applied for a permit to play with Port Melbourne. In reply to questions, Currie stated that he did not agree with some of his club mates at Carlton, and was told that he would not be chosen on that account.
Mr. Marshall, said that Currie was good enough for the intercolonial team last year, and it was odd to find a club wishing to get rid of him.
Mr. J. Worrall said he knew the Carlton men disagreed on the field, because he had heard members of the team refuse to go where the captain wished them.
Currie said the chief difficulty in the Carlton team last year was with their captain Walton.
Mr. Marshall - He could hardly be called a captain, as he had no command over the team.
W. Strickland of the Carlton Club, applied for a permit to play with Collingwood. In reply to questions by members of the committee, he stated there was dissatisfaction amongst the members of the club, and he thought it better for Carlton and better for himself that he should change. He would have changed under the same circumstances even if he had not been rejected for captaincy. He thought that when a player wished to change from a big club club to a small one there should be no objection.
It was not true that he had received £200 from a bookmaker some two years ago. In common with others of the team he was given a suit of clothes on that occasion."
To read the Argus article in full click here> http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article8546512


E. Henry Hastings from Essendon. (another report said G. Hastings)
J. Davis from Collingwood.
Jack McInerney from Collingwood
F. McDonald from St.Kilda
Burwood from Carlton Juniors
Crapp from Carlton Juniors
Hastings from Carlton Juniors
G. Hastings from Essendon (The Herald May 05) There is confusion with two Hastings being recruited. Is it the same player?
Hearndon from Carlton Juniors
Smith from Carlton Juniors
Walker from Carlton Juniors
Woods from Carlton Juniors
Balharry from North Williamstown
Thompson (forward) from North Williamstown
Monaghan (back man) from Collingwood
Patterson from Rainbow (a local club)
Walton from Rainbow (a local club)
Travis from North Park.
Cameron from Second Twenty
Leith from Second Twenty

W. Strickland to Collingwood (The Herald May 06 had Strickland's application under the heading of Permits Refused Absolutely.)
G. Currie to Port Melbourne
James Pullar to North Melbourne.
H. Donohoo to St.Kilda.
Thomas Keenan to Collingwood.
T. Mathieson to North Melbourne.
Fred Alsop to Richmond.
W. Begg to Collingwood
(Evening Standard May 04 1893)

J. Bowen to Richmond.
Aylwin to St.Kilda.
(Sportsman May 16)

May 05 Friday
The Broadford Courier;
"Mel Walker played a good game for Carlton on Saturday, and is to play premiership matches.
The two Kennedys played for Carlton, but did not get a show to distinguish themselves."

May 06


The Argus reporting on the VFA Permit Committee says W. Strickland's transfer application has been refused. (see May 27)
Strickland was only recently elected on the the committee at the Carlton AGM in late March.
"Gib" Currie's transfer application was held over for further consideration. (see May 20)

May 06
St. Kilda's Frank McDonald has applied for a transfer to Carlton, but the Saints have refused his application.
(Chronicle, South Yarra Gazette p3)

May 06
The Argus (p15) reporting on the Permit Committee;
"Some of the reasons advanced by the players wishing to change clubs were childish and petulant in the extreme. Several of them did not hesitate to hint that members of their old club had not done their best, an accusation which, being general in character and reflecting upon all players equally, without giving them a chance to answer it, was simply contemptible. A slur of that kind is cheaply made but far less easily sustained, and the players who urged such reasons without giving some proof in support of them are no loss to any club."
Further on, talking about the team's prospects, The Argus said;
"No team in the association loses more heavily than Carlton. Once before, however, Carlton lost quite as heavily, and the loss was Carlton's ultimate gain.
Carlton loses in this case McKechnie, Currie, Strickland, Morehouse (Moorhouse) and Spedding, and the loss is a tremendous one without any doubt.
No player in the contingent will be so much missed outside the club as McKechnie, an honest, manly, and genuine footballer, whose career, unfortunately, was closed by a serious accident.
In cases of this kind, where a player has given good service to the game comes to grief through no fault of his own, an off day might be found for a benefit match.
A little luck with it's recruits will soon make Carlton the Carlton of old,......"

The Blues would also lose the services of H. Simpson and George Williams to Collingwood, and Jack Keane to Melbourne.
Carlton have been decimated with the loss of eight regulars from their starting twenty.
However, Moorhouse would return later in the season.
In addition, three key players, the Carlton captain Dan Hutchison only played two games, vice captain Charlie Coulson would quit football after the first eight matches, plus stalwart Peter Williams would miss up to half the season through injury.

May 06
First round of the 1893 Premiership season.
Carlton played North Melbourne at North Melbourne.
Crowd; 6,000.
Carlton won the toss.
The umpire was former Geelong player R. Talbot. After he the ball was bounced the Blues headed into attack towards the city end.
The Australasian;
"The fresh men in the team are all very promising players, and will, I have no doubt, do honour to the illustrious but sombre dark blues, which has for many years been born bravely and prominently in the van of football."
"Carlton on the contrary, worked together like a piece of well ordered machinery, and their new men, who as I have said, are made of right good stuff, were always where they were wanted."
The Age May 08;
"Moreover, Carlton, whether by luck of judicious selection, have secured a coterie of new men who should make a reputation in the pending struggles for the premiership on 1893.
Prominent amongst the number is Thompson, from the North Williamstown club, who played a good forward game. His long distance kicks did great service to his side, and his record of four goals out of seven shots showed that he is a very dangerous goal sneak, his comrades prophesying that he will prove a rival to Thurgood, of Essendon fame, in this department of the game.
Balharry, another from last seasons juniors was responsible for some really brilliant play, showing some admirable running and marking powers. MnInerney roved in a credible manner, while Coulson was the best of the half back division. Peter Williams was a tower of strength in the centre. Woods, of the Carlton Juniors, at half forward, exercised his powers with creditable judgment. The two Crapps, who play correctly and smartly when pressed, showed excellent defensive powers, and are a great addition to the back division.
Hutchison captained the team which included, which included Kirkpatrick, D. Walton, Sutton, Walker, Williams, Travers, Paterson, Smith, Graham, Turner, Hastings, Burwood and Davis."
Travis from North played well on the wing.
Carlton team; (27 named)
Balharry, Burwood, Crapp, Coulson, Cameron, J. Davis, Franks, Fullarton, Graham, Geddes, Hearndon, Hastings, Hutchison (Capt.), Mitchell, J. McInerney, Monaghan, Patterson, Richardson, Thompson, Turner, Travis, P. Williams, E. Walton, G. Smith, Sutton, Walker, Woods.
Cameron, Franks, Fullarton, Hearndon, Mitchell, Monaghan, and Richardson, did not play.
Carlton team: (Evening Standard/Mark Pennings)
Backs; H. Crapp, W. Crapp, E. Walton
Halfbacks; Hutchison (C), Sutton, Coulson
Centres; Walker, Williams, Travis
Half forwards; Patterson, A. Thompson, Woods
Forwards; Smith, Graham, Turner
Followers; Balharry, Hoskings/Hastings, Burwood, J. Davis
Rover; J. McInerney
Umpire; R. G. Talbot.
Carlton won;
Carl. 1.1 2.3 8.4 8.8
N.M. 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.5
Goals; Thompson 4, Hastings 2, Smith, Woods.
Players mentioned; (20) Thompson, Hastings, Woods, Hutchison, Patterson, Turner, Balharry, Davis, Graham, P. Williams, Coulson, Travis, Burwood, Walker, G. Smith, McInerney, H. Crapp, W. Crapp, Sutton, Kirkpatrick. The Age said D. Walton played.
The Herald had Hoskings in the team line up. Blueseum believes this a typo. and is Hastings. The Herald reported Hastings as kicking 2 goals.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton fifth.
Played 1 Won 1 Lost 0 Drawn 0 Goals For 8 Against 1 Points 4.

May 06
The Sporting Judge;
"In Alf Woods (from Daylesford) the Carlton have secured a first-class centre man.
His play in the last few matches has been A1, and when he has had a run or two, Strickland will not be missed."
"Arty Thompson, champion goal kicker of the Juniors last season, is throwing in his lot with the Carlton, and will make things lively for some of the big teams."

May 12 Friday
The Broadford Courier; "bloody" and "damn" are words that should not be used on a football field."
(But it is alright to print them in the newspaper.)

May 13
The Australasian reports permits granted for William Beggs to transfer from Carlton to Collingwood, and J. Bowen from Carlton to Richmond.

May 13
Carlton played Collingwood at Victoria Park.
Crowd; 3,000
Charlie Coulson led the team in the absence of Danny Hutchison.
Due to rain, the ground was not in a good condition for football.
The Blues lost the toss and kicked to the eastern goal against the wind.
The Magpies aided by the wind, got off to a flyer with two early goals on the board.
With the wind in the second term the Blues added three goals, two from Hasting and one from Balharry. (Sportsman)
The outcome of the game was in doubt until the bell rang when Anderson (Collingwood) had a chance of equalising, but missed.
The match was fairly even, and the pace of the game increased with each quarter, but the Woods' kicking let them down.
"Peter Williams was in great form for the winners, but spoilt his play once by an exhibition of temper. Sutton's marking, kicking and general play were of the highest order. Turner (?), Hastings, Thompson (forward), and Balharry (in the ruck), were all of great service. Travis proved that he is good enough for a senior team. Bailey's dodging and running were one of the features of the game. Walker fairly earned his place in the team, and McInerney was in good fettle." (Sportsman)
Carlton team; (27 named)
Bailey, Blake, Balharry, Burwood, Coulson (Capt.), H. Crapp, W. Crapp, Davis, Geddes, Graham, Fullarton, Franks, Hastings, Hearndon, Monaghan, McInerney, Paterson, Richardson, Sutton, Smith, Travis, Turner, Thompson, Walton, Walker, Williams, Woods.
Carlton team: (Evening Standard)
Backs; W. Crapp, H. Crapp, W. Walton
Half backs; Coulson, (C) Sutton, Travis
Centres; Bailey, Williams, Walker
Half forwards; Woods, Thompson, Patterson
Forwards; Davis, Balharry, Smith
Followers; Turner, Franks, Burwood, Hastings
Rover; McInerney
Umpire; J. Hopkins.
Carlton won;
Carl. 0.1 3.5 3.5 4.6
Coll. 2.2 2.2 3.10 3.11
Goals; Walton, Hastings, Balharry, Turner - Evening Standard & Melb. Punch & Sportsman - Hastings 2, Balharry, Walker
Players mentioned; (20) P. Williams in defence, Turner roving, Hastings following, Balharry also in the ruck, Sutton in defence, Coulson, Travis, Davis, Mel Walker, Thompson, Woods, Burwood, W. Walton, W. Bailey, G. Smith, W. Crapp, H. Crapp, McInerney, Franks, Walton.
Free kicks; (35) Carlton 17 - Collingwood 18
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton fifth.
Played 2 Won 2 Lost 0 Drawn 0 Goals For 12 Against 4 Points 8.

May 20


Ex Blue, "Gib" Currie debuted for Port Melbourne against Geelong at Geelong.

May 20
Carlton played Richmond at the Richmond C. G.
Coulson captained the Blues in Hutchison's absence.
Crowd; 2,000.
Richmond kicked with a strong northerly blowing to the railway end, and all goals were scored there.
The ball was bottled up in the south east corner for long periods.
The Blues scored 12 successive behinds.
Carlton should have won, Blake missed a very easy chance late in the game. But the yellow and blacks held on during an intense final ten minutes for the draw.
Most of the Blues' behinds came from long shots at goal.
"Carlton have succeeded in replacing the useful and thorough McKechnie, with an almost equally useful follower in Hastings, and with him in the ruck Aitken also played a splendid game, while McInerney roved most efficiently."
"Trait was impartial, but was severe on all offenders, particularly on those who in his opinion deliberately kicked the ball out of bounds." (Tasmanian June 03)
"Peter Williams played the best game on the ground, excelling in high marking and long kicking, and Batters, who his reappearance in the Carlton colors, showed that his left foot has not lost its cunning. Thompson was not up to previous Saturday's form in the goal kicking department - as from several shots he only did the trick once. Hastings was one of the best of his side, and Essendon will probably regret having lost him when they see him play. Balharry (forward and following), Travis (in the centre), Graham (forward), and McInerney (roving) are all worthy of special mention. Coulson, Crapp and Sutton were very prominent in defence of their goal, and Turner was, as usual, fast and effective." (Sportsman)
Carlton team; (27 named)
Aitken, Bailey, Batters, Blake, Burwood, Balharry, Coulson (Capt.), W. Crapp, H. Crapp, Davis, Graham, Hensley, Hastings, Hearndon, Monohan, McInerney, Paterson, Richardson, Sutton, Smith, Turner, Thompson, Travis, W. Walton, Walton, Woods, P. Williams.
(7) Bailey, Burwood, Hensley,Hearndon, Monohan, Richardson, Walton did not play
Carlton team: (Herald line up)
Backs; W. Crapp, H. Crapp, Patterson
Half backs; C. Coulson (Capt), Sutton, Batters
Centres; Travis, Williams, Davis
Half forwards; Woods, A. Thompson, Balharry
Forwards; Smith, W. Walton, Graham
Followers; Hastings, Turner, T. Blake, Aitken
Rover; McInerney
Umpire; Trait.
Match drawn;
Carl. 0.1 4.11 4.12 8.17
Rich. 4.1 4.2 8.6 8.7
Goals; Blake, Thompson, Graham, Batters, Balharry, Williams, Smith, McInerney.
Best; P. Williams was the Blues' best, he played on the back line for one quarter and then in the centre, Coulson, Sutton, the two Crapps, Thompson played well on forward line but only kicked one goal, Hastings, Aitken, and McInerney, an efficient roving display. Travis was very good on the wing.
Players mentioned; (18) Thompson,Travis, Batters, Blake, Graham, Balharry, Turner, Walton, Smith, McInerney, P. Williams, Coulson, Sutton, W. Crapp, H. Crapp, Hastings, Aitken, Davis. (plus Patterson & Woods)
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton fifth.
Played 3 Won 2 Lost 0 Drawn 1 Goals For 20 Against 12 Points 10.

Carlton Second Twenty played Footscray on the Carlton Oval.
Umpire; A. Wilcox
Carlton won; 6.6 - 4.4

May 20


VFA Permit Committee granted tranfers for H. Simpson, George Williams, and William Strickland, from Carlton to Collingwood.
William Hannah, Carlton to Fitzroy.
Robert "Bob" Gullan, Geelong to Carlton.
Frank McDonald, St. Kilda to Carlton.

Crowley, Richmond to Carlton. (Sportsman May 23)

Trove; Bendigo Independent May 23

May 24 Wednesday, Queen's Birthday holiday.
As Carlton had the bye, the club visited Bendigo and arrived by train on Tuesday night. They were met by the Bendigo Club and entertained at the London Hotel. After various toasts Carlton president Mr. Gillespie responding proposed a toast to the "Success to the Bendigo Club."
In the morning after being shown the local sights, they played the Bendigo side in the afternoon on the Upper Reserve. (Possibly now the Queen Elizabeth Oval)
The team included many juniors.
Coulson and Sutton decided to play on the forward line. The Blues kicked to the Barnard Street goal.
Carlton returned to Melbourne by train in the evening.
Carlton team; (26 named)
Bailey, Batters, Balharry, Burwood, Blake, Coulson, H. Crapp, Crapp, Davis, Graham, Hensley, Hastings, McInerney, McDonald, Patterson, Sutton, Smith, Turner, Thompson, Travis, Walton, Walton, Woods, Walker, Williams, Maynard.
Carlton team: Bendigo Independent (May 25 p2)
Backs: Hensley, Sutton, Crapp
Half backs; Hutchison, H. Crapp, Crespen?
Centre; Bailey, Woods, Travis
Half forwards; Seath/Leith?, Thompson, Walton
Forwards; Turner, Coulson, Smith
Followers; Balharry, Maynard, Davis, Paterson
Rover; McInerney
Umpire; D. Kerr
Carlton won;
Carl. 1.7 4.12 7.14 10.19
Bend.0.1 2.1 2.2 2.2
Goals; Coulson 4.3, Thompson 3.3, Leith 2.2, Balharry 1.0, Davis 0.3, Walton 0.2, Turner 0.1, Hutchison 0.1 rushed 4
The Australasian report said, Coulson 2, Sutton 2, Thompson 2, McInerney 2, Balharry, Seath/Leith. (?)
Players mentioned; (12) Coulson, Sutton, Leith, Balharry, Thompson, McInerney, Hutchison, Davis, Walton, Turner, Maynard, Travis.


The Bendigo Independent listed the team positions as;
Right Back, Centre Back, Left Back
Right Half Back, Centre Half Back, Left Half Back
Right Wing, Centre, Left Wing
Right Wing Forward, Half Forward, Left Wing Forward
Right Goal, Goal Sneak, Left Goal
Followers (x4)
Rover (x1)

May 25


Original Carlton player George F. Bowen writing under the name "Olympus" in the Melbourne Punch talks about the early days of football matches against Melbourne and how the two clubs never had any real problems over nearly 30 years of play.
George also reports on the recent match against Richmond on May 20 which ended in a draw.
To read Bowen's fascinating article, click here> http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article174636150

May 27
Former Carlton captain W. Strickland (centre), and H. Simpson (wing) both selected in the Collingwood team to play Essendon at Victoria Park.

May 27
Carlton played St.Kilda at the M.C.G.
Crowd; 3,000.
Some players on both sides missing due to the inclement weather.
Play was delayed until 3pm and the match ended in the dark.
The rain poured from start to finish, the ground turned into a sea of mud.
St. Kilda did not waste an opportunity, and Carlton reject Aylwin played well against his old club.
Debut of former Saint Fred McDonald who scored the only goal for the Blues from a nice 60 yard place kick, within a few minutes of the start.
The Blues wasted opportunites by attempting to pick the ball up instead of soccering it along the ground.
Easy shots at goal were missed, and the Saints made the most of their limited opportunities.
Rain and slippery conditions, and after half time, the darking gloom made playing and watching football very difficult.
Peter Williams' effective use of handball in the centre started many of the Blues' attacks.
Top Carlton forward Thompson was away, and was surely missed. Walker did not play.
Carlton team; (25 named)
Batters, Blake, Burwood, Balharry, Coulson, W. Crapp, Crapp, Davis, Graham, Hensley, Hastings, Hearndon, McDonald, McInerney, Patterson, Sutton, Smith, Turner, Thompson, Travis, P. Williams, Walton, Walton, Walker, Woods.
(5) Burwood, Hensley, Hearndon, Walton, Walker did not play.
Carlton team: (Mark Pennings)
Backs; W. Crapp, Sutton, H. Crapp
Half backs; Coulson, Williams, T. Blake
Centre; Travis, Woods, Bailey
Half forwards; Graham, Roberts, W.Walton*
Forwards; Batters, McDonald, Smith
Followers; Patterson, Hastings, Turner, Balharry
Rover; J. McInerney
.*Most likey W. Walton, but could be E. Walton
Umpire; Trait.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 1.1 1.4 1.7 1.8
St.K. 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0
Goal; McDonald.
Players mentioned; (17) McDonald, Roberts, G. Smith, P. Williams, Sutton, W. Bailey, McInerney, Balharry, Batters, Coulson, H. Crapp, Crapp, Turner, Hastings, Travis, Patterson, McNamara.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton fifth.
Played 4 Won 2 Lost 1 Drawn 1 Goals For 21 Against 15 Points 10.

Carlton Second Twenty played North Melbourne.
Carlton won, 2-0
Goals; Hinges, Campbell.

May 31 V.F.A. Permit Committee.
Walter Watling North Melbourne to Carlton.
Tim McInerney, Fitzroy to Carlton.
Jack Keane, Carlton to Melbourne.

June 03
Carlton played Footscray at Footscray.
Hutchison was again away.
Apart from the first quarter, the Blues were completly outplayed.
Possibly Footscray's first win* against Carlton. (see June 9)
Carlton team; (29 named)
Aitken, Bailey, Batters, Blake, Balharry, Burwood, W. Crapp, H. "Ivo" Crapp, Coulson, Davis, Graham, Gullan, Hastings, Hensley, McDonald, McInerney, McInerney, Maymond, Patterson, Roberts, Sutton, Smith, Travis, Turner, Thompson, P. Williams, Walker, Woods, Walton.
(9) Burwood, H. Crapp, Davis, Graham, McInerney, Maymond, Roberts, Walker, Walton did not play.
Carlton team: (Mark Pennings)
Backs; Hensley, Sutton, W. Crapp
Half backs; Woods, Coulson, Aitken
Centres; Travis, Williams, Bailey
Half forwards; Blake, A. Thompson, Batters
Forwards; R. Gullen, McDonald, Turner
Followers; Patterson, Hastings, Smith, McInerney
Rover; Balharry
Umpire; H. Wilson.
Carlton lost* (see June 9)
Carl. 1.1 1.2 1.2 2.3
Foots. 1.2 2.3 4.7 5.8
Goals; McDonald, Woods.
Players mentioned; (14) P. Williams (BOG), Coulson, Sutton, "Ivo" Crapp, Thompson, Bailey, McDonald, Batters, Hastings, Balharry, Gullan, Aitken, Woods, Hensley.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton sixth.
Played 5 Won 2 Lost 2 Drawn 1 Goals For 23 Against 20 Points 10.

Carlton Second Twenty played South Melbourne on Princes Oval
No details

June 03
The Australasian reports from Adelaide;
"Norwood established a "record" on Saturday, when they posted 30 goals 11 behinds against Adelaide's one behind.
It is extremely problematical whether they would have scored so heavily against a team from the local Blind Asylum.
Perhaps after a few more such exhibitions, the Adelaide team will begin to consider the advisability at trying their luck at some form of sport that will tax their physical powers less severely, - parlour-croquet for example."

June 03
Carlton's secretary wrote to the Bairnsdale Football Club advising that they can expect a visit by the Blues sometime in July.
So far, no record as yet found of this proposed visit.

June 09 Friday


V.F.A. meeting.
J. Melville on behalf of Carlton protested against Footscay being awarded the four points for last week's match.
The Blues claimed that a Footscray player Powell, had previously this season played for Rainbow against Essendon Districts, both junior teams associated with the V.F.A.
Other members said that Footscray had erred in ignorance and this action would be unsportsman-like behaviour on the part of Carlton.
A committee was appointed to look into the matter.
The transgression was clear, and the match points were awarded to Carlton.
The Australasian's "Markwell" said;
"This skilful manoeuvre on the part of Carlton has placed the club a step or two higher on the premiership list; but old members, men of true grit, who in their day knew how to take defeat, would, I am confident, be better pleased to see the club last absolutely than to know it had gained by protesting at the council table what it was incapable of accomplishing in the field."

To read what the Independent (Footscray) said about the decision, click here> http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article73763659

The Daily News (Perth) gave a balanced report of the protest and described the rules that had been broken. This article was written by George F. Bowen a founder of the Carlton Football Club writing under the pen-name of "Nunquan Dormio".
To read click here, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article76927610
Bowen this time in the Melbourne Punch June 15

June 10
Three intercolonial games were played, no local matches.

Port Adelaide visited Melbourne and played a combined Victorian side which donned Essendon jackets/guernseys and dark blue socks.
Port Adelaide were severly condemned in the Adelaide press for deserting the colony when a Victorian team was in Adelaide, see below.
Carlton players Roberts and McDonald were selected in the 22 man squad.
Match played on the M.C.G.
Crowd; 12,000.
Roberts and McDonald played.
Umpire; J. J. Trait
Victoria won.
Vics 3.4 6.8 8.12 12.14
Port 0.1 1.3 2.5 4.8
Goals; McDonald 5

A Victorian team visited Tasmania.
A Southern Tasmanian team was played at Cornelian Bay Risdon, Hobart.
Crowd; 4,500
Carlton representatives; Batters, Coulson, E. Hastings, Sutton, A. Thompson and P. Williams were part of the 22 man squad.
Umpire; Johnstone
Match drawn.
Victoria 1.0 3.0 5.4 5.5
Sth Tas 1.0 1.2 2.5 5.7
The above scores differ completely from the details below which are from the Tasmanian June 10
Southern Tasmania hit the front early on in the final term with Victoria later equalizing.
Victoria 4.2 4.2 5.8 6.8
Sth Tas 0.0 3.5 4.8 6.11
Goals; Thompson 2
Carlton players mentioned; P. Williams, Batters, Thompson, Sutton.
The Victorian players left for Launceston on Saturday night.

A Victorian team visited Adelaide.
They played a South Australian team on the Adelaide Oval.
The Croweaters were mostly comprised of Norwood and South Adelaide players.
This day Port Adelaide were playing Victoria in Melbourne, and the Victorians were also playing Southern Tasmania in Hobart.
Port was reprimanded in the local press for withdrawing it's players to play in Melbourne.
Both sides were not represented by the best players of each colony.
Crowd; Not more than 5,000
No Carlton representatives.
Victoria won.
Vic 2.2 4.3 4.5 4.7
SA 0.3 0.4 0.8 2.9

June 17
Carlton played Williamstown at Williamstown.
Because of the parochial crowd some clubs refuse to play at Williamstown, Essendon is one of them.
The ill feeling displayed towards Carlton this day, may have been due to the Blues recruiting some juniors from Williamstown.
"As often has been the case at Williamstown in past seasons, the barrackers, principally those in the members reserve, displayed strong partisanship and proportionately bad taste during the progress of the game, and at the finish, one of the goal umpires, J. Thewlis, as well as the field umpire, met with a most disagreeable and altogether unwarranted reception when returning to the pavilion. It would be well for the reputation of the club and of the town if the reserve could be purged of objectionable ruffians on future occasions." (Australasian June 24 p19)
Did not play; Hastings (missed the train), Sutton, Batters and Ivo Crapp.
Hutchison was not available.
William Park* from Edlington (a club in the Hawthorn area) made his debut for the Blues.
.*There is some confusion over his first name, whether it is William Leslie Park or Percy Tasman "Jim" Park. See his bio page.
Crowley ex Richmond.
Former Blue, W. F. "Jasper" Jones scored the only 2 goals for the Villagers.
Carlton team; (26 named)
Aitken, Batters, Bailey, Blake, Balharry, Burwood, Crapp, Crapp, Coulson, Joseph Crowley, Graham, Hastings, McDonald, J. McInerney, McInerney, Patterson, Parks, Roberts, Sutton, Smith, Turner, Travis, Thompson, Williams, "Billy" Walton, Woods.
Umpire; Hallett.
Carlton team
Backs; A. Thompson, W. Walton, Smith
Half backs; Woods, Coulson (C), William Park*
Centre: Travis, P. Williams, Bailey
Half forwards; McDonald, Aitken, Davis
Forwards; Blake, Roberts, Turner
Followers: Balharry, Crowley, Patterson, Burwood
Rover; McInerney
Carlton won;
Carl. 2.0 3.1 3.1 3.6
Will. 1.0 1.0 2.2 2.2
Goals; McDonald, Jack McInerney, Roberts.
Best; Bailey (BOG), P. Williams, J. McInerney, Coulson, Walton
Payers mentioned; (19) Bailey, P. Williams, William Park, Thompson, Coulson, Walton, Balharry, Burwood, Alf Woods, McInerney, Roberts, Smith, McDonald, Blake, Crowley, Travis, Davis, Turner, J. Aitken, (plus Patterson).
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton fourth.
Played 6 Won 4 Lost 1 Drawn 1 Goals For 26 Against 22 Points 18.

June 24
Carlton played Essendon on the M.C.G.
Crowd; 10,000.
The M.C.G. had been played on the previous day and the ground resembled a gluepot.
Hutchison advised the team he was unavailable and Charlie Coulson captained the Blues.
"Carlton have suffered very and many great losses this year in the defection of such players as Moorhouse, Currie, Strickland, Keane, McKechnie, Spedding, Geddes, and others, whose places are not easily filled."
Essendon the reining premiers were favourites.
Robert "Bob" Gullan a recruit from Winchelsea was prominent with his high marking.
Carlton were playing well until half-back Peter Williams injured his leg (strained leg muscles) when a player fell on top of him late in the first quarter and he did not reappear.
This left the side in disarray and lacking confidence.
Captain Charlie Coulson then took the unusual step of asking the Essendon captain if Carlton could field a substitute player, of course the request was refused.
The Blues had to play out the remainder of the game with 19 men.
This match was one of the Blues worst ever performances, and possibly the Blue's lowest score. The team failed to get the ball into their half during the second and third terms.
Ex St.Kilda player McDonald scored the Blues first behind, & Balharry the second.
This was only the second time Essendon had defeated Carlton on the M.C.G.
The North Melbourne Advertiser carried a report of this game, to read click here> http://nla.gov.au./nla.news-article66165172
Carlton team: (23 named)
Aitken, Bailey, Blake, Balharry, C. Coulson (Capt.), Crapp, Hastings, Hutchison, Robert "Bob" Gullan, McDonald, McInerney, William Park, Patterson, Roberts, Sutton, Smith, Turner, Travis, Thompson, Woods, W. Walton (Vice Capt.), Williams, Walker.
Hutchison, Travis, and Walker did not play.
Carlton line up* (Mark Pennings)
Backs; W. Walton, Sutton, Smith
Half backs; Coulson (c), Williams, Park
Centre; Travis, Bailey, Aitken
Half forwards; Roberts, A. Thompson, Patterson
Forwards; Turner, McDonald, Cook
Followers; Balharry, Blake, R. Gullan, Hastings
Rover; Woods
.* McInerney & Crapp mentioned in match reports
Umpire; Trait.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2
Ess. 0.1 2.9 5.11 8.15
Scorers: McDonald 0.1, Balharry 0.1
Best; P. Williams until injured, Sutton, Bailey, William Park, Thompson, Gullan, Hastings, Wood, and Balharry.
Players mentioned; (20) P. Williams, William Park, Aitken, Bailey, Thompson, McDonald, Coulson, Smith, Robert "Bob" Gullan, Sutton, Hastings, Balharry, Travis, Woods, Roberts, W. Walton, Patterson, McInerney, Crapp, Blake.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton fifth.
Played 7 Won 4 Lost 2 Drawn 1 Goals For 26 Against 30 points 18.

Carlton Second Twenty played Essendon on the E.M.C.G.
Carlton team; (29 named)
Anderson, Augustine, Brodie, Cameron, Cook, Downes, Dunn, Grant, Gilmour, Hansford, Jones, King, Kelly (Capt.), Leith, Monk, Jacobs, McKeown, Rerden, Rawlings, Sharp, Stevens, Wilson, Wilson, Thompson, Taylor, Price, Johnson, Halkins, Ryan.

July 01
Carlton played St.Kilda at St.Kilda.
Peter Williams injured, Batters, Sutton, and McInerney were unavailable.
St. Kilda fielded a full strength team.
The Blues in patches played as well as the Saints, but then they would fail to help one another out and St. Kilda would take the game away.
Carlton team; (25 named)
Aitken, Bailey, Burwood, Blake, Balharry, Batters, Crapp, Cook, Coulson, Cameron, J. Gullan, Robert "Bob" Gullan, Hastings, Leith, McInerney, McDonald, Patterson, William Park, Roberts, Smith, Turner, Thompson, Travis, Walton, Woods.
Burwood, Crapp, and Cameron, McInerney, Roberts, & Batters did not play.
Grant came into the side.
Carlton team: (Mark Pennings)
Backs; Patterson, A. Thompson, Smith
Half backs; W*. Walton, Coulson (Capt), Park
Centre; Travis, Woods, Bailey
Half forwards; Balharry, Grant, Leith
Forwards; R. Gullan, McDonald, Turner
Followers; J. Gullan, Hastings, Cook, Blake
Rover; Aitken
Umpire; J. Shaw.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 3.2 3.2 3.4 4.4
St.K. 0.0 4.3 4.3 6.4
Goals; Woods 2, Turner, McDonald.
Best: Hastings "played a great game, " Aitken, Balharry Coulson, Walton, Travis, McDonald, Gullan, Woods, Turner.
Players mentioned (20) Aitken (BOG), Balharry, Bailey, Blake, Cook, Coulson, J. Gullan, Robert "Bob" Gullan, Hastings, Leith, McDonald, Patterson, William Park, Roberts, Smith, Thompson, Travis, Turner, Walton, Woods.
Roberts is mentioned in the reports but not Grant
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton fifth.
Played 8 Won 4 Lost 3 Drawn 1 Goals For 31 Against 34 Points 18.

July 01
This article in The Argus (p15) is about the Melbourne Football Club's gymnasium.
It would be a similar story as to what takes place in the other clubs in the competition.


By "Observer"
"One of the chief points of difference between the old and new football - speaking, of course, solely of the Australian game - is the greater pace at which the game is now played, an outcome, no doubt of the more thorough training which club executives demand from their players.
"A good man, but he won't train" is an every-day criticism in connection with football, and it is significant that however good the man may be he is not good enough unless he is prepared to spend some time in the gymnasium.
Those who have seen both games will, I think, agree with me that if it were possible to put one of the old time twenties into the field against against a trained team of 1893 the latter would have it all their own way in everything but physique, and perhaps, running with the ball. Even in rough and tumble the short thick-set modern player, with every muscle finely developed, would probably hold his own against the giants of the past, for weight, as we have seen lately in boxing, will not always overwhelm cleverness.
I once saw that point illustrated in a game between country and town teams, in which the former, badly beaten in scientific play, chafed under the restriction of modern rules, and thought - with the aid of an old Essendon player who had just returned from some years' residence in London - that the umpire has altogether too much to do with the game. So they demanded old rules for the second half, and were perhaps surprised to find how readily the suggestion was accepted.
The weight was all on the side of the country team, but it's only effect was to make their falls the heavier, for the city players, sharpened by their experience with strict umpires, knew a dozens means of effectually, but undemonstratively, bringing a man down where the rustic Hercules had but one - his weight.
It was the familiar spectacle of the scientific feather-weight and the unskilled "chopping-block" over again. Two nights a week in the gymnasium is the general course for the footballer of today, with as much practice at running with the ball, little marking, and kicking in the open as circumstances will permit him to take.
But many of the manual labourers who play get very little daylight to practice on the grass, and, in doing most of their work in the gymnasium, become exponents of that heavy plugging ruck work which is a feature of the modern game; but has added nothing to it's attractiveness.
A night with the Melbourne team in their gymnasium, when putting on the final polish for the big match today, fairly illustrates then general method.
Their trainer has the undemonstrative methods of all boxing instructors, but in his quiet way is none the less an autocrat, and talks to his boys as a schoolmaster and with just as complete authority. The player may have a preference for practising high marking, but when the trainer sends him to a corner to skip - he skips promptly.
The players are more or less in uniform - the trainer lightly clad in white knickers, a thin singlet, and slippers, for though the night is cold the rubbing down of a score of players, for which works there are a couple of assistants, keeps the blood in circulation. One of the team has so little reverence for winning colours, and so little regard for mementoes, that he has converted his blue and gold intercolonial costume into a gymnasium dress.
The Melbourne trainer, known to all footballers as Jim Mitchell, started for love of the thing with Britannia, a junior club, and got them in such fettle that they soon became premiers in their class, and, finally, seniors under the title of the Collingwood Club.
Then he helped the Fitzroy Imperials a few rungs up the ladder of fame and started football training in real earnest as the mentor of the Fitzroy twenty. Thence he went over to Melbourne and took his luck with him, for the team has been going up steadily until it stands today unbeaten for the season and on an even eminence with Essendon - where there is, however, only room for one - and this afternoon will decide which one.
Practice at high marking seems to be the most popular with the players. The ball hangs from the ceiling by a long elastic band in it's natural state at just about the height the best of the high markers take a ball in play. Beneath it are stretched wrestling mattresses to ease the jar of landing on the cement floor, and so the players, starting in turn from the end of the gymnasium, jump for marks.
Each as he gets the ball brings it down with him through the elastic stretching, and, released, it travels on a rapid and most eccentric course, so that no two players in turn get it as exactly the same height or coming in the same direction.
Seeing this practice continued for some time one begins to understand whence that skill in high marking which is so prominent a feature in the play of O'Halloran, Forbes, Banks, or Ramsden, and others come.
The element of humour is provided in the Melbourne gymnasium by the preseverance with which ground players in the ruck like Wiseman and Stranger try for these high marks as compared with the few rare occasions on which they get them. Apart from marking the exercise is, of course, a good one.
Punching the ball, the prize-fighter's favourite practice, is another exercise which players take in turn, and the stand is rarely vacant, but it seems work peculiarly suited to the development of the arms and the hitting muscles, and, therefore, better for prize-fighters than footballers, whom the association think should keep their hitting muscles dormant.
In the ruck, however, there is naturally a good deal of arm work, and strength is useful. Being in a manner of a variation of boxing, the exercise has also it's effect upon every part of the body, and for that purpose few branches of athletes are better than boxing, as those may realise who have either boxed themselves or noted the difficulty with which a couple of partly trained men get through an exhibition four round when the weight of the hitting has nothing to do with exhaustion.
In fact, the trainer admits that boxing would be a first-class exercise for football, and his fear is not of fighting in the field, but fighting amongst the team. The spirit of emulation always induces men to try a be a little bit better than each other at any game, and with boxing that sort of feeling leads up to trouble. "It would never do," he continues, "to lose our matches in the training-room."
This swinging ball, simple as it looks, is to the novice full of guile. I have seen a leading barrister, on a big night at the Melbourne Athletic Club, walk up to this appliance, and hit it hard just for fun. The harder it is hit the quicker the rebound - and in this instance the unexpected counter drove his cigar into his mouth and eyes, knocking his silk hat flying across the floor, and generally wrought a complete transformation in less than a second. The simple ball had hit back with a vengence. But when an old footballer or experienced boxer punches the ball the exercise is really pretty and spirited, the quickness and certainty of the hitting being remarkable.
The use of the skipping-ropes, it need hardly be explained, is for the development of the leg muscles, and to vary the monotony of the exercise the players occasionally form four square and dance an improvised and competitive quadrille. The "flying horse" and springboard are also in use - the players, as those familiar with gymnasium work know, taking a running jump on the springboard and then over the horse, generally touching it lightly with the hands as they go.
After each player has marked, hit, vaulted and skipped, he has a shower bath, and industriously rubbed down. There is a stock of Indian clubs and dumb-bells in the trainingroom, but though much affected by a former trainer they are rarely used now.
The Melbourne trainer takes his men in hand not as a team but as individuals, and mow and again quietly orders a player to keep on at a particular exercise, when the player himself thinks he has had enough of it. Every trainer has his own peculiar oils and ointments, but there can be no mistaking the popularity of the eucalyptus oil. It takes permanent possession of training and dressing rooms alike, and seems to pervade everything connected with football, though it's enemies of course say that palm oil is much more essential to success at the game. Tuesday is the big training night with the Melbourne team, and, like most other twenties, they may now be considered as fairly wound up for the season, and only require to be kept going. There can be little doubt that whatever may be the effect on the general health of severe training, such exercise as footballers take can hardly be otherwise than stimulating, and the elasticity of frame thus obtained reduces to a mere trifle the effect of the shock and strain of a hard game, which would leave rather unpleasant effects upon an untrained footballer."

July 08
Carlton had the bye, and played First vs Seconds on Princes Oval at 2.45pm.
Carlton Second Twenty team; (27 named)
Anderson, Augustine, Brodie, Cameron, Cook, Downes, Dunn, Grant, Halkins, Hansford, King, Kelly (Capt.), Jones, Jacobs, Johnson, Monk, McKeown, Price, Rawlings, Rerdan, Stevens, Wilson, Wilson, Thompson, Taylor, Leith, O'Brien.
No details.


The Blues captain for this year Dan Hutchison is yet to play this season.
Carlton's troubles continue with Charles Coulson who has been acting captain is so worried about the responsibilities of the position that he is considering retiring from the game.
Coulson most likely retired as he did not play again this season. (July 29)
Former Carlton player and one of the founders of the club George F. Bowen writing for the Daily News in Perth said
"Carlton are completely disorganised, both the captain (Danny Hutchison) and vice captain (Charley Coulson) having resigned last week." (Nunquam Dormio, July 26 p3)

July 11 Tuesday


"The Carlton second twenty want to arrange some matches with first-rate juniors."
(Sportsman p6)

"Mr. E. Penny hon. secretary to the Carlton Football Club Second Twenty, invites applications for matches from secretaries of other clubs, who are asked to send him a list of their vacant dates." (Age p7)
See July 22 and July 29

July 14 Friday


VFA meeting held at Young and Jackson's Hotel.
The next day The Argus reported;
"In connection with the disbanded second twenties' association, it was decided that second-twenty players who had not played as seniors since, 1891, could play with any team they pleased without obtaining a permit."

July 15
Carlton played Fitzroy on the M.C.G.
Crowd; 5,000.
The weather was fine, although the ground was heavy.
A young inexperienced team, a club racked with trouble and dissension, a side that has had three captains already this season, took on an experienced Fitzroy team who for some strange reason has been going through a slump of it's own.
Hutchison has resigned the captaincy.
C. Coulson Blues' vice captain, has quit football because of business engagements.
The Australasian's 'Markwell' said;
"The team were likewise without the assistance of the sturdy Coulson, who, as I stated last week, has been obliged, much against his inclinations, to relinquish football altogether."
A highlight was the ball bursting during the third quarter.
"Cameron who played for the 'dark blues' against Fitzroy, has been languishing in the Carlton second twenty for the last two seasons." (Sportsman July 18)
Peter Williams still injured.
W. Bailey was elected captain of the team, with J. Roberts vice captain.
Fitzroy dominated from the start and had the ball in their forward line for most of the match.
"On the Carlton side no one pleased the crowd half so much as little Aitken, a player with whose methods the spectators whether their neck ties were cardinal or bird's-eye, were always in sympathy. He plays so neatly, and with his whole heart and soul in the game, that one cannot help admiring him. Another player of promise whom the Carlton executive have too long overlooked while scratching around for juniors is Cameron, from their second twenty, whose high marking was almost, if not quite, as good as that of Banks. (Argus p7 to be completed)
For the Blues, the slide continued.
Carlton team: (23 named)
Aitken, W. Bailey (Capt.), Blake, Balharry, Cameron, Cook, Gullan, A. Goddard, Hastings, McDonald, McInerney, Patterson, William Park, J. Roberts, Sutton, Smith, Turner, Thompson, Woods, Walton, Travis, Leith, Williams.
Carlton team line-up (Mark Pennings)
Backs; Park, Sutton, W. Walton*
Half backs; Woods, A. Thompson, Smith
Centre; Aitken, Bailey, Turner
Half forwards; Travis, Roberts, Patterson
Forwards; Cameron, McDonald, Leith
Followers; Blake, Hastings, Cook, J. Gullan
Rover; Balharry
.*Could be E. Walton.
Umpire; J. J. Trait.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.0 2.1 2.3 3.4
Fitz. 3.5 5.7 8.10 10.13
Goals; McDonald 3.
Players mentioned; (20) Aitken, J. Gullan, Cook, Cameron, Smith, Balharry, Hastings, McDonald, Roberts, Bailey, Thompson, William Park, Sutton, Travis, Walton, Leith, Turner, Woods, Blake, other player not mentioned was Patterson.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton seventh.
Played 9 Won 4 Lost 4 Drawn 1 Goals For 38 Against 46 Points 18.

Carlton Second Twenty played University on the University Ground.
Teams to meet at the ground at 2.45pm.
Carlton team; (27 named)
Anderson, Augustine, Brodie, Brown, Cook, Cameron, Downes, Dunn, Grant, Gilmour, Hansford, Halkins, Hart, Jones, Jacobs, Johnson, Kelly, Leith, Monk, McKeown, McInernery, Rawlings, Rerdan, Stevens, Taylor, Thompson, Wilson.

July 20
NSW Rugby v Australian Football
Article by George F. Bown in Punch P11

July 22
Carlton played South Melbourne at the M.C.G.
Moderate attendance.
After the first quarter it was a case of how many goals would South score.
Carlton won the toss and kicked with the wind to the railway end. Leith scored the first goal within minutes of the start, South soon replied. The visitors piled on the goals in the secord term with Carlton only adding a solitary behind.
The team rallied after half time and Leith added three goals, but so too did South. McDonald and Bedggood added 2 goals in the last quarter but the Southerners added another 7.
The Blues were clearly outclassed.
They were disorganised and lacked nous. They were always playing from behind, not in front of their man, and when they made mistakes there was no one helping them out.
The Carlton Gazette says,
"The system of selecting the team this season appears very faultly, no person appearing to know who will comprise the team until the last moment.
The manner in which the team took to the field on Saturday was certainly disgraceful, and it was not until play had been going on for about 20 minutes that the twentieth man took the field."
Hasting could not take the field after half time because of injuries sustained last week.
Batters and Dunn did not play, and Peter Williams was a spectator rather than helping his team mates out.
Rolfe, Bedgood and Leith were their replacements.
"Carlton bought in a couple of new men, or rather boys, in Leith and Rolfe, the two youngsters who who shaped so well at cricket for Carlton last summer." (Argus July 24 p10)
The Blues started the game with 19 men and then lost Hastings to injury at half time.
Again the Gazette says,
"It is hoped that the committee, as well as the team, will work a little more in harmony in the future or the club may just as well disband."
Carlton team: (23 named)
Aitken, W. Bailey (Capt.), Blake, Balharry, Batters, Cook, Cameron, Dunn, Goddard, Leith, McDonald, McInerney, William Park, Jack Roberts (Vice Capt), Sutton, Rolfe, Smith, Travis, Turner, Thompson, Walton, Williams, Woods.
Carlton line-up (Mark Pennings)
Backs; Park, Sutton, W. Walton
Half backs; Goddard, A. Thompson, Smith
Centre; Aitken, Bailey, Turner
Half forwards; Roberts, Cameron, McDonald
Forwards; T. Blake, Travis, Patterson
Followers; Hastings, Rolfe, Bedgood, Leith
Rover; Balharry
Umpire; J. Shaw.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 1.0 1.1 4.5 6.5
S.M. 1.3 7.7 10.7 17.8
Goals; Leith 4, McDonald, Bedgood.
Players mentioned; (18) McDonald, Roberts, Leith, Rolfe, Balharry, Blake, Sutton, William Park, Aitken, Turner, Bailey, Cameron, Thompson, Smith, Hastings, Patterson, Travis, Bedgood.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton eighth.
Played 10 Won 4 Lost 5 Drawn 1 Goals For 39 Against 63 Points 18.

Friday's Evening Standard had Carlton Second Twenty playing Ascot Vale at Ascot Vale.
The Second Twenty competition folded on July 14 probably due to Victoria's severe economic depression. See also July 11 and July 29

"The Carlton Second Twenty v Ascot Vale at Ascot Vale.
The Carlton team will leave G. White's, Lygon street, at 2 o'clock sharp." (The Age July 22 p11)
Carlton team; (23 named)
Augustine, Brown, Brodie, Cook, Dunn, Downes, Grant, Gilmour, Halkins, Hansford, Hart, Jones, Jacobs, Johnson, Kelly (Capt), McKeown, Monk, Rerdan, Rawlings, Thompson, Taylor, Wilson, King.
No result details.

July 22
The Australasian's 'Markwell' wrote;
"Arrangements for a meeting on the M.C.C. ground between old time players of Carlton and Melbourne are being made, and from all accounts there will be no difficulty in filling up the teams with men who were prominent performers in the past.
Mr. B. Murphy in whose hands the fixing up of the Carlton twenty has been left, tells me that he has met no refusals up to the present, and he adds that it is his opinion footballers never die.
He has, he says, received communications - and not through the agency of a spirit medium - from several individuals who were thought to have long since departed for the better land, all of whom are desirous of appearing for the benefit of the charities."

July 27


Image: (Trove) Melbourne Punch July 14 1887
The Argus published an interview with umpire J. J. Trait. A senior umpire for twelve years Trait gives insights into the game played more than 120 years ago and about some of it's personalities including former Carlton superstar Jack Baker.
To read click here. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article8674869


July 29
Carlton played Geelong at the M.C.G.
Fog blanketed much of the city, the ball being difficult to see when dense fog formed late in the game.
Carlton won the toss and kicked with the advantage of a slight breeze.
The Blues surprised everyone after last week's thrashing, this was a very good game which was fairly even up until the start of the final quarter.
New player Ramsay (a defender) played and Williams returned.
The return of two old warriors in the persons of Peter Williams and "Ramsay" strengthened the company ....." (Australasian August 05)
The Carlton Gazette says "Ramsay" is an old player with a new name; perhaps Coulson?
"Young Leith - a recruit from the second twenty - still further emphasising his undoubted prowess as a goal kicker by "planking" three beauties with his "left hind leg." (Melb Punch Aug 03)
Geelong attacked from the bounce and Ramsay and Balharry repelled it, but the Geelong forwards returned the ball, and out of a scrimmage a mark was obtained which resulted in a goal to the visitors. Geelong renewed the attack but Sutton defending carried the ball along the wing and passed to Thompson, then to Roberts and onto Aitken. Geelong repulsed the Blues attack and defenders Walton and Smith had to work hard to stop their advance. From a long shot a goal the visitors bought up their first behind. Williams, Balharry, Blake and Aitken combined with some good football to get the ball forward where Brodie was given a chance to score, but his kick failed to make the distance. Geelong again attacked but a free to Bailey. From the free kick, marks to Parks, Travis, Brodie, McDonald, and Cameron, whose place kick registered the first goal for the Blues. Walton, Patterson and Turner then defended grandly, however, Geelong bought up another behind. Good kicking and marking from Walton, Thompson, Aitken and Rolfe got the ball deep into the Blues' forward but once again Geelong took the ball away. Bailey, Balharry, and Roberts combined to get the ball to Rolfe but he managed only a behind. Batters and McDonald both had shots but they fell short. At quarter time 1.1 - 1.4
Geelong twice scored goals in quick time without any Carlton player touching the ball. They then tried a third time, but only registering a behind. From the kick off Carlton worked the ball via Smith, Bailey, Turner, Roberts and Brodie whose kick found Rolfe who bought up the Blues' second goal. From deep in defence the Blues combined with Sutton, Williams, Park, Bailey, Roberts, and Brodie passed to McDonald and his place kick leveled the scores. In the final ten minutes of the quarter the Blues dominated, but they couldn't find the goals. 3.1 - 3.6
Fog drifted in during the early stages of the third term. Shortly afterwards it completely covered the ground and obliterating the goal posts. Leith just missed a goal bringing up behind. Geelong scored another goal, then with the Blues again dominating Leith scored two goals. Geelong then kicked their sixth major. Through the fog and then out of sight the Blues attacked and Leith again goaled to equal the scores. Geelong then scored their seventh just before three quarter time. 6.2 - 7.7
Geelong scored another goal and then a behind. McDonald had a chance but his kick registered only a behind. Geelong running out winners by two goals.6.3 - 8.9
Carlton team; (22 named)
Aitken, Bailey (Capt.), Blake, Balharry, Batters, Brodie, Cameron, Grant, Leith, McDonald, T. McInerney, William Park, Patterson, Rolfe, Roberts, Smith, Sutton, Turner, Thompson, Travis, Walton, Williams.
T. McInerney and Grant did not play.
Umpire; G. Hallett.
Carlton team: (M. Pennings)
Backs; Smith, Sutton, W. Walton
Half backs; A. Thompson, "Ramsay"/Coulson, Park
Centre; Aitken, Bailey, Roberts
Half forwards; Travis, Cameron, Brodie
Forwards; McDonald, Rolfe, Leith
Followers; T. Blake, Patterson, Turner, Williams
Rover; Balharry
Carlton lost;
Carl. 1.1 3.1 6.2 6.3
Geel. 1.4 3.6 7.7 8.8
Goals; Leith 3, Cameron, Rolfe, McDonald.
Players mentioned; (20) Batters, Williams, Cameron, Bailey, Ramsay, Smith, Sutton, Thompson, William Park, Roberts, Rolfe, Brodie, Leith, McDonald, Balharry, 'Billy' Walton, Aitken, Turner, Blake, Patterson.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton eighth.
Played 11 Won 4 Lost 6 Drawn 1 Goals For 45 Against 71 Points 18.

Carlton Reserves/Second Twenty played Heidelberg at Heidelberg Park. See July 14 and July 22
The team left the Rifle Brigade Hotel at 1.15pm
Carlton team; (23 named)
Augustine, Brown, Cook, Drake, Downes, Dunn, Gilmour, Gordon, Finnigan, Halkins, Hansford, Jones, Jacobs, Johnson, Kelly, McKeown, Monk, McInerney, Rawlings, Rerdan, Taylor, Thompson, Wilson.
Carlton lost; 4.8 - 6.5

July 31 Monday


A meeting of old players from the Carlton Football Club was held at the Clyde Hotel, Carlton.
The meeting was chaired Mr. John Gardiner, and a committee was formed to select a team of former players to take on a similar oldies team from the Melbourne Club.

August 03


George F. Bowen aka "Olympus" in the Melbourne Punch August 03 (p11) wrote about this meeting.
"Thanks mainly to the energy displayed by Major B. J. Wardill and "Barnie" Murphy a match which promises immensely diverting will take place next Wednesday on the Melbourne Cricket Ground between the Old Players of Carlton and Melbourne respectively.
I was up at a couple of meetings of the Carlton Old 'Uns, and I tell you "it warmed my heart and cheered my blood" to once more witness the eagerness with which Dick Frayne, Jack Kendall, Lanty O'Brien, Jack Gardiner, Jem Hoggan, Bob Heatley, Frank Johnston, and a whole host of others rolled up to advance the cause of charity. And seeing that they were in such humour President Gillespie and the committee of the Carlton Football Club met them more than half-way, so that there is every probability of a pleasant afternoon being spent, and a worthy object benefited.
I am not over enamoured with Week Day Benefit Matches as a rule; but as the one under notice is a matter of necessity, and as, moreover, the butchers and the bakers and the candlestick makers (to say nothing about the Mayor and the Councillors of the City of Melbourne) are to be invited to lend a helping hand to make the thing a success, I have no doubt but what it will pan out so when it is all over.
In answer to numerous anxious inquiries I am authorised to state that the Carlton Fat Man has decided to take the field in opposition to Fatty McAllister, of Melbourne, the only difficulty in the road being the fact that it will undoubtedly tax to the utmost the resources of the warehousemen in "the Lane" to get sufficient material to fit him out in proper togs. However, as "Paddy" Mackay has kindly come to the rescue with the offer of a loan of his central umpire flannels there is an off-chance of even that serious difficulty being surmounted."

"the Lane" is Flinders Lane which for more than a century was the centre of Melbourne's clothing industry.

August 05
Carlton played Port Melbourne on the East Melbourne C. G.
This match was switched from Princes Oval.
The Blues kicked two goals against the wind.
With the wind in the second the Blues squandered their chances through selfish play and shots from impossible positions.
Game was even till three quarter time, then Port ran away with it.
Former Carlton player Gib Currie was one of Port's better players.
Williams, Ramsay, and Batters did not play.
Moorhouse played after returning from the country.
Nicholson made his debut.
Carlton team; (23 named)
Aitken, Bailey, Balharry, Blake, Brodie, Cameron, Deane, Grant, Leith, McDonald, William Park, Nicholson, Patterson, Rolfe, Roberts, Ramsey, Turner, Thompson, Travis, Walton, Williams, Sutton, Smith.
Carlton team line-up (Mark Pennings)
Backs; Grant, Sutton, W.Walton
Half backs; A. Thompson, Gray, Park
Centre; Aitken, Bailey (Capt), Roberts
Half forwards; Balharry, Nicholson, Brodie
Forwards; McDonald, Rolfe, Leith
Followers; Blake, Patterson, Turner, Hastings
Rover; Moorhouse
Umpire; Hopkins.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.6
Port. 1.2 1.2 2.4 6.5
Goals; Rolfe, Grant.
Players mentioned; (18) Aitken was best for Blues, Moorhouse, McDonald, Rolfe, Grant, Blake, William Park, Thompson, Sutton, Bailey, Smith, Nicholson, Leith, Balharry, Patterson, Walton, Hastings, Roberts..
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton eighth.
Played 12 Won 4 lost 7 Drawn 1 Goals For 47 Against 77 points 18.

August 09 Wednesday


Former Carlton and Melbourne players played a charity game on the M.C.G.
Modern rules were dispensed with and the game was played under the "ancient" rules, of pushing in the back, rabbitting, slinging, and sacks on the mill.
An amusing game of former players trying to do what used to do with ease years ago.
Lanty O'Brien played on the wing and Sam Bloomfield was at home in the ruck.
"All new-fangled notions in the matter of rules were set aside, and the play was carried out entirely upon the lines of former days. Many a vigorous push from behind and many an artistic sling and clever "rabbit" were seen as the play progressed, and sacks-on-the-mill was frequently the order of the hour. A column or two might, without exhausting the subject, be penned concerning the performance in the match of F. Gunn, Kendall, R. Frayne, Melville, B. Murphy, W. Newing, J. A. Clarke, L. Bracken and others amongst the dark blue warriors." (Australasian August 12 p19)
Carlton team selected from; (35 named)
Tom Aram, Sam Bloomfield, George F. Bowen, "Locky" Bracken, George Browning, J. A. Clark, A. Coventry, James S. Dismorr, H. Drew, R. Donaldson, H. Fitzgerald, Richard Frayne, Jack Gardiner (Capt.), F. W. Gunn, W. Heatley, Jem Hoggan, Frank Johnson, T. Joyce, T. Kelly, Jack Kendall (Vice Capt.), J. Lewis, Jack Melville, Barney Murphy, F. McIntosh, William Newing, C. Newton, C. Nudd, O.T.L. "Lanty" O'Brien, Jas Rickards, G. Smith, F. Spear, J. Turnbull, Joe Williams, J. Woods
Goal Umpire; George McGill
Umpire; Dr. J. Adams
Carlton won; 5.6 - 2.5 (Half time Carl. 3.5 - 2.2)
Goal scorers; "Paddy" Gunn 2, Lewis, Clarke, Newing.
Players mentioned; (11) Lanty O'Brien, Sam Bloomfield, Jack Gardiner, F. Gunn. J. Kendall, R. Frayne, J. Melville, B. Murphy, W. Newing, J. A. Clarke, L. Bracken.

Monday's Age listed the 22 players who took part in the match;
Tom Aram, "Locky" Bracken, Sam Bloomfield, George Browning, J. A. Clarke, James S. Dismorr, R. Donaldson, H. Fitzgerald, Richard Frayne, Jack Gardiner (Capt.), F. W. 'Paddy' Gunn, W. Heatley, T. Joyce, T. Kelly, J. Kendall, J. Lewis, Jack Melville, Barney Murphy, F. McIntosh, William Newing, "Lanty" O'Brien, Williams.

August 12
The Leader in reply to a reader's question;
"Five of the players who took part in the game on the Melbourne cricket ground last Wednesday played with Carlton during or prior to 1876 viz: - J. S. Dismore, J.Gardiner, J.Kendall, W. Newing and O.T.L. O'Brien."

August 12
Carlton played Melbourne on the M. C. G.
A beautiful spring-like day did not bring out the crowd, the attendance was poor.
Williams and Bailey did not play and were sorely missed.
Hutchison played, returning from the Riverina that morning.
Both he and Moorhouse played well in the first half, but they lacked fitness after half time.
J. Roberts captained the Blues.
Carlton played better than Melbourne in the second and third quarters, but lacked an efficient forward. The forwards missed many very easy shots for goal.
The Blues' only goal was scored by Leith early in the first quarter with a left foot punt kick.
The North Melbourne Advertiser had a report on this match, to read click here> http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article66165357
Carlton team; (25 named)
Aitkin, Bailey, Blake, Balharry, Brodie, Cameron, Grant, Hutchison, Hastings, Leith, Moorhouse, McDonald, Nicholson, Patterson, Parks, J. Roberts (Capt.), Rolfe, Ramsay, Smith, Sutton, Turner, Thompson, Travis, Walton, Williams.
Cameron, Grant, Nicholson,Travis, Williams did not play
Carlton team line-up (Herald)
Backs; Smith, Park, Walton
Half backs; Ramsay, Hutchison, Sutton
Centres; Aitken, Roberts, Turner
Half forwards; Rolfe, Thompson, Nuttall
Forwards; McDonald, Leith, Brodie
Followers; Hastings, Blake, Moorhouse, Balharry
Rover; Patterson
Umpire; McNab.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 1.1 1.2 1.6 1.6
Melb. 1.3 4.6 4.7 6.9
Goal; Leith.
Best; Sutton, Ramsay, Hutchison, Blake.
Players mentioned; (16) Hutchison, Moorhouse, Ramsay, Sutton, Walton, Roberts, Aitken, Blake, Leith, Brodie, Thompson, McDonald, Nicholson, Park, Patterson, Rolfe.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton ninth.
Played 13 won 4 Lost 8 Drawn 1 Goals For 48 Against 83 Points 18.

August 19
Carlton played Collingwood at Victoria Park.
Peter Williams, "Ramsay"/Coulson, Bailey, and Jigger Moorhouse did not play. The Blues could not afford to lose their experience.
The Carlton Gazette said,
"There appears to be something radically wrong this season. The club has plenty of material in the construction of the team to show far better results, gradually they are getting lower on the premiership list."
The Blues lost the toss and kicked to the railway end.
Carlton relied on too few to do too much.
Good play by Hutchison got the ball to Cameron who scored a brilliant goal from a very difficult angle to register the Blues only major.
"Hutchison played vigorously though hopelessly in defence and he was but indifferently supported by the team, whose long list of defeats has evidently rendered them careless as to whether they win or lose." (Leader August 26 p17)
Former Carlton captain, Billy Strickland and veteran ex Blue George Williams played for opposition.
Carlton team; (25 named)
Aitken, Bailey, Blake, Balharry, Brodie, Cameron, Grant, Hutchison, Leith, McDonald, Moorhouse, William Park, Patterson, Roberts, Rolfe, Ramsay, Smith, Sutton, Nicholson, Nuttall, Williams, Turner, Thompson, Travis, Hastings.
Carlton team line-up (Herald)
Backs; Parks, Smith, A. Thompson
Half backs; Hutchison, Thompson, Sutton
Centres; Bailey, Roberts, Aitken
Half forwards; Nuttall, McDonald, Leckie
Forwards; Cameron, Rolfe, Leith
Followers; Blake, Balharry, Turner, Hastings
Rover; Travis
Umpire; McNab.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.0 1.1 1.2 1.3
Coll. 1.0 2.1 2.8 4.9
Goal; Cameron.
Players mentioned; (12) Hutchison, Cameron, Aitken, Thompson, Sutton, Smith, William Park, Leith, Rolfe, Turner, Patterson, Balharry.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton tenth.
Played 14 Won 4 Lost 9 Drawn 1 Goals For 49 Against 87 Points 18.

Carlton Second Twenty played the Carlton Juniors on Princes Oval
Teams met at the oval at 2.45pm
Carlton team; (26 named)
Anderson, Anderson, Augustine, Brown, Cook, Cray, Daily, Downes, Flannery, Gordon, Halkins, Hansford, Jacobs, Hughes, Johnson, Kelly, Monk, McKeown, Rerdan, Rawlings, Toumey, Taylor, Thompson, Wilson, Williams, Williams

August 26


Carlton played Essendon at the East Melbourne C. G.
A baseball game was the curtain raiser to this match.
Hutchison, Moorhouse, Hutchison, Bailey, and Patterson did not play.
The Coburg Leader says; "Mr. Jack Leckie, a prominent member of the Wesleys Football Club, has thrown his lot in with the Carlton Football Club with which he will play to-day against Essendon."
A reversal of form of sorts by the Blues, considering their miserable effort last week.
Smith from the second twenty displayed good form.
Carlton were in the game until the final term when the Same Old ran all over the Blues.
McDonald with a 60 yard kick scored for the Blues.
"Ramsay" kept the Essendon champ Thurgood quiet for three quarters but he ended up kicking 4 goals.
According to the Boyles web site, Thurgood twice set kicking records this day.
A place kick was measured at 95.71 metres or 104 yards 2 feet.
He also drop kicked a ball 69.49 metres or 76 yards.
In the final quarter, the Blues lacked on field leadership and direction.
Carlton team; (26 named)
Aitken, Blake, Balharry, Bailey, Brodie, Cameron, Grant, Leith, Jack Leckie, Hastings, Hutchison, Nicholson, Nuttall, Moorhouse, McDonald, William Park, Patterson, Roberts, Ramsay, Rolfe, Sutton, Smith, Turner, Thompson, Travis, Williams.
Umpire; Brown.
Carlton team; (Mark Pennings)
Backs; Smith, Sutton, Turner
Half backs; Park, Batters, A. Thompson
Centres; Grant, Rolfe, Roberts
Half forwards; Aitken, Nutall, Leckie
Forwards; Hearnden*, McDonald, Leith
Followers; Blake, Balharry, Cameron, Williams
Rover; Nicholson/Coulson
.*Heim was named in the Herald's 20, but most likely Alf Hearnden
Carlton lost;
Carl. 1.0 1.0 3.1 3.2
Ess. 1.5 3.8 5.13 9.17
Goals; Cameron, Leith, McDonald.
Players mentioned; (14) Thompson, Sutton, Ramsay, Smith, Rolfe, Aitken, Roberts, McDonald, Leith, Blake, Balharry, P. Williams, Cameron, Nicholson Peter Williams.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton tenth.
Played 15 Won 4 Lost 10 Drawn 1 Goals For 52 Against 96 Points 18.

August 31


" A few years back and Carlton might have stood alone against the Football World. Now, no one so poor as do them reverence. Well, its the way of the world, and the Dark Blues have only themselves to thank for it. They were a bit too cock-awhoop after their Jubilee Year Premiership, and now the day of reckoning has arrived. That the old club will once more arise, Phoenix like, is beyond the suspicion of a doubt; but the Secretary who has the job of reconstructing it will have a picnic for a couple of years or so. There was a beggarly array of empty benches around the East Melbourne Cricket Ground on Saturday, even though the Premiers were playing Carlton; and I will never forget the far-away-look-of-sadness on Secretary Madding's face as I remarked to him - "I didn't think Carlton had fallen so low until now, when I look at the attendance." "Ah!" he replied he, with a sigh that came right away from the vastly deep, as it were - "Last year at this match we took £408. The year before we took £380. This year we won't take £100."
(Olympus - Melbourne Punch p11)

September 01 Friday
"Essendon kicked 9 goals to Carlton's 3 on Saturday.
The glory of the old Carltons seems to have faded since the days of Jack Gardiner, George Coulthard, and Power."
(Trove: The Quiz and Lantern (Adelaide) p14)

September 02
Carlton played Fitzroy at the Fitzroy C. G. Brunswick Street.
The Blues were weakened by the absence of it's leading players, Bailey, Blake, Moorhouse, and Hutchison.
Frederick Franks making his debut played well in the ruck.
By the time they had realised that there was a match going on, Fitzroy had scored 3 goals and the 'Roys maintained that margin most of the day.
McDonald scored three goals in the final quarter, but missed at least another three.
Carlton team; (26 named)
Aitken, Bailey, Blake, Balharry, Cameron, Francis Franks, Grant, Hastings, Leith, Leckie, Moorhouse, McDonald, McKeown, Nuttall, Nicholson, Patterson, William Park, Roberts, Ramsay, Rolfe, Sutton, Smith, Turner, Travis, Thompson, Williams.
Umpire; Schaeffer.
Carlton team (Mark Pennings)
Backs; Park, Sutton, Smith
Half backs; Turner, Batters, A. Thompson
Centres; Aitken, Roberts (C), Rolfe
Half forwards; Nuttall, Leith, Hearnden
Forwards; Leckie, McDonald, McKeown
Followers; Hastings, Balharry, Patterson, Franks
Rover; Williams
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.1 2.5 3.6 6.8
Fitz. 3.3 4.4 6.6 9.9
Goals; McDonald 3, Leith 2, Williams.
Players mentioned; (12) McDonald, Leith, Roberts, Ramsay, Franks, Rolfe, Thompson, Smith, Williams, Aitken, Balharry, Hastings.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton tenth.
Played 16 Won 4 Lost 11 Drawn 1 Goals For 58 Against 105 Points 18.

September 09
Carlton played South Melbourne at the South Melbourne C. G.
The game was closer than the scores indicate. South's accurate kicking in the third term when they got on top, was the difference between the clubs.
Carlton team; (24 named)
Aitken, Bailey, Balharry, Blake, Franks, Hastings, Leckie, Leith, McDonald, McKeown, Nuttall, Nicholson, William Park, Patterson, Roberts, Ramsay, Rolfe, Sutton, Smith, Turner, Thompson, Williams, Moorhouse, Grant.
Umpire; Hallett.
Carlton team; (Mark Pennings)
Backs; Smith, Sutton, Turner
Half backs; Park, Couson, A. Thompson
Centre; Rolfe, Bailey, Aitkin
Half forwards; Nuttall, Leith, Batters
Forwards; Hastings, McDonald, McKeown
Followers; Franks, Blake, Balharry, Patterson
Rover; Williams
Carlton lost;
Carl. 2.2 3.3 3.4 5.5
S.M. 4.1 4.2 9.5 10.7
Goals; McDonald 3, Blake, Williams.
Best; P. Williams, a superb roving display.
Players mentioned; (15) P. Williams, Patterson, William Park, Rolfe, Aitken, McDonald, Balharry, Blake, Smith, Hastings, Sutton, Ramsay, Thompson, Turner, Nuttall.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton eleventh.
Played 17 Won 4 Lost 12 Drawn 1 Goals For 63 Against 115 Points 18.

Septermber 15 Friday


The Herald p3 (and South Australian newspapers)
A. "Bos" Daly of Norwood (South Aust.) scored 23 out of his team's 29 goals against the Adelaide club last weekend. (29.12 - 2.4)
He had 26 shots hitting the post twice and a running shot which missed. The previous South Australian highest goal scorer was Charlie Woods with 55 in 1891, Daly has already kicked 86 goals so far this season.

September 16
Carlton played Melbourne at the Warehousemen's Ground.
"Carlton with it's best team in the field, is weak enough in all conscience, but minus such a quartet as P. Williams, Ramsay, Aitken, and Thompson, the old club ought have been beaten into a jelly."
Leader September 23;
"Carlton had some difficulty in getting 20 players to take the field, and it is to be regretted that so little interest is taken in the old club by many of its present members and it's supporters (?)"
Newcomers Lyndsay (Carlton Juniors) and McCaffery (Richmond Juniors) played.
A fast and a good game, but McDonald missed some easy chances.
Carlton team; (26 named)
Aitken, Bailey (Capt.), Balharry, Blake, Cameron, Cunningham, Hastings, Hutchison, Hannah, Leith, Leckie, Frank McDonald, Moorhouse, Nuttall, Nicholson, William Park, Polleykett, Patterson, Ramsay, Rolfe, Roberts, Sutton, Smith, Turner, Thompson, P. Williams.
Cunningham, Hutchison, Moorhouse, Polleykett, Ramsay, & P. Williams did not play.
Carlton team (Mark Pennings)
Backs; Turner, Sutton, Smith
Half backs; McCaffery, Roberts, Park
Centre; Hannah, Bailey (Capt), Rolfe
Half forwards; Lindsay, Leith, Nuttall
Forwards; Cameron, McDonald, Leckie
Followers; Hastings, Blake, Franks, Balharry
Rover; Patterson
Umpire; Former Blue, Frank Coffey debut as a senior umpire.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 1.1 1.1 1.4 3.7
Melb. 0.3 2.6 5.8 8.10
Goals; McDonald 2, Turner.
Best; Blake (BOG)
Players mentioned; (14) Blake, Bailey, Lyndsay, McCaffery, Roberts, McDonald, William Park, Turner, Rolfe, Balharry, Franks, Nuttall, Smith, Sutton.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton eleventh.
Played 18 Won 4 Lost 13 Drawn 1 Goals For 66 Against 123 Points 18.

September 23
Carlton played Geelong at Geelong.
The Blues travelled to Geelong on the steamer Edina which left Queen's Wharf at 10am, and returning from Geelong at 6pm.
A rain affected match. The Blues played well at times.
Carlton hit the front in the last term when McDonald with a long running kick scored the first goal of the term.
Scores were then tied in the last and the umpire penalised Carlton for time wasting, the free kick paid resulted in the winning goal for Geelong.
The game was heading for a draw, when the umpire appeared to make a mistake.
Late in the final quarter near the Geelong goal, the ball it went out of bounds the umpire ran to retrieve it, and Patterson gave the ball a kick towards the umpire but it went astray.
For this indiscretion Umpire Coffey paid a free for wasting time to a Geelong player who scored the winning goal.
The umpire later admitted making a mistake!
Both McDonald and Ramsay missed chances to level the scores.
After marking the ball Roche of Geelong three times scored a goal after the bell had sounded. Could this be a record that would still stand?
Six of the Blues' better players, Roberts, Sutton, Hastings, Bailey, Smith, and Williams did not play.
These six would have made a huge difference to the outcome.
Davis played.
Carlton team; (22 named)
Aitken, Bailey, Balharry, Blake, Cameron, Franks, Hastings, Hannah, Leith, Lindsay, McDonald, McCaffery, Nuttall, Nicholson, Patterson, William Park, Turner, Thompson, Smith, Ramsay, Rolfe, Williams.
Umpire; Frank Coffey.
Carlton team; (Mark Pennings)
Backs; Turner, Park, Patterson
Half backs; Rolfe, Batters (Capt), McCaffery
Centre; Lindsay, A. Thompson, Hannah
Half forwards; Leith, McDonald, Nuttall
Forwards; Coulson/'Nicholson', Cameron, M. Blake
Followers; T. Blake, Franks, Davis, Balharry
Rover; Aitken
Carlton lost;
Carl. 1.0 2.3 3.4 4.5
Geel. 1.3 3.8 3.11 5.11
Goals; McDonald 3, T. Blake.
Players mentioned; (19) Aitken, Balharry, Tom Blake, Mick Blake, Cameron, Davis, Franks, Hannah, Leith, Lindsay, McCaffery, McDonald, Nicholson, Nuttall, Patterson, William Park, Ramsay, Rolfe, Thompson, (Turner maybe the missing player from the 20)
Thompson, centre.
Patterson, William Park, and Ramsay, back.
The brothers Blake, Balharry, and Davis in the ruck.
Rolfe and Lindsay on the wing.
Nuttall and McDonald forwards.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton eleventh.
Played 19 Won 4 Lost 14 Drawn 1 Goals For 70 Against 128 Points 18.

September 30
Carlton played Port Melbourne at Port Melbourne.
The Sporting Judge;
The match between Ports and Carlton was fairly sickening. Both teams showed play inferior to First Rate Juniors."
The Australasian;
"With half a dozen or more of it's best men away, Carlton finished their inglorious season quite as poorly as their bitterest enemies could desire. They were simply not in the game with Ports, who, whether favoured or hindered by the wind, did almost as they pleased."
Tom Blake was away winning the Victorian 10 Mile Championship at Caulfield. Jack Leith had decided to play cricket and several others were absent.
Carlton team; (23 named)
Aitken, Blake, Balharry, Bailey, Cameron, Franks, Hannah, Lindsay, Leith, McDondald, McGrath, Nuttall, Nicholson, William Park, Patterson, Ramsay, Rolfe, Roberts, Sutton, Smith, Turner, Thompson, P. Williams.
William/s was mentioned in the Herald report.
Umpire; Hallett.
Carlton's starting 20/18
Backs; Smith, William Park, Turner
Half backs; Lindsay, A. Thompson, Rolfe
Centres; Hannah, Bailey (C), Aitken
Half forwards; Nuttall, Cameron, Grant
Forwards; Williams, McDonald, unknown
Followers; Davis, Balharry, Patterson, Franks
Rover; Sutton
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Port. 2.4 2.5 5.8 8.9
Goal; McDonald.
Players mentioned. (11) Sutton, Patterson, McDonald, William/s Turner, Bob Cameron, Balharry, Davis, Thompson, Smith, Franks
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton eleventh.
Played 19 Won 4 Lost 14 Drawn 1 goals For 71 Against 136 Point 18.

October 02 Monday
The Age review 5/6 P7


"Carlton have fallen from fifth to tenth, and, like Babylon of old, "great is the fall thereof," though it is to be hoped that the Old Blues have not, like Lucifer, fallen never to rise again."
"Carlton have, without doubt, been the disappointment of the year.
The initial mistake was made when Hutchinson, an absentee, was appointed captain, and from that time on the downfall of the old club was as rapid as it was regrettable.
Only 3 matches were actually won on the field, for of the 4 wins to Carlton's credit out of 20 matches the game against Footscray was awarded on protest against Footscray for wrongly playing Powell. Truly the Carlton executive can inscribe "Ichabod" over the portals of the club's rooms, for the glory has indeed departed.
Carlton's record is unique and worthy of being set out.
After winning the first two games played with North Melbourne and Collingwood they drew with Richmond. They then lost to St.Kilda, and won Footscray's game on protest; won the match with Williamstown, and then entered on a succession of losses that was only terminated by the season coming to a close.
Fourteen successive defeats dimmed Carlton's escutcheon, and it will take "a long pull, and a strong pull, and a pull altogether," to get the old club going again. However, more energetic management is promised next season, and it is hoped that with new blood a great change in the fortunes of the club will be bought about.
The fact that the team has no ground of their own - no home ground so to speak - mitigates seriously against them. Surely Cr. Jack Gardiner would see to this if the matter were bought before him, "as it were."
These who played best under the dispiriting surroudings were: Aitken, Bailey, Roberts, William Park, Thompson, McDonald, Leith, Coulson, Blake, Balharry, Peter Williams, and Smith, but the other 31 who were tried at one time or another found the surroundings altogether uncongenial.
The goal kickers were:-McDonald 22, Leith 11, Thompson 6, Hastings 4, Woods 4, Blake 3, Peter Williams 3, Cameron 3, Turner 3, Smith 2, McInerney 2, Rolfe 2, and Walton, Balharry, Graham, Batters, Roberts, Bedgood, and Grant 1 each."

McDonald with 22 goals was 9th. on the V.F.A. goal kicking list which was topped by Essendon's Thurgood with 65.
Leith was equal 18th with 11 goals.

The Age this day also published this season review;


(By "Follower," of The Leader.)
"After a reign of five months' duration, dating from the first Saturday in May, King Football last Saturday resigned his sceptre in favor of his summer successor, King Cricket.
That the season just concluded has been fairly successful from a purely football point of view few will be found to gainsay.
There has been a total absence of even a suspicion of "cronk" play, and the quality of the football shown has been quite up to the standard shown in recent years.
In my opinion, however, the general style of play is not improving. As compared with the game of 10 or 12 years back there is now far too much ruck work, and as a general rule everything is subordinated to the followers. Where now do we see the running with the ball that was bought to such a state of perfection by such past masters of the art as Harrison, Egbert Wills, Garbutt, Conway, Kneen, Monie, Bracken and many other contemporary players of little inferior prowess?
Time was when a quick dodgy runner from right back would thread his sinuous course past all his adversaries , close up to goal, and rouse the crowd to enthusiasm; but as the game is at present played, to little mark to another player seems to be the chief aim of the majority of those who pursue the game. Where now do we see the long distance kickers as F. Baker, Coulthard, "Ben" Hall, Stiffe, R. D. Booth, Harry Nudd, Bushby, Jumbo Thompson, cl hoc genus?
Nowadays a kick of 50 yards is far above the average, a kick of 60 yards never fails to bring forth loud applause; and though we now and again read that So and So "with a magnificient kick fully 70 yards just missed the posts," or "scored a beautiful goal," as the case may be, I doubt whether 70 yards is ever kicked in these present days. Dyson of Williamstown, and Peter Burns, of Geelong, are about the best of the present day long distance kickers; but they must pale their ineffectual fires before the distances compassed by the "stars" of old.
I am of opinion that the tendency to confine the play to the ruck men, and the exclusive use - almost abuse - of the "little marks," have tended to bring about the decadence of the clever running and long kicking, and if the Victorian Football Association could by any possible amendment of the laws which at present govern the game bring about a state of affairs that would result in the reinstatement of long runs and long kicking, they would at last do something in the way of advancing football in the estimation of the public.
The incongruous law relating to behinds still remains a blot on the rules. The present course of things is anomalous, and as matters now stand, instead of being an advantage, it is a positive handicap to score a behind, as the teams so doing virtually give their opponents an opportunity to get the ball away with what is to all intents a free kick. Perhaps at the annual meeting of the delegates from the Victorian and South Australian associations, which usually takes place around Cup time, someone may be found to take the question of a much needed amendment of the rule relating to behinds in hand with a view to providing that kicking off shall be abolished, and the ball be thrown in by the umpire in the case of a behind, in a manner similar to that which now obtains in the case of out of bounds."

October 07
The Australasian;


"Carlton's worst season in the history of the club has just closed, and now, according to men whose hearts are still true to the famous old colour, an upward course as rapid as their descent awaits them.
I am sure I hope so, and I think there is warrant for the hope in the number and quality of the youngsters who have been drafted into the team to fill up the many vacancies that have unfortunately occurred.
It was bad luck to lose Hutchinson and other good men for the whole of the year, but the knocking out of Peter Williams, the best of the bunch, was disastrous."

October 31
Funeral at Melbourne General Cemetery of Carlton committeeman James M. Irons.

1893 was the worst season for the Blues since their formation in 1864.
Winning only 4 games and 1 draw.
They lost their last 13 matches sliding from fourth to eleventh.

Ironically, The Argus' season review cites Collingwood's dramatic improvement to the accquistion and leadership of former Carlton champion Billy Strickland, and states that Carlton's demise is due to it's lack of leadership.

Carlton Captain Dan Hutchison's work took him to the country, and coupled with injuries restricted him to a handful of games.
Vice Captain Charles Coulson found the pressure of Captain's duties too much and retired mid season.
Jack Bailey took over the Captain's role.
An injury to Wally McKechnie saw him retire, and a lengthy suspension forced out Alf Spedding.
Peter Williams missed a lot of games through injury and 'Jigger' Moorhouse missed the first half of the season.
Departures from the club;
Billy Strickland, George Williams, H. Simpson, and W. Beggs to Collingwood.
'Gib' Currie and Tulloch to Port Melbourne.
Jack Keane to Melbourne, J. Bowen to Richmond, and W. Hannah to Fitzroy.

With the loss of so many experienced players it is little wonder that the Blues' fortunes nose dived.

Unfortunately the economic situation in Australia was dire, as the country was experiencing a severe depression with Victoria being the hardest hit and this would effect the revenue Carlton would have expected from the gate.
The depression would parallel Carlton's fortunes over the next few years.
It may have been all doom and gloom for the 1893 Blues and that things couldn't get any worse.
Well, disaster was looming.

Essendon won the Premiership for the third year running, without losing a game.

The Argus, October 5, 1893;


The Argus newspaper in it's editorial said;
"The football season of 1893 has in retrospect some pleasant features. It has been marked by a few accidents and absolutely no scandals.
And to keep absolutely honest a sport which attracts such multitudes, and in which money could be dishonestly made without much difficulty, is a great feat. It is a feat almost as surprising to keep so free from disaster a sport which is certainly rough; which calls forth the highest excercise of activity and strength, and which might easily become fertile in accidents.
Nothing is more striking than the contrast betwixt the casualty list of English football and that of the Victorian game.
The English football season of 1892, for example, yielded 26 deaths, 39 broken legs, 12 broken arms, 25 broken collar-bones, and 75 other cases of "severe injuries" that only stopped short of death.
The "butcher's bill" of the English football season, that is, resembles, for length and severity, that of a severe engagement; and a sport so plentifully bespattered with blood must be brutalising in it's tendency. It almost deserves to be classed with bull-baiting, or gladitorial shows.

But with us football is almost as barren of serious accidents as cricket or lawn tennis. The game is severely umpired; every element of brutality or violence is pruned away; and Victoria may certainly claim the credit of having evolved a form of football which preserves all the speed and movement and the keen strife of say the Rugby game, without the peril to life and limb which marked the older form of the sport.

The matches of the last season, it must be admitted, have not drawn crowds on the scale of previous seasons; nor have the contests, as a rule, awakened an interest so keen and passionate as in previous years. Only once or twice during this year has a crowd 25,000 strong gathered to a match; and one marked feature of previous football seasons-the deep-toned many-voiced roar of the excited spectators, audible a mile distant from the actual scene of conflict, marking the fluctuations of the fight by it's sudden pauses and outbreaks-has almost disappeared.

It is a curious fact that in the present season the marked and overwhelming excellence of a single club is largely responsible for the diminution of popular interest in matches. There must be some reasonable equality betwixt the clubs to keep high the standard of excitement throughout the season; and Essendon was from the beginning of the season so visibly superior to all other clubs that rivalry became hopeless.
Paradoxical as it may seem, the season would have been more successful, and the general level of football would have been higher, had Essendon "gone to pieces," or lost one or two good players, and so given other clubs a chance of success. By some curious and unexplored law, the primacy of football is limited to a cycle of three years. Carlton, South Melbourne, Geelong (twice), and Essendon have each held the premiership for three successive years, and, by the law of averages, Essendon ought next year to descend from it's pride of place. It may seem ungracious to wish for the overthrow of so fine a club; and yet if next season a club emerges strong enough to challenge and overthrow the present premiers, it will give a new vitality to the whole game, and make the season of 1894 a period of huge crowds and very exciting contests.

The tendency of the game is to develop one or two clubs, who, by their fame and their prospects of success, attract the most promising players to their ranks, and this creates a sort of unnatural supremacy on the part of a particular club, which starves the game as a whole.
Football can only keep it's popular interest when there is a network of local clubs reasonably equal in skill, and strong in local talent and feeling. The clubs, in their own interest will be wise to vigilantly maintain the "permit" system, which tends to prevent one or two prominent clubs from drawing the best players to their ranks from every locality, and so destroying the general interest of the game.

It may be doubted whether some of the late "reforms" introduced into the game have not reduced it's picturesqueness, and so robbed it of the features which delight the crowd. At present the game is a little bit over-umpired. The "ruck" is everything. The runs, fleet footed and clever, across two thirds of the ground, which of old would have set a crowd half delirious with delight, are rarely witnessed now.
Football tends more and more to become a game in which is what is called the "ruck" - a cluster of struggling players - always to and fro across the ground, with the ball invisible amongst the feet of the players, and only emerging for the final kick when opposite the goal posts.

The change made in the fashion of starting the game is symptomatic of much. Play used to be started in a fashion dramatic and picturesque in the highest degree; the players standing in a line across the centre of the ground, and charging forward to their posts in the enemy's territory, as the ball soared high in the air at the kick-off.
But now the play is begun by a "bounce" and a "scuffle," and, speaking generally, football tends more and more to become a scuffle.

It is difficult to exaggerate the value to a nation of it's physical sports. A passion for games which tax physical activity in the highest degree is the sign of a strong fibred, hot-blooded, and strenuous race, sure to hold it's own in the fierce competitions of nations; and as modern life - especially modern city life - grows more artificial, and increases it's pressure on the brain and the nerves, so much the more wholesome and necessary becomes the function of such games as football and cricket.

Civilisation need not diminish the physical vigour of a community; it may even increase it. It is certain that "records" of running, jumping, rowing, swimming, and physical exercises generally are beaten and heightened every year; and it may be doubted whether a good football club of to-day would not beat at every point of activity an equal number of Greek athletes who formerly contended for the parsely wreath."

The Carlton Story. Hugh Buggy and Harry Bell. Pages 71, 72, 259.
Mullin’s Footballers Australian Almanac of 1951. Page 66.
The Rivalry. Michael Roberts. Page 52.
The Old Dark Navy Blues, Lionel Frost. p30.
History of the Carlton Football Club. Brian Hansen, p85.
Centenary Souvenir of the Carlton Football Club. Page 20.
The Age, 1893 editions
The Argus, 1893 editions.
The Bendigo Independent, 1893 editions.
The Carlton Gazette, 1893 editions.
The Advertiser, Adelaide 1893 editions.
The Evening Standard, 1893 editions.
The Sporting Judge 1893 editions.
The Australasian, 1893 editions.
The Broadford Courier, 1893 editions.
The Mercury (Fitzroy), 1893 editions.
The Coburg Leader, 1893 editions.
The Quiz and Lantern (Adelaide), 1893 editions.
The Tasmanian (Launceston), 1893 editions.
Geelong Advertiser, 1893 editions.
Melbourne Punch, 1893 editions.
Mark Pennings' records.

Pre VFL Players | Pre VFL Captains | Pre VFL Vice Captains | Formation of the Club | The Guernsey | Pre VFL Venues
Melbourne Rules Years: 1864 |Challenge Cup Competition: 1865 | 1866 | 1867 | 1868 | 1869 | 1870 | 1871 | 1872 | 1873 | 1874 | 1875 | 1876
VFA Years: 1877 | 1878 | 1879 | 1880 | 1881 | 1882 | 1883 | 1884 | 1885 | 1886 | 1887 | 1888 | 1889 | 1890 | 1891 | 1892 | 1893 | 1894 | 1895 | 1896

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