


Carlton Captain. Jack Conway
President. G. Coppin,
Secretary T. Power.
Home Ground. Royal Park.
Carlton played 9 Challenge Cup matches.
Won 2 Lost 2 Drawn 5.

At a meeting of club secretaries May 16 1870:
(Carlton, Melbourne, South Yarra, Albert Park, Hobson's Bay Railway Company, Surrey, Carlton United and Hotham secretaries attended.)

Players could not play for more than one club in Challenge Cup games.

Every player should wear the uniform of his club. ie. cap and shirt.

Both teams to " choose a Central (or Field Umpire), to whom all disputes in the field shall be referred".

1870 was very wet, with grounds awash and with primitive or no drainage.


Junior Clubs

Carlton Imperial, Carlton United, Drummond, Prince Alfred (Origins of Australian Football Vol. 1)

March 31
Victoria's population was 815,600
Males; 401,316
Females; 314,284
An increase of 5,316 in the last 12 months.
(Leader May 28 p10 1870)

April 28
Carlton Football Club meeting at Stafford's Carlton Club Hotel.
50 members present.
Mr. John Walls presided, the report and balance sheet being adopted.
The 1869 season was a very successful one.
Of seven matches played;
Won 5, Lost 1, Drawn 1. Goals For, 10 Against, 2.
The meeting congratulated the Second Twenty for their efforts, and pointed out the slowness of teams organizing return matches at Royal Park.
Office bearers elected;
President; Mr. George Coppin.
Vice presidents; Mr. G. Owen and Mr. J. Walls.
Secretary and treasurer Mr. T. P. Power.
Committee; R. Robertson, J.G. Harris, O'Brien, C. Barrass, J. Duncan, C. Hillsden, T. McCarthy, T. Marshall, and G. Kennedy.
An illuminated address was presented to the club's captain, Mr. John Conway.
Jack Conway

April 30
Carlton practice match in Royal Park.

April 30


"The programme of matches, will, no doubt, this year will be a very good one, and one that will excite a great deal of interest. All the clubs from last year will be well and worthily represented, and, in addition, there is some talk of a new one being formed, viz, the Hotham, through a division in the Carlton Club, the same that took place in the cricket club.
If this occurs, it may somewhat weaken Carlton, but not perhaps to any appreciable extent; as it would cause another good club to spring up, it may be desirable that the division should take place."
(Herald p12)


"I am sorry to see that the ground in the Richmond-paddock on which the Melbourne Club is accustomed to play is in such a bad state, worse than ever it was before. In addition to the ground in most places being quite hard and bare, and having several deep ruts, or rather gullies, a path* has been made lately made across it at the Richmond end. Altogether, I do not well see how the club can, without some great improvement is made, play on this ground, and I would advise the members to look out for a fresh one.
All the other clubs have very good grounds, that of Carlton especially being very fine, though in a rather out of the way situation.
.*This pathway can be seen in the photo of the MCG below.

"As the meeting of secretaries will shortly take place for the purpose of arranging the programme for the season, I would again urge them to come to some arrangement for the purpose of decreasing the number of drawn games.
During last season, I suggested a plan by which a goal was to be scored if the ball were kicked behind the goal posts a certain number of times. If this plan were agreed to be tried, it would almost certain to have good effect, and I know that some of our best players are pretty confident of its efficacy." (Fair Play - Herald p12)

May 07
Carlton practice match in Royal Park between sides selected by J. Conway and J. H. Guy at 3pm.
After two hours' play Conway's team won 2-1.

May 14
Carlton practice match at Royal Park at 3pm.
Sides selected by J. Conway and J. H. Guy.
After two hours play Conway's side won 2-1

May 16
Secretaries met to arrange matches for the coming season.
Clubs represented were Carlton, Melbourne, South Yarra, Albert Park, Hobson's Bay Railway, Surrey, Carlton United, and Hotham.

May 21
First match of the season was a North vs South game, at the Melbourne ground.
Carlton and Melbourne made up the North team, Albert Park and South Yarra the South.
Players would have been pleased with the improvements undertaken at the Metropolitan or Melbourne ground.
Many roots and stumps have been removed, and the numerous drains that criss-crossed the ground have been filled in.
The Northern team was captained by H. Harrison and J. Conway, and the Southern by Chessell.
Play commenced at 2.30pm when Conway kicked off to the western goal. After about 45 minutes of play Duncan marked the ball and his place kick sailed through the goals.
Crowd; 2,000
Carlton had 12 representatives J.Conway, Guy, Duncan, O'Brien, T.Marshall , J.Donovan, Jim Williams, Bill Williams, Clarke, Jim McCarthy, Bannister, and C. Hillsden.
Match drawn; 1-1
Goal; J. Duncan.
Best from both teams; Harrison, Chessel, Marshall, Clarke, Bell, Crook, Guy, Freeman, Petree, O'Brien, Baker, Rigall, Kennedy, Byrne, and Grey.

Carlton Reserves/Second Twenty played Surrey on the Richmond Park at 2.30pm.
Carlton team; (25 named)
R. Adamson, Azzopardi, Brisbane, Crockett, Fullarton, F. W. Harris, Gillman, Glennon, Floyd, Henderson, Hoy, Johnstone, Jones, Muir, Pattison, Percy, Phillips, Power, Reilly, Roberts, Robertson, Ryan, Sharpe, Toad/Todd?, F. Wills
Match drawn 1-1
Goal; Adamson.

May 28
Carlton practice match at Royal Park.

The Carlton Second Twenty/Reserves played Collingwood at the same venue.
Carlton Reserves team; (23 named)
A. Azzopardi, R. Adamson, Bushaw, Crockett, Fullarton, Gillman, Glennon, Henderson, Hoy, F. W. Harris, Iek/Ick, D. Jones, Johnstone, M. McNamara, McHard/McHarg, S. Muir, Pattison, Power (Capt), Robertson, Reilly, Toad/Todd, Sharpe, and F. Wills.
The Australasian May 28 had named C. Percy and Brisbane instead of Bushaw in their 24

The Collingwood team also had a player named Azzopardi, perhaps Angelo's brother?

June 03


"A novel match has been arranged between Mr. J. C. Duncan, one of the best football players in the colony, and Mr. T. Colles, well known as the neatest sculler on the river. The former undertakes to run from Edward's to the Botanic Bridge along the south side, while the latter, starting from the first bend, sculls to the same place. The start will take place at 8 o'clock to-morrow morning. Considering the heavy state of the ground. Mr. Duncan will have some difficulty in passing his rubicund opponent. (Herald p2)

June 04
Carlton were to play 18th Regiment on the Melbourne ground.
Due to the wet weather, the match against the redcoats, the 18th Regiment (Royal Irish) at the Melbourne ground did not take place.
The Blues waited on the ground until 3pm; but the military did not appear.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg.)
W. Barfoot, C. O. Barrass, Harry Bannister, John Conway (Capt.), J. Clarke, J. Donovan, J. Duncan, J. H. Guy, W. Gorman, F. Gillman, C. Hillsden, G. Kennedy, Johnstone, T. McCarthy, Murray, O. O'Brien, R. Robertson, Todd, J. Williams, P. Waugh.
Emergencies; C. McFarland, F. W. Harris.
Match cancelled.

Carlton Reserves to play East Brunswick at North Fitzroy.

Melbourne Cricket Ground in Richmond Paddock.
The Melbourne Football Ground (the gravel pit) is in the area behind and to the right of the club rooms. In 1876 a reversible grandstand was built to our right of the club rooms.
The seating could be tilted to watch the football on the outside ground during the football season.
Buildings line Wellington Parade. The Civil Service or Scotch College Cricket Ground (now the Tennis Complex) is in the foreground with the duplicated railway line from the city to Richmond running between the two arenas.
The two grounds do look close, but this is the foreshortening effect of the camera lens. The white smoke in the foreground could be from a fire or a steam locomotive?

The image below is of the East Melbourne Cricket Ground.
What looks like a cricket match is taking place with refreshment tents providing food and drinks at both ends of the arena.
The railway gates at Jolimont Road are closed with a horse and cart waiting for the train to pass.
Near the centre of the photo is the corner of Wellington Parade and Landsdowne Street with the Treasury Gardens on the left and the Fitzroy Gardens on the right.
Scotch College (1853-1926) can be seen on the Landsdowne Street corner of Gipps Street.
The building with the curved roof at the rear of the cricket ground is the National Gymnasium, an iron structure that originally stood on the first Exhibition Building site in 1863.
It was relocated to this site in 1870 and stood until 1906. Many schools in the area used the gym.
Both images are part of a larger panorama of the Melbourne area taken from the newly completed tower on top of Government House.



Again from circa 1870, looking towards Jolimont.
The East Melbourne Cricket Ground is visible with the relocated National Gymnasium next door to the cricket ground.
Flinders Street runs diagonally across the image to its intersection with a broad Wellington Parade running to the top of the picture.
The Jolimont Road railway gates can be seen, and the Melbourne Cricket Ground fence just visible beyond, amongst the trees in the distance. This image was possibly taken from the Melbourne Town Hall.
Note: The National Gymnasium had a curved roof which can be seen clearly in the image above this one.
One would think that a curved roof would be unusual for this time, however on closer examination of this photo there are a number of buildings with this roof design. Perhaps they are a type of prefab?
(Image; The Streets of Melbourne - From Early Photographs, Victoria's 150th Anniversary. ISBN 0909917531 Published by The Herald and Weekly Times)

June 09
Melbourne played the Police on the Metropolitan Ground.
The Police team was captained by Carlton's Jack Conway
The Argus (July 11) said, "With a view to equalising the chances of the teams, the rules of the Melbourne Club were slightly departed from, neither "marks," holding nor running with the ball being allowed."
The modified rules were of no help to the Police team as they were soon overwhelmed. One policeman broke his collar bone and another damaged his nose. Both players did not resume and Melbourne allowed subsitutes to replace them. Melbourne won 2 - 0

June 11


Carlton played Melbourne at the Melbourne ground.
Conway Carlton captain and Harrison captained Melbourne.
Attendance; 2,000.
Match commenced just after 3pm. and played with spirit up until dusk.
Carlton kicked to the east, with the wind.
Both clubs failed to gather at full strength, so this game played as a 17 a side match.
The Blues had to obtain substitutes to field a team.
Possibly W. Newing's first game (M. Pennings)
The Leader; Jack Conway;
"a rapid glance along the crowd to spot out some recruits who will make up his weight.....Suddenly he shouts out first to one, then to another, and the appeal is not in vain. After a little hesitation, two of the spectators leap into the arena."
The Age said "Players taking an interest in the success of their respective clubs should be more punctual in attendance."
Game played on the Melbourne ground, and players were pleased to find the ugly gully which used to run across the centre filled in, and protruding roots of trees removed.
The Argus mentions about this match, the ugly practice of "scruffing" - a mild kind of garotting- was less freely indulged than usual.
See below, June 18, for an article on this match.
The Advocate, June 18 (p11) said; "Under the new rule the teams changed sides about half through the game, so that each might have advantage of the wind, but the goal had been kicked before the change was made."
Carlton team; (20 named + emerg) Note: Played as 17 per side.
W. Barfoot, C. O. Barrass, Harry Bannister, John Conway (Capt.), H. Conway, J. Clarke, J. Donovan, J. Duncan, J.H. Guy, W. Gorman, C. Hillsden, W. Johnstone, G. Kennedy, T. McCarthy, Theophilis S. Marshall, Murray, O.T.L. O'Brien, H. Todd, W. Williams, J. Williams.
Emergencies; G. Waugh, F. Gillman, Dobson.
Carlton lost; 0 - 1 (Half time 0 - 1)

June 18
The Leader published an article called A FOOTBALL MATCH by it's reporter "Hare" on the Melbourne vs Carlton match, 11 June 1870. (Courtesy, State Library of Victoria.)
The Age June 13, published this same story but with the title, OUT WITH THE BULLDOGS, was this Carlton's nick-name?


"Whew! cold isn't it? Let's put on our top coats, and take a stretch down to the football match in Richmond Paddock.
A bracing walk, and here we are, with a couple of thousand or so, waiting for the tussle to begin. A splendid day for exercise, and we soon will have to stamp about to keep our toes warm. Black clouds hanging about in the sky look ominous, but I think it will hold up. Now the sun is out for a few moments, and how weirdly beautiful the golden tinge of sunshine looks upon the trees, with the deep black background of thundercloud! But that is passing away to the east.

Now then, here they come. The contending forces file out of the gate behind the pavilion, mingling for the time in noisy fraternity. It looks cold in the guernseys, but the work will be hot soon. The red caps of Melbourne, and the yellow Carlton. Hurrah for Carlton! since that's where we hail from. The hurrahs of our side are echoed with shouts for the Metropolitans by the others.

The captains are not on the field yet, but make their appearance in moment or two amidst more cheering. Harrison is known by his red jacket, and Jack Conway with his zebra-striped cap. Now the leaders separate, and each is surrounded by a cluster of his men. Conway, upon whom rests the honor of the Carlton, looks anxious as he surveys his squad, for some carpet knights of the first twenty would not venture abroad today. However, Melbourne is something short too, and it is agreed to play with seventeen aside. Still Jack hasn't even got his seventeen. Only fifteen yellow caps stand around. Jack shades his eyes with his hand, and casts a rapid glance along the crowd to spot out some recruits who will make up his weight, at all events. Suddenly he shouts out first to one, then to another, and the appeal is not in vain. After a little hesitation, two of the spectators leap into the area, rush across to the pavilion, where they divest themselves of uppers, and come up prepared for the fray.

Ready! Both sides spread out and then walk slowly backwards waiting for Harrison's kick off. Melbourne kicks off up Jolimont way, and the other side consequently have in their favor the strong south wind, which blows obliquely across the ground. After an anxious motioning with his outstretched hands, Harrison takes a step or two and kicks. Up flies the ball, and down again with a boomerang whirr. Now commences the fun.

The ball of course falls in the midst of about a dozen struggling red caps and yellow caps. Ha! Carlton has it! Away dashes a little fellow, running and bobbing the ball towards the metropolitan goal. After him Melbourne! Caught on the hop it is, and sent back towards the Carlton end. But not far. Again it is bobbing and flying zig-zag the other way. Hallo! It's over the bounds, and out of play among the mob. Chuck it in youngster! In it comes with a scramble. Away, away, again towards Richmond. You'll have a goal, Jack, and no mistake, despite your misgivings. "Now then Melbourne! Close up Melbourne!" shouts Harrison, and the force of the metropolitans rushes to goal. The whole of the combatants are up there, except the Carlton goalkeeper and a couple more lower down. This goalkeeper is really the coolest man on the ground, and stands calm and serene with folded arms while the crowd of spectators around him is in the highest excitement.

"A goal! A goal!" is shouted along the line as the ball is seen flying right at the flags. No, no, for there is no cheer from the players. The superior strength of Melbourne, and theirs is undoubtedly the best team to-day, begins to tell, and the ball is coming back. For every buffet forwards there are two backwards, and so the much abused windbag gets once more in the middle of the ground. Now it is up by the ropes again, and after a struggle in which the players, the mob, and a bounding policeman appear inextricably involved, the ball gets out of bounds once more. The players draw-back, and the ball is among them in a moment. After a succession of bounces and flies, we suddenly see the ball vanish under a struggling and toppling mass of the combatants. Someone has got hold of it and won't give it up. This part of the business is the richest fun of all to the spectators, and the rolling bundle of players locked together progresses admist shouts of merriment.

In a moment it is dissapated like a broken drop of water, and the ball is free again. Up she flies, and, despite a well directed butt from one of our side, a Melbourne man has it. There is a rush to wrest it from him, but the cry of "mark" makes all draw back of course. He places it on the ground and kicks out. Away it flies towards the Carlton goal, but it does not reach the earth before it is sent whizzing again in the opposite direction. Now it gets to the cricket ground fence, along which a crowd of spectators are gathered. The excited combatants are among them in a moment, and two or three lookers-on find themselves in the gutter. Before they scramble up again, the ball and the players are away, almost at the other side of the field.

Thud, thud, thud, the ball is getting up to the Carlton end again. The Melbourne Club, with the wind added to their other advantages, keep it gravitating up there pretty well. Another scrimmage. The players are all in a heap, with Harrison and Conway in the middle, gallantly singling out each other as the only worthy foe. In the middle of the scuffle the ball rolls out peaceably, and it is set a-going again, while the combatants still struggle for it. Down the hill it goes, and up again, the Melbourne men cunningly working it along the side of the ground by the pavilion.

The Carlton captain sounds the alarm, and over rush a squad of yellows to the assistance of two or three who are waging against tremendous odds. There is a shock of battle, and a kicking and a struggling in a confused mass, out of the midst of which shoots the ball, and flies high towards the Carlton goal, followed by a rush of reds and yellows of course. But it is collared by a Melbourne man, who happens to be just in the right place. He has not held it a moment before the wind is knocked out of him by a Carltonite, full butt, and down drops the ball. The leader of the runners in chase, however, comes up just at the moment and manages, in spite of an assault from before and behind, to give the ball a kick which sends it rolling to within about ten yards of goal. Matters look dangerous now, for the whole field has been gathering up during the exciting events at this end for the last minute or two.

The Carlton goalkeeper starts from the flags like lightening, admist the cheers of the spectators, and just in time to sent the ball spinning away over the heads of the friends and foes who are straggling up. The ball is once more got to a safe distance down the hill, and a splendid kick drives it aloft, and promises to land it well on to the other end, but it is caught in the branches of the big tree standing in the middle of the ground, and it drops down straight. Caught by one of the Melbourne brigade, it gets a fresh start towards the Carlton goal. The forces meet with all their available strength halfway between the tree and the goal, and there the game of battledore and shuttlecock* is kept up briskly for several minutes. A yellow-cap then starts off with the ball in a semicircle, dodging this one and that one, and protected by another of his party who runs by his side and overthrows charger after charger.

The Carlton captain happens to raging in the neighbourhood, and renders good service by placing himself in front of the best Melbourne runners, who is so intent on the game that Jack is able to bring him up with a buster three or four times, by simply standing in his road. But Melbourne gets the ball under way again, and it keeps jumping from place to place towards the Carlton goal. Dodges, trips, charges, butts, are all of no avail, and amidst deafening hurrahs from the victors and spectators, a goal is finally kicked for Melbourne by Carr.
Now the field changes sides, and Melbourne kicks with the wind. The weight of the metropolitans tells visibly, and the fight is almost all at the lower end. Fierce were the onslaughts, and obstinate was the defence for the next half hour, which was all that remained before time was called.

If the battle field lacked the neighing of the steeds, the shouting of the captains was not wanting at all events, and the vigor of the troops seemed to be unabated. The strife waged until the shades of evening began to draw in, and the pale radiance of the moon, visible by glimpses through the masses of cloud overhead, gave token that it was past sundown. Both sides then laid down their arms and came trooping to the middle of the ground, where they were closed in speedily by the crowd of spectators.
Cheers were given for everything and everybody, and so the afternoon's enjoyment, a rare one both for players and onlookers, was bought to a close."
-*Battledore and Shuttlecock according to wikipedia is a game similar to Badminton.

June 18
Carlton played Albert Park in a Challenge Cup game at Royal Park.
Police were in attendance to keep the spectators off the playing field.
Despite the weather, about 300 spectators turned up.
The Royal Park ground was a quagmire and was inches deep in slush, the game ended in a draw.
This was the first time Carlton had played in a game in which teams changed ends at half time.
Jack Conway, having won the toss, gave Carlton the advantage of kicking downhill to the eastern end in the first half, but it did not help the Blues to win.
The Age said "Guy's play for Carlton towards the end of the game was splendid, and proved undoubtedly one of the chief features of the match".
The players were covered head to foot in mud.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Bannister, W. Barfoot, C. O. Barrass, John Conway (Capt.), H. Conway, J. Clarke, J. Donovan, J. Duncan, H. Guy, W. Gorman, C. Hillsden, W. Johnstone, G. Kennedy, T. McCarthy, Murray, O'Brien, Todd, Power, W. Williams, J. Williams.
Match drawn; 0 - 0
Best; Bannister, Clark, Conway, Donovan, Guy, Hillsden, Marshall, and W. Williams.

Carlton Reserves played Albert Park at Albert Park.
Carlton team; (23 named)
A. J. Azzopardi, R. Adamson, T. Brisbane, Crockett, T. Fullarton, Fairly, Floyd, T. Gillman, Glennon, Henderson, Hoy, Jek, D. Jones, S. Muir, C. McFarland, Pattison, C. C. Percy, Phillips, Ryan, J. Reilly, J. Sharpe, T. Todd, F. Wills.

June 25
Carlton played Hobson's Bay Railway Company at Richmond Paddock, just above the Metropolitan ground.
The Blues were without seven regular first twenty players.
Play lasted for around 90 minutes
The Railwayites were very determined, but were no match for the Carlton side.
In the absence of J. Conway, Tom Power captained the Blues.
Carlton team; (24 named)
Bannister, Barfoot, Barrass, Clarke, Donovan, Dobson, J. H. Guy, W. Gorman, Gillman, Hillsden, Henderson, Johnstone, Jones, W. Kneen, G. Kennedy, McCarthy, Murray, O'Brien, Tom Power (Capt), Sharpe, Todd, J. Williams, W. Williams, G. Waugh.
Carlton won 4 - 0
Goals; Johnstone, W. Kneen, G. Kennedy, W. Gorman.

July 02
No senior matches.

Carlton Second Twenty were to play the Surrey Club.
The match was called off.

July 09
Carlton were to play Geelong. Match postponed.

Carlton Second Twenty played Collingwood at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (25 named)
R. Adamson, T. Brisbane, Crockett, Dobson, Fullarton, Fairly, Gillman, Hoy, F. W. Harris, Henderson, Johnstone, Jones, Muir, Patterson, C. Percy, Power, Phillips, Reilly, Ryan, Sharpe, Sudgen, Todd, T. Todd, Wills, Waugh.
No result details

On the Metropolitan ground (in Richmond Paddock), Melbourne played a Police team which was captained by Blues' J. Conway.

July 16
Carlton played South Yarra in Fawkner Park (Match moved from the St. Kilda C. G. as it was unfit for football)
The match was played on South Yarra's old ground.
Carlton team; (21 named)
Harry Bannister, John Conway (Capt), Clarke, J. Duncan, Donovan, Dobson, A. Forbes, H. Guy, W. Gorman, F. Goodall, C. Hillsden, W. Johnstone, T. Kneen, G. Kennedy, Macgibbon, T. McCarthy, D. Murray, O'Brien, Todd, J. Williams, W. Williams.
Carlton won; 5-0 (Daily Telelgraph said 4 goals, Carlton AGM said 5)
Goals; unknown
Best; W. Grey, J. Conway (capt) Hillsden and Donovan.

Carlton Reserves/Second twenty played South Yarra at Royal Park.
Carlton team; (25 named)
Adamson, Barrass, Brisbane, Crockett, Fullarton, Gillman, F. W. Harris, Henderson, Hoy, Jones, Muir, C. McFarland, McNamara, McHarg, Patterson, C. Percy, Phillips, Power, Reilly, Robertson, Sharpe, Sudgen, Todd, Waugh, Wills.
Result unknown.

July 23
Carlton played Albert Park at Albert Park.
Crowd; 3,000
Crowd encroachment and unruly spectators marred this match.
Some Carlton players said they would not play on this ground again unless it could be fenced off.
Although not named in the initial squad Mark Pennings' research revealed this was Theophilis S. Marshall's last game.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Harry Bannister, W. Barfoot, J. Conway (Capt), H. Conway, J. Clarke, Duncan, Donovan, Dobson, A. Forbes, H. Guy, C. Hillsden, Johnstone, G. Kennedy, T. Kneen, T. McCarthy, D. Murray, O'Brien, Todd, Williams, Williams.
Emergencies; Power, McGibbon, Goodall.
Match drawn; 0-0
Players mentioned; (4) J. Conway, Donovan, Guy, T. S. Marshall. Others who played, (16) H. Bannister, W. Barfoot, J. Clarke, H. Conway, Dobson, Duncan, A. Forbes, C. Hillsden, Johnstone, G. Kennedy, T. Keen, T. McCarthy, D. Murray, O'Brien, Todd, Williams.

Carlton Second Twenty were to play Albert Park at Albert Park.
This match did not take place as the players preferred to watch the senior game.

July 30
Carlton played Melbourne at Royal Park.
The match was played in an enclosure adjoining the southern extremity of Royal Park, which was almost devoid of grass and covered in small stones and the occasional boulder!
"The second match of this season between these two clubs was played on Saturday last, on the Carlton ground, which, although the best in the neighbourhood, is far from being a good football ground; it slopes very much towards the west, and is covered in small, flinty stones which have no means an inviting appearance." (Australasian August 06)
Both teams were missing players and the Melbourne captain Harrison and some others were attending the University boat races. The game commenced at 3.30pm
Former Blue James Byrne captained Melbourne.
Carlton were missing a couple of players and Melbourne five.
Jack Conway won the toss and the Blues kicked up the hill with a strong cross wind favouring the eastern end.
Carlton started the game with 18 men and Melbourne 16, some of whom were substitutes and were awaiting a late arrival of two players.
A well attended and contested game with neither side gaining the advantage. Ends were changed after one hour.
At times the Blues attacked and appeared the stronger team, but Melbourne's defence withstood the advances.
Due to the strong cross wind, both Conway and Duncan missed opportunities twenty yards from goal.
The game ended at 5.20pm.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Bannister, Barfoot, Barrass, J. Conway (Capt.), H. Conway, J. Clarke, Donovan, Duncan, Dobson, A. Forbes, Guy, Goodall, Johnstone, Kennedy, McCarthy, MacGibbon, O'Brien, Todd, Williams, Williams.
Emergency; T. Power.
Carlton's starting 20*; (Mark Pennings)
Bannister, Barfoot, Barrass, J. Clarke, H. Conway, J. Conway (Capt), Dobson, Donovan, Duncan, A. Forbes, Goodall, Guy, Johnston, Kennedy, Macgibbon, McCarthy, Tom Power, Todd, J. Williams, W. Williams.
Match drawn; 0-0
Players mentioned; (8) Guy, J. Conway, Duncan, Johnstone, J. Williams, W. Williams, Donovan, Macgibbon.
.*Carlton's starting 20 combines 8 players named in match reports, 11 named in Age squad, and emergency Tom Power

In 1939 The Argus, July 22 (p11), had an article on this match titled,


Sixty or seventy years ago football matches seem to have been tough scrimmages in which it was a rare event for either side to kick a goal.
On the last Saturday in July 1870, the Melbourne and Carlton teams met on the Carlton ground, at that time on the side of a hill covered in "small flinty stones."
Being amateurs the players pleased themselves whether they attended or not and several "substitutes" had to be roped in at the last minute. Even then Melbourne only put 16 men onto the field to Carlton's 18 "having kept two places vacant in the hope of some of their team turning up."
A strong wind was blowing, and this prevented any certainty in kicking; and on occasion when the ball got near the lower goal, "the wind carried it out of bounds and down the hill for some distance, thus causing some considerable delay before it could again be kicked off." Towards the end of the game a goal was "very nearly obtained" for Melbourne, but the ball was stopped between the posts.
Such was the match which The Australasian declared was "one of the best games played this season" on account of the friendly spirit which animated it.

August 06
Carlton were to due play H. M. 18th. Royal Irish Regiment at Royal Park
Match due to start at 2.30pm.
All matches postponed due weather.
Carlton team; (21 named)
Bannister, J. Conway (Capt.), J. Clarke, Dismorr, Donovan, Duncan, A. Forbes, Goodall, Gorman, Guy, Johnstone, Kendall, Kennedy, Kneen, McCarthy, McGibson?/Macgibbon, O'Brien, Todd, Williams, Williams, Barfoot

Carlton Second Twenty were to play Brunswick in Royal Park.
It is unknown if this match took place.

August 13
Carlton played Albert Park at the Albert Park ground, Emerald Hill.
Their third meeting this season for the Challenge Cup.
Crowd; 2,000.
The wind blew diagonally across the ground, the game commenced at 3.15pm.
Conway lost the toss.
Albert Park kicked with wind, ends changed at half time.
Gorman missed a "sitter" from fifteen yards just before half time.
In the second half Johnstone kicked a goal from 10 yards out. It was the Blues first goal this season against the Cup holders. No other goals were scored even though the Blues had the best of the play in the second half. The match was drawn, with Albert Park still holding the Cup.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
Harry Bannister, J. Conway, J. Clarke, Duncan, Donovan, Dismorr, Forbes, Guy, Gorman, Goodall, Johnstone, Kennedy, Kneen, McCarthy, McGibbon, O'Brien, Power, Todd, Williams, Williams.
Emergencies; Kendall, Dobson, Barfoot.
Carlton's starting 20* (Mark Pennings)
H. Bannister, Clarke, J. Conway (Capt), Dismorr, Donovan, Duncan, Forbes, Goodall, W. Gorman, Guy, Johnston, Kennedy, Kneen, Macgibbon, McCarthy, O'Brien, Power, Todd, J. Williams, W. Williams.
Match drawn; 1-1 (Half time Carlton 0 - Albert Park 1)
Goal; Johnstone.
Best; (9) Guy, Donovan, O'Brien, Duncan, Johnstone, Clarke, and Kneen. J. Conway, Gorman
Albert Park still retains The Challenge Cup.
.*Carlton's starting 20 combines 9 players named in match reports and 14 named in Age squad.

August 20
The match between Carlton and the Hobson's Bay Railway on the Lonsdale ground was cancelled.
H.B.R was unable to field a team.

Carlton Reserves/Second Twenty played Collingwood at Royal Park.
Carlton fielded a "mixed" team.
The game was heading for a draw when Collingwood scored just after 5pm.
Carlton team; (23 named)
Barrass, Brisbane, Crockett, Dobson, Johnstone, Gillman, Todd, Fullarton, Sharpe, Jones, Muir, Sugden, Pattison, McNamara, MacGibbon, Harris, Hoy, Reilly, Henderson, C. McFarland, Shanahan, Waugh, Power.
Carlton lost; 0-1

August 27
Carlton played South Yarra at Royal Park; in the University Paddock.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Harry Bannister, John Conway (Capt.), J. Clarke, Duncan, Donovan, Dismorr, Forbes, Guy, Goodall, Gorman, Johnstone, Kennedy, McCarthy, MacGibbon, O' Brien, Power, Shaw, Todd, Williams, Williams.
No result details. (This game may not have been played)

Friday's Herald (p3) reported, "A contest at the same place will take place between members of the East Brunswick and the Carlton Clubs."

September 03
Carlton to play Hobson's Bay Railway.
Match cancelled, all principal football matches cancelled due weather.

Carlton Reserves/Second Twenty due to play the Surrey Club in Royal Park.
Carlton Second Twenty team; (22 named)
Harry Bannister (Capt.), Brisbane, Barrass, Crockett, Fullarton, Hay, Jones, Muir, Waugh, Shanahan, Henderson, Johnstone, Todd, F. W. Harris, MacGibbon, Marshall, McFarland, Reilly, Sugden, Power, Pattison, and Sharpe.

September 10
Carlton's game possibly postponed due weather.
The Melbourne - Geelong match was cancelled.

September 17
Carlton played Melbourne at the Melbourne Ground, Richmond Paddock.
The third meeting of these teams this season.
Melbourne won the toss and the game commenced at 3.15pm, Melbourne kicked down hill with the wind.
Melbourne scored the only goal after 20 minutes through former original Carlton player James Byrne.
Soon after a second was scored but it was disputed as the umpire did not see it.
Carlton's Dismorr was seriously hurt and taken to the M.C.C. pavilion, he later recovered.
Duncan captained the Carlton side in Conway's absence.
The match finished at 5.35pm
Carlton team; (20 named)
Harry Bannister, J. Conway, J. Clarke, Duncan (Capt.), Donovan, Dismorr, Forbes, Goodall, Gorman, Guy, Johnstone, Kennedy, Kneen, McCarthy, Macgibbon, O'Brien, Shaw, Todd, Williams, Williams.
Carlton lost; 0-1
Best; Duncan, Donovan, J. Williams, W. Williams, Dismorr mentioned

September 24
Carlton played Melbourne on the Melbourne ground.
Melbourne were due to play Albert Park for the Challenge Cup.
The 'Park were unable to field a team, so Melbourne called on Carlton.
For the second week in a row the Blues played the Reds.
Carlton were anxious to revenge last week's defeat.
A large crowd attended.
A well fought game, Melbourne were the better team on the day, but the plucky Blues proved worthy antagonists.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Harry Bannister, John Conway (Capt), J. Clarke, Duncan, Donovan, Forbes, Gorman, Goodall, Guy, Johnstone, Kneen, Kennedy, Kendall, McCarthy, McGibbon, O'Brien, Shaw, Todd, Williams, Williams.
Match drawn; 1-1
Goal; Johnstone.
Players mentioned;

1870. Premiers. Melbourne, 2. Albert Park, 3. Carlton.

The Carlton Story. Hugh Buggy and Harry Bell. Pages. 23,24,259.
Mullin's Footballers Australian Almanac of 1951. Page. 66.
The Argus, 1870 editions.
The Age, 1870 editions.
The Australasian, 1870 editions.
The Herald, 1870 editions.
The Leader, 1870 editions.
Evening News (Sydney), 1870 editions.
Origins of Australian Football.

Pre VFL Players | Pre VFL Captains | Pre VFL Vice Captains | Formation of the Club | The Guernsey | Pre VFL Venues
Melbourne Rules Years: 1864 |Challenge Cup Competition: 1865 | 1866 | 1867 | 1868 | 1869 | 1870 | 1871 | 1872 | 1873 | 1874 | 1875 | 1876
VFA Years: 1877 | 1878 | 1879 | 1880 | 1881 | 1882 | 1883 | 1884 | 1885 | 1886 | 1887 | 1888 | 1889 | 1890 | 1891 | 1892 | 1893 | 1894 | 1895 | 1896

Contributors to this page: blueycarlton , molsey and admin .
Page last modified on Wednesday 16 of June, 2021 18:52:35 AEST by blueycarlton.