In Mark Penning's book "Origins of Australian Football 1858-76" (p143) it says of this photo, "Dave Adamson, the captain, is likely holding the football and Jack Conway is 3rd. from the left in the front row of those lying on the ground."
2017 February 10, new information about this photo has been sourced from the Tasmanian State Library in Hobart. The short lived "The News" newspaper (Hobart) from October 1924 published a cropped version of this image. "The News" named 4 people, Ben James far left with hands on his waistcoat, Dave Adamson holding the ball, Jack Conway immediately to our left of Adamson, and Robert Robertson four along from Adamson on our right. "The News" said the image is from 1870. but Adamson's last season for Carlton was in 1868. He captained the team at Royal Park once for Carlton's game there which was the opening match of the season. "The News" has named Jack Conway although he is not named in the team squad perhaps he did play. Or, may be it is not at Royal Park?
Dave Adamson did play on July 25 and August 01 at Royal Park but Jack Conway was named as captain for those matches. Generally the captain held the ball in a team photograph, but perhaps it may have been Adamson in one of theses later matches?
It looks like there are 21 players plus 8 others/officials in the photo.
If this is correct then the only match at Royal Park where Dave Adamson was named as captain was the first game in 1868 against Geelong on May 25
Above image; News (Hobart) October 21 1924 p3 Courtesy of the Tasmanian State Library
The caption says 1870, but all other dates associated with this image mention 1868.
The News have named Colonel Robertson/Robert Robertson. Although he was not named in the team squad, this would not have precluded him from playing if he was called on.
This was the 20 man team named in the newspapers for May 25. (Argus p5 / Age p5)
Dave Adamson, J. Armytage, Azzopard, Charles Hillsden, Frank Hillsden, Barfoot, Freeman, Moody, McCarthy, Guy, Orlando 'Lanty' O'Brien, J. Williams , W. Williams, Goodall, Duncan, Bannister, Waugh, W. Phillips, Clarke, and McFarland,
Plus Emergencies; (4) Lambert, Bruford, Brown, Henderson.
The Australasian May 23, had added (6) D'Arcy, Henry Felstead, Kennedy, Webb, Gorman, & Power Tom Power to the team squad.
December 15 1894 (p17) The Australasian's cricket writer "Felix" (occasional Carlton footballer Thomas Horan) reminisces about the Carlton Cricket Club and mentions that in the club rooms there are photos of Carlton's Cricket and Football teams.
"In the pavilion I saw some old portraits of Carlton cricket and football teams which took me back in a bound to the sixties. One football team in especial brought back old times and old and well remembered faces. There is Jack Conway; captain of the Carlton, standing near the good old gum tree with a football in his hand; there are Harry Guy, Billy Williams, Joe Williams (is it the same old Joe who now keeps the refreshment-room in Clarendon-street, South Melbourne?), Harry Bannister, Tom Power, Sharpe, Armytage, George Kennedy, Charlie Barrass, little Tom Reilly, Bob McFarland, M. Webb, and last but far from least the old warrior Ben James."
Could this be the above photo?

Carlton Captain. Dave Adamson, Jack Conway.
President. G. Coppin.
Secretary R. McFarland.
Home Ground. Royal Park.
Won 5 games, Drew 5 games, Lost 1 (to Geelong 2 goals to 1)
September 16.
It was reported at the Carlton end of season meeting on Thursday that,
Carlton did not suffer a defeat this season and scored 10 goals to 4 against.
An illuminated address was presented to Francis (Frank) Hillsden as a measure of esteem.
Jack Conway was chairman.
(The Argus Sat. 19 September)

May 25 Monday, Carlton played Geelong at Royal Park.
June 06, Carlton played Emerald Hill at Emerald Hill. (The Argus)
June 13, Carlton played a practice match at University Paddock 2.30pm.
June 20, Carlton played South Yarra at South Yarra.
July 04, Carlton played a nil all draw with Melbourne on a wet M.C.G.
July 11, Carlton played a practice match at University Park at 2.30pm.
July 18, Carlton played Emerald Hill at South Melbourne.(a drawn game)
August 01, Carlton played H. M. 14th Regiment at Royal Park (1-1 draw).
August 08, Carlton vs Emerald Hill match postponed; practice match instead.
August 15, Carlton played Melbourne on the M.C.G. Nil all draw.
August 22, Carlton played South Yarra at South Yarra.
August 29, Carlton played a team comprised of members of the Pentridge and Collingwood clubs at Royal Park (Carlton 20 against combine's 30 men.
September 05, Carlton played Geelong at Geelong.
September 12, Carlton played a practice match at University Park.
Melbourne, South Yarra and South Melbourne declined to play at Royal Park.
The only clubs to meet Carlton there were University, Geelong and that of the 14th. Regiment.
Defeated University 2-1, return game against Geelong 1-1 draw, 14th. Regiment 1-1 draw.
This season after internal dissention at the club, James Byrne, Charles Forrester and Harry Chadwick crossed to the Melbourne Football Club.
April 16 Thursday
Carlton Football Club's fourth annual meeting at Polmer's Carlton Club Hotel, Cardigan Street Carlton, at 7.30pm.
John Walls presided.
Large attendance of members.
The finances of the club were in a satisfactory condition.
President: George Coppin
Vice president: John Walls.
Honorary secretary and treasurer; R. McFarland.
Committee; Adamson, Guy, Charles Hillsden, Frank Hillsden, O'Brien, Owen.
Before proceedings started, Harry Guy was presented with an illuminated address for his play last season, it was signed by every member.
This address expressed the admiration of the club.
30 members enrolled.
The report and balance sheet was read by the secretary and adopted. It showed that the club was in a prosperous position, one match lost, two matches won, and three games being drawn. Financially, a small surplus remained with the treasurer.
(Australasian April 25 p13)
Carlton Junior Club
Carlton Imperial (Origins of Australian Football Vol. 1)The Carlton Imps. was a separate club to the Carlton Football Club and its Second Twenty or Reserves.
This season a Carlton Second Twenty (or Reserves), was formed.
April 25
Carlton played a scratch match in Royal Park at 2.30pm.
April 30 Thursday
Carlton held a special meeting at Polmer's Hotel at 8pm to discuss what to with a five guinea trophy donated by a member of the committee.
May 02
Carlton played a scratch match in the University park with sides selected by Hillsden and Duncan.
Hillsden's side won 2-0.
May 08
A meeting of club secretaries at Nissen's Cafe at 8pm to arrange matches for this season.
May 09
'The Carlton next gain attention, and, from the show they made last season, bids fair to prove very formidable this. There are some really good players in the club, namely, Guy, Hillsden, Chadwick, &c.; and, from the exhibition on Saturday, their feet do not seem to, "have forgotten the kicking powers." Last season they were rather unfortunate, but this time I hope they will be a little luckier than has been their wont in great matches."(The Leader p11)
May 09
Carlton played a scratch match at Royal Park between teams led by Hillsden and Duncan.
Hillsden's team scored two goals.
May 16
Carlton played a scratch match at Royal Park.
Teams selected by Adamson and Hillsden.
Waugh kicked one goal for Adamson's team.
The team to play Geelong was selected after the game.
May 16
Melbourne played South Yarra on the Melbourne Football Ground.Monday's Argus (p5) said;
"It would be well if, in the prospect of a long football season, one or two trees, which much interfere with the game on the Melbourne ground, were removed. With the permission of the corporation this could be done by the club, with great advantage to the players, who are frequently in danger of life and limb, and the removal of these obstructions would not injure the appearance of the ground."
May 20 Wednesday
The Geelong Advertiser (p2) published the Carlton team to play Geelong on Monday May 25
19 players named;
Adamson, Armytage, Azzopard, Barfoot, Clarke, Duncan, Freeman,Goodall, Gorman, Guy, Hillsden, Hillsden, McCarthy, McFarland, Moody, O'Brien, Philips, Power, Waugh.
May 23
Carlton played a scratch match at Royal Park at 2.30pm.
Players for the Geelong match will be selected from;
24 players named.
Adamson, Armytage, Azzopardi, Barfoot, Brown, Bruford, Clarke, Duncan, Freeman, Goodall, W. Gorman, Guy, Henderson, C. Hillsden, F. Hillsden, Lambert, Moody, McCarthy, McFarland, O'Brien, Phillips, Power, Waugh, Williams.
May 25 Monday Queen's Birthday Holiday
Carlton played Geelong at Royal Park.
Crowd; approx 1,000
Match commenced about 1pm, and continued for four hours till dusk.
Adamson captained the Blues.
T. W. Wills Geelong captain. (The Age said Harrison)
Geelong claimed a goal early in the game that was disallowed. The Pivots felt hard done by and claimed the victory.
Waugh scored the first goal, ends were then changed and Geelong equalised not long after the restart.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
D. Adamson (Capt.), J. Armytage, Azzopard, Bannister, Barfoot, Clarke, Duncan, Freeman, Goodall, Guy, Charles Hillsden, Frank Hillsden, Moody, McCarthy, McFarland, O'Brien, W. Phillips, Waugh, J. Williams, W. Williams.
Emergencies; Bruford, Brown, Henderson, Lambert.
The Australasian May 23, had added D'Arcy, Felstead, Kennedy, Webb, Gorman, & Power to the team squad.
Umpire; Bowen.
Match drawn; 1-1
Goal; Waugh.
Players mentioned; (13) Adamson, Duncan, Clarke, W. Williams, C. Hillsden, F. Hillsden, Guy, O'Brien, J. Williams, Freeman, Armytage, Waugh, McCarthy
May 30
Carlton played Melbourne on the Melbourne ground.
Play commenced at 3pm.
Carlton played splendidly despite the hard game against Geelong on Monday.
A fine exhibition of drop kicking was performed by Duncan, Kennedy, and Hillsden and some Melbourne players.
The Leader said;
"This practice of running with the ball should be avoided, as it entails a great deal of unnecessary "scruffing" and holding, not to mention frequent appeals etc."
"A good deal of of unnecessary "catching around the neck and pulling down" took place during the day, but on the whole the match was played good humoredly and without the slightest accident of any kind."
Guy, Goodall and McCarthy did not play.
Crowd encroachment was a problem.
Carlton team; (25 named)
Adamson (Capt.), Armytage, Azzopardi, C. Hillsden, F. Hillsden, Guy, Clarke, Bannister, Barfoot, Bruford, Kennedy, McCarthy, McFarland, Waugh, Goodall, Wills, Barrass, Duncan, W. Williams, J. Williams, O'Brien, Lambert, Felstead, Power, and Henderson.
The Australasian had Brown, Phillips, Ballantyne, Harrison, & Robertson included in their squad of 27
Carlton; 1-0
Goal; G. Waugh.
Best; O'Brien, C. Hillsden, F. Hillsden, Azzopardi, J. Williams, W. Williams.
Players mentioned; (15) Adamson, G. Waugh, Frank Hillsden, Charles Hillsden, J. Williams, Clarke, Kennedy, Conway, O'Brien, Duncan, W. Williams, Armytage, Azzopardi; (Reilly & Robertson are mentioned in the Leader.)
June 06
Carlton played Emerald Hill at Emerald Hill.
The players met at the Melbourne Town Hall at 2pm, for a 2.30pm start at Emerald Hill (South Melbourne)
Crowd; 700 - 800
"There could have been no less than 700 or 800 spectators on the ground, - a very enthusiastic and demonstrative assemblage, and, had they not crowded in on the players, would have had a much better opportunity of witnessing the game. It is intended to change the ground to the western-side of the railway line, the present, a portion of the Three-chain-road, not being considered advantageous to football, the park fence being on one side, a very disagreeable, if not dangerous gutter, on the other, wherein players occasionally measure their length, and conveyances of every description are continually passing and repassing." (Australasian June 13 p12)
The Age said; ".... as was anticipated, resulted in a well-contested game, without a goal being kicked by either side."
Carlton team; (25 named)
D. Adamson (Capt.), Azzoppard, Armytage, Barfoot, Bannister, Barrass, Conway, C. Hillsden, F. Hillsden, Kennedy, Guy, O'Brien, W. Williams, J. Williams, Goodall, Duncan, McCarthy, Waugh, Clarke, Ballantyne, Philips, Felstead, Robertson, McFarland, and Henderson.
(The Argus Sat. 6 June p5)
The Australasian June 06, had Power, & D'Arcy in a team squad of 25
Match drawn; 0-0
Players mentioned; Adamson, Guy, Adamson, Hillsden, Duncan, Conway.
June 13
Carlton held a practice match at University Paddock at 2.30pm.
June 20
Carlton played South Yarra at South Yarra.
Carlton team; (27 named)
D. Adamson (Capt), Armytage, Azzoppard, Barfoot, Barrass, Ballantyne, Bannister, Conway, Clarke, D'Arcy, Duncan, Felstead, Guy, Goodall, F. Hillsden, C. Hillsden, R. Jones, Kennedy, Lambert, O'Brien, Phillips, W. Williams, J. Williams, Henderson, Waugh, McCarthy, Markham. The Australasian had included Brown & McFarland
No details
June 27
North vs South on the Melbourne ground.
Players for the two teams were selected on where they lived, either north or south of The Yarra.
The report said a large crowd of 3,000 attended the match in the Richmond Paddock, but far too many goals were kicked!
Carlton representatives Northern team;
Adamson, Bruford, Duncan, Goodall, Guy, C. Hillsden, F. Hillsden, O'Brien, G. Waugh, J. Williams, W. Williams.
Emerg; Armytage, Clarke, Kennedy.
The Northerners won 3-1
July 04
Carlton played Melbourne at the Melbourne ground.
The best contested match this season.
Ground slippery, play lasted two hours and continued until dark.
Harrison Melbourne captain.
Carlton team; (24 named)
Adamson (Capt.), Armytage, Azzoppard, Barrass, Barfoot, Bannister, Ballantyne, Conway, Clarke, Duncan, C. Hillsden, F. Hillsden, Guy, Goodall, Kennedy, Henderson, Markham, McCarthy, O'Brien, Philips, Robertson, J. Williams, W. Williams, Waugh.
Match drawn; 0-0
Players mentioned; (8) Duncan, Conway, C. Hillsden, Clarke, Guy, W. Williams, J. Williams, Adamson
July 11
Carlton held a practice match at University Park 2.30pm.
All members requested to attend, to enable the committee to select the teams for the next two Saturdays.
The committee met at the Carlton Club Hotel at 7.30pm
July 18
Carlton played Emerald Hill at South Melbourne.
Emerald Hill ground is on the western side of the railway.
The local club ground has lately been changed, and the matches are now played on a good level sward a little distance from the station. The new ground is much superior to the old, but it has the disadvantage of being exposed to the sea-breeze, which is a great help to the team fortunate enough to kick with it. On Saturday this was particularly apparent, as the breeze was anything but "a gentle zephyr."
Players met at the Town Hall Swanston Street at 2pm.
Game to commence at 2.30pm.
The Hill won the toss and kicked with the aid of a stiff sea breeze.
Carlton's kicking was better than the home team, but having to kick into the wind all day prevented the Blues from scoring.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
D. Adamson, H. Adamson, Armytage, Ballantyne, Bannister, Barfoot, Clarke, J. Conway (Capt), Duncan, Guy, Henderson, C. Hillsden, F. Hillsden, Kennedy, McFarland, O'Brien, Robertson, Waugh, J. Williams, W. Williams.
Emerg; Azzopard, Wills, Parish, Goodall, Morkham/Markham.
Match drawn. 0-0
Players mentioned; (6) Guy, Conway, Williams, Clarke, C. Hillsden, F. Hillsden.
July 18
Old scholars of Melbourne Grammar & Scotch College played on the Melbourne F. G.
This match drew a crowd of between 3000 - 4,000
Better players;
Grammar, Wright, Conway, Budd, Hillsden, Jennings, Ryan
College, W. Freeman, Moody, Bell, Disher, Barrass
July 25
Carlton played University at Royal Park at 2.30pm.
University was disadvantaged having to play with 17, then 18 to the Blues' 20.
"This game was played on the Carlton ground in Royal-park, on Saturday last week, and was noticeable for really scientific play. The students showed a first-class team (playing two short). It was chosen from members of various clubs who have been students of the University, and displayed some remarkably good names. The Carlton men lost the services of one or two of their best players, who were unavoidably absent.
The playground offers great inducements for a fine game, being a broad open turf from end to end. To this fact may be attributed the excellence of play, which was remarkable for an almost absence of "scruffing" and holding so frequently observed on grounds not possessed of such advantages for play." (Australasian August 08)
Armytage scored the first goal.
Carlton team; (25 named)
D. Adamson, H. Adamson, Armytage, Azzoppard, H. Bannister, W. Barfoot, Ballantyne, Clarke, Conway (Capt.), C. Hillsden, F. Hillsden, Guy, Goodall, Kennedy, Jones, Henderson, Markham, McFarland, Power, O'Brien, Robertson, J. Williams, W. Williams, Wills, Waugh.
Carlton won; 3-1
The Australasian had included Parish and Phillips in their 25 man squad.
Goals; Conway 2, Armytage
Players mentioned; (7) Armytage, Conway, Williams, Kennedy, Bannister, C. Hillsden, F. Hillsden
August 01
Carlton played H. M. 14th. Regiment at Royal Park.
A large crowd attended.
The British troops were back in Australia on R & R after fighting in the New Zealand Wars. Lt. Noyes led the British side.
Game commenced at 2.30pm.
The Blues put a good show against the much heavier Regiment team.
A dense fog put an end to the game at around 5pm.
Carlton team; (20 named plus emerg)
D. Adamson, H. Adamson, Armytage, Ballantyne, Bannister, Conway (Capt.), Clarke, Duncan, Guy, Henderson, D. Jones, C. Hillsden, F. Hillsden, G. Kennedy, McFarland, O'Brien, R. Robertson, J. Williams, W. Williams, Waugh.
Emergencies; Azzoppard, Goodall, Wills, Harrison, Parish.
Match drawn; 1-1.
Goal; Ballantyne
Note: In 1907 Major Phillips, of the Titles Office, said he played for Carlton in the first matches of the club in the early sixties. He recalled playing in the game between Carlton and the14th Regiment. (Herald June 28 p4)
This is the only recorded match against the Regiment, that has been found, in which Carlton played.
This could have been W. Phillips who was with the club in 1868
Andrew McHarg recalled 47 years later in an interview with The Referee (Sydney) March 1915 and reprinted in the Hawera and Normanby Star (N.Z.), April 3 1915 -
"The Fourteenth met Carlton under Jack Conway at Royal Park, and Mr. Jack Blackham, father of the famous wicket-keeper, burst into poetry about the event. Mr. George Bowen frequently recited the lines, snatches of which were recited by Mr. McHarg, as follow:
"We've seen the Fourteenth at football play,
With their forage caps and singlets grey;
When Lieutenant Noyes and his broths and bhoys
Came rushing along with a wild hurrah."
Another portion recollected was -
"Knock'em to blazes and bark their shins,
And I'll bet you my life the Fourteenth wins
But sturdy Carlton stood the shock,
Immovable as some sea-girt rock;
The backward dashes, the clouds of foam,
The waves that thronged its stormy home."
Of Jack Conway the poet wrote -
"There was mighty strength in his collar bone,
And there was many a moan and a wirra! ochone!
As Fourteenth after Fourteenth lay o'erthrown."
August 08
Carlton to play Emerald Hill.
Match postponed.
The club will meet for practice at 2.30pm at University Park.
August 11 Tuesday
Carlton held a special meeting this evening, at Polmer's Carlton Club Hotel, Cardigan Street at 8pm, "respecting the disposal of a five guinea trophy," and to make arrangements for the return match against Geelong.
August 15
Carlton played Melbourne at the Melbourne ground.
One of the finest games seen on the Melbourne ground for long time.
In an exciting game, with many spills and scrimmages, J. Ballantyne was carried from the ground, he was found to have been severely shaken.
Melbourne have not been able to score a goal against Carlton this season.
Carlton team; (20 named)
Conway (Capt.), Adamson, C. Hillsden, F. Hillsden, Duncan, O'Brien, Clarke, Guy, Kennedy, Armytage, Waugh, W. Williams, J. Williams, Bannister, McFarland, Ballantyne, Barfoot, Philips, Robertson, Jones.
Emergencies; Henderson, Azzoppard, H. Adamson, Morkham, Newing.
Umpire; Power
Match drawn; 0-0.
Player mentioned; J. Ballantyne
August 22
Carlton played South Yarra at South Yarra.
The Age; "The Carlton Club visited the South Yarra ground last Saturday, and played the localists a pleasant game, which terminated in favor of Carlton, two goals being kicked by Mr. Kennedy.
The South Yarra men were led by Mr. Wright, and the Carlton by Mr. Conway."
The Australasian; "The match was pretty even for an hour or so, when Mr. Kennedy caught a "mark" for Carlton at some considerable distance from the South Yarra posts, but managed to drive the ball fairly through by a first-class kick, securing the first goal. The ball was not allowed long at rest, but was kicked off again at once, and forced down the field very quickly, the Carlton men kicking in fine style, and in a scrimmage close to the South Yarra posts Mr. Kennedy again got hold of the ball and kicked it neatly through, obtaining second goal within ten minutes of the first."
Carlton team; (26 named)
Adamson, Azzoppard, Armytage, Bannister, Barfoot, Ballantyne, Clarke, Conway (Capt.), Duncan, C. Hillsden, F. Hillsden, Henderson, Harrison, Kennedy, Jones, Gorman, Markham, McFarland, O'Brien, Phillips, Parish, Robertson, MacIntosh, Wills, J. Williams, W. Williams.
Carlton won; 2-0
Goals; Kennedy 2
Players mentioned; (7) Kennedy, Conway, Guy, Hillsden, Duncan, Williams, Armytage
August 29
Carlton (20) played a combine team (30) comprised of 15 players each from the Pentridge and Collingwood clubs, at Royal Park, 2.30pm.
Pentridge and Collingwood were to play each other, but have arranged for this match to combine and play Carlton.
Actually the Blues played 19 men against the combine's 35! (Geelong Advertiser September 01 p2)
After a close and exciting game and against the overwhemling odds Phillips managed to kick a goal.
Carlton 1-0
Goal; Phillips
September 03
"There will be no match at football on Saturday between the Carlton and Geelong clubs, the secretary of the former having written down to say that business engagements interfere with the proposed arrangements, and the match has accordingly been indefinitely postponed. This has given great dissatisfaction to the members of the local club."(Geelong Advertiser p2)
September 04
"The Carlton Football Club have recalled their decision, and have agreed to bring a team to Geelong on Saturday next. This is as it should be, as arrangements have long been made for their reception."(Geelong Advertiser p2)
September 05
Carlton played Geelong on the Argyle Ground Geelong at 2.30pm
Players met at Spencer Street railway station at 11am.
This game will be 16 per side, but if more players attend the side will be adjusted.
The Argus said; "Mr. Conway, the captain of the Carlton team, had only had fifteen men, a substitute was found for him in the person of G. Synnot."
Geelong had a player named Synott who played in their practice match in August.
There was some confusion as to the result. The Carlton players had stopped playing while awaiting a decision by the umpire regarding a mark taken by a Carlton player, meanwhile a Geelong player kicked a goal.
A letter to the Geelong Advertiser on the following Tuesday said that both the Argus and the Age had given the game as a draw when it should have been a Geelong victory.
However, Monday's Argus said that Geelong had won - See Jack Conway's and Tom Wills' letters below.
Carlton team; (21 named)
Adamson, Armytage, Azzopard, W. Barfoot, Bannister, Basil, Conway, Duncan, Green, Goodall, Guy, C. Hillsden, F. Hillsden, Jones, Kennedy, Newing, Power, Richardson, R. Robertson, Webb, W. Williams.
In another section of this day's The Leader newspaper, these additional player's names are included in the Carlton team.
Bell, G. Cullen, Henderson, McFarland, Parish
Umpire; Lennon
Match result disputed. (1-1 draw or 1-2 loss)
Goal; F. Hillsden
Players mentioned; (10) Conway, Duncan, F. Hillsden, Kennedy, W. J. Williams, G. Synnot, Barfoot, Newing, Bannister, Robertson.
September 12
Carlton held a practice session at University Park at 2.30pm.
September 17 Thursday
The Carlton Football Club held the annual winding up meeting of the season on Thursday evening last at Polmer's Hotel;About 25 gentlemen attended.
Mr. John Conway in the chair.
The honorary secretary brought forward the report and balance sheet, which were unanimously adopted. The report showed the season to have been a highly successful one, the club never having sustained a defeat, and having kicked ten goals, whilst only four goals had been kicked against them.
An interesting item in the proceedings was the presentation of an illuminated address from the members, conveying expressions of the esteem, to Mr. Francis Hillsden.
The remaining business was merely of a formal character, the proceedings closing with a vote of thanks to the chairman.
September 19
A letter to The Australasian.To the editor of The Australasian, - Sir, - Allow me through the medium of your columns, to contradict a report that has appeared, to the effect that the Carlton suffered defeat at the hands of Geelong. After each side had obtained a goal a curious dispute arose, the facts of which are as follow: - An appeal was made to the central umpire as to whether a catch was made by one of the Carlton men was a mark or not.
The Geelong men, however, regardless of the appeal, knocked the ball out of Mr. William's hands, and rushing off, kicked a goal while we were awaiting the decision of the umpire, which could not be heard amid the yells and groans of the spectators, who became so uproarious that we had to beat a hasty retreat to an adjacent hotel.
Mr. Bowden, the Geelong captain, shortly after waited on us, to know if we would come out and play the last goal over again. This we agreed to, and went out, when Mr. Bowden informed us that some of his men had gone home. Was not this in itself sufficient for us to believe that the game was a draw? During the time that elapsed between the appeal to the umpire and his answer the ball is dead, and consequently the umpire at the appeal end could have no jurisdiction. At any rate, I will leave it to the footballers in general and the discriminating public to decide as to whether the game is a "draw" or not.
Apologising for trespassing on your space, I remain, &c., J. Conway, captain of Carlton Football Club.
September 26
A letter to The Australasian.Sir, - I cannot allow the assertion made by the Carlton Football Club, through Mr. Conway, their captain, in your columns to go unchallenged; and not withstanding the assertion that the Carlton were not beaten, I maintain that, according to all rules adopted by football clubs, they were defeated. Of course it is perfectly open for any club to deny being beaten; but that assertion, although it may satisfy the vanity of the defeated, will not, nevertheless, stand against the fact that the victors did get two goals, and that quite fairly.
There was no need for the Carlton men to have rushed off the ground in the manner they did, although I must admit that the chaff of the bedouins is at times very irritating. When the goal was kicked the Carlton men were doing their best to prevent it, and not simply standing looking on, as insinuated. Fair play's a jewel.-
Yours, &c., T. W. Wills. Geelong.
September 26
Carlton Football Club meet this afternoon in the Royal-park at 2pm.
Australasian October 03 p11"Referring to the past season's doings the matches between the Metropolitan and Carlton clubs stand pre-eminent, either as trials of skills or struggles for the mastery. it is needless to refer particularly to either of these clubs, the position of both being so firmly established; the Carlton have just completed their fifth season, and the Metropolitan have been in existence almost since football was known as a sport here. Both can send out rare teams, each having received considerable additions since last season. Melbourne; in fact, now playing two or three men who were then enrolled under the Carlton banner, and the suburb having enlisted one or two veterans at the early part of the campaign. So even throughout have been the contests, that, although three spirited matches have been played, only one goal has been kicked, which was placed to the credit of Carlton in the first match of the season.
"Before I conclude I wish too say a word on two subjects, viz, the disinclination of the various clubs to visit Royal-park, and the too prevalent practice of shirt-tearing.
The park ground is undeniably the best ground in the colony, and is quite as easy of access as any of the other grounds, yet the Carlton men have not been able to induce Melbourne, South Yarra, or South Melbourne to come up to the park this season, and the only clubs that have visited it are the University, the 14th Regiment, and the Geelong. I hope next season that the various clubs will see the justice of returning the visits of the Carlton Club."
October 08 Thursday
The Carlton Football Club held a special general meeting at Polmer's Carlton Club Hotel, Cardigan Street;"...for the purpose of presenting silver buckle belts given by a gentleman member of the club to each of the five members who had most distinguished themselves during the past season.
These gentlemen were Messrs. Adamson, O'Brien, Guy, Duncan and Barfoot. The presentation was made by Mr. Geo. Owen, who occupied the chair, about twenty members being in attendance."
(The Age October 09 p2)

October 24
The Carlton Football Club assembled at Nettleton's Photographic Studios in Madeline Street at 2pm.
Melbourne headed the list in 1868 but could not defeat Carlton. (drawn games)
1890 The Argus Sept. 22, writing about the early days of football, said of 1868 that Carlton were undoubtedly the best team.
Another premiership the Blues can claim?
Outstanding players for the Blues during the year were Harry Guy, Jack Conway, Frank Hillsden, Dave Adamson, Theophilis S. Marshall, Lanty O'Brien, Duncan, one of the Gormans, Kennedy and Williams.
Following internal dissension in the Carlton club, James Byrne, Harry Chadwick, first captain of Carlton, and Charles Forrester, later a vice president of the Melbourne Cricket Club, transferred to Melbourne.
1868. Premiers. Melbourne, 2. Carlton, 3. Geelong
Sources. The Carlton Story. Hugh Buggy and Harry Bell . Pages 15,16,17,259.
Mullin's Footballers Australian Almanac of 1951. Page 66
The Argus newspaper 1868 & September 22 1890 editions.
The Leader newspaper 1868 editions.
Centenary Souvenir of the Carlton Football Club.
The Age 1868 editions.
Geelong Advertiser, 1868 editions.