

For his dollar he thus obtains about a guinea's worth - a splendid investment. Of course, everyone realises this puesdo membership affects the gate, but the raison d'etre is that, almost without exception, the clubs are "stony" at the beginning of each season, and this inrush of members of the "almighty dollar" is thankfully accepted to restore a healthy shape to the depleted money-bags."

Referee (Sydney) May 27 1908, p9

"Carlton is making a drive for old membership tickets. Mr. Dave Crone intends to frame the series from the opening in 1864.

Any members who can assist with old tickets are asked to send them to Mr. Crone c/o the clubrooms."

(Sun News Pictorial July 07 p24 1933)

Total Members

YearNumberCostOther Information
1864--Club officially formed in July. There was a Carlton Football Club formed in May 1861. Perhaps it morphed into the Royal Park club as the Carlton Cricket Club did.
186540-Earliest recorded Carlton matches. However, there is anecdotal evidence of earlier games.
1866--Revision of playing rules. Carlton's Tom Power a leader in improving the rules. Jack Conway perhaps the Blues' most influential player begins his Carlton career.
1868--Earliest known photo of any football team, Carlton Football Club.
186950 (in excess of)-Carlton premiers, this claim is disputed with Melbourne.
187050 (in excess of)--
187168-Carlton premiers
1873--Carlton premiers
1874200--Carlton premiers Oldest CFC membership ticket found.
18751905/- shillings (50 cents)Carlton premiers. 5/- approx $68 in 2019
1877215-Carlton premiers. Largest membership in the VFA. Albert Park 130 Formation of the VFA
1878291-Largest in the VFA. Melbourne 200. Era of the Kelly Gang see Tom Gorman
1879320-Largest in the VFA. Melbourne 200
1884-5 shillings-
1887--Carlton premiers
1888653-Earliest known "action" photo of Australian Football. Image of Carlton playing in Tasmania.
1889--Melbourne's property prices begin to collapse.
1891--Severe economic depression 1891 - 1894
18962985/- shillings (50 cents) Carlton, final year of playing in the VFA.
1897-Carlton, a foundation member of the VFL
1901--Federation January 01
1902--Women receive the right to vote in Federal elections
19062,074-Full list of all member names download annual report - https://www.blueseum.org/1906+Annual+Report
19094,679-Largest in the VFL. South Melbourne 3,767
19144,977-Revenue: £2,600 Largest membership in the League by 500 Total m/ship 28,363
19153,735-Ticket sales £933 World War 1
1916-- VFL Membership Total 3,469# Revenue: £864 Due to WW1 Fours teams only contest the VFL season
1917850-Carlton largest membership in VFL by 200. WW1
1918-5/- shillings (50 cents)WW1 ends Nov 11. "Spanish" 'Flu (H1N1) pandemic sweeps Europe
1919-5/6 (55 cents)Spanish 'Flu arrives in Aust.early Jan.15,000 deaths in Australia and more than 30 million world wide. Football continues. Pandemic ends mid year.
19205,6245/6 (55 cents)-
19217,1565/- (50 cents)-
19225,6237/6 (75 cents)-
19236,0307/6 (75 cents)Largest in VFL
19246,5987/6 (75 cents) Second largest just behind Essendon
19254,5787/6 (75 cents)4th largest in the VFL. Geelong 6,405
19265,4827/6 (75 cents)3rd largest in the VFL. Geelong 8,114
19277,2007/6 (75 cents)New club record Largest in the VFL. Gate receipts £2335 Membership tickets £2750
19287,4007/6 (75 cents)New club record. Largest in the VFL.
19296,470-Largest in the VFL.Great Depression. Aust. economy suffers badly during the 1930's
19305,8448/- (80 cents)Largest in the VFL.
19314,1238/- (80 cents) AGM Feb 04, Mr. J. Bailey a member for 50 years was presented with this years' ticket.
19325,3828/- (80 cents) 18 matches & 6 prac. matchesLargest m/ship in VFL Australia's unemployment rate 32%
19336,1148/4 (85 cents) 8/4 equals approx $42.00 in 2020. Largest membership in the VFL
19355,9968/4 (85 cents) child 5/- (50 cents)G. Hooper 50 years a member & E. A. Powell for 57 years
19386,1438/4 (85 cents)-
19397,753-New club record. Largest in the VFL. WW2 begins Sept. 03
19405,937-Australia's unemployment 11% World War 2
19415,834-Second largest. Players paid £3 per match. WW2
19421,9718/6WW2 Darwin (N.T.) bombed Feb 19, first of 64 raids.
19433,7058/6 (85 cents)WW2 Collingwood 2,122
19444,7478/6WW2 Largest in the VFL. Collingwood 2,913
19459,61710/6 ($1.05) child 5/- (50 cents)WW2 ends August 15 Carlton premiers
194610,36510/6 ($1.05) child 5/- (50 cents)VFL record New club record, first club 10K plus. 10,365. 8,822 adults 1,543 students. in comparison the VFA total Membership 15,170
194711,21310/6Carlton premiers. New club record. VFL record "Carlton Football Club's huge membership, envy of all other League clubs is expected to be even larger this season." (Herald April 24 p24) A silver tea service, as custom, was presented to the 10K ticket purchaser.
19489,82113/6"Carlton who have the biggest football club membership in Australia." Alf Brown Herald July 07.
19499,94713/6 ($1.35) child 5/- (50 cents)Largest membership in the League
195010,05213/6 ($1.35)-
19518,60618/6 ($1.85)-
19529,49122/6 ($2.25)PM Bob Menzies accepts No.1 membership ticket." To them (most club officials) Carlton represent the largest membership and the greatest drawing power of any club in the League." Argus Aug 27 p8
19539,37122/6 ($2.25) child 7/6 (75 cents)Mr. Arthur E. Page (88 in June) received his 71st consecutive members ticket Some years before, he had presented Carlton with a set of members tickets dating back to 1874. (Herald March 04 p26) KIngs Cross London UK. An almost empty stolen purse was found in a rubbish bin, all it contained was a Carlton Football Club membership ticket No.5159. (Herald Dec 14 p9) A few weeks later the owner Elsie Mason of Elsternwick who has been a member for 50 years was reunited with her ticket. (Herald Jan 05 p14)
19548,65925/- ($2.50) child 7/6 (75 cents)-
19568,25930/- ($3.00) child 10/- ($1.00)-
19599,42035/- ($3.50) child 10/- ($1.00)-
19628,86640/- ($4.00) child 10/- ($1.00)-
196310,58245/- ($4.50) child 10/- ($1.00)-
196410,18345/- ($4.50) child 10/- ($1.00) "Carlton Club sell the most season tickets about 10,500, 40% of the buyers are women" Aust. Women's Weekly May 06 p23
19658,19160/- ($6.00) child 10/- ($1.00)-
19667,041$6.00 child $1.00-
19677,626$6.00 child $1.00Last year of entry of membership tickets to both home and away games. $6.00 is approx equal to $72.00 in 2020
19685,724$5.00 child $1.00Lowest total since 1944 Entry to home matches only. Carlton premiers.
19699,668$5.00 child $1.50-
19708,678-Carlton premiers
197210,065 $6.00 child $1.50 Carlton premiers
197312,477-New club record
197411,618$9.00 child $1.50-
197511,712$10.00 child $1.50-
19769,548$15.00 pensioner/student $5.00 child $1.50-
197710,145$15.00 pensioner/student $5.00 child $1.50-
197810,003$16.00 student $10.00 pensioner $5.00 child $2.00 -
197912,131$17.50 student $10.00 pensioner $5.00 child $2.00Carlton premiers
198012,029$20.00 student $12.00 pensioner $5.00 child $2.50-
198112,614$25.00 student $15.00 pensioner $4.00 child $3.00Carlton premiers New club record
198213,458 $30.00 student $17.00 pensioner $5.00 child $4.00Carlton premiers New club record
198313,071$40.00 student $22.00 pensioner $7.00 child $5.00-
198412,723$40.00 student $22.00 pensioner $7.00 child $5.00-
198513,571$40.00 student $22.00 pensioner $7.00 child $5.00-
198615,279$40.00 student $22.00 pensioner $7.00 child $5.00New club record
198711,118$48.00 concession $ 22.00 Carlton premiers
199518,581-Carlton premiers New club record
199623,278-New club record
199724,984-New club record
199825,402-New club record
199925,719-New club record
200027,571-New club record
200127,725-New club record
200333,253-New club record
200533,534-New club record
200735,341-New club record
200839,360-New club record
200943,294-New club record
201143,771-New club record
201245,800-New club record
201350,561-New club record
2015 47,305--
201856,005-New club record
201964,269$215 home games (general admission*)New club record. COVID-19 detected in China late in the year.
202067,035-New club record. COVID-19 pandemic halts all matches after Rnd 1 until June 13. No crowds. After Rnd 5 all Carlton games played in QLD, SA & WA with reduced quarters, a 17 Round comp. and limited crowds. Fifth on AFL membership tally.
202181,302-New club record, 5th largest in AFL. COVID-19 lockdowns still affecting the AFL fixturing & attendance. 22 rounds, full length games resumed. 100yo Aileen Castillo, a member for 87 years talks to David Teague: https://www.carltonfc.com.au/video/853549/aileen-s-special-100th-birthday?videoId=853549&modal=true&type=video&publishFrom=1611601200001-
202288,776-New club record. 4th largest in AFL, 14,121 behind leader West Coast. AFL extended the membership cut-off date from July 31 to August 31
202395,277 -Adult $ 225, Con. $160, Youth $130, Jnr $90 New club record. 4th largest in AFL. 11,913 behind leader Collingwood
2024106,345 - New club record, up 11.6%. Second place, just 4,283 behind leader C'wood. Total AFL club members 1,319,687 (record)
2025 Adult from $250*
Over the years, increasingly Carlton began to create membership campaigns in support of each annual membership drive. (see below) .* Various packages available.
    • Excludes Melbourne
.*** total not finalised.
  1. Referee August 18 1917 (p1)
1914 and 1917 membership tables
Richmond Guardian 1918 April 06 p2 Richmond Guardian April 06 (p2) 1918
1931 VFL Memberships 1925-1930
Trove; Age April 24 (p13) Trove; Age April 24 1931 (p13) Despite winning the flag in 1927,1928, 1929 & 1930 Collingwood's membership languished behind many clubs. The Blues topped the membership ladder in those years
Club Membership 1948 and 1949
Trove; Herald March 23 p23 1950 Once again the Blues are top of the membership list. Trove; Herald March 23 p23 1950

How your membership contributes to the bottom line and governance of your AFL team.

Article compares Carlton of 1910 with 2022 and other clubs. To read The Age article, 23 June 2023 by Cody Atkinson and Sean Lawson click link. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-23/what-membership-means-to-afl-clubs/102513546 _ Supporters | Membership Campaigns
Contributors to this page: blueycarlton , Jarusa , Bombasheldon , WillowBlue , molsey , true_blue24 and admin .
Page last modified on Monday 17 of February, 2025 10:17:15 AEDT by blueycarlton.