Carlton would finish last in the 1894 season, and again just 2 years later. Such a thing was unheard of for the entire 20th century, but of course, we all know too well what happened at the start of the 21st century!
Carlton Captain P. Williams.
Vice Captain T. Blake.
President A. Gillespie.
Secretary. J. Melville
Premiership Matches Played 18. Won 2. Lost 16.
Goals Scored 56 for. 108 against.
If finishing eleventh in 1893 was bad enough, the Carlton side of 1894 slid to thirteenth and hit rock bottom defeating only Collingwood and Williamstown, winning its first wooden spoon.
Annual general meeting March 1894 highlighted the decline in 1893.
Receipts had halved to 483 Pounds. ($966)
Gate takings down from 675 Pounds ($1350) to 183 Pounds. ($366).
Membership Down from 967 to 604 providing revenue of only 151 pounds ($302).
Round 1. Carlton 0.3 defeated by Footscray 4.9.
Of this game one commentator wrote;
“What can be expected, other than defeat, when old and tried players like Ted Sutton desert their colours?
One would have thought the misfortunes of the club should cause its friends to rally round it, at whatever cost, and exert their powers to raise it to its proper rank.”
Absenteeism by key players posed difficult problems for the committee, and in one match Carlton had to call upon one or two veterans who had retired from the game.
Round 7. Carlton defeated Collingwood at M.C.G.
Carl. 1.0 1.2 5.3 7.3
Coll. 1.5 1.5 3.6 5.7
Carlton played a combined junior team at the M.C.G. in front of 120 people.
Missing were the Carlton Captain, Vice Captain, and six regular players.
Round 12. Carlton defeated by Collingwood at Victoria Park.
Carl. 0.2 0.4 0.5 2.6
Coll. 1.0 1.2 1.3 3.8
Carlton 0.5 defeated by South Melbourne 11.7.
Round 18. Carlton defeated by Collingwood at Victoria Park.
Carl. 0.0 0.1 3.1 3.1
Coll. 2.3 4.7 4.8 8.9
Captain Peter Williams failed to turn up for a match against Collingwood at Victoria Park, prompting the Australasian to write;
“When will Carlton regain its lost position in the domain of football? Certainly not while its executive continues to place its reliance on men who will only serve when the humour takes them. Surely the old club had a right to expect more consideration from Peter Williams, if not A.Thompson, than to be left in the lurch against Collingwood?
It is admitted that it is a strain upon the patriotism of a pair of champions like the players mentioned to be asked to turn up Saturday after Saturday to share defeat with so poor a crew. And the Carlton executive should never again be asked to do their vanity such violence. They should be given to understand that Carlton no longer require their services!"
Better players for the year,
Tom Blake, Fred Rolfe, Leith, Harry Balharry, Hannah, Aitken, Patterson, James Ingram, and, at times Peter Williams.
1894. Premiers. Essendon, 2. Melbourne, 3. South Melbourne, 4. Geelong.
Carlton finished thirteenth, and last.
Essendon had now won the last four Premierships.
1894 VFA Ladder
1894 Carlton teams.
Some details are missing, team, reserves/second twenty, goal scorers etc., if anyone has these could they please contact Blueseum.
Carlton captain Peter Williams
March 17
"The question of professional footballers cropped up at the annual general meeting of the Geelong Club last evening. The President (Mr. J. H. Grey, Mayor of Geelong) asserted that there was little doubt that during their days of premiership South Melbourne paid many of their players, and the same thing was done by Essendon, in the ranks of whom Geelong players were to be seen walking about doing nothing, though their parents were in anything but prosperous circumstances. He thought that the evil could be stopped by the clubs being called on to contribute a percentage of the receipts to charity, based on sworn returns every year. Good players were taken away from Geelong owing to the system prevailing amongst the leading metropolitan clubs. The expenses of the Geelong team last year were only about £240, in addition to £200 paid for special trains to Melbourne."
(Weekly Times p19)
March 29
Mr. J. Gardiner presided in the absence of Mr. A. Gillespie.
The report and balance sheet expressed the disappointment to the club's position and to the falling income.
"A team so completely changed in it's personnel could not be expected to meet older and more wily combatants in the game and be victorious, or even placed, but the committee expected, in common with other members, that their efforts would have placed the club in a much higher position than it now holds."
The financial position was not much better and it was recommended that the club's freehold property be sold.
The club had a credit balance of £1, but Mr Ievers says there are liabilities of £250 ($500) not shown on the balance sheet*.
Office bearers elected;
President; Mr. Andrew Gillespie.
Vice presidents; W. Ievers MLA, W. C. Donaldson, J. Moloney, J. Gardiner.
Hon. Secretary; Mr. J. Melville.
Hon. Treasurer; Mr. M. B. Hearne.
Captain; Peter Williams.
Vice captain; Tom Blake.
Committee; Messrs, Bailey, Roberts, Balharry, W. H. Moloney, Dave MacMurtie, J. Harrington, W. Hemsworth, and Devine.
(The Argus March 30 p.3)
-*(The Argus April 9 p.7)
'The Chairman intimated that no member had qualified himself by four years' play to receive an illuminated address. Mr. Moorhouse complained whereas Mr. Maloney had been presented with an illuminated address after only playing three seasons, he had not been given one, although he had played three seasons and a portion of a fourth.
A rather confused discussion followed. The majority of the meeting appeared to think that Mr. Moorhouse was entitled to an address, and above the din could be heard the voice of an individual saying, 'I'll sell you one Jigger.' When Mr. A. Coulson moved and Mr. Bloxham seconded a motion in favor of presenting Mr. Moorhouse with an address, it received the unanimous support of the meeting." (Herald March 30 p3)
April 07
(Weekly Times April 07)
April 07
Carlton played a Carlton Juniors 23 at the University Ground.
The players met at the Clyde Hotel at 2.30pm.
W. "Billy" Bailey and Charlie Coulson had retired.
Jigger Moorhouse had gone to Coolgardie.
The committee was determined to give give a number of junior players an opportunity.
Included in the ranks of the Dark Blue were no less than 15 players unknown to first class football.
No team details.
Carlton lost; 0.3 - 1.3
Peter Williams remains upbeat for the coming year.
Mr. King Mitchell formerly of Richmond has been secured as Carlton trainer for the season.
April 09 Monday
Victoria was possibly the hardest hit as it was the manufacturing centre of the colonies.
After unprecedented years of growth following the gold rushes, Australia's largest city "Marvellous Melbourne," was hit with skyrocketing unemployment and plummeting land values.
Unfortunately for The Carlton Football Club it suffered a double whammy with the severe depression coinciding with the worst on field performances in the club's history, and with it, it's falling gate takings.
On this day The Argus published an item about the financial situation of each the VFA's clubs.
About Carlton it said;
"No team of the last season fell away so severley either in the field or financially as Carlton.
In 1892 their receipts from the game were £675 17 s. ($1,351.70), and in 1893 £182 19s 10d. ($365.98), or a falling off in one season of very nearly £500 ($1,000.00).
Carlton's balance sheet would seem to have been executed on the boom bank principle, for although it shows a credit balance of £1, Mr. Ievers MLA points out there are liabilities of about £250 not shown in the statement.
Had the Carlton executives of ther past understood economy they might with the resources of the first five years have put by enough to make the heavy burden now bearing upon the committee of management a bit easier.
Their troubles certainly stand as warning to other clubs."
To read the entire article from The Argus;
Click here>
April 10 Tuesday
The Season's Fixtures.
The Geelong Times declares that "never in the history of the Geelong Football Club has it received such a blow as that administered by the committee of the Victorian Football Association appointed to arrange the matches, and certainly it will not be their fault if the club collapses altogether.
A glance at the list will show that not a single premiership match will be played in Geelong from May 26 to July 28, a period of two months. During that time there are two vacant Saturdays, and the remaining six will find Geelong in the metropolis.
The club at present is in anything but a flourishing condition, and how they are to pay the six special trains in succession, besides sundry and other expenses, the committee are in a quandary to know."
April 12 Thursday
"Carlton Club - It has been pointed out in connection with the summary of the positions of the various football clubs in The Argus of Monday last that an injustice has been done to the Carlton Club in assuming that during their period of prosperity no provision was made for such a contingency as that with which the club last year was faced.
Money was invested in freehold property, which was until lately valued at £500, but has now been written down to £250, for which sum it can be sold at anytime. The liability of £200 referred to by Mr. Ievers MLA, as not appearing in the report, was duly stated there, the bulk of it under the heading of "loan of £150."
The Carlton Club claim that with the altogether unexpected drop of £500 in the gate money for last season they, under great difficulties, managed the club very economically."
April 14
"Lorrain McKenzie and Moorehouse, who formerly donned the colors of the Carlton Football Club, have gone to try their luck at Coolgardie." (Ovens and Murray Advertiser p3)
April 14
Carlton played North Williamstown Juniors at the University Ground.
Players met at the Clyde Hotel at 2.30pm
No details.
April 20 Friday
"The annual meeeting of the Victorian Football Association was held last night at Young and Jackson's, Mr. Frank Grey-Smith (the president) being in the chair.
The following office-bearers for the ensuing season were re-elected, viz:- President, Mr. Frank Grey-Smith; vice presidents, Messrs. R. W. Best, M.L.A., and Mr. A. C. McCracken; hon.treasurer, Mr. W. J. Smith; auditors Messrs. F. A. Pleasance and E. L. Wilson; hon. secretary Mr. T. S. Marshall. Permit and umpire committee:- The following were elected, vis.- Messrs. W. H. Williams, L. F. Dallas, D. R. Hunter, J. Williams, and C. J. Wilson; match committee, Messrs. T. Banks, H. Hodges, J. Sloss, L. F. Dallas, and J. Fitzpatrick.
Mr. T. S. Marshall read his annual report, which, after reviewing the season, dealt the following matters of general interest in connection of the game.
It is a pity that we cannot get a capable team to visit us from New South Wales. Many years back a small coterie of ardent Victorians tried with might and main to locate our game in New South Wales, but, owing to the strong opposition of our Rugby friends, and may I also say the apathy displayed by this association, it has never gained a real firm footing in the parent colony. In the face of all this, however, even now a few staunch supporters are to be found fighting an almost hopeless battle against overwhelming odds. I had hopes that this year we would have been able to send over two of our leading teams to show the New South Wales people what the Australian game really means. I trust that another year will not be allowed to pass without something of the kind being done, for, with a little management and sprinkling of generosity on our part, I am certain the thing can be accomplished.
I have thought the matter carefully out, and, as the season has not yet commenced, all clubs will have an equal chance in the following scheme:- In 1895, say about the month of June, send to New South Wales the first and second clubs on the premiership list of 1894. Appoint some Saturday during the forth coming season on which 30 per cent of the gross takings-cricket clubs being respectfully requested to contribute as well-should be set apart to meet the expenses of the undertaking. By this means I estimate £200 will be raised, while at least £100 will be raised in New South Wales. The two competing clubs might, if necessary, be well asked to supplement this amount by £50 each, so that a sum of £400 is reached, quite ample to cover the expenses of the trip.
Three matches could be played, one in Sydney, one in Newcastle, and one in Maitland. In order that these should not be entirely exhibition matches this association should reckon the first match, the one to be played in Sydney, as a premiership one. Such a series of matches would doubtless would give a great impetus to the game in New South Wales, and a prospective trip of this nature should make the fight for the first and second places on our 1894 list most intense and interesting. Which are to the two fortunate clubs?
I am led to make the above suggestion from the fact that the New South Wales Rugby Association has had this year over £1,000 to its credit, and they intend to spend the bulk of this large amount by frequently sending teams into their country districts, as well as forwarding intercolonial to New Zealand, Queensland, and Victoria. In New South Wales the clubs playing Rugby receive none of the gate money, the whole of the proceeds being handed over to the association, which expends the greater portion in the manner I have indicated. Now, I do not desire to take all your season's gate money to assist our New South Wales friends. I only ask for 30 per cent of one day's takings, and I trust there is no delegate or club on this association so lacking in patriotism as th refuse this small amount to help our struggling brethren, and push the game along in New South Wales.
I fear we have only scotched, not killed, the migratory player. Why does he desire to wander from club to club. If it be in the interests of the game something might be said for him, but if it only be for what he can make out of it, then I say it is the bounden duty of those in authority to block him. Some committee members say we do not ask senior from other clubs to join us, but if they do come we will welcome them warmly. There is such a thin line of demarcation between "touting" and this "welcoming," that, perhaps owing to my fading eyesight, I entirely fail to discern the difference.
The lot of the permit commitee is by no means a happy one, the work being onerous and oftentimes exceedingly disagreeable. It should, therefore, be the duty of the association, and especially the committees of clubs, to assist this most important committee, and not throw obstacles in its way and belittle its members at every opportunity. Several club committees shirk their responsibility by granting clearances to all players who may apply for them, thus throwing the onus of refusal on the permit committee. This procedure is clearly playing into the hands of the migratory player, as well as clearing the way for those clubs which countenance him. This is also an a evasion of the spirit of our rules, for I take it that no man who is good enough for a team should get a clearance unless he has a thoroughly legitimate reason for leaving his club. If he refuse to play, his committee, before giving a clearance, should certainly obtain his reasons for refusing, and these reasons should just as certainly be communicated to the permit committee. Should a player be an undesirable man and his committee on this account refuse to pick him, their reasons for so doing so should most assuredly be communicated to the permit committee, otherwise how are we as an association to purge the game of such men. It is publicly reported that at least one committee has determined to give clearances to all who may apply for them. Instead of this action being, as they may imagine, a sign of strength on their part, it appears to me to savour vry much an excessive weakness. Very strong reasons indeed should be given by players before clearances are granted, for it was never intended that they should be granted indiscriminately, and committeess should generally support the permit committee to this extent. I have noticed, however, that those committees who howl loudest about the iniquities of the migratory player grant clearances most readily.
It cannot be denied that there are certain men playing in our senior ranks whose absence from the field would be of no great loss to their clubs or the game. We have had several opportunities of geting rid of such men, but it says little for the morale of some of our govering bodies that when an undesirable man is discarded by one club he should be immediately pounced upon by another senior club, lifted into the front rank of his new team, and almost made a hero of instead of being banished forever from the football world. There is some satisfaction in knowing that sooner or later these men become a grave nuisance to their new club, but that is very little satisfaction to the club that discarded them.
I have spoken and written so much condemnatory of professionalism in football that I need just mention the matter here. If you take the balance-sheets of our clubs into consideration it will be found that there are not more than two clubs in a position to adopt professionalism pure and simple. Semi-professionalism, or, rather, veiled professionalism, is another thing altogether, and a very much worse thing, too. Better far have straight- out professionalism than countenance, or, rather, pretend to discountenance, veiled professionalism, which is the cause of all the wretched subterfuges that are resorted to lead the association and the public to believe that certain men are bona-fide amateurs, when it is patent to everyone that hard work and these players have been strangers to each other for months and months back. But does veiled professionalism really exist, and, if so, and in what shape does it exist? I am really now seeking for information, for, notwithstanding all my railing, I have not yet been able to get at anything very definate, and so am compelled to ask those here who may, perhaps, to be in a better position to know more than I do. Have any inducements this year been held out to good senior or, mayhap, junior players to join your club? Have billets been provided for them, or promised? Do certain supporters - of course outside of the committees - club together to pay a man a certain weekly wage to retain his services? If everything is fair and above board, why all the sudden chopping and changings at the beginning of every season? Are these things true, and, if so, do you desire to alter them? If you are in earnest, and wish to strike a decisive blow at veiled professionalism, then set your faces dead against the migratory player, stop his wanderings, and the other thing will soon die a natural death. I am pleased to say, if public utterances are to be relied on, that we have in our midst to-night several notable converts to my way of thinking. Last year no delegate could have fought harder to secure senior players for their clubs than they did. That is all changed now, they have turned a complete somersault and become virtuous. I trust that their conversion, sudden though it be, may be permanent. We are told to rejoice more over one sinner that repenteth than over the ninety and nine that need no repentance, and at being so we rejoice accordingly.
Will it do any good to ask our respectable barracker to restrain himself at our football matches? What is there in a game that staid, respectable members of society should, on the highest pretext, so far forget themselves to forget thenselves to behave in such an outrageously idiotic manner as to make them the laughing-stock for their more sane companions. As to the foul-mouthed barracker, he must be suppressed at all hazards, and let me now formally warn him that the committee of cricket clubs are fully determined to assist us in stamping out the nuisance.
The betting element was very little in evidence last year, and the bookmaker was conspicuous by his absence from our matches. It rests with ourselves to make his absence permanent.
We have again to cordially thank the press for its powerful support, not only in providing such able and impartial reports of matches and meetings, but also for assisting the association to correct all abuses in connection with the game. Where censure was deserved the press spoke out bodly, and where praise was due it was dealt unsparingly. The pulpit has also to be thanked for its defence of pure athleticism. When liberal-minded clergymen like Dr. Bevan or the Rev. Alex. Marshall preach kindly words of encourgement, as well as warning, we can well afford to treat lightly the censure of those who can see no good whatsoever in our manly sports and pastimes.
Personally, I have to thank you for again placing me in the position of secretary, and, before concluding, I would like to say if there remains any friction or soreness on the part of any club or clubs, the outcome of somewhat recent events, I would urge upon those who feel aggrieved to, at the beginning of a new season, forget and forgive, for by doing so they will materially help to make the year a pleasant one, not only on, but off, the association.
The CHAIRMAN moved that the report be adopted with a view to its future consideration.
Mr. R. W. Best, in seconding the motion, said the report was such a vigorous and thoughtful one as they might expect from a gentleman of Mr. Marshall's long experience and zeal. He was glad to see the note of discouragement to migratory players. These were not sportsmen, but simply played the game for what they could make out of it. He may have been fairly, even generously, treated by his first club, but whenever the inducement comes he is ready to go to another. If wealthier clubs were permitted to offer inducements to such men it would crush out all heathly rivalry in the game. The permit committee had, in face of much unpleasantness, carried through their duties zealously and well. Another disgraceful feature in connection with the game was that rough element were able, in some cases, to assault players leaving the field against whom they might some grievance. The cricket clubs were anxious to co-operate with them in stamping out blackguardism in the act or language, and he thought that the delegates should go to the lengths of consituting themselves positive detectives, and call in the assistance of the police and the police courts to discourage this evil. It had given him much pleasure indeed to notice the healthy view of the game taken by the Rev. Alexander Marshall in a recent address.
It was decided to take the report as the first business at next meeting.
Champagne having been ordered by the president, several toasts were drunk, and, in proposing success to the game, Mr. Frank Grey-Smith coupled the sentiment particularly with the name of the Carlton Football Club, an old and honoured one in football, and expressed the hope that this season would find them restored to their former prominence. This thoughful and kindly reference was recieved with loud applause, Messrs. Melville and Harrington thanking the president for so cordial an expression of goodwill.
The association then adjouned.
(Argus Saturday April 21 p11)
April 21
Burns, a winger, from Richmond
Bernstein, half back, from East Melbourne
Frost, follower, North Williamstown Juniors
Gallagher, rover, from South Melbourne Juniors
Ingram, half back/follower, local junior
Kelly, centre, Clifton
Leach, half back, Surrey Hills
Stewart, centre, Carlton Juniors
Stitt, Malvern
McDonald, back, Clifton
Keily, forward, Yarraville
Graham, follower, Austral
Currie, Essendon District
Ebsworth, Essendon District
Tulloch, rover, Carlton Juniors
Woodhouse, ex St.Kilda, returned from Broken Hill
Ted Walton, defender, Rainbow (local club)
Warren, rover, Mooroopna
April 21
Carlton played Brunswick (23) at the University Cricket Ground.
A small charge of 6d (5c) for admission was made.
Carlton team; (27 named)
J. Burns, Balharry, Bernstein, Cameron, Currie, Franks, Frost, Graham, Gallagher, Geraghty, Hannah, James Ingram, Kelly, Leith, Leach, Nuttall, Patterson, Henry Pollykett, Stewart, Stitt, Rolfe, Tulloch, Turner, A.Thompson, Walter Warren, Walton, Williams (Capt.)
No details.
April 24 Tuesday

Former Carlton player William Newing died suddenly at his residence at the Haymarket Hotel, corner of Elizabeth and Grattan Streets.
The Australasian's "Markwell" on April 28 wrote a fitting obituary, to read, click here> W. 'Bill' Newing
(George F. Bowen writing in Melbourne Punch May 10 p16 1894)
April 28
"Only old Carltonians - those who have followed the fortunes of the club through and from the time when Carlton and Melbourne were rival champions, and when the game grew, blossomed, and bloomed mainly because of that rivalry - will appreciate, as it deserves to be appreciated, the delicate and graceful compliment paid their club by Mr. F. G. Smith at the close of the VFA meeting.
To the majority of delegates, no doubt, it appeared incongruous that the hospitable president should provide a costly beverage and invite all and sundry to join with him in drinking therein success to Carlton, one of the lowest teams on last year's list; but to the few who could read the inner workings of the president's mind the proceeding was better worthy of admiration than of surprise.
A warm corner in the veteran sportsman's heart yearns for the day when the successors to the old- time, sturdy, and ever manly adversaries of his much loved Melbourne shall emerge from the gloom which at present environs them, and claim the honourable position to which the records of a glorious past entitle them.
Nothing, I feel convinced, would afford Mr. Smith greater pleasure than to see the gallant Reds and Blues once again heading the list, and playing off for championship.
Should such a thing come to pass in the near future I think I know somebody else to whom the circumstance give unmixed pleasure."
April 28
Carlton played Hawthorn or the Calathumpians on the Carlton Cricket Ground?
The Age and the Carlton Gazette says that the Blues played a team calling themselves the "Calathumpians" on the Carlton Cricket Ground.
Peter Williams skippered the Carlton team which again included many juniors.
Play was very even, however the extra three players for the Calathumpians told in the end.
Carlton team; (31 named)
Aitken, Balharry, Bernstein, Blake,J. Burns, Cameron, Coulson, Frost, Gallagher, Geragthy, Graham, Hannah, James Ingram, Kelly, Leith, Leach, McDonald, McDonald, Nuttall, Patterson, Polykett, Park, Rolfe, Stewart, Stilt, Smith, Turner, Thompson, Walton, Walter Warren, Williams.
Carlton lost;
Carlton: 0.3 1.5 1.6 2.7
Calatha: 0.1 0.2 2.4 3.6
Goals; Leith, McDonald.
May 05
George A. Davis to Geelong,
McInerney to Collingwood,
F. Manuels to Port Melbourne,
Jim Travis to North Melbourne.
And on the coming season;
"Carlton will not be weaker than they were, if one may judge from the form exhibited in practice matches by most of last year's young players.
No trouble has been avoided in the search after capable recruits, and under the able and experienced direction of the veteran, Peter Williams, the old club will, it is thought, improve it's position on the premiership list."
May 05
Opening round of the 1894 Premiership season.

Carlton played Footscray at the Footscray Recreation Reserve.
The team left in drags (horses and carriage) departing from Polykett's in Lygon Street at 1.30pm and from The Haymarket at 2pm sharp.
(It was cheaper than taking a tram, cab, and train.)
Crowd; 3,000
The Blues continued where they left off last season.
Sutton refused to play, and O'Loghlen, Thomas O'Brien (Lanty O'Brien's son), and Tulloch* decided to remain with juniors for another year.
Carlton's team was chosen mainly from the juniors; Hannah, James Ingram, Woodhouse, Frost, future Carlton VFL captain E. Walton pictured, Stewart, and others.
Players preferred to kick to a mate rather than to a team member in a better position.
With such disunity Carlton did not kick off the '94 season with any style.
Blues failed to score after half time, and did not score a goal for the match.
The Dark Blues played well in the third quarter where their stubborn defence was to the fore.
Walton played.
The Argus;
"Poor Carlton! With seniors who lack patriotism and juniors who lack ambition it appears to be in a bad way. With a team deprived of all heart pitted against a well-disciplined twenty such as Footscray, what other issue than defeat could have been expected?"
"Carlton are altogether without unity just now; there is no purpose in their play, and when a man gets the ball he seems to be on the lookout not for the colours but for a mate - and playing mates is only a good thing when it runs right through the twenty."
""Of Carlton's new men, Woodhouse and Walton are the most promising. Woodhouse, indeed, never missed a chance, and played about the best game on the side; while Walton, who is the brother of W. Walton, the former captain of Carlton, was very useful. Thompson who came to Carlton as a goal kicker, has developed into a first-rate man in the outfield. Williams the captain, played a good defensive game, considering always what a difficult task he has to keep his team together, and the play of the vice-captain, Blake, though equally hard, was not so valuable to the side. Aitken's chief mistake was underrating the pace of his opponents, and he several times lost his kick. Of the others Stewart and Frost shaped well."
The Age;
"Carlton has fallen from it's high estate, and on Saturday became an easy victim for Footscray, who scored 4 goals to none. The fleeting fame of the football field has no better exemplification than the rapid decent of Carlton from it's once unchallenged position, and old supporters of the club mournfully deplore the causes which have brought about the rapid decandence."
The Australasian;
"The old club has not begun so promisingly as might have been hoped, but what can be expected other than defeat when old and tried players like Sutton desert their colours?
One would have thought that the misfortune of an institution like the Carlton Club should cause it's friends to rally round it at what cost so ever, and exert their powers to raise it to it's proper rank amid the clubs."
"However it's a long lane that has no turning, and the dark blues may by and by discover the way out of the obscurity in which they have lost themselves of late.
I have no complaint against the men, young and old, who turned out to face Footscray. They did their best and were defeated by a superior force."
.* Tulloch could be Lardie Tulloch who was recruited from Carlton Juniors by Collingwood and played 165 VFL games captaining the club in two premierships.
Carlton team; (26 named)
Aitken, Blake, Balharry, J. Burns, Cameron, Frost, Hannah, Geraghty, Gallagher, James Ingram, Leith, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, O'Loghlen, Polykett, Park, Rolfe, Smith, Stewart, Sutton, Turner, Tulloch, A.Thompson, P. Williams (Capt.), Walter Warren, Woodhouse.
(8) T. Burns, Geraghty, Gallagher, O'Loghlen, Park, Sutton, Tulloch, Turner did not play.
William Patterson and Ernie Walton who were not named in the 26 man squad played.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, T. Blake, R. Cameron, R. Frost, B. Hannah, J. Ingram, J. Leith, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, W. Patterson, Pollykett, F. Rolfe, G. Smith, R. Stewart, A. Thompson, E. Walton, W. Warren, P. Williams, W. 'Bill'. Woodhouse.
Carlton line-up (M. Pennings)
Backs; E. Walton, J. McDonald, W. Patterson
Half backs; J. Ingram, A. Thompson, G. Smith
Centres; B. Hannah, P. Williams (Capt), Pollykett
Half forwards; J. Leith, F. Rolfe, J. Aitken
Forwards; R. Stewart, F. McDonald, R. Cameron
Followers; T. Blake, J. Balharry, W. Woodhouse, R. Frost.
Rover; W. Warren
Umpire; Frank Coffey.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3
Foots. 2.3 3.3 3.7 4.9
Players mentioned; (14) newcomers Bill Woodhouse and Ernie Walton (brother of W. Walton) played well, A.Thompson, P. Williams, Blake, Aitken, Stewart, Frost, Aitken, Hannah, Balharry, McDonald, Walter Warren, Ingram.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton twelfth.
Played 1 Won 0 Lost 1 Drawn 0 Goals For 0 Against 4 Points 0.
This day Walter Warren played his one and only senior game with Carlton, he soon returned to Williamstown where he kicked 17 goals this season and went on to captain the club in future years.
May 11
The curtain raiser to most VFA football games is a baseball match.
The Adelaide Advertiser's baseball writer "Homerun" was in Melbourne.
"A summary of all the authorities I consulted as to the hold the game had taken in Victoria is that the public don't seem to take to baseball kindly as it is present played."
"The (baseball) clubs are financed and managed by the cricket clubs, and the games are arranged so the the baseball club and the football club of the same name both play on the same day on the same ground, the baseball starting at 1.30 and the football at 3."
Melbourne Cricket Ground 1894
May 12
Carlton played Port Melbourne at the M.C.G.
Friday newspaper report says Cameron, Polykett, and Walter Warren are standing down for Breeze (Captain of Ascot vale), Thomas O'Brien (Collingwood Juniors), and W. Park (played down back for the Blues last season).
Port took this game too lightly playing as individuals instead of as a team.
The Blues played well considering the amount of inexperienced new players in the side.
Carlton had the best of the game for three quarters and one newspaper report said any other side would have scored 10 or 12 goals from the opportunities the Blues had.
"They could not have done worse if they had entered into a conspiracy with their rivals to let the latter win."
"... the Carlton men playing with a brilliancy and dash that at times completely nonplussed their opponents, and, it they had been possessed of an accurate kickist on Saturday, the "Red and Blues" must have suffered defeat. 'Every cock crows loudest on his own dung hill' is the old axiom, and doubtless the resuscitation of the Carlton team was due to the fact of playing on their own ground, and being cheered on by their own supporters, who mustered in force. In concerted play, little marking and ground play, the Carlton ran rings around our men, who fumbled the ball terribly when on the ground."
(Standard (Port Melbourne) May 19 p2)
Carlton team; (25 named)
Aitken, Breeze, Balharry, J. H. Burns, Blake, Cameron, Frost, Gallagher, Hannah, James Ingram, Leith, McDonald, McAnley, Thomas O'Brien, W. Park, Polykett, Patterson, Rolfe, Smith, Stewart, A.Thompson, Williams, Walton, Woodhouse, Warren.
According to The Herald, Cameron, Polykett and Walter Warren did not play.
(6) Breeze, Cameron, Gallagher, McAnley, Polykett and Warren did not play.
One of the McDonalds not named in the 25 man squad played.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, T. Blake, J. H. Burns, R. Frost, B. Hannah, J. Ingram, J. Leith, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, T. O'Brien, W/J. Park*, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, G. Smith, R. Stewart, A. Thompson, E. Walton, P. Williams, W. Woodhouse.
.*Blueseum is not sure whether Park is William Leslie or his brother Percy Tasman "Jim" - Pennings' Origins of Australain Football has gone with J, "Jim" Park
Carlton line-up (M. Pennings)
Backs; E.Walton, J. McDonald, W. Patterson
Half backs; G. Smith, A. Thompson, J. Park*
Centres; R. Stewart, P. Williams, B. Hannah
Half forwards; J. Leith, F. Rolfe, J. H. Burns
Forwards; J. Ingram, F. McDonald, T. O'Brien
Followers; T. Blake, J. Balharry, W. Woodhouse, R. Frost
Rover; J. Aitken
In: J. H. Burns, Thomas O'Brien, J. Park
Out: R. Cameron, Polykett, W. Warren
Umpire; Henderson.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.2 1.7 3.8 3.9
Port. 3.2 3.2 5.2 5.2
Goals; Blake, F. McDonald, Rolfe.
Players mentioned; (15) Balharry, Woodhouse, Blake, Walton, Rolfe, F. McDonald, A.Thompson, P. Williams, Hannah, Leith, James Ingram, Thomas O'Brien, Park, Aitken, Stewart, Burns.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton twelfth.
Played 2 won 0 Lost 2 Drawn 0 Goals For 3 Against 9 Points 0.
Australasian May 19
May 19
Carlton played Williamstown at Williamstown.
Park injured last week and did not play.
The Blues won the toss and attacked.
Frank Mc Donald scored the first two goals for the Blues, both from difficult angles.
Thompson, Woodhouse and Leith scored the last quarter goals.
The Blues broke a 15 game losing sequence.
Carlton skipper Peter Williams played a superb game in the centre.
A very tight and even game up until three quarter time. Williamstown was worn out by the fierceness of the contest, and the Blues went away with the game in the last.
The Age said of F. McDonald, "....may be said to have come out of his shell; his kicking was the best he has done with the team. His first goal was something to be remembered. It must have been kicked 80 yards, and the point of sight was an almost inaccessible angle near the boundary of the western wing. The second goal he kicked would have been impossible to an average player."
Carlton team; (21 named)
Aitken, Balharry, Blake, J. H. Burns, Burnstein, Cameron, Frost, Gallagher, Hannah, James Ingram, Leith, McDonald, Thomas O'Brien, Patterson, Pollykett, Freddy Rolfe, Stewart, Smith, Williams, Woodhouse, McAnley.
Burnstein, Cameron and McAnley did not play.
Thompson, Stewart and one of the McDonalds was not named in the squad.
Carlton line-up; (Evening Standard)
Backs; Patterson, J. McDonald, Walton
Half backs; O'Brien, Rolfe, Polykett
Centres; Hannah, Williams, Stewart
Half forwards; Burns, Thompson, Leith
Forwards; Gallagher, F. McDonald, Ingram
Followers; Frost, Balharry, Blake, Woodhouse
Rover; Aitken
In: Gallagher, Polykett
Out: J. Park, G. Smith
Umpire; Schaeffer.
Carlton won;
Carl. 1.1 4.3 4.4 7.5
Will. 1.2 2.6 4.7 4.10
Goals; F. McDonald 2, A. Thompson, Rolfe, Leith, Woodhouse, Ingram.
Players mentioned; (16) J. Aitken, J. Balharry, T. Blake, R. Frost, Gallagher, B. Hannah, James Ingram, J. Leith, F. McDonald, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, R. Stewart, A. Thompson, E. Walton, P. Williams (BOG), B. Woodhouse. Plus; J. Burns, J. McDonald, T. O'Brien, Pollykett
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton eighth.
Played 3 Won 1 Lost 2 Drawn 0 Goals For 10 Against 13 Points 4.
May 19
J. Lorraine is Fremantle's captain & the Rovers' captain this year is W. Walton who will lead the amber and black. Both players are former Carlton captains.
Fremantle won easily 11.13 - 2.6
Moorhouse and Lorraine named among the best for Fremantle, & W. Walton named the best player for Rovers.
May 22 Tuesday
Transfers granted for,
Peter Walter Warren, Williamstown to Carlton.
Henry Hastings, Carlton to Fitzroy.
May 24 Thursday, Queen's Birthday holiday.
Carlton had the bye.
They played a Combined Juniors team on the M.C.G. at 11am.
The Combine wore Fitzroy's colours.
The Combined Juniors were made up from the ranks of clubs in the First Rate Junior Association.
Crowd; 120.
Carlton were missing it's Captain, Peter Williams, vice captain Tom Blake, leading goal kicker, McDonald, Thompson, James Ingram, and three other players.
Bowden, a junior player included in the team for the day.
J. Aitken captained the Blues.
A fair attendance.
The Blues won the toss and kicked to the eastern (Richmond) end.
Carlton team; (27 named)
Aitken, Balharry, Blake, Bicknell, Bernstein, Coucher, Cameron, Ellis, Frost, Gallagher, Hannah, James Ingram, Leith, Macaulay, McDonald, McDonald, Patterson, Polykett, Rolfe, Smith, Spedding, Stewart, Thompson, Walton, Walter Warren, Williams, Woodhouse.
Gray was mentioned twice in The Herald report.
Bowden scored the first two goals. Leith kicked the third and fourth, the last one from a difficult angle, and Warne scored the Blues' fifth major.
Carlton line-up (Herald 24/5 p1)
Backs; Walton, McDonald, Patterson
Half backs; Ellis, Smith, Polykett
Centre; Hannah, Rolfe, Stewart
Half forwards; Leith, Bernstein, Spedding
Forwards; Jones, Warne, Bowden
Followers; Frost, Balharry, Macauley, Warren
Rover; Aitken (Capt)
Umpire; F. G. Farr.
Carlton won;
Carl. 3.2 5.4 5.7 5.7
Jnrs. 0.1 1.5 2.5 3.6
Goals; Leith 2, Bowden 2, Warne.
Players mentioned; (14) Aitken, Balharry, Bowden, Gray, Patterson, Warne, Leith, Stewart, Hannah, Spedding, Rolfe, Frost, Bernstein, Warren,
May 26
Carlton played Fitzroy at the M.C.G.
Crowd; 6,000 - 7,000
"In past seasons the above teams could always command the support of the great majority of the football going public; but of late years Carlton has lost her reputation for greatness, and as the successful team draws the crowd, the matches between Fitzroy and Carlton only attract the immediate supporters of both clubs." (Fitzroy City Express 01 June p3)
The Blues matched it with Fitzroy, poor goal kicking let them down.
"In the first quarter the player who did the most useful work for Carlton was undoubtedly the captain,Williams, playing in the centre, his marking being excellent, and drop kicking very good."
Thompson and F. McDonald missed at least 8 easy chances within 40 yards to goal in the first half.
Thompson kept kicking into the man on the mark with his shots at goal!
A third term lapse when they played the man instead of the ball let the 'Roys in to gain the lead.
For Carlton, Tom Blake "played his finest, and the style in which he brought the ball out of the ruck was worth going to see, while his little marks were just a streak."
"Aitken's quick dashes were very pretty too, and he never abandons a match until the bell rings. On several occasions he was mainly the means of turning the play in favour of Carlton. Woodhouse, without the cunning of the veteran, has all the dash of a colt, but his exertions found him out towards the finish. Frost is the Fry of the Carlton team - most footballers know what that means. His fault is a desire to cling to the ball. A fine useful forward was Ingram - his marking and kicking being both up to the best. Gallagher, I fancy, surprised the onlookers as much as any man on the side. Stewart, on the wing, played a first-rate game - dodging and marking to perfection. Williams would have been better had the by no means nominal business of captain not engrossed so much of his time. Hannah - a little wonder - took the fancy of such competent critics as Banks and Trait greatly, although he was posted against Musgrove. Bernstein another of the new ones, played a beautiful game - high marking being his specialty. The most conspicuous man on the side, whether back or forward, was young Rolfe. His marking was as good as anything seen this season. With such youngsters Carlton must come to the front again. The back play on both sides was the best thing of the game, and Carlton's notable defenders were McDonald, Patterson, plucky little George Smith and the willowy Walton." (Argus May 28 p6)
Carlton team; (24 named)
Aitken, Balharry, Blake, Bernstein, Cameron, Frost, Gallagher, Hannah, James Ingram, Leith, McDonald, McDonald, Patterson, Polykett, Rolfe, Smith, Stuart/Stewart, Spedding, Thompson, Walter Warren, A. Warren, Woodhouse, Walton, Williams (Capt.)
Mark Pennings' records has W. Warren playing his one game on May 05 and A. Warren playing his only game on May 26
Carlton line-up (M. Pennings)
Backs; E. Walton, J. McDonald, W. Patterson
Half backs; G. Smith, F. Rolfe, F. Bernstein
Centres; B. Hannah, P. Williams (Capt), Stewart
Half forwards; F. McDonald, A. Thompson, J. Leith
Forwards; Gallagher, J. Ingram, A. Warren
Followers; T. Balke, J. Balharry, R. Frost, W. Woodhouse
Rover; J. Aitken
Umpire; J. J. Trait.
Out: T. O'Brien
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.2 2.7 2.7 3.9
Fitz. 1.3 2.3 4.7 5.9
Goals; Leith, Aitken, Balharry.
Best; Stewart (wing), Aitken (roving), Williams (centre)
Players mentioned; (20) J. Aitken, J. Balharry, Tom Blake, Farleigh Bernstein, R. Frost, Gallagher, B. Hannah, James Ingram, J. Leith, F. McDonald, D. McDonald, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe,George Smith, R. Stewart, A. Thompson, E. Walton, A. Warren, P. Williams, Bill Woodhouse
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton ninth.
Played 4 won 1 Lost 3 Drawn 0 goals For 13 Against 18 Points 4.
June 01 V.F.A. Permit committee.
J. McElhemy, Footscray to Carlton.
Mathieson, North Melb. to Carlton.
D. Greenwood, North Melb. to Carlton.
Refused transfers,
M. Blake, Carlton to St.Kilda.
W. Turner, Carlton to St.Kilda.
June 02
Carlton played North Melbourne at the North Melbourne C. G.
Balharry was injured last week, and did not play.
The Blues won the toss and kicked to the Arden Street goals but they wasted the advantage of the wind during the first quarter.
The lack of a goal kicker has been a problem for a few years.
Carlton should have kicked 4 goals in the third, but muffed their chances.
The Blues had wasted their chances, but they matched it with the home side.
Half back, Gallagher was injured in the first half and did not reappear, Smith was injured after being thrown into the fence after half time and had to be carried off..
W. Turner who had applied to transfer to St.Kilda played, as well as D. Greenwood ex North Melbourne.
Ex Blue, Jim Travis played for North and was one of their better players.
Carlton team; (24 named)
Aitken, Blake, Balharry, Breeze, J. Burns, Bernstein, Cameron, Frost, Gallagher, Geragaty, Hannah, James Ingram, Leith, McDonald, Thomas O'Brien, Patterson, Rolfe, Smith, Stewart, A. Thompson, P. Williams, Walter Warren, Walton, Woodhouse.
(7) Balharry, Breeze, Burns, Cameron, Geragaty, T. O'Brien, Warren did not play.
F. Turner, D. Greenwood and one of the McDonalds who was not in the squad played.
Carton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, F. Bernstein, T. Blake, R. Frost, Gallagher, D. Greenwood, B. Hannah, J. Ingram, J. Leith, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, G. Smith, R. Stewart, A. Thompson, F. Turner, E. Walton, P. Williams, W. 'Bill' Woodhouse.
Carlton line-up (M.Pennings)
Backs; E. Walton, J. McDonald, Patterson
Half backs; G. Smith, A. Thompson, Gallagher
Centre; B. Hannah, P. Williams, R. Stewart
Half forwards; J. Leith, F. Rolfe, F. McDonald
Forwards; F. Bernstein, J. Ingram, D. Greenwood
Followers; T. Blake, F. Turner, W. Woodhouse, R. Frost.
Rover; J. Aitken
Umpire; McNab.
In: D. Greenwood, Turner
Out: J. Balharry, A. Warren
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.1 0.1 1.9 1.10
N.M. 0.1 3.8 3.8 3.10
Goal; Smith.
Players mentioned; (16) Woodhouse, Gallagher, Frost, Smith, W. Turner, Blake, Aitken, D. Greenwood, Leith, Rolfe, F. McDonald, Hannah, Williams, Thompson, Stewart, Ingram.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton tenth.
Played 5 Won 1 Lost 4 Drawn 0 Goals For 14 Against 21 Points 4.
June 07
Former Carlton players Jack Lorraine and W. 'Bill' Walton now playing in Perth.
Fremantle captained by Jack Lorraine and Rovers captained by Bill Walton played each other in the season opener.
Walton was one of the best players in the first half.
Another player named James Moorhouse played for Fremantle and the The Australasian said he was a former Carlton player. (Jack "Jigger" Moorhouse)
June 09
Carlton played Collingwood at the M.C.G.
Friday report says Balharry still injured, Burnstein stood down, with Breeze and Coulson to be brought into the side.
Williams re arranged the team at half time and implored his players to play to each other, the effect was immediate.
The Blues considered dropping Fred McDonald as his goal kicking has been wayward of late. The threat did the trick and he scored 4 goals out of 5 attempts.
"As may be gathered from the totals at the finish, there is very little choice between Carlton and Collingwood, the superior accuracy of the dark blues' forwards accounting adequately for their rather narrow victory. Both teams are to complimented upon their manly, not to say generous, spirit in which the game was conducted throughout, and the majority of the players on either side may be said to have acquitted themselves ably.
F. McDonald's exhibition of goal kicking dispelled all doubt about his fitness for the Carlton team, and was much appreciated by the disinterested onlookers. His four successful efforts were all of them made from considerable distances and at difficult angles.
Peter Williams made his mark in the middle of the field, where his energy and skill were invaluable to the side. Indeed, it was mainly due to his expertness in checking advances that the weakness of Carlton's backs was less manifest than it otherwise must have proved.
Two only of the half-dozen defenders, namely Thompson and Walton, showed form that was above mediocrity.
A great little man in the team was Breeze, who, besides shaping as well as the best of the followers, put in an active and praiseworthy quarter amongst the forwards, where his smartness was rewarded by a couple of goals.
In high marking and adroit passing Rolfe had no peer in front of goal during the first half and his transfer to the garrison after the interval was a judicious move on behalf of the captain.
When on the ball Ingram was more conspicuous than either Blake or Turner, notwithstanding that the latter pair really did useful work all through.
Aitken's roving was much admired, and several of effective dashes evoked thunders of applause."
(Trove: Australasian June 16 p18)
Carlton team; (25 named)
Aitken, Blake, Balharry, J. Burns, Burnstein, Breeze, Brockwell, Frost, Geraghty, Greenwood, Hannah, Leith, James Ingram, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, Patterson, Rolfe, Smith, Stuart/Stewart, Turner, A. Thompson, Walter Warren, Walton, Williams, Woodhouse.
The Herald, Friday, says that Balharry (injured) and Burnstein will not play, and that Breeze and Coulson have been brought into the squad.
(6) Burns, Bernstein, Brockwell, Geraghty, Warren and Woodhouse did not play.
W. Batters* played. Some players mainly due to work commitments sometimes played under an assumed name.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitkin, J. Balharry, W. Batters, T. Blake, R. Breeze, R. Frost, D. Greenwood, B. Hannah, J. Ingram, J. Leith, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, G. Smith, R. Stewart, A. Thompson, F. Turner, E. Walton, P. Williams (Capt.).
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; E. Walton, J. McDonald, W. Patterson
Half backs; Smith, Thompson, Breeze
Centre; Hannah, P. Williams, Stewart
Half forwards; Leith, Rolfe, F. McDonald
Forwards; Batters* ("Ramsay"), Ingram, Greenwood
Followers; Blake, Balharry, Frost, Turner
Rover; Aitken
Umpire; Schaeffer.
In: Balharry, Batters, Breeze
Out: Bernstein, Gallagher, Woodhouse,
Carlton won;
Carl. 1.1 1.2 5.3 7.3
Coll. 1.5 1.5 3.6 5.7
Goals; F. McDonald 4, Chic Breeze/Breese 2, Leith.
Players mentioned; (15) P. Williams, A. Thompson, Fred Rolfe, Walton, Breeze, James Ingram, Blake, Turner, Aitken, J. McDonald (full back) , F. McDonald, Hannah, Stewart, Leith, Frost.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton ninth.
Played 6 Won 2 Lost 4 Drawn 0 Goals For 21 Against 26 Points 8.
June 15 Friday
Herald reports, A. Warren (Carlton) granted a permit to Brunswick
June 16
Carlton played Melbourne on the M.C.G.
The Blues were "up" after last week's effort, and they thought it would be the turning point of the season.
The club was pleased with F. McDonald's game, and he hoped to continue with that form this day.
(He says he has trained well this week)
The ground was muddy and slippery.
Described as possibly the poorest game, ever, between these two clubs.
This was the109th and last game Carlton champion and former vice captain Charles Coulson played.
Aitken was described, has a heart as big as Carbine's (a champion race horse) and can run all day.
Breeze was prominent early but copped an injury and was quiet after half time.
F. McDonald should not have played as he was carrying a shoulder injury which prevented him from marking.
James Ingram did not play due to fractured ribs, his place taken by Woodhouse.
Melbourne's Patrick John O'Dea played in this game. He left for the USA in 1896 to attend Wisconsin University where he became known as the "Kangaroo Kicker." O'Dea with his revolutionary kicking skills became a sporting legend in American Football, a Hall of Fame recipient, and later a recluse.
In 1949 the Sporting Globe wrote an interesting article on O'Dea, to read click here>
Carlton team; (21 named)
J. Aitken, Balharry, Blake, Breeze, Burnstein, Coulson, Frost, Greenwood, Geraghty, Hannah, Leith, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, Patterson, Rolfe, Smith, Stuart/Stewart, A.Thompson, Walton, Williams, Woodhouse.
Bernstein and Geraghty did not play
F. Turner played.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; E. Walton, C. Coulson, Patterson
Half backs; Smith, A. Thompson, Rolfe
Centre; Hannah, P. Williams (Capt), Stewart
Half forwards; F. McDonald, Breeze, Leith
Forwards; J. McDonald, Frost, Greenwood
Followers; Blake, Balharry, Turner, Woiodhouse
Rover; Aitken
In: C. Coulson, W. Woodhouse
Out: W. Batters, J. Ingram
Umpire; Mullens.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 1.0 2.1 2.2 3.3
Melb. 3.2 4.4 5.5 7.5
Goals; Leith 2, Woodhouse.
Players mentioned; (20) Aitken (rover), Balharry (ruck), Blake (ruck), Breeze (half forward), Coulson, Frost, Greenwood, Hanna/Hannah, Leith, J. McDonald, F. McDonald, Patterson, Rolfe, Smith, Stewart, A. Thompson, Turner (ruck), Woodhouse (ruck), Walton, P. Williams
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton ninth.
Played 7 Won 2 Lost 5 Drawn 0 Goals For 24 Against 33 Points 8.
June 22
"The greatest sympathy is felt for Ingram (Carlton), who is suffering from an internal injury sustained through the course of the late match against Collingwood."

Image; Evening Standard
For further information on O'Dea's "interesting" life, click here>
June 23
Inclination more than duty drew me to the Melbourne Cricket-ground last Saturday, when representatives of the two ancient rivals, Melboure and Carlton, met in friendly combat, and I regret to say that, all things considered, I was rather disappointed with the form displayed on either side. It was a somewhat spiritless engagement from beginning to end, so much so that the meagre attendance of onlookers sat, for the greater part of the meeting, listless and indifferent, and those rousing cheers which, on a hundred occasions in the past, urged Blues and Reds alike to deeds of fame, were heard no more. Plaudist, modest, though fairly frequent, greeted the best efforts of the contestants; but there was an entire abscence of the enthusiasm and that well-sustained stirring, artistic, and vigorous play never fails to evoke.
" No smoking in the dressing-room, please," was the caution administered to a whilom gallant Carltonian skipper, who had strolled in prior to a match to see the youngsters strip. Forgetful of the extreme attention bestowed upon the trifles by the foootballer of the present generation, he had neglected to shake the ashes from his seasoned cherrywood ere crossiing the threshold of the neatly upholstered apartment wherein Trainer Mitchell and his assistants were to be found busy with oil-can and flesh-brush putting the finishing touch on muscles and sinews that were good enough as such things go, but hardly equal to the muscles and sinews of old.
Pity for his surroundings was clearly marked on the features of the burly George Robertson, to whom the warning words had been addressed, and he turned to a friend with "What would our old club mate, Sam Wallace, think of footballers to whom the wholesome odour of good tobacco could prove injurious? Would he not think, and would he not say too, in emphatic language, that the game and its votaries had greatly degenerated?" Such I am afraid, would be opinion of the virile "Sam" concerning whose sterling qualities players of fifteen years ago - at least the few of them that remain in the flesh - retain the warmest remembrance. I am not, however, going to say that I endorse the opinion, expressed or understood, for inspite of his effeminate surroundings and notwithstanding the elaborate care bestowed upon his personal comfort, I am convinced the average modern specimen of the genus footballer possesses characteristics of head, heart, and limb that are worthy of admiration.
It was unfortunate that the turf at Melbourne was greasy, and consequently unsuited to fast play and clever handling of the ball, and it was this circumstance rather than than the degeneracy of the contestants that robbed the encounter of much of its interest. Wet turf or dry, probably the inferiority of Carlton would have been manifest all the same, for the latter are not, upon performances, quite in the same street with the red-legs, the majority of whom possess not only ability but experience. Carltonians are far from deviod of ability, though even in this regard Melbourne leads them, but they lack the advantages that come with experience.
I am certain, nevertheless, from what I saw of their young players in Saturday's game, that there is a good time in store for the old club. Let the executive only stick to the lads they have got, and give them a chance to become acquainted with each other's style and capabilities; and the next year will find the name Carlton loom big once more on the horizon of football.
They must see, at any rate, that they do not allow a man of little Aitken's ability to slip from their grasp, for in him they have an undoubted star, a player full of resource, and full also of pluck, and one who is seen at his best when things look blackest for his side. He was amongst the few men in Saturday's game to whom running with and skillfuly handling the slippery ball seemed easy; and, moreover, he kept going from the start, and was conspicious in the last quarter as in the first.
Another Carltonian who pleases me greatly is Breeze, whose labours in the ruck up to half time were both brilliant and effective.I was sorrry to find him hampered with an injured hipjoint during the latter stages of the encounter.
Melbourne's crack wingman, O'Dea, can testify to the excellence of young Hannah, by whom he was frequently outplayed and outwitted; and the ex-Northerner, Sholl, can tell (if he chooses) of similar treatment meted out to him by Stewart, who, inspite of a broked finger in splints, acquitted himself in able fashion.
Rolfe's soaring powers would have been vastly useful had the ball been dry, and as it was, his display back was beaten only by Thompson who, marked, ran, and kicked like a thorough footballer. Smith, Patterson and Walton are made of material that improves with keeping, and when the veteran Coulson rubs off the rust of recent idleness, Carlton's defence will be passing strong.
Leith was busy member forward, his clever left foot twice directing the ball between the posts, ans neither J. McDonald nor Greenwood lacked earnestness in the same department, F. McDonald , the team's accredited goal maker, took the field against the advice of his doctor, and was pefectly useless with a badly bruised shoulder that prevented him marking at long or short range.
Blake and Turner were consistant strivers in the ruck, and Woodhouse and Frost were at times likewise noticable on the ball.
(Trove; Australasian p17)
June 23
Carlton played St.Kilda at St.Kilda.
Apart from Leith the Carlton forwards were lamentably weak.
The home team dominated the second and final terms, and the Blues barely held their own in the other two.
The Saints' inaccuracy nearly cost them the game.
Carlton team; (23 named)
Aitken, Breeze, Balharry, Blake, Coulson, Frost, Greenwood, Hannah, Leith, J. McDonald, F. McDonald, Paterson, Park, Polykett, Rolfe, Ryan, Smith, Stuart/Stewart, Turner, Thompson, Walton, Williams, Woodhouse.
Coulson, Greenwood and Thompson did not play.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, T. Blake, R. Breeze, R. Frost, B. Hannah, J. Leith, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, J. Park, W. Patterson, Polykett, F. Rolfe, Ryan, G. Smith, R. Stewart, F. Turner, E. Walton, P. Williams, W. 'Bill' Woodhouse.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; E. Walton, J. McDonald, Patterson
Half backs; Smith, Rolfe, Park
Centres; Hannah, P. Williams, Stewart
Half forwards; F. McDonald, Ryan, Leith
Forwards; Polykett, Turner, Breeze
Followers; Blake, Balharry, Frost, Woodhouse
Rover; Aitken
Out: C. Coulson, D. Greenwood, A. Thompson
Umpire; Schaeffer.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 1.1 2.2 3.3 3.4
St.K. 1.3 3.5 3.8 4.12
Goals; Leith 2, F. McDonald.
Players mentioned; (15) Leith, Patterson, Park, Rolfe defender), Breeze, Frost, Woodhouse, Hannah (wing), Williams (centre) , Turner, Blake, Balharry, Aitken, Ryan, F. McDonald.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton eleventh.
Played 8 Won 2 Lost 6 Drawn 0 Goals For 27 Against 37 Points 8.
June 30
Carlton played Essendon at the East Melbourne C. G.
The game was as good as over as soon as the ball was bounced.
The Blues players attitude was one of complete hopelessness.
When Peter Williams scored a goal one of the half forwards asked if he had come forward to set them an example in keeping their places, his reply was, "No, to show you how to kick goals".
The Herald, Friday, in it's preview says their is some doubt whether the two McDonalds will play, and that Jack Geddes may return, now the South Melbourne protest has been dismissed, and the Investigation Committee has told the V.F.A. that the rules are of very little use.
(The Blueseum is not sure what this "investigation" is referring to, but Geddes was playing for junior club Hawthorn this year))
The paper also says that Bremner a fast player from Elmore may make his debut, and Geraghty will be in in the side.
Carlton team; (24 named)
Aitken, Breeze, Balharry, Blake, Coulson, Frost, Greenwood, Hannah, Leith, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, Patterson, Rolfe, Stuart/Stewart, Smith, Turner, A.Thompson, Walton, Williams, Woodhouse, Ryan, Bernstein, T. Burns, Roberts.
(6) Bernstein, Burns, Coulson, Greenwood, A. Thompson, Ryan did not play.
W. Batters and Bremner played.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, W. Batters, T. Blake, R. Breeze, Bremner, Breeze, R. Frost, B. Hannah, J. Leith, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, W. Patterson, J. Roberts, F. Rolfe, G. Smith, R. Stewart, F. Turner, E. Walton, P. Williams, W. Woodhouse.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; E. Walton, F. Rolfe, W. Patterson
Half backs; G. Smith, Batters ("Ramsay"), Bremner
Centre: Hannah, P. Williams (Capt), Stewart
Half forwards; J. McDonald, Breeze, Leith
Forwards; Turner, Roberts, F. McDonald
Followers; T. Blake, Balharry, R. Frost, W. Woodhouse
Rover; J. Aitken
In: Bremner
Out: Ryan
Umpire; Frank Coffey.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.0 0.3 1.3 4.6
Ess. 2.6 5.6 8.12 9.15
Goals; P. Williams, J. Aitken, J. Roberts, J. Balharry.
Players mentioned; (13) Aitken, Balharry, Tom Blake, Frost, Hannah, Leith, Patterson, Roberts, Smith, Stewart, Turner, P. Williams, Woodhouse.
Plus; (7) W. Batters, Breeze, Bremner, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, F. Rolfe, E. Walton.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton eleventh.
Played 9 Won 2 Lost 7 Drawn 0 Goals For 31 Against 46 Points 8.
July 07
Carlton played Geelong at the M.C.G.
Sleet greeted the Geelong contingent at Spencer street station where the temperature was near freezing. The cold conditions kept many spectators from attending.
The Blues were missing A. Thompson and "Ramsay"/Coulson, M. Blake and Tyrell.
Carlton failed to make use of the wind in the second quarter.
J. D. McDonald's last game for Carlton.
F. McDonald left his kicking boots at home, he scored one goal from five attempts.
The only excitement in this match was in the final term when the Blues put on three goals in ten minutes, by McDonald, Balharry and Aitken and nearly drew the game. However following this, both T. Blake and Leith missed crucial shots at goal.
Carlton team; (23 named)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, T. Blake, R. Breeze, Bremner, F. Bernstein, R. Frost, Flynn, Greenwood, B. Hannah, J. Leith, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, Ramsay/Coulson J. Roberts, R. Stuart/Stewart, G. Smith, F. Turner, A. Thompson, Tyrell, E. Walton, P. Williams, W. Woodhouse.
(6) Bernstein, Flynn, Greenwood, Tyrell, Thompson and Coulson did not play.
(3) J. Burns, F. McDonald, J. McDonald played
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitkens, J. Balharry, T. Blake, R. Breeze, Bremner, J. H. Burns, R. Frost, B. Hannah, J. Leith, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, W. Patterson, J. Roberts, F. Rolfe,
G. Smith, R. Stewart, F. Turner, E. Walton, P. Williams, W. Woodhouse.
Carltbn line-up (Pennings)
Backs; F. Rolfe, Patterson, E. Walton
Half backs; Smith, Bremner, Turner
Centres; Hannah, P. Williams (Capt), Stewart
Half forwards; J. McDonald, Breeze, Leith
Forwards; Burns, F. McDonald, J. Roberts
Followers; T. Blake, Woodhouse, Frost, Balharry
Rover; Aitken
In: Burns
Out: Batters
Umpire; Hallett.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.2 1.5 2.6 5.8
Geel. 2.3 2.4 6.10 6.10
Goals; Aitken 2, Leith, Rolfe, F. McDonald.
The Geelong Advertiser says J. McDonald.
Players mentioned; (16) J. Aitken (BOG), B. Hannah, R. Stewart, P. Williams, F. Rolfe, J. Leith, E. Walton, W. Patterson, R. Breeze, T. Blake, W. Woodhouse, T. Burns, F. McDonald, J. Roberts, G. Smith, J. Balharry.
Plus; Bremner, R. Frost, F. Turner, J. McDonald.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton eleventh.
Played 10 Won 2 Lost 8 Drawn 0 Goals For 36 Against 52 Points 8.
July 07
July 13 Friday
Marshall was replying to an earlier letter to the newspaper on the subject of Australian vs Rugby Football.
To read the letter, click here>
July 14
Carlton played South Melbourne at the South Melbourne C.G.
A few years ago these two teams drew huge crowds.
This day, a horse and cart could have been driven around the inside of the ground and not troubled a spectator.
The poor attendance matched the miserable standard of football.
Ground was in poor condition.
From beginning to end there was only one team in the match, and that was not Carlton.
The Blues were thrashed in every position on the ground, save for the centre line which broke even.
Rolfe on the back line "had plenty of work to do, which he always did well, showing great cleverness in clearing his goal."
The wind did not worry South as they scored at will with it and against it.
Tyrell played his one and only game for the Blues.
Peter Williams and Breeze did not play.
Carlton registered one it's lowest scores for a long time.
Carlton team; (24 named)
J. Aitken, Breeze, J. Balharry, Bremner, J. H. Burns, T. Blake, F. Bernstein, R. Frost, B. Hannah, J. Leith, Loel, F. McDonald, Nicholson, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, J. Roberts, Roberts, R. Stewart, G. Smith, F. Turner, Tyrell, E. Walton, P. Williams, W. Woodhouse.
R. Breeze, Bremner, H. Loel, Nicholson, and P. Williams did not play
Calder and A. Thompson played.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, F. Bernstein, T. Blake, J. Burns, R. Calder, R. Frost, B. Hannah, J. Leith, F. McDonald, W. Patterson, J. Roberts, F. Rolfe, G. Smith, R. Stewart, A. Thompson, F. Turner, Tyrell, E. Walton, W. Woodhouse.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; Rolfe, Roberts, E. Walton
Half backs; Smith, Patterson, Calder
Centre; Hannah, Thompson, Stewart
Half forwards; Leith, Turner, Bernstein
Forwards; J. Burns, F. McDonald, Tyrell
Followers; Blake, Balharry, Frost, Woodhouse
Rover; Aitken
In: Bernstein, Calder, Thompson, Tyrell
Out: Bremner, Breeze, J. McDonald, P. Williams
Umpire; McNab.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.2
S.M. 4.3 6.5 10.7 11.7
Players mentioned; (11) J. Aitken, T. Blake (Capt.), R. Calder, R. Frost, B. Hannah, J. Leith, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, R. Stewart, A. Thompson, W. Woodhouse.
(Plus; (9) J. Balharry, F. Bernstein, J. Burns, F. McDonald, J. Roberts, G. Smith, F. Turner, Tyrell, E. Walton.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton twelfth.
Played 11 Won 2 Lost 9 Drawn 0 Goals For 36 Against 63 Points 8.
July 21
"It will be satisfactory to the 'Varsity to learn that the Carlton Football Club have made arrangements whereby their last three matches, with Essendon, Melbourne, and Williamstown, will be played on the University Cricket-ground. These matches should certainly bring something to the coffers of the University Athletic Association."
July 21
Victoria played South Australia at the M.C.G.
The V.F.A. decreed that every team would have at least one player in the side.
Aitken was the sole Carlton representative.
The Vics thrashed the Croweaters 13.15 - 0.6
Aitken scored 2 goals.
On the Victorian rovers, "Markwell" said,
"Of the three, I feel inclined to award the palm to the brilliant little Carltonian (Aitken) because of the greater earnestness with which he invested his labours."
July 27 Friday
(Herald p3)
July 28
Carlton played Collingwood at Victoria Park.
The Argus said,
"Carlton has not yet reached the bottom of it's troubles which disloyalty and disaffection have created.
On Saturday neither P. Williams or A. Thompson appeared to play against Collingwood, and if the committee of the club do not change their minds during the week neither will again be asked to wear Carlton colours".
Tom Blake who was qualifying for a cross country event, did not play.
James Ingram returned from injury.
The Blues twice equalised in the last quarter.
Carlton team; (24 named)
Aitken, Balharry, J. Burns, Brazil, Breeze, Bremner, Bernstein, R. Calder, Frost, Hannah, Leith, McDonald, McDonald, Nicholson, Rolfe, Stuart/Stewart, Smith, Turner, A. Thompson, Paterson, Walton, Woodhouse, P. Williams, Ingram.
(5) F. Bernstein, J. McDonald, Nicholson, A. Thompson and P. Williams did not play.
Knopp/Knatt played
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, W. Brazil, R. Breeze, Bremner, J. Burns, R. Calder, R. Frost, B. Hannah, J. Ingram, Knopp/Knatt, J. Leith, F. McDonald, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, G. Smith, R. Stewart, F. Turner, E. Walton, W. Woodhouse.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; F. Rolfe, R. Calder, E. Walton
Half backs; F. Turner, W. Brazil, J. Ingram
Centre; B. Hannah, W. Patterson, R. Stewart
Half forwards; Bremner, R. Breeze, J. Burns
Forwards; J. Leith, Knatt, F. McDonald
Followers; W. Woodhouse, J. Balharry, R. Frost, G. Smith
Rover; J. Aitken
In: W. Brazil, Breeze, Bremner, J.Ingram, Knatt,
Out: Bernstein, Blake, Roberts, Thompson, Tyrell
Umpire; Trait.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.2 0.4 0.5 2.6
Coll. 1.0 1.2 1.8 3.8
Goals; Frost, Knopp/Knatt.
Players mentioned; (16) Aitken (Capt.), B. Hannah, G. Smith, Woodhouse, Breeze, W. Brazil, Stewart, Patterson, Walton, R. Calder, Rolfe, Frost, Knopp/Knapp, James Ingram, Turner, J. Burns.
Plus; J. Balharry, Bremner, J. Leith, E. Walton.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton twelfth.
Played 12 Won 2 Lost 10 Drawn 0 Goals For 38 Against 65 points 8.
August 04
"When will Carlton regain it's lost position in the domain of football?
Certainly not while it's executive continue to place reliance upon men who will only serve them when the humour takes them.
Surely the old club had the right to expect more consideration from Peter Williams, if not from Thompson, and then to be left in the lurch against Collingwood.
I am prepared to admit that it is a strain upon the patriotism of a pair of champions like the players mentioned to be asked to turn up Saturday after Saturday to share defeat with so poor a crew; and were I the Carlton executive they should never again be asked to do their vanity such violence.
They should be given to understand that Carlton no longer requires their services, though they were twenty times the players they are.
What the old club really wants is a team with hearts strong enough to bear up against defeat, and bold enough to keep on struggling even against Fate itself, and if such a team cannot be got together the sooner Carlton retires from the scene altogether the better.
My own impression is that recent defections can be easily supplied, and that the team will gain rather than lose by the exchange.
I am convinced that the game played last Saturday in the absence of the cracks gives warrant for future success."
August 04
Carlton played Richmond on the M.C.G.
Carlton's 100th match at the M.C.G. Won 55, Lost 32, Drawn 10
This match was the battle for the wooden spoon.
Richmond were the favourites to win the game.
A. Thompson was dropped.
Peter Williams was given another chance and returned to captain the side.
The only interest in this game was which of the two teams would be on the lowest rung of the ladder.
At the final bell the Blues had hit rock bottom.
The Dark Blues were badly beaten in the ruck, with Blake about the only Carlton player worth mentioning.
Carlton team; (26 named)
Aitken, Blake, Brazil, Breeze, J. Burns, Balharry, R. Calder, Frost, Hannah, Houston, Heffernan, James Ingram, Loel, Nicholson, Leith, McDonald, McDonald, Paterson, Rolfe, Smith, Stuart/Stewart, Turner, Williams, Walton, Knott, Park.
R. Calder, Houston, Loel, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, R. Stewart did not play.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, T. Blake, W. Brazil, R. Breeze, J. Burns, R. Frost, B. Hannah, Heffernan, J. Ingram, Knatt, J. Leith, Nicholson, J. Park, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, G. Smith, F. Turner, E. Walton, P. Williams.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; E. Walton, F. Rolfe, Patterson
Half backs; Smith, Brazil, Turner
Centre; Hannah, P. Williams (Capt), Nicholson
Half forwards; Burns, Breeze, Leith
Forwards; Knatt, Ingram, Park
Followers; Blake, Balharry, Frost, Heffernan
Rover; Aitkin
In: P. Williams
Umpire; Crebbin.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.0 0.1 1.3 2.5
Rich. 0.1 0.4 1.6 3.6
Goals; Breeze, Balharry.
Players mentioned; (12) J. Aitken, Balharry, T. Blake, W. Brazil, Breeze, Hannah, Leith, Patterson, F. Rolfe,Turner, Walton, P. Williams,
Plus; (8) J. Burns, R. Frost, Heffernan, J. Ingram, Knatt, Nicholson, J. Park, G. Smith.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton thirteenth.
Played 13 Won 2 Lost 11 Drawn 0 Goals For 40 Against 68 points 8
August 11
A lady who lives not far from the sea, and who plays the part of " mine host," puts it that keeping a boarding-house is the back-achn'-ist, fluctuatin-ist business in the world. The Carltonians will be ready to pit the football against the other business in both these particulars, while some of the old committee men will add "heart-achin"-ist" to the catalogue.
It is downright disheartening to see one's old love go so completely to pieces. Now then, you young Carlton fellows, brace yourselves up, and give us old supporters of the club a gleam of hope to carry us through the approaching summer."
(Rover - Weekly Times August 11)
August 11
Carlton played Williamstown at the University Cricket Ground.
The Blues intend to play some home games there, despite what the academics think. The ground is one of the best in the city.
With a number of regular players not available the Blues were forced to play three debutants in this game, Edwards, S. Matthews, and Shearn.
F. McDonald once again wasted shots at goal, all six within range missed.
Shearne scored 2 goals on debut.
"In Rolfe, Carlton possesses a fine dashing youngster, whose capacity for marking over the heads of the throng is undeniable, and their wing man Hannah still has an unbeaten record for the year. Stewart and Patterson helped the latter on Saturday to keep always a point or two in advance of Williamstown's central section. Aitken, captain (pro. tem.) and rover, was in his customary excellent form, whilst Woodhouse, Balharry, Walton, Ingram, Knatt, and a freshman about whose identity there was some confusion, but who kicked a brace of stylish goals, was rather above the level of the ramainer of the company." (Australasian August 18 p18)
Carlton team; (28 named)
Aitken, Balharry, Blake, Breeze, T. Burns, Brazil, Edwards, Frost, Hannah, Houston, Heffernan, James Ingram, Knott/Knatt, Loel, Leith, Matthews, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, Park, Patterson, Rolfe, Smith, Stuart/Stewart, Shearn, Walton, Williams, Woodhouse, Nicholson.
(8) T. Blake, T. Burns, Houston, Loel, J. McDonald, Nicholson, Park and P. Williams did not play.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, W. Brazil, R. Breeze, Edwards, R. Frost, B. Hannah, Heffernan, J. Ingram, Knatt, J. Leith, F. McDonald, S. Matthews, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, Shearn, G. Smith, R. Stewart, E. Walton, W. Woodhouse.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; Leith, Rolfe, Ingram
Half backs; Brazil, E. Walton, Smith
Centre; Breeze, Shearn, Mathews
Half forwards; Edwards, F. McDonald, Knatt
Forwards; Hannah, Patterson, Stewart
Followers; Balharry, Frost, Woodhouse, Heffernan
Rover; J. Aitken (Capt)
Out: P. Williams
Umpire; McCoy.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.3 2.6 3.10 4.12
Will. 0.2 1.4 4.4 6.6
Goals; Shearn 2, Leith, Knatt.
Players mentioned; (14) Aitken (Capt.), Leith, F. McDonald, Hannah, Rolfe, Stewart, Knott, Woodhouse, Patterson, Brazil, Balharry, James Ingram, Walton, Shearn.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton thirteenth.
Played 14 Won 2 Lost 12 Drawn 0 Goals For 44 Against 74 Points 8.
August 18
Carlton had the bye.
August 25
Carlton played Fitzroy at Fitzroy C. G.
Not so long ago the rivalry between these teams was intense, not so now.
Gate takings used to reach £300, now they are £30!
Only ardent supporters of both teams attend.
Only Fitzroy's inaccurate kicking made the Blues score look respectable.
This week, the Blues were without the services of Peter Williams, Tom Blake, Bill Woodhouse, and F. McDonald.
Rolfe made several good high marks, while the Blues played through Aitkin who played .
Carlton team; (23 named)
Aitken, Blake, Breeze, Bernstein, Balharry, Edwards, Frost, Hannah, Heffernan, Houston, James Ingram, Irwin, Knatt/Knopp?, Loel, Leith, McDonald, Mathews, Patterson, Rolfe, Smith, Stuart/Stewart, Walton, Woodhouse.
Blake, Bernstein, McDonald and Woodhouse did not play.
J. Roberts was named in the 23 man squad.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, R. Breeze, Edwards, R. Frost, B. Hannah, Heffernan, Houston, J. Ingram, Irwin, Knatt, J. Leith, H. Loel, S. Matthews, W. Patterson, J. Roberts, F. Rolfe, G. Smith, R. Stewart, E. Walton.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; Smith, Ingram, E. Walton
Half backs; Edwards, Rolfe, Houston
Centres; Stewart, Patterson, Hannah
Half forwards; Breeze, Knatt, Leith
Forwards; Irwin, Loel, Mathews
Followers; Balharry, Heffernan, Frost, Roberts
Rover; Aitken
In: Houston
Umpire; McNab.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.0 1.3 2.4 3.4
Fitz. 2.4 2.6 3.12 5.16
Goals; Houston, Leith, Loel.
Players mentioned; Rolfe, Aitken, Houston, Hannah, Leith, James Ingram, Frost, Herbert Loel, Breeze, Patterson, Richard 'Dick' Stewart.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton thirteenth.
Played 15 Won 2 Lost 13 Drawn 0 Goals For 47 Against 80 Points 8.
September 01
Carlton played Essendon at the University Cricket Ground.
Peter Williams and one or two other players were missing.
Cox made his debut.
The score line says it all, a thrashing.
Essendon's Thurgood kicked 8 goals.
Carlton team; (24 named)
Aitken, Blake, Breeze, T. Burns, Balharry, Bernstein, Edwards, Frost, Hannah, Heffernan, James Ingram, Irwin, Knatt, Leith, Loel, Patterson, Park, Rolfe, Stuart/Stewart, Smith, Shearn, Walton, Woodhouse, Williams.
Blake, T. Burns, Bernstein, Park, Woodhouse, Williams did not play.
Cox and F. McDonald were not named in the 24 man squad.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, R. Breeze, Cox, Edwards, R. Frost, B. Hannah, Heffernan, J. Ingram, Irwin, Knatt, J. Leith, H. Loel, F. Mc Donald, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, Shearne/Shearn, G. Smith, R. Stewart, E. Walton.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; Ingram, Edwards, E. Walton
Half backs; Rolfe, F. McDonald, Irwin
Centre; Stewart, Patterson, Hannah
Half forwards; Smith, Breeze, Leith
Forwards; Loel, Shearne, Knatt
Followers; Balharry, Frost, Heffernan, Cox
Rover; Aitken
Out: Houston
Umpire; Hallett.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.0 3.2 3.2 3.3
Ess. 1.4 6.8 11.13 14.21
Goals; Leith, Loel, Shearn.
Players mentioned;(9) Leith, Balharry, Rolfe, Patterson, Loel, Hannah, Ahearn, Walton, Ingram.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton thirteenth.
Played 16 Won 2 Lost 14 Drawn 0 Goals For 50 Against 94 Points 8.
September 08
"What would happen if a cow got on the track? was the question asked the great engineer who constructed the first locomotive, and the reply came quick and apt - "It would be the worse for the cow."
Carlton last Saturday obstructed the line over which the powerful Essendon steam-engine had to pass, and it was all the worse for Carlton.
Their feeble attempt to stay the onward career of the premiers was weaker than it might have been; for Peter Williams and one or two more of the usual team were missing when the "fall in" sounded.
There is no disguising the fact that they were badly beaten, and as the sympathetic "Tracker"* put it when I met him after the game - "Poor old Carlton! that two or three years ago never knew when they were beaten, were the saddest of sorry pictures."
The ball was nearly all day at their end and beyond it.
Thirty-five times it passed their goal line, and only on half a dozen occasions did it reach the Essendon border.
Essendon had by no means had it's strongest twenty in the field."
_* Charlie "Tracker" Forbes, one of the Dons' stars who did not play against the Blues.
September 08
Carlton played Melbourne at the University Cricket Ground.
The Blues were now running short of players willing to play.
Carlton's secretary John 'Jack' Melville, aged 38, had to strip and take the field to make up the numbers.
Carlton team; (25 named)
Aitken, Balharry, Bell, Bernstein, Breeze, R. Calder, Cox, Edwards, Frost, Hannah, Heffernan, James Ingram, Irwin, Leith, Loel, McDonald, Melville, Patterson, Rolfe, Stewart, Shearn, Walton, Woodhouse, Williams, Blake.
(5) Blake, R. Calder, Edwards P. Williams and Woodhouse did not play.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, Bell, F. Bernstein, R. Breeze, Cox, R. Frost, B. Hannah, Heffernan, J. Ingram, Irwin, J. Leith, H. Loel, J. Melville, F. McDonald, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, Shearne, R. Stewart, E. Walton.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; E. Walton, Ingram, Irwin
Half backs; F. McDonald, Rolfe, J. Melville
Centre; Stewart, Patterson, Hannah
Half forwards; Bell, Leith, Breeze
Forwards; Shearne, Loel, Bernstein
Followers; Balharry, Heffernan, Frost, Cox
Rover; J. Aitken (Capt)
In: J. Melville, Bell, Bernstein
Umpire; Schaeffer.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.0 1.1 1.2 2.4
Melb. 4.1 5.3 6.6 6.6
Goals; Loel, Cox.
Players mentioned. (8) Rolfe (Carlton's best), John 'Jack' Melville, Leith, Balharry, Loel, Cox, Hannah, Patterson.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton thirteenth.
Played 17 Won 2 Lost 15 Drawn 0 Goals For 52 Lost 100 Points 8.
September 15
"Last Saturday saw the conclusion of Melbourne's engagements for the year, and a quite and uninteresting finish it was against the weakly modern representatives of their ancient doughty adversaries of Carlton.
It was a dull game in every respect, for there was no bustle amongst the players, and the few disconsolate-looking spectators who hung onto the fence for fear of being swept away by the hurricane, were silent as the sadness of the occasion warranted.
Where were the thousands that in times gone by crowded round to watch the doings of the dear old reds and blues? Alas! Where? "Vanished into air, into thin air, like the insubstantial fabric of a vision."
I had almost said "never again to be re-embodied," but hope clings to me that the time is not far off when Carlton, reassociated, and Melbourne, still in the van, will battle, as of yore, for topmost place, and draw their huge assemblages of interested and delighted patrons.
But the hard fact remains that their meeting last week was patronised by the smallest attendance that ever in the history of the game turned out to see them play.
Carlton had some difficulty in getting twenty men to strip, and the executive were glad, at the last moment, to be able to induce the battered warrior, Jack Melville, to take the field.
To be sure, the form he showed was not what it used to be, but the heart was there as of old, and neither feet nor form failed for want of trying.
His spirit and the spirit of a few more of the old boys infused into the youngsters of to-day would make all the difference.
Just three of the dark-blue team came into special prominence during the day, namely, Rolfe, whose soaring for marks and the sturdiness of whose defence were features of the play; Leith who kicked and played in excellent fashion; and Balharry, concerning whose labours in the ruck his opponents held a very high opinion."
September 15
Carlton played Collingwood at Victoria Park.
The Dark Blues were completely out of the game in the first half.
They put up a bit of an effort in the third quarter scoring three goals to nil.
However, their opponents walked away with the points in the final term.
Carlton team; (25 named)
Aitken, Breeze, Blake, Balharry, Bernstein, Bell, Cox, Edwards, Frost, Hannah, Heffernan, Knatt/Knopp?, Loel, Leith, McDonald, Melville, Patterson, Rolfe, Roberts, Stuart/Stewart, Smith, Shear, Walton, Woodhouse, Williams.
J. Breeze, Blake, Edwards, McDonald, Woodhouse and Williams did not play.
James Ingram was not named in the 25 man squad.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, Bell, F. Bernsein, Cox, R. Frost, B. Hannah, Heffernan, J. Ingram, Knatt, J. Leith, H. Loel, McNamara, J. Melville, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, Shearne, G. Smith, R. Stewart, E. Walton.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; Bell, Rolfe, E. Walton
Half backs; McNamara, Ingram, Smith
Centres; Hannah, Patterson, Stewart
Half forwards; Leith, Knatt, Melville
Forwards; Bernstein, Loel, Shearn
Followers; Cox, Balharry, Frost, Heffernan
Rover; Aitken
In: McNamara,
Out: Irwin
Umpire; Molyneaux
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.0 0.1 3.1 3.1
Coll. 2.3 4.7 4.8 8.9
Goals; Hannah, Balharry, Leith.
Players mentioned; (8) Aitken, Hannah, Rolfe, Balharry, Patterson, James Ingram, Leith, Stewart.
V.F.A. Ladder; Carlton thirteenth.
Played 18 Won 2 Lost 16 Drawn 0 Goals For 55 Against 108 Points 8.
17: J. Leith, R. Stewart, J. Balharry
16: G. Smith
15: F. McDonald
13: J. Ingram
12: W. Woodhouse, T. Blake,
11: P. Williams, Breeze
10: J. McDonald
9: Turner
8: A. Thompson
6: Knatt, Heffernan, Burns
5: F. Bernstein
4: H. Loel, Roberts, Shearn
3: Irwin, Edwards, Brazil, Bremner, D. Greenwood, Gallagher, Polykett, Cox, J. Park
2: Bell, Jack Melville, Batters, T. O'Brien, Mathews, Calder
1: R. Cameron, A. Warren, W. Warren, McNamara, Houston, Nicholson, Coulson, Tyrell, Ryan
(Melbourne Punch)
September 17 Monday
The team is composed almost entirely of young players, and until the Carlton executive succeed in getting a home ground for the club which they can call their home there is not much chance of them retaining their men from one season to another, and until they can do this they can have no possible show of competing successfully for the premiership."
Leith was 21st. on the VFA goal kicking list, he was the Blues top goal scorer with 11 goals.
"The football season of 1894 was brought to a conclusion with the sound of the bell at 5 o'clock last Saturday afternoon, and in accordance with the usual custom I present a resume of the doings of the several teams during the winter months.
Firstly, it must be granted that the season just passed has not been as successful as could have been wished. This fact is to be ascribed to two causes - the super-excellence of Essendon and the great preponderance of ruck play. The first cause is a matter for regret, which is all that can well be said about it; nobody, of course, can blame Essendon for being so much stronger than their rivals.
A very different note is struck, however, when the question of ruck play is considered. As now played, everything is subordinated to the followers, and, as was pointed out in my review of season 1893, there is now an almost entire absence of those long, dodgy runs and long kicks that used to be the features of the Australian game.
It is at best but a melancholy satisfaction to find the evil foretold at that period greatly accentuated at the close of this season, and the association should endeavor to frame some laws to prevent the game from degenerating to a scamble in the ruck, where a subversion of the general rule is often seen, and brute strength prevails over science.
To my mind 20 men aside on the circumscribed grounds the game is now played on are too many, and were the number reduced to, say, 15, and the ruck limited to three, it would cause the play to be more open. A modification of the Rugby "off side" rule might also with great advantage be applied to the Australian game as at present played. There is not degeneration in the men who play the game; it is the mode in which it is played that needs looking into; and if the association would transfer a little of it's parental anxiety from the players to the play there is no doubt it could frame some much needed regulations that would restore some of the fast waning prestige to Victoria's national winter pastime."
"It is to regretted that another season has been allowed to pass without anything being done in regard to the scoring of behinds. To have them signalled and recorded without any bearing on the score is anomalous, and many will doubtless agree with me that they should be given some tangible valuable or abolished altogether. If they must be retained let them count as points in favor of the team gaining them, and insititute a method of scoring similar to the Rugby game, giving say 2 points for a behind and 5 for a goal. At present a team scoring a behind actually impose a handicap upon themselves, as it gives their opponents virtually a free kick, without any compensating advantage to them."
For the first time since the club's formation in 1864 Carlton finished last.
Carlton did break a 15 game losing streak in Round 3.
Now the Blues have lost the last 12 games in the 1894 season.
September 22
The Australasian it's very brief review of Carlton's season, mentions;
"Aitken, Rolfe, Leith, Balharry, Blake, Hannah, and at times Peter Williams, have done their best on behalf of Carlton."
September 22
Carlton's Brook Hannah and Fred Rolfe were selected in the combine, which was captained by Collingwood's, and former Blues' captain, Billy Strickland.
The combination all wore their club colours.
Hannah played on the wing.
£66 ($132) was raised for charity.
Umpire; Frank Coffey
The VFA Combine won.
Ess. 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.7
Com. 1.4 2.5 5.9 5.11
The South Australian Register October 11 (p7) reporting on the replay of the Norwood - South Adelaide match for the 1894 premiership carried some interesting statistics.
South Adelaide; 11, 6, 2, 9 - Total 28
South Adelaide; 19, 8, 23, 6 - Total 56
This was the second "Grand Final" to have been played in South Australia.
The first one was back in 1889 between Norwood and Port Adelaide when both teams finished the season with the same number of wins/losses/draws and goals kicked.
The Carlton Story. Hugh Buggy and Harry Bell. Pages.73, 74, 259.
Mullin’s Footballers Australian Almanac of 1951. Page 66.
The Rivalry. Michael Roberts. Page. 52.
Histroy of the Carlton Football Club. Brian Hansen, p87.
The Argus 1894 editions.
The Carlton Gazette 1894 editions.
The Fitzroy City Express, 1894 editions.
The Herald 1894 editions.
The Australasian, 1894 editions.
The Age, 1894 editions.
The Inquirer & Commercial News (W.A.), 1894 editions.
The Record (Emerald Hill), 1894 editions.
Weekly Times, 1894 editions.
The South Australian Register, 1894 editions.
Mark Pennings' records.
Carlton Captain P. Williams.
Vice Captain T. Blake.
President A. Gillespie.
Secretary. J. Melville
Premiership Matches Played 18. Won 2. Lost 16.
Goals Scored 56 for. 108 against.
If finishing eleventh in 1893 was bad enough, the Carlton side of 1894 slid to thirteenth and hit rock bottom defeating only Collingwood and Williamstown, winning its first wooden spoon.
Annual general meeting March 1894 highlighted the decline in 1893.
Receipts had halved to 483 Pounds. ($966)
Gate takings down from 675 Pounds ($1350) to 183 Pounds. ($366).
Membership Down from 967 to 604 providing revenue of only 151 pounds ($302).
Round 1. Carlton 0.3 defeated by Footscray 4.9.
Of this game one commentator wrote;
“What can be expected, other than defeat, when old and tried players like Ted Sutton desert their colours?
One would have thought the misfortunes of the club should cause its friends to rally round it, at whatever cost, and exert their powers to raise it to its proper rank.”
Absenteeism by key players posed difficult problems for the committee, and in one match Carlton had to call upon one or two veterans who had retired from the game.
Round 7. Carlton defeated Collingwood at M.C.G.
Carl. 1.0 1.2 5.3 7.3
Coll. 1.5 1.5 3.6 5.7
Carlton played a combined junior team at the M.C.G. in front of 120 people.
Missing were the Carlton Captain, Vice Captain, and six regular players.
Round 12. Carlton defeated by Collingwood at Victoria Park.
Carl. 0.2 0.4 0.5 2.6
Coll. 1.0 1.2 1.3 3.8
Carlton 0.5 defeated by South Melbourne 11.7.
Round 18. Carlton defeated by Collingwood at Victoria Park.
Carl. 0.0 0.1 3.1 3.1
Coll. 2.3 4.7 4.8 8.9
Captain Peter Williams failed to turn up for a match against Collingwood at Victoria Park, prompting the Australasian to write;
“When will Carlton regain its lost position in the domain of football? Certainly not while its executive continues to place its reliance on men who will only serve when the humour takes them. Surely the old club had a right to expect more consideration from Peter Williams, if not A.Thompson, than to be left in the lurch against Collingwood?
It is admitted that it is a strain upon the patriotism of a pair of champions like the players mentioned to be asked to turn up Saturday after Saturday to share defeat with so poor a crew. And the Carlton executive should never again be asked to do their vanity such violence. They should be given to understand that Carlton no longer require their services!"
Better players for the year,
Tom Blake, Fred Rolfe, Leith, Harry Balharry, Hannah, Aitken, Patterson, James Ingram, and, at times Peter Williams.
1894. Premiers. Essendon, 2. Melbourne, 3. South Melbourne, 4. Geelong.
Carlton finished thirteenth, and last.
Essendon had now won the last four Premierships.
Pos | Team | Played | Wins | Losses | Draws | Goals For | Behinds | Goals Agst | Behinds Agst | Points |
1 | Essendon | 18 | 16 | 1 | 1 | 150 | 181 | 70 | 106 | 66 |
2 | Melbourne | 18 | 13 | 5 | 0 | 97 | 159 | 72 | 86 | 52 |
3 | South Melbourne | 18 | 11 | 5 | 2 | 106 | 158 | 74 | 111 | 48 |
4 | Fitzroy | 18 | 10 | 6 | 2 | 75 | 138 | 60 | 124 | 44 |
5 | Footscray | 18 | 9 | 5 | 4 | 78 | 151 | 60 | 111 | 44 |
6 | North Melbourne | 18 | 8 | 4 | 6 | 72 | 125 | 63 | 115 | 44 |
7 | Geelong | 18 | 9 | 7 | 2 | 99 | 161 | 80 | 125 | 40 |
8 | Collingwood | 18 | 8 | 9 | 1 | 69 | 93 | 74 | 106 | 34 |
9 | Port Melbourne | 18 | 7 | 10 | 1 | 70 | 93 | 88 | 131 | 30 |
10 | Williamstown | 18 | 5 | 10 | 3 | 80 | 106 | 94 | 144 | 26 |
11 | Richmond | 18 | 4 | 13 | 1 | 77 | 125 | 125 | 159 | 18 |
12 | St.Kilda | 18 | 3 | 14 | 1 | 59 | 101 | 119 | 175 | 14 |
13 | Carlton | 18 | 2 | 16 | 0 | 55 | 98 | 108 | 165 | 8 |
1894 Carlton teams.
Some details are missing, team, reserves/second twenty, goal scorers etc., if anyone has these could they please contact Blueseum.

Carlton captain Peter Williams
March 17
Geelong, March 14."The question of professional footballers cropped up at the annual general meeting of the Geelong Club last evening. The President (Mr. J. H. Grey, Mayor of Geelong) asserted that there was little doubt that during their days of premiership South Melbourne paid many of their players, and the same thing was done by Essendon, in the ranks of whom Geelong players were to be seen walking about doing nothing, though their parents were in anything but prosperous circumstances. He thought that the evil could be stopped by the clubs being called on to contribute a percentage of the receipts to charity, based on sworn returns every year. Good players were taken away from Geelong owing to the system prevailing amongst the leading metropolitan clubs. The expenses of the Geelong team last year were only about £240, in addition to £200 paid for special trains to Melbourne."
(Weekly Times p19)
March 29
Carlton F. C. AGM held at the Carlton Hall Princes Street, at 8pm.Mr. J. Gardiner presided in the absence of Mr. A. Gillespie.
The report and balance sheet expressed the disappointment to the club's position and to the falling income.
"A team so completely changed in it's personnel could not be expected to meet older and more wily combatants in the game and be victorious, or even placed, but the committee expected, in common with other members, that their efforts would have placed the club in a much higher position than it now holds."
The financial position was not much better and it was recommended that the club's freehold property be sold.
The club had a credit balance of £1, but Mr Ievers says there are liabilities of £250 ($500) not shown on the balance sheet*.
Office bearers elected;
President; Mr. Andrew Gillespie.
Vice presidents; W. Ievers MLA, W. C. Donaldson, J. Moloney, J. Gardiner.
Hon. Secretary; Mr. J. Melville.
Hon. Treasurer; Mr. M. B. Hearne.
Captain; Peter Williams.
Vice captain; Tom Blake.
Committee; Messrs, Bailey, Roberts, Balharry, W. H. Moloney, Dave MacMurtie, J. Harrington, W. Hemsworth, and Devine.
(The Argus March 30 p.3)
-*(The Argus April 9 p.7)
'The Chairman intimated that no member had qualified himself by four years' play to receive an illuminated address. Mr. Moorhouse complained whereas Mr. Maloney had been presented with an illuminated address after only playing three seasons, he had not been given one, although he had played three seasons and a portion of a fourth.
A rather confused discussion followed. The majority of the meeting appeared to think that Mr. Moorhouse was entitled to an address, and above the din could be heard the voice of an individual saying, 'I'll sell you one Jigger.' When Mr. A. Coulson moved and Mr. Bloxham seconded a motion in favor of presenting Mr. Moorhouse with an address, it received the unanimous support of the meeting." (Herald March 30 p3)
April 07
"The Carlton Football Club in 1892 got £675 17s 6d as its share of match receipts, and last year the amount fell to £182 19s 10d.(Weekly Times April 07)
April 07
Carlton played a Carlton Juniors 23 at the University Ground.
The players met at the Clyde Hotel at 2.30pm.
W. "Billy" Bailey and Charlie Coulson had retired.
Jigger Moorhouse had gone to Coolgardie.
The committee was determined to give give a number of junior players an opportunity.
Included in the ranks of the Dark Blue were no less than 15 players unknown to first class football.
No team details.
Carlton lost; 0.3 - 1.3
Peter Williams remains upbeat for the coming year.
Mr. King Mitchell formerly of Richmond has been secured as Carlton trainer for the season.
April 09 Monday
In the mid 1890's Australia suffered it's severest financial depression to date.Victoria was possibly the hardest hit as it was the manufacturing centre of the colonies.
After unprecedented years of growth following the gold rushes, Australia's largest city "Marvellous Melbourne," was hit with skyrocketing unemployment and plummeting land values.
Unfortunately for The Carlton Football Club it suffered a double whammy with the severe depression coinciding with the worst on field performances in the club's history, and with it, it's falling gate takings.
On this day The Argus published an item about the financial situation of each the VFA's clubs.
About Carlton it said;
"No team of the last season fell away so severley either in the field or financially as Carlton.
In 1892 their receipts from the game were £675 17 s. ($1,351.70), and in 1893 £182 19s 10d. ($365.98), or a falling off in one season of very nearly £500 ($1,000.00).
Carlton's balance sheet would seem to have been executed on the boom bank principle, for although it shows a credit balance of £1, Mr. Ievers MLA points out there are liabilities of about £250 not shown in the statement.
Had the Carlton executives of ther past understood economy they might with the resources of the first five years have put by enough to make the heavy burden now bearing upon the committee of management a bit easier.
Their troubles certainly stand as warning to other clubs."
To read the entire article from The Argus;
Click here>
April 10 Tuesday
The Argus printed an item from the Geelong Times;The Season's Fixtures.
The Geelong Times declares that "never in the history of the Geelong Football Club has it received such a blow as that administered by the committee of the Victorian Football Association appointed to arrange the matches, and certainly it will not be their fault if the club collapses altogether.
A glance at the list will show that not a single premiership match will be played in Geelong from May 26 to July 28, a period of two months. During that time there are two vacant Saturdays, and the remaining six will find Geelong in the metropolis.
The club at present is in anything but a flourishing condition, and how they are to pay the six special trains in succession, besides sundry and other expenses, the committee are in a quandary to know."
April 12 Thursday
The Argus"Carlton Club - It has been pointed out in connection with the summary of the positions of the various football clubs in The Argus of Monday last that an injustice has been done to the Carlton Club in assuming that during their period of prosperity no provision was made for such a contingency as that with which the club last year was faced.
Money was invested in freehold property, which was until lately valued at £500, but has now been written down to £250, for which sum it can be sold at anytime. The liability of £200 referred to by Mr. Ievers MLA, as not appearing in the report, was duly stated there, the bulk of it under the heading of "loan of £150."
The Carlton Club claim that with the altogether unexpected drop of £500 in the gate money for last season they, under great difficulties, managed the club very economically."
April 14
"Lorrain McKenzie and Moorehouse, who formerly donned the colors of the Carlton Football Club, have gone to try their luck at Coolgardie." (Ovens and Murray Advertiser p3)
April 14
Carlton played North Williamstown Juniors at the University Ground.
Players met at the Clyde Hotel at 2.30pm
No details.
April 20 Friday
Mr. Marshall's Report - The Purity Of The Game
"The annual meeeting of the Victorian Football Association was held last night at Young and Jackson's, Mr. Frank Grey-Smith (the president) being in the chair.Election of Office Bearers
The following office-bearers for the ensuing season were re-elected, viz:- President, Mr. Frank Grey-Smith; vice presidents, Messrs. R. W. Best, M.L.A., and Mr. A. C. McCracken; hon.treasurer, Mr. W. J. Smith; auditors Messrs. F. A. Pleasance and E. L. Wilson; hon. secretary Mr. T. S. Marshall. Permit and umpire committee:- The following were elected, vis.- Messrs. W. H. Williams, L. F. Dallas, D. R. Hunter, J. Williams, and C. J. Wilson; match committee, Messrs. T. Banks, H. Hodges, J. Sloss, L. F. Dallas, and J. Fitzpatrick.Mr. Marshall's Report
Mr. T. S. Marshall read his annual report, which, after reviewing the season, dealt the following matters of general interest in connection of the game.The Game In New South Wales
It is a pity that we cannot get a capable team to visit us from New South Wales. Many years back a small coterie of ardent Victorians tried with might and main to locate our game in New South Wales, but, owing to the strong opposition of our Rugby friends, and may I also say the apathy displayed by this association, it has never gained a real firm footing in the parent colony. In the face of all this, however, even now a few staunch supporters are to be found fighting an almost hopeless battle against overwhelming odds. I had hopes that this year we would have been able to send over two of our leading teams to show the New South Wales people what the Australian game really means. I trust that another year will not be allowed to pass without something of the kind being done, for, with a little management and sprinkling of generosity on our part, I am certain the thing can be accomplished.I have thought the matter carefully out, and, as the season has not yet commenced, all clubs will have an equal chance in the following scheme:- In 1895, say about the month of June, send to New South Wales the first and second clubs on the premiership list of 1894. Appoint some Saturday during the forth coming season on which 30 per cent of the gross takings-cricket clubs being respectfully requested to contribute as well-should be set apart to meet the expenses of the undertaking. By this means I estimate £200 will be raised, while at least £100 will be raised in New South Wales. The two competing clubs might, if necessary, be well asked to supplement this amount by £50 each, so that a sum of £400 is reached, quite ample to cover the expenses of the trip.
Three matches could be played, one in Sydney, one in Newcastle, and one in Maitland. In order that these should not be entirely exhibition matches this association should reckon the first match, the one to be played in Sydney, as a premiership one. Such a series of matches would doubtless would give a great impetus to the game in New South Wales, and a prospective trip of this nature should make the fight for the first and second places on our 1894 list most intense and interesting. Which are to the two fortunate clubs?
Rugby In New South Wales
I am led to make the above suggestion from the fact that the New South Wales Rugby Association has had this year over £1,000 to its credit, and they intend to spend the bulk of this large amount by frequently sending teams into their country districts, as well as forwarding intercolonial to New Zealand, Queensland, and Victoria. In New South Wales the clubs playing Rugby receive none of the gate money, the whole of the proceeds being handed over to the association, which expends the greater portion in the manner I have indicated. Now, I do not desire to take all your season's gate money to assist our New South Wales friends. I only ask for 30 per cent of one day's takings, and I trust there is no delegate or club on this association so lacking in patriotism as th refuse this small amount to help our struggling brethren, and push the game along in New South Wales.Migratory Players
I fear we have only scotched, not killed, the migratory player. Why does he desire to wander from club to club. If it be in the interests of the game something might be said for him, but if it only be for what he can make out of it, then I say it is the bounden duty of those in authority to block him. Some committee members say we do not ask senior from other clubs to join us, but if they do come we will welcome them warmly. There is such a thin line of demarcation between "touting" and this "welcoming," that, perhaps owing to my fading eyesight, I entirely fail to discern the difference.Player Permits
The lot of the permit commitee is by no means a happy one, the work being onerous and oftentimes exceedingly disagreeable. It should, therefore, be the duty of the association, and especially the committees of clubs, to assist this most important committee, and not throw obstacles in its way and belittle its members at every opportunity. Several club committees shirk their responsibility by granting clearances to all players who may apply for them, thus throwing the onus of refusal on the permit committee. This procedure is clearly playing into the hands of the migratory player, as well as clearing the way for those clubs which countenance him. This is also an a evasion of the spirit of our rules, for I take it that no man who is good enough for a team should get a clearance unless he has a thoroughly legitimate reason for leaving his club. If he refuse to play, his committee, before giving a clearance, should certainly obtain his reasons for refusing, and these reasons should just as certainly be communicated to the permit committee. Should a player be an undesirable man and his committee on this account refuse to pick him, their reasons for so doing so should most assuredly be communicated to the permit committee, otherwise how are we as an association to purge the game of such men. It is publicly reported that at least one committee has determined to give clearances to all who may apply for them. Instead of this action being, as they may imagine, a sign of strength on their part, it appears to me to savour vry much an excessive weakness. Very strong reasons indeed should be given by players before clearances are granted, for it was never intended that they should be granted indiscriminately, and committeess should generally support the permit committee to this extent. I have noticed, however, that those committees who howl loudest about the iniquities of the migratory player grant clearances most readily.Undesirable Players
It cannot be denied that there are certain men playing in our senior ranks whose absence from the field would be of no great loss to their clubs or the game. We have had several opportunities of geting rid of such men, but it says little for the morale of some of our govering bodies that when an undesirable man is discarded by one club he should be immediately pounced upon by another senior club, lifted into the front rank of his new team, and almost made a hero of instead of being banished forever from the football world. There is some satisfaction in knowing that sooner or later these men become a grave nuisance to their new club, but that is very little satisfaction to the club that discarded them.Veiled Professionalism
I have spoken and written so much condemnatory of professionalism in football that I need just mention the matter here. If you take the balance-sheets of our clubs into consideration it will be found that there are not more than two clubs in a position to adopt professionalism pure and simple. Semi-professionalism, or, rather, veiled professionalism, is another thing altogether, and a very much worse thing, too. Better far have straight- out professionalism than countenance, or, rather, pretend to discountenance, veiled professionalism, which is the cause of all the wretched subterfuges that are resorted to lead the association and the public to believe that certain men are bona-fide amateurs, when it is patent to everyone that hard work and these players have been strangers to each other for months and months back. But does veiled professionalism really exist, and, if so, and in what shape does it exist? I am really now seeking for information, for, notwithstanding all my railing, I have not yet been able to get at anything very definate, and so am compelled to ask those here who may, perhaps, to be in a better position to know more than I do. Have any inducements this year been held out to good senior or, mayhap, junior players to join your club? Have billets been provided for them, or promised? Do certain supporters - of course outside of the committees - club together to pay a man a certain weekly wage to retain his services? If everything is fair and above board, why all the sudden chopping and changings at the beginning of every season? Are these things true, and, if so, do you desire to alter them? If you are in earnest, and wish to strike a decisive blow at veiled professionalism, then set your faces dead against the migratory player, stop his wanderings, and the other thing will soon die a natural death. I am pleased to say, if public utterances are to be relied on, that we have in our midst to-night several notable converts to my way of thinking. Last year no delegate could have fought harder to secure senior players for their clubs than they did. That is all changed now, they have turned a complete somersault and become virtuous. I trust that their conversion, sudden though it be, may be permanent. We are told to rejoice more over one sinner that repenteth than over the ninety and nine that need no repentance, and at being so we rejoice accordingly.Our Barrackers
Will it do any good to ask our respectable barracker to restrain himself at our football matches? What is there in a game that staid, respectable members of society should, on the highest pretext, so far forget themselves to forget thenselves to behave in such an outrageously idiotic manner as to make them the laughing-stock for their more sane companions. As to the foul-mouthed barracker, he must be suppressed at all hazards, and let me now formally warn him that the committee of cricket clubs are fully determined to assist us in stamping out the nuisance.Conclusion
The betting element was very little in evidence last year, and the bookmaker was conspicuous by his absence from our matches. It rests with ourselves to make his absence permanent.We have again to cordially thank the press for its powerful support, not only in providing such able and impartial reports of matches and meetings, but also for assisting the association to correct all abuses in connection with the game. Where censure was deserved the press spoke out bodly, and where praise was due it was dealt unsparingly. The pulpit has also to be thanked for its defence of pure athleticism. When liberal-minded clergymen like Dr. Bevan or the Rev. Alex. Marshall preach kindly words of encourgement, as well as warning, we can well afford to treat lightly the censure of those who can see no good whatsoever in our manly sports and pastimes.
Personally, I have to thank you for again placing me in the position of secretary, and, before concluding, I would like to say if there remains any friction or soreness on the part of any club or clubs, the outcome of somewhat recent events, I would urge upon those who feel aggrieved to, at the beginning of a new season, forget and forgive, for by doing so they will materially help to make the year a pleasant one, not only on, but off, the association.
The CHAIRMAN moved that the report be adopted with a view to its future consideration.
Mr. R. W. Best, in seconding the motion, said the report was such a vigorous and thoughtful one as they might expect from a gentleman of Mr. Marshall's long experience and zeal. He was glad to see the note of discouragement to migratory players. These were not sportsmen, but simply played the game for what they could make out of it. He may have been fairly, even generously, treated by his first club, but whenever the inducement comes he is ready to go to another. If wealthier clubs were permitted to offer inducements to such men it would crush out all heathly rivalry in the game. The permit committee had, in face of much unpleasantness, carried through their duties zealously and well. Another disgraceful feature in connection with the game was that rough element were able, in some cases, to assault players leaving the field against whom they might some grievance. The cricket clubs were anxious to co-operate with them in stamping out blackguardism in the act or language, and he thought that the delegates should go to the lengths of consituting themselves positive detectives, and call in the assistance of the police and the police courts to discourage this evil. It had given him much pleasure indeed to notice the healthy view of the game taken by the Rev. Alexander Marshall in a recent address.
It was decided to take the report as the first business at next meeting.
Champagne having been ordered by the president, several toasts were drunk, and, in proposing success to the game, Mr. Frank Grey-Smith coupled the sentiment particularly with the name of the Carlton Football Club, an old and honoured one in football, and expressed the hope that this season would find them restored to their former prominence. This thoughful and kindly reference was recieved with loud applause, Messrs. Melville and Harrington thanking the president for so cordial an expression of goodwill.
The association then adjouned.
(Argus Saturday April 21 p11)
April 21
The Herald (p8) reports;Burns, a winger, from Richmond
Bernstein, half back, from East Melbourne
Frost, follower, North Williamstown Juniors
Gallagher, rover, from South Melbourne Juniors
Ingram, half back/follower, local junior
Kelly, centre, Clifton
Leach, half back, Surrey Hills
Stewart, centre, Carlton Juniors
Stitt, Malvern
McDonald, back, Clifton
Keily, forward, Yarraville
Graham, follower, Austral
Currie, Essendon District
Ebsworth, Essendon District
Tulloch, rover, Carlton Juniors
Woodhouse, ex St.Kilda, returned from Broken Hill
Ted Walton, defender, Rainbow (local club)
Warren, rover, Mooroopna
April 21
Carlton played Brunswick (23) at the University Cricket Ground.
A small charge of 6d (5c) for admission was made.
Carlton team; (27 named)
J. Burns, Balharry, Bernstein, Cameron, Currie, Franks, Frost, Graham, Gallagher, Geraghty, Hannah, James Ingram, Kelly, Leith, Leach, Nuttall, Patterson, Henry Pollykett, Stewart, Stitt, Rolfe, Tulloch, Turner, A.Thompson, Walter Warren, Walton, Williams (Capt.)
No details.
April 24 Tuesday

Former Carlton player William Newing died suddenly at his residence at the Haymarket Hotel, corner of Elizabeth and Grattan Streets.
The Australasian's "Markwell" on April 28 wrote a fitting obituary, to read, click here> W. 'Bill' Newing

(George F. Bowen writing in Melbourne Punch May 10 p16 1894)
April 28
"Markwell" from The Australasian reporting on the recent VFA meeting;"Only old Carltonians - those who have followed the fortunes of the club through and from the time when Carlton and Melbourne were rival champions, and when the game grew, blossomed, and bloomed mainly because of that rivalry - will appreciate, as it deserves to be appreciated, the delicate and graceful compliment paid their club by Mr. F. G. Smith at the close of the VFA meeting.
To the majority of delegates, no doubt, it appeared incongruous that the hospitable president should provide a costly beverage and invite all and sundry to join with him in drinking therein success to Carlton, one of the lowest teams on last year's list; but to the few who could read the inner workings of the president's mind the proceeding was better worthy of admiration than of surprise.
A warm corner in the veteran sportsman's heart yearns for the day when the successors to the old- time, sturdy, and ever manly adversaries of his much loved Melbourne shall emerge from the gloom which at present environs them, and claim the honourable position to which the records of a glorious past entitle them.
Nothing, I feel convinced, would afford Mr. Smith greater pleasure than to see the gallant Reds and Blues once again heading the list, and playing off for championship.
Should such a thing come to pass in the near future I think I know somebody else to whom the circumstance give unmixed pleasure."
April 28
Carlton played Hawthorn or the Calathumpians on the Carlton Cricket Ground?
The Age and the Carlton Gazette says that the Blues played a team calling themselves the "Calathumpians" on the Carlton Cricket Ground.
Peter Williams skippered the Carlton team which again included many juniors.
Play was very even, however the extra three players for the Calathumpians told in the end.
Carlton team; (31 named)
Aitken, Balharry, Bernstein, Blake,J. Burns, Cameron, Coulson, Frost, Gallagher, Geragthy, Graham, Hannah, James Ingram, Kelly, Leith, Leach, McDonald, McDonald, Nuttall, Patterson, Polykett, Park, Rolfe, Stewart, Stilt, Smith, Turner, Thompson, Walton, Walter Warren, Williams.
Carlton lost;
Carlton: 0.3 1.5 1.6 2.7
Calatha: 0.1 0.2 2.4 3.6
Goals; Leith, McDonald.
May 05
The Australasian reported that the VFA had granted permits for these departures from Carlton;George A. Davis to Geelong,
McInerney to Collingwood,
F. Manuels to Port Melbourne,
Jim Travis to North Melbourne.
And on the coming season;
"Carlton will not be weaker than they were, if one may judge from the form exhibited in practice matches by most of last year's young players.
No trouble has been avoided in the search after capable recruits, and under the able and experienced direction of the veteran, Peter Williams, the old club will, it is thought, improve it's position on the premiership list."
May 05
Opening round of the 1894 Premiership season.

Carlton played Footscray at the Footscray Recreation Reserve.
The team left in drags (horses and carriage) departing from Polykett's in Lygon Street at 1.30pm and from The Haymarket at 2pm sharp.
(It was cheaper than taking a tram, cab, and train.)
Crowd; 3,000
The Blues continued where they left off last season.
Sutton refused to play, and O'Loghlen, Thomas O'Brien (Lanty O'Brien's son), and Tulloch* decided to remain with juniors for another year.
Carlton's team was chosen mainly from the juniors; Hannah, James Ingram, Woodhouse, Frost, future Carlton VFL captain E. Walton pictured, Stewart, and others.
Players preferred to kick to a mate rather than to a team member in a better position.
With such disunity Carlton did not kick off the '94 season with any style.
Blues failed to score after half time, and did not score a goal for the match.
The Dark Blues played well in the third quarter where their stubborn defence was to the fore.
Walton played.
The Argus;
"Poor Carlton! With seniors who lack patriotism and juniors who lack ambition it appears to be in a bad way. With a team deprived of all heart pitted against a well-disciplined twenty such as Footscray, what other issue than defeat could have been expected?"
"Carlton are altogether without unity just now; there is no purpose in their play, and when a man gets the ball he seems to be on the lookout not for the colours but for a mate - and playing mates is only a good thing when it runs right through the twenty."
""Of Carlton's new men, Woodhouse and Walton are the most promising. Woodhouse, indeed, never missed a chance, and played about the best game on the side; while Walton, who is the brother of W. Walton, the former captain of Carlton, was very useful. Thompson who came to Carlton as a goal kicker, has developed into a first-rate man in the outfield. Williams the captain, played a good defensive game, considering always what a difficult task he has to keep his team together, and the play of the vice-captain, Blake, though equally hard, was not so valuable to the side. Aitken's chief mistake was underrating the pace of his opponents, and he several times lost his kick. Of the others Stewart and Frost shaped well."
The Age;
"Carlton has fallen from it's high estate, and on Saturday became an easy victim for Footscray, who scored 4 goals to none. The fleeting fame of the football field has no better exemplification than the rapid decent of Carlton from it's once unchallenged position, and old supporters of the club mournfully deplore the causes which have brought about the rapid decandence."
The Australasian;
"The old club has not begun so promisingly as might have been hoped, but what can be expected other than defeat when old and tried players like Sutton desert their colours?
One would have thought that the misfortune of an institution like the Carlton Club should cause it's friends to rally round it at what cost so ever, and exert their powers to raise it to it's proper rank amid the clubs."
"However it's a long lane that has no turning, and the dark blues may by and by discover the way out of the obscurity in which they have lost themselves of late.
I have no complaint against the men, young and old, who turned out to face Footscray. They did their best and were defeated by a superior force."
.* Tulloch could be Lardie Tulloch who was recruited from Carlton Juniors by Collingwood and played 165 VFL games captaining the club in two premierships.
Carlton team; (26 named)
Aitken, Blake, Balharry, J. Burns, Cameron, Frost, Hannah, Geraghty, Gallagher, James Ingram, Leith, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, O'Loghlen, Polykett, Park, Rolfe, Smith, Stewart, Sutton, Turner, Tulloch, A.Thompson, P. Williams (Capt.), Walter Warren, Woodhouse.
(8) T. Burns, Geraghty, Gallagher, O'Loghlen, Park, Sutton, Tulloch, Turner did not play.
William Patterson and Ernie Walton who were not named in the 26 man squad played.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, T. Blake, R. Cameron, R. Frost, B. Hannah, J. Ingram, J. Leith, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, W. Patterson, Pollykett, F. Rolfe, G. Smith, R. Stewart, A. Thompson, E. Walton, W. Warren, P. Williams, W. 'Bill'. Woodhouse.
Carlton line-up (M. Pennings)
Backs; E. Walton, J. McDonald, W. Patterson
Half backs; J. Ingram, A. Thompson, G. Smith
Centres; B. Hannah, P. Williams (Capt), Pollykett
Half forwards; J. Leith, F. Rolfe, J. Aitken
Forwards; R. Stewart, F. McDonald, R. Cameron
Followers; T. Blake, J. Balharry, W. Woodhouse, R. Frost.
Rover; W. Warren
Umpire; Frank Coffey.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3
Foots. 2.3 3.3 3.7 4.9
Players mentioned; (14) newcomers Bill Woodhouse and Ernie Walton (brother of W. Walton) played well, A.Thompson, P. Williams, Blake, Aitken, Stewart, Frost, Aitken, Hannah, Balharry, McDonald, Walter Warren, Ingram.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton twelfth.
Played 1 Won 0 Lost 1 Drawn 0 Goals For 0 Against 4 Points 0.
This day Walter Warren played his one and only senior game with Carlton, he soon returned to Williamstown where he kicked 17 goals this season and went on to captain the club in future years.
May 11
The curtain raiser to most VFA football games is a baseball match.
The Adelaide Advertiser's baseball writer "Homerun" was in Melbourne.
"A summary of all the authorities I consulted as to the hold the game had taken in Victoria is that the public don't seem to take to baseball kindly as it is present played."
"The (baseball) clubs are financed and managed by the cricket clubs, and the games are arranged so the the baseball club and the football club of the same name both play on the same day on the same ground, the baseball starting at 1.30 and the football at 3."
Melbourne Cricket Ground 1894
May 12
Carlton played Port Melbourne at the M.C.G.
Friday newspaper report says Cameron, Polykett, and Walter Warren are standing down for Breeze (Captain of Ascot vale), Thomas O'Brien (Collingwood Juniors), and W. Park (played down back for the Blues last season).
Port took this game too lightly playing as individuals instead of as a team.
The Blues played well considering the amount of inexperienced new players in the side.
Carlton had the best of the game for three quarters and one newspaper report said any other side would have scored 10 or 12 goals from the opportunities the Blues had.
"They could not have done worse if they had entered into a conspiracy with their rivals to let the latter win."
"... the Carlton men playing with a brilliancy and dash that at times completely nonplussed their opponents, and, it they had been possessed of an accurate kickist on Saturday, the "Red and Blues" must have suffered defeat. 'Every cock crows loudest on his own dung hill' is the old axiom, and doubtless the resuscitation of the Carlton team was due to the fact of playing on their own ground, and being cheered on by their own supporters, who mustered in force. In concerted play, little marking and ground play, the Carlton ran rings around our men, who fumbled the ball terribly when on the ground."
(Standard (Port Melbourne) May 19 p2)
Carlton team; (25 named)
Aitken, Breeze, Balharry, J. H. Burns, Blake, Cameron, Frost, Gallagher, Hannah, James Ingram, Leith, McDonald, McAnley, Thomas O'Brien, W. Park, Polykett, Patterson, Rolfe, Smith, Stewart, A.Thompson, Williams, Walton, Woodhouse, Warren.
According to The Herald, Cameron, Polykett and Walter Warren did not play.
(6) Breeze, Cameron, Gallagher, McAnley, Polykett and Warren did not play.
One of the McDonalds not named in the 25 man squad played.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, T. Blake, J. H. Burns, R. Frost, B. Hannah, J. Ingram, J. Leith, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, T. O'Brien, W/J. Park*, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, G. Smith, R. Stewart, A. Thompson, E. Walton, P. Williams, W. Woodhouse.
.*Blueseum is not sure whether Park is William Leslie or his brother Percy Tasman "Jim" - Pennings' Origins of Australain Football has gone with J, "Jim" Park
Carlton line-up (M. Pennings)
Backs; E.Walton, J. McDonald, W. Patterson
Half backs; G. Smith, A. Thompson, J. Park*
Centres; R. Stewart, P. Williams, B. Hannah
Half forwards; J. Leith, F. Rolfe, J. H. Burns
Forwards; J. Ingram, F. McDonald, T. O'Brien
Followers; T. Blake, J. Balharry, W. Woodhouse, R. Frost
Rover; J. Aitken
In: J. H. Burns, Thomas O'Brien, J. Park
Out: R. Cameron, Polykett, W. Warren
Umpire; Henderson.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.2 1.7 3.8 3.9
Port. 3.2 3.2 5.2 5.2
Goals; Blake, F. McDonald, Rolfe.
Players mentioned; (15) Balharry, Woodhouse, Blake, Walton, Rolfe, F. McDonald, A.Thompson, P. Williams, Hannah, Leith, James Ingram, Thomas O'Brien, Park, Aitken, Stewart, Burns.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton twelfth.
Played 2 won 0 Lost 2 Drawn 0 Goals For 3 Against 9 Points 0.
Australasian May 19
May 19
Carlton played Williamstown at Williamstown.
Park injured last week and did not play.
The Blues won the toss and attacked.
Frank Mc Donald scored the first two goals for the Blues, both from difficult angles.
Thompson, Woodhouse and Leith scored the last quarter goals.
The Blues broke a 15 game losing sequence.
Carlton skipper Peter Williams played a superb game in the centre.
A very tight and even game up until three quarter time. Williamstown was worn out by the fierceness of the contest, and the Blues went away with the game in the last.
The Age said of F. McDonald, "....may be said to have come out of his shell; his kicking was the best he has done with the team. His first goal was something to be remembered. It must have been kicked 80 yards, and the point of sight was an almost inaccessible angle near the boundary of the western wing. The second goal he kicked would have been impossible to an average player."
Carlton team; (21 named)
Aitken, Balharry, Blake, J. H. Burns, Burnstein, Cameron, Frost, Gallagher, Hannah, James Ingram, Leith, McDonald, Thomas O'Brien, Patterson, Pollykett, Freddy Rolfe, Stewart, Smith, Williams, Woodhouse, McAnley.
Burnstein, Cameron and McAnley did not play.
Thompson, Stewart and one of the McDonalds was not named in the squad.
Carlton line-up; (Evening Standard)
Backs; Patterson, J. McDonald, Walton
Half backs; O'Brien, Rolfe, Polykett
Centres; Hannah, Williams, Stewart
Half forwards; Burns, Thompson, Leith
Forwards; Gallagher, F. McDonald, Ingram
Followers; Frost, Balharry, Blake, Woodhouse
Rover; Aitken
In: Gallagher, Polykett
Out: J. Park, G. Smith
Umpire; Schaeffer.
Carlton won;
Carl. 1.1 4.3 4.4 7.5
Will. 1.2 2.6 4.7 4.10
Goals; F. McDonald 2, A. Thompson, Rolfe, Leith, Woodhouse, Ingram.
Players mentioned; (16) J. Aitken, J. Balharry, T. Blake, R. Frost, Gallagher, B. Hannah, James Ingram, J. Leith, F. McDonald, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, R. Stewart, A. Thompson, E. Walton, P. Williams (BOG), B. Woodhouse. Plus; J. Burns, J. McDonald, T. O'Brien, Pollykett
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton eighth.
Played 3 Won 1 Lost 2 Drawn 0 Goals For 10 Against 13 Points 4.
May 19
Former Carlton players J. Moorhouse and J. Lorraine played for Fremantle against Rovers on the Fremantle ground.J. Lorraine is Fremantle's captain & the Rovers' captain this year is W. Walton who will lead the amber and black. Both players are former Carlton captains.
Fremantle won easily 11.13 - 2.6
Moorhouse and Lorraine named among the best for Fremantle, & W. Walton named the best player for Rovers.
May 22 Tuesday
VFA Permit Committee Meeting.Transfers granted for,
Peter Walter Warren, Williamstown to Carlton.
Henry Hastings, Carlton to Fitzroy.
May 24 Thursday, Queen's Birthday holiday.
Carlton had the bye.
They played a Combined Juniors team on the M.C.G. at 11am.
The Combine wore Fitzroy's colours.
The Combined Juniors were made up from the ranks of clubs in the First Rate Junior Association.
Crowd; 120.
Carlton were missing it's Captain, Peter Williams, vice captain Tom Blake, leading goal kicker, McDonald, Thompson, James Ingram, and three other players.
Bowden, a junior player included in the team for the day.
J. Aitken captained the Blues.
A fair attendance.
The Blues won the toss and kicked to the eastern (Richmond) end.
Carlton team; (27 named)
Aitken, Balharry, Blake, Bicknell, Bernstein, Coucher, Cameron, Ellis, Frost, Gallagher, Hannah, James Ingram, Leith, Macaulay, McDonald, McDonald, Patterson, Polykett, Rolfe, Smith, Spedding, Stewart, Thompson, Walton, Walter Warren, Williams, Woodhouse.
Gray was mentioned twice in The Herald report.
Bowden scored the first two goals. Leith kicked the third and fourth, the last one from a difficult angle, and Warne scored the Blues' fifth major.
Carlton line-up (Herald 24/5 p1)
Backs; Walton, McDonald, Patterson
Half backs; Ellis, Smith, Polykett
Centre; Hannah, Rolfe, Stewart
Half forwards; Leith, Bernstein, Spedding
Forwards; Jones, Warne, Bowden
Followers; Frost, Balharry, Macauley, Warren
Rover; Aitken (Capt)
Umpire; F. G. Farr.
Carlton won;
Carl. 3.2 5.4 5.7 5.7
Jnrs. 0.1 1.5 2.5 3.6
Goals; Leith 2, Bowden 2, Warne.
Players mentioned; (14) Aitken, Balharry, Bowden, Gray, Patterson, Warne, Leith, Stewart, Hannah, Spedding, Rolfe, Frost, Bernstein, Warren,
May 26
Carlton played Fitzroy at the M.C.G.
Crowd; 6,000 - 7,000
"In past seasons the above teams could always command the support of the great majority of the football going public; but of late years Carlton has lost her reputation for greatness, and as the successful team draws the crowd, the matches between Fitzroy and Carlton only attract the immediate supporters of both clubs." (Fitzroy City Express 01 June p3)
The Blues matched it with Fitzroy, poor goal kicking let them down.
"In the first quarter the player who did the most useful work for Carlton was undoubtedly the captain,Williams, playing in the centre, his marking being excellent, and drop kicking very good."
Thompson and F. McDonald missed at least 8 easy chances within 40 yards to goal in the first half.
Thompson kept kicking into the man on the mark with his shots at goal!
A third term lapse when they played the man instead of the ball let the 'Roys in to gain the lead.
For Carlton, Tom Blake "played his finest, and the style in which he brought the ball out of the ruck was worth going to see, while his little marks were just a streak."
"Aitken's quick dashes were very pretty too, and he never abandons a match until the bell rings. On several occasions he was mainly the means of turning the play in favour of Carlton. Woodhouse, without the cunning of the veteran, has all the dash of a colt, but his exertions found him out towards the finish. Frost is the Fry of the Carlton team - most footballers know what that means. His fault is a desire to cling to the ball. A fine useful forward was Ingram - his marking and kicking being both up to the best. Gallagher, I fancy, surprised the onlookers as much as any man on the side. Stewart, on the wing, played a first-rate game - dodging and marking to perfection. Williams would have been better had the by no means nominal business of captain not engrossed so much of his time. Hannah - a little wonder - took the fancy of such competent critics as Banks and Trait greatly, although he was posted against Musgrove. Bernstein another of the new ones, played a beautiful game - high marking being his specialty. The most conspicuous man on the side, whether back or forward, was young Rolfe. His marking was as good as anything seen this season. With such youngsters Carlton must come to the front again. The back play on both sides was the best thing of the game, and Carlton's notable defenders were McDonald, Patterson, plucky little George Smith and the willowy Walton." (Argus May 28 p6)
Carlton team; (24 named)
Aitken, Balharry, Blake, Bernstein, Cameron, Frost, Gallagher, Hannah, James Ingram, Leith, McDonald, McDonald, Patterson, Polykett, Rolfe, Smith, Stuart/Stewart, Spedding, Thompson, Walter Warren, A. Warren, Woodhouse, Walton, Williams (Capt.)
Mark Pennings' records has W. Warren playing his one game on May 05 and A. Warren playing his only game on May 26
Carlton line-up (M. Pennings)
Backs; E. Walton, J. McDonald, W. Patterson
Half backs; G. Smith, F. Rolfe, F. Bernstein
Centres; B. Hannah, P. Williams (Capt), Stewart
Half forwards; F. McDonald, A. Thompson, J. Leith
Forwards; Gallagher, J. Ingram, A. Warren
Followers; T. Balke, J. Balharry, R. Frost, W. Woodhouse
Rover; J. Aitken
Umpire; J. J. Trait.
Out: T. O'Brien
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.2 2.7 2.7 3.9
Fitz. 1.3 2.3 4.7 5.9
Goals; Leith, Aitken, Balharry.
Best; Stewart (wing), Aitken (roving), Williams (centre)
Players mentioned; (20) J. Aitken, J. Balharry, Tom Blake, Farleigh Bernstein, R. Frost, Gallagher, B. Hannah, James Ingram, J. Leith, F. McDonald, D. McDonald, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe,George Smith, R. Stewart, A. Thompson, E. Walton, A. Warren, P. Williams, Bill Woodhouse
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton ninth.
Played 4 won 1 Lost 3 Drawn 0 goals For 13 Against 18 Points 4.
June 01 V.F.A. Permit committee.
Transfers,J. McElhemy, Footscray to Carlton.
Mathieson, North Melb. to Carlton.
D. Greenwood, North Melb. to Carlton.
Refused transfers,
M. Blake, Carlton to St.Kilda.
W. Turner, Carlton to St.Kilda.
June 02
Carlton played North Melbourne at the North Melbourne C. G.
Balharry was injured last week, and did not play.
The Blues won the toss and kicked to the Arden Street goals but they wasted the advantage of the wind during the first quarter.
The lack of a goal kicker has been a problem for a few years.
Carlton should have kicked 4 goals in the third, but muffed their chances.
The Blues had wasted their chances, but they matched it with the home side.
Half back, Gallagher was injured in the first half and did not reappear, Smith was injured after being thrown into the fence after half time and had to be carried off..
W. Turner who had applied to transfer to St.Kilda played, as well as D. Greenwood ex North Melbourne.
Ex Blue, Jim Travis played for North and was one of their better players.
Carlton team; (24 named)
Aitken, Blake, Balharry, Breeze, J. Burns, Bernstein, Cameron, Frost, Gallagher, Geragaty, Hannah, James Ingram, Leith, McDonald, Thomas O'Brien, Patterson, Rolfe, Smith, Stewart, A. Thompson, P. Williams, Walter Warren, Walton, Woodhouse.
(7) Balharry, Breeze, Burns, Cameron, Geragaty, T. O'Brien, Warren did not play.
F. Turner, D. Greenwood and one of the McDonalds who was not in the squad played.
Carton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, F. Bernstein, T. Blake, R. Frost, Gallagher, D. Greenwood, B. Hannah, J. Ingram, J. Leith, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, G. Smith, R. Stewart, A. Thompson, F. Turner, E. Walton, P. Williams, W. 'Bill' Woodhouse.
Carlton line-up (M.Pennings)
Backs; E. Walton, J. McDonald, Patterson
Half backs; G. Smith, A. Thompson, Gallagher
Centre; B. Hannah, P. Williams, R. Stewart
Half forwards; J. Leith, F. Rolfe, F. McDonald
Forwards; F. Bernstein, J. Ingram, D. Greenwood
Followers; T. Blake, F. Turner, W. Woodhouse, R. Frost.
Rover; J. Aitken
Umpire; McNab.
In: D. Greenwood, Turner
Out: J. Balharry, A. Warren
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.1 0.1 1.9 1.10
N.M. 0.1 3.8 3.8 3.10
Goal; Smith.
Players mentioned; (16) Woodhouse, Gallagher, Frost, Smith, W. Turner, Blake, Aitken, D. Greenwood, Leith, Rolfe, F. McDonald, Hannah, Williams, Thompson, Stewart, Ingram.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton tenth.
Played 5 Won 1 Lost 4 Drawn 0 Goals For 14 Against 21 Points 4.
June 07
The Argus p3.Former Carlton players Jack Lorraine and W. 'Bill' Walton now playing in Perth.
Fremantle captained by Jack Lorraine and Rovers captained by Bill Walton played each other in the season opener.
Walton was one of the best players in the first half.
Another player named James Moorhouse played for Fremantle and the The Australasian said he was a former Carlton player. (Jack "Jigger" Moorhouse)
June 09
Carlton played Collingwood at the M.C.G.
Friday report says Balharry still injured, Burnstein stood down, with Breeze and Coulson to be brought into the side.
Williams re arranged the team at half time and implored his players to play to each other, the effect was immediate.
The Blues considered dropping Fred McDonald as his goal kicking has been wayward of late. The threat did the trick and he scored 4 goals out of 5 attempts.
"As may be gathered from the totals at the finish, there is very little choice between Carlton and Collingwood, the superior accuracy of the dark blues' forwards accounting adequately for their rather narrow victory. Both teams are to complimented upon their manly, not to say generous, spirit in which the game was conducted throughout, and the majority of the players on either side may be said to have acquitted themselves ably.
F. McDonald's exhibition of goal kicking dispelled all doubt about his fitness for the Carlton team, and was much appreciated by the disinterested onlookers. His four successful efforts were all of them made from considerable distances and at difficult angles.
Peter Williams made his mark in the middle of the field, where his energy and skill were invaluable to the side. Indeed, it was mainly due to his expertness in checking advances that the weakness of Carlton's backs was less manifest than it otherwise must have proved.
Two only of the half-dozen defenders, namely Thompson and Walton, showed form that was above mediocrity.
A great little man in the team was Breeze, who, besides shaping as well as the best of the followers, put in an active and praiseworthy quarter amongst the forwards, where his smartness was rewarded by a couple of goals.
In high marking and adroit passing Rolfe had no peer in front of goal during the first half and his transfer to the garrison after the interval was a judicious move on behalf of the captain.
When on the ball Ingram was more conspicuous than either Blake or Turner, notwithstanding that the latter pair really did useful work all through.
Aitken's roving was much admired, and several of effective dashes evoked thunders of applause."
(Trove: Australasian June 16 p18)
Carlton team; (25 named)
Aitken, Blake, Balharry, J. Burns, Burnstein, Breeze, Brockwell, Frost, Geraghty, Greenwood, Hannah, Leith, James Ingram, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, Patterson, Rolfe, Smith, Stuart/Stewart, Turner, A. Thompson, Walter Warren, Walton, Williams, Woodhouse.
The Herald, Friday, says that Balharry (injured) and Burnstein will not play, and that Breeze and Coulson have been brought into the squad.
(6) Burns, Bernstein, Brockwell, Geraghty, Warren and Woodhouse did not play.
W. Batters* played. Some players mainly due to work commitments sometimes played under an assumed name.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitkin, J. Balharry, W. Batters, T. Blake, R. Breeze, R. Frost, D. Greenwood, B. Hannah, J. Ingram, J. Leith, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, G. Smith, R. Stewart, A. Thompson, F. Turner, E. Walton, P. Williams (Capt.).
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; E. Walton, J. McDonald, W. Patterson
Half backs; Smith, Thompson, Breeze
Centre; Hannah, P. Williams, Stewart
Half forwards; Leith, Rolfe, F. McDonald
Forwards; Batters* ("Ramsay"), Ingram, Greenwood
Followers; Blake, Balharry, Frost, Turner
Rover; Aitken
Umpire; Schaeffer.
In: Balharry, Batters, Breeze
Out: Bernstein, Gallagher, Woodhouse,
Carlton won;
Carl. 1.1 1.2 5.3 7.3
Coll. 1.5 1.5 3.6 5.7
Goals; F. McDonald 4, Chic Breeze/Breese 2, Leith.
Players mentioned; (15) P. Williams, A. Thompson, Fred Rolfe, Walton, Breeze, James Ingram, Blake, Turner, Aitken, J. McDonald (full back) , F. McDonald, Hannah, Stewart, Leith, Frost.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton ninth.
Played 6 Won 2 Lost 4 Drawn 0 Goals For 21 Against 26 Points 8.
June 15 Friday
Herald reports, A. Warren (Carlton) granted a permit to Brunswick
June 16
Carlton played Melbourne on the M.C.G.
The Blues were "up" after last week's effort, and they thought it would be the turning point of the season.
The club was pleased with F. McDonald's game, and he hoped to continue with that form this day.
(He says he has trained well this week)
The ground was muddy and slippery.
Described as possibly the poorest game, ever, between these two clubs.
This was the109th and last game Carlton champion and former vice captain Charles Coulson played.
Aitken was described, has a heart as big as Carbine's (a champion race horse) and can run all day.
Breeze was prominent early but copped an injury and was quiet after half time.
F. McDonald should not have played as he was carrying a shoulder injury which prevented him from marking.
James Ingram did not play due to fractured ribs, his place taken by Woodhouse.
Melbourne's Patrick John O'Dea played in this game. He left for the USA in 1896 to attend Wisconsin University where he became known as the "Kangaroo Kicker." O'Dea with his revolutionary kicking skills became a sporting legend in American Football, a Hall of Fame recipient, and later a recluse.
In 1949 the Sporting Globe wrote an interesting article on O'Dea, to read click here>
Carlton team; (21 named)
J. Aitken, Balharry, Blake, Breeze, Burnstein, Coulson, Frost, Greenwood, Geraghty, Hannah, Leith, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, Patterson, Rolfe, Smith, Stuart/Stewart, A.Thompson, Walton, Williams, Woodhouse.
Bernstein and Geraghty did not play
F. Turner played.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; E. Walton, C. Coulson, Patterson
Half backs; Smith, A. Thompson, Rolfe
Centre; Hannah, P. Williams (Capt), Stewart
Half forwards; F. McDonald, Breeze, Leith
Forwards; J. McDonald, Frost, Greenwood
Followers; Blake, Balharry, Turner, Woiodhouse
Rover; Aitken
In: C. Coulson, W. Woodhouse
Out: W. Batters, J. Ingram
Umpire; Mullens.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 1.0 2.1 2.2 3.3
Melb. 3.2 4.4 5.5 7.5
Goals; Leith 2, Woodhouse.
Players mentioned; (20) Aitken (rover), Balharry (ruck), Blake (ruck), Breeze (half forward), Coulson, Frost, Greenwood, Hanna/Hannah, Leith, J. McDonald, F. McDonald, Patterson, Rolfe, Smith, Stewart, A. Thompson, Turner (ruck), Woodhouse (ruck), Walton, P. Williams
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton ninth.
Played 7 Won 2 Lost 5 Drawn 0 Goals For 24 Against 33 Points 8.
June 22
Herald (p3) reports;"The greatest sympathy is felt for Ingram (Carlton), who is suffering from an internal injury sustained through the course of the late match against Collingwood."

Left: Melbourne's Patrick O'Dea who went on to become known as the "Kangaroo Kicker" and a sensation and legend in American Football.Image; Evening Standard
For further information on O'Dea's "interesting" life, click here>
June 23
(A reproduction of part of Markwell's Australasian article)Inclination more than duty drew me to the Melbourne Cricket-ground last Saturday, when representatives of the two ancient rivals, Melboure and Carlton, met in friendly combat, and I regret to say that, all things considered, I was rather disappointed with the form displayed on either side. It was a somewhat spiritless engagement from beginning to end, so much so that the meagre attendance of onlookers sat, for the greater part of the meeting, listless and indifferent, and those rousing cheers which, on a hundred occasions in the past, urged Blues and Reds alike to deeds of fame, were heard no more. Plaudist, modest, though fairly frequent, greeted the best efforts of the contestants; but there was an entire abscence of the enthusiasm and that well-sustained stirring, artistic, and vigorous play never fails to evoke.
" No smoking in the dressing-room, please," was the caution administered to a whilom gallant Carltonian skipper, who had strolled in prior to a match to see the youngsters strip. Forgetful of the extreme attention bestowed upon the trifles by the foootballer of the present generation, he had neglected to shake the ashes from his seasoned cherrywood ere crossiing the threshold of the neatly upholstered apartment wherein Trainer Mitchell and his assistants were to be found busy with oil-can and flesh-brush putting the finishing touch on muscles and sinews that were good enough as such things go, but hardly equal to the muscles and sinews of old.
Pity for his surroundings was clearly marked on the features of the burly George Robertson, to whom the warning words had been addressed, and he turned to a friend with "What would our old club mate, Sam Wallace, think of footballers to whom the wholesome odour of good tobacco could prove injurious? Would he not think, and would he not say too, in emphatic language, that the game and its votaries had greatly degenerated?" Such I am afraid, would be opinion of the virile "Sam" concerning whose sterling qualities players of fifteen years ago - at least the few of them that remain in the flesh - retain the warmest remembrance. I am not, however, going to say that I endorse the opinion, expressed or understood, for inspite of his effeminate surroundings and notwithstanding the elaborate care bestowed upon his personal comfort, I am convinced the average modern specimen of the genus footballer possesses characteristics of head, heart, and limb that are worthy of admiration.
It was unfortunate that the turf at Melbourne was greasy, and consequently unsuited to fast play and clever handling of the ball, and it was this circumstance rather than than the degeneracy of the contestants that robbed the encounter of much of its interest. Wet turf or dry, probably the inferiority of Carlton would have been manifest all the same, for the latter are not, upon performances, quite in the same street with the red-legs, the majority of whom possess not only ability but experience. Carltonians are far from deviod of ability, though even in this regard Melbourne leads them, but they lack the advantages that come with experience.
I am certain, nevertheless, from what I saw of their young players in Saturday's game, that there is a good time in store for the old club. Let the executive only stick to the lads they have got, and give them a chance to become acquainted with each other's style and capabilities; and the next year will find the name Carlton loom big once more on the horizon of football.
They must see, at any rate, that they do not allow a man of little Aitken's ability to slip from their grasp, for in him they have an undoubted star, a player full of resource, and full also of pluck, and one who is seen at his best when things look blackest for his side. He was amongst the few men in Saturday's game to whom running with and skillfuly handling the slippery ball seemed easy; and, moreover, he kept going from the start, and was conspicious in the last quarter as in the first.
Another Carltonian who pleases me greatly is Breeze, whose labours in the ruck up to half time were both brilliant and effective.I was sorrry to find him hampered with an injured hipjoint during the latter stages of the encounter.
Melbourne's crack wingman, O'Dea, can testify to the excellence of young Hannah, by whom he was frequently outplayed and outwitted; and the ex-Northerner, Sholl, can tell (if he chooses) of similar treatment meted out to him by Stewart, who, inspite of a broked finger in splints, acquitted himself in able fashion.
Rolfe's soaring powers would have been vastly useful had the ball been dry, and as it was, his display back was beaten only by Thompson who, marked, ran, and kicked like a thorough footballer. Smith, Patterson and Walton are made of material that improves with keeping, and when the veteran Coulson rubs off the rust of recent idleness, Carlton's defence will be passing strong.
Leith was busy member forward, his clever left foot twice directing the ball between the posts, ans neither J. McDonald nor Greenwood lacked earnestness in the same department, F. McDonald , the team's accredited goal maker, took the field against the advice of his doctor, and was pefectly useless with a badly bruised shoulder that prevented him marking at long or short range.
Blake and Turner were consistant strivers in the ruck, and Woodhouse and Frost were at times likewise noticable on the ball.
(Trove; Australasian p17)
June 23
Carlton played St.Kilda at St.Kilda.
Apart from Leith the Carlton forwards were lamentably weak.
The home team dominated the second and final terms, and the Blues barely held their own in the other two.
The Saints' inaccuracy nearly cost them the game.
Carlton team; (23 named)
Aitken, Breeze, Balharry, Blake, Coulson, Frost, Greenwood, Hannah, Leith, J. McDonald, F. McDonald, Paterson, Park, Polykett, Rolfe, Ryan, Smith, Stuart/Stewart, Turner, Thompson, Walton, Williams, Woodhouse.
Coulson, Greenwood and Thompson did not play.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, T. Blake, R. Breeze, R. Frost, B. Hannah, J. Leith, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, J. Park, W. Patterson, Polykett, F. Rolfe, Ryan, G. Smith, R. Stewart, F. Turner, E. Walton, P. Williams, W. 'Bill' Woodhouse.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; E. Walton, J. McDonald, Patterson
Half backs; Smith, Rolfe, Park
Centres; Hannah, P. Williams, Stewart
Half forwards; F. McDonald, Ryan, Leith
Forwards; Polykett, Turner, Breeze
Followers; Blake, Balharry, Frost, Woodhouse
Rover; Aitken
Out: C. Coulson, D. Greenwood, A. Thompson
Umpire; Schaeffer.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 1.1 2.2 3.3 3.4
St.K. 1.3 3.5 3.8 4.12
Goals; Leith 2, F. McDonald.
Players mentioned; (15) Leith, Patterson, Park, Rolfe defender), Breeze, Frost, Woodhouse, Hannah (wing), Williams (centre) , Turner, Blake, Balharry, Aitken, Ryan, F. McDonald.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton eleventh.
Played 8 Won 2 Lost 6 Drawn 0 Goals For 27 Against 37 Points 8.
June 30
Carlton played Essendon at the East Melbourne C. G.
The game was as good as over as soon as the ball was bounced.
The Blues players attitude was one of complete hopelessness.
When Peter Williams scored a goal one of the half forwards asked if he had come forward to set them an example in keeping their places, his reply was, "No, to show you how to kick goals".
The Herald, Friday, in it's preview says their is some doubt whether the two McDonalds will play, and that Jack Geddes may return, now the South Melbourne protest has been dismissed, and the Investigation Committee has told the V.F.A. that the rules are of very little use.
(The Blueseum is not sure what this "investigation" is referring to, but Geddes was playing for junior club Hawthorn this year))
The paper also says that Bremner a fast player from Elmore may make his debut, and Geraghty will be in in the side.
Carlton team; (24 named)
Aitken, Breeze, Balharry, Blake, Coulson, Frost, Greenwood, Hannah, Leith, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, Patterson, Rolfe, Stuart/Stewart, Smith, Turner, A.Thompson, Walton, Williams, Woodhouse, Ryan, Bernstein, T. Burns, Roberts.
(6) Bernstein, Burns, Coulson, Greenwood, A. Thompson, Ryan did not play.
W. Batters and Bremner played.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, W. Batters, T. Blake, R. Breeze, Bremner, Breeze, R. Frost, B. Hannah, J. Leith, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, W. Patterson, J. Roberts, F. Rolfe, G. Smith, R. Stewart, F. Turner, E. Walton, P. Williams, W. Woodhouse.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; E. Walton, F. Rolfe, W. Patterson
Half backs; G. Smith, Batters ("Ramsay"), Bremner
Centre: Hannah, P. Williams (Capt), Stewart
Half forwards; J. McDonald, Breeze, Leith
Forwards; Turner, Roberts, F. McDonald
Followers; T. Blake, Balharry, R. Frost, W. Woodhouse
Rover; J. Aitken
In: Bremner
Out: Ryan
Umpire; Frank Coffey.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.0 0.3 1.3 4.6
Ess. 2.6 5.6 8.12 9.15
Goals; P. Williams, J. Aitken, J. Roberts, J. Balharry.
Players mentioned; (13) Aitken, Balharry, Tom Blake, Frost, Hannah, Leith, Patterson, Roberts, Smith, Stewart, Turner, P. Williams, Woodhouse.
Plus; (7) W. Batters, Breeze, Bremner, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, F. Rolfe, E. Walton.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton eleventh.
Played 9 Won 2 Lost 7 Drawn 0 Goals For 31 Against 46 Points 8.
July 07
Carlton played Geelong at the M.C.G.
Sleet greeted the Geelong contingent at Spencer street station where the temperature was near freezing. The cold conditions kept many spectators from attending.
The Blues were missing A. Thompson and "Ramsay"/Coulson, M. Blake and Tyrell.
Carlton failed to make use of the wind in the second quarter.
J. D. McDonald's last game for Carlton.
F. McDonald left his kicking boots at home, he scored one goal from five attempts.
The only excitement in this match was in the final term when the Blues put on three goals in ten minutes, by McDonald, Balharry and Aitken and nearly drew the game. However following this, both T. Blake and Leith missed crucial shots at goal.
Carlton team; (23 named)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, T. Blake, R. Breeze, Bremner, F. Bernstein, R. Frost, Flynn, Greenwood, B. Hannah, J. Leith, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, Ramsay/Coulson J. Roberts, R. Stuart/Stewart, G. Smith, F. Turner, A. Thompson, Tyrell, E. Walton, P. Williams, W. Woodhouse.
(6) Bernstein, Flynn, Greenwood, Tyrell, Thompson and Coulson did not play.
(3) J. Burns, F. McDonald, J. McDonald played
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitkens, J. Balharry, T. Blake, R. Breeze, Bremner, J. H. Burns, R. Frost, B. Hannah, J. Leith, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, W. Patterson, J. Roberts, F. Rolfe,
G. Smith, R. Stewart, F. Turner, E. Walton, P. Williams, W. Woodhouse.
Carltbn line-up (Pennings)
Backs; F. Rolfe, Patterson, E. Walton
Half backs; Smith, Bremner, Turner
Centres; Hannah, P. Williams (Capt), Stewart
Half forwards; J. McDonald, Breeze, Leith
Forwards; Burns, F. McDonald, J. Roberts
Followers; T. Blake, Woodhouse, Frost, Balharry
Rover; Aitken
In: Burns
Out: Batters
Umpire; Hallett.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.2 1.5 2.6 5.8
Geel. 2.3 2.4 6.10 6.10
Goals; Aitken 2, Leith, Rolfe, F. McDonald.
The Geelong Advertiser says J. McDonald.
Players mentioned; (16) J. Aitken (BOG), B. Hannah, R. Stewart, P. Williams, F. Rolfe, J. Leith, E. Walton, W. Patterson, R. Breeze, T. Blake, W. Woodhouse, T. Burns, F. McDonald, J. Roberts, G. Smith, J. Balharry.
Plus; Bremner, R. Frost, F. Turner, J. McDonald.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton eleventh.
Played 10 Won 2 Lost 8 Drawn 0 Goals For 36 Against 52 Points 8.
July 07
The Australasian (p18) reported that former Carlton players Jack Lorraine and James 'Jigger' Morehouse, now playing for Fremantle, were suspended for three weeks by the Western Australian Football Association for abusive language towards the field umpire. Fremantle refused to suspend their two players and both played in next week's match, a closely fought win against Rovers. The Western Australian Football Association relatiated by suspending the entire Fremantle Football Club and awarded the match to Rovers.July 13 Friday
The Broadford Courier and Reedy Creek Times published a letter from the V.F.A. secretary and former Carlton delegate and captain, T. S. Marshall.Marshall was replying to an earlier letter to the newspaper on the subject of Australian vs Rugby Football.
To read the letter, click here>
July 14
Carlton played South Melbourne at the South Melbourne C.G.
A few years ago these two teams drew huge crowds.
This day, a horse and cart could have been driven around the inside of the ground and not troubled a spectator.
The poor attendance matched the miserable standard of football.
Ground was in poor condition.
From beginning to end there was only one team in the match, and that was not Carlton.
The Blues were thrashed in every position on the ground, save for the centre line which broke even.
Rolfe on the back line "had plenty of work to do, which he always did well, showing great cleverness in clearing his goal."
The wind did not worry South as they scored at will with it and against it.
Tyrell played his one and only game for the Blues.
Peter Williams and Breeze did not play.
Carlton registered one it's lowest scores for a long time.
Carlton team; (24 named)
J. Aitken, Breeze, J. Balharry, Bremner, J. H. Burns, T. Blake, F. Bernstein, R. Frost, B. Hannah, J. Leith, Loel, F. McDonald, Nicholson, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, J. Roberts, Roberts, R. Stewart, G. Smith, F. Turner, Tyrell, E. Walton, P. Williams, W. Woodhouse.
R. Breeze, Bremner, H. Loel, Nicholson, and P. Williams did not play
Calder and A. Thompson played.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, F. Bernstein, T. Blake, J. Burns, R. Calder, R. Frost, B. Hannah, J. Leith, F. McDonald, W. Patterson, J. Roberts, F. Rolfe, G. Smith, R. Stewart, A. Thompson, F. Turner, Tyrell, E. Walton, W. Woodhouse.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; Rolfe, Roberts, E. Walton
Half backs; Smith, Patterson, Calder
Centre; Hannah, Thompson, Stewart
Half forwards; Leith, Turner, Bernstein
Forwards; J. Burns, F. McDonald, Tyrell
Followers; Blake, Balharry, Frost, Woodhouse
Rover; Aitken
In: Bernstein, Calder, Thompson, Tyrell
Out: Bremner, Breeze, J. McDonald, P. Williams
Umpire; McNab.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.2
S.M. 4.3 6.5 10.7 11.7
Players mentioned; (11) J. Aitken, T. Blake (Capt.), R. Calder, R. Frost, B. Hannah, J. Leith, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, R. Stewart, A. Thompson, W. Woodhouse.
(Plus; (9) J. Balharry, F. Bernstein, J. Burns, F. McDonald, J. Roberts, G. Smith, F. Turner, Tyrell, E. Walton.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton twelfth.
Played 11 Won 2 Lost 9 Drawn 0 Goals For 36 Against 63 Points 8.
July 21
The Australasian (p12) reports;"It will be satisfactory to the 'Varsity to learn that the Carlton Football Club have made arrangements whereby their last three matches, with Essendon, Melbourne, and Williamstown, will be played on the University Cricket-ground. These matches should certainly bring something to the coffers of the University Athletic Association."
July 21
Victoria played South Australia at the M.C.G.
The V.F.A. decreed that every team would have at least one player in the side.
Aitken was the sole Carlton representative.
The Vics thrashed the Croweaters 13.15 - 0.6
Aitken scored 2 goals.
On the Victorian rovers, "Markwell" said,
"Of the three, I feel inclined to award the palm to the brilliant little Carltonian (Aitken) because of the greater earnestness with which he invested his labours."
July 27 Friday
"Coolgardie is booming football now. They dig for gold all the week, and play the game on Sunday. Those who don't play - for the most part - indulge in the fascinating pastime of 'two-up.'(Herald p3)
July 28
Carlton played Collingwood at Victoria Park.
The Argus said,
"Carlton has not yet reached the bottom of it's troubles which disloyalty and disaffection have created.
On Saturday neither P. Williams or A. Thompson appeared to play against Collingwood, and if the committee of the club do not change their minds during the week neither will again be asked to wear Carlton colours".
Tom Blake who was qualifying for a cross country event, did not play.
James Ingram returned from injury.
The Blues twice equalised in the last quarter.
Carlton team; (24 named)
Aitken, Balharry, J. Burns, Brazil, Breeze, Bremner, Bernstein, R. Calder, Frost, Hannah, Leith, McDonald, McDonald, Nicholson, Rolfe, Stuart/Stewart, Smith, Turner, A. Thompson, Paterson, Walton, Woodhouse, P. Williams, Ingram.
(5) F. Bernstein, J. McDonald, Nicholson, A. Thompson and P. Williams did not play.
Knopp/Knatt played
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, W. Brazil, R. Breeze, Bremner, J. Burns, R. Calder, R. Frost, B. Hannah, J. Ingram, Knopp/Knatt, J. Leith, F. McDonald, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, G. Smith, R. Stewart, F. Turner, E. Walton, W. Woodhouse.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; F. Rolfe, R. Calder, E. Walton
Half backs; F. Turner, W. Brazil, J. Ingram
Centre; B. Hannah, W. Patterson, R. Stewart
Half forwards; Bremner, R. Breeze, J. Burns
Forwards; J. Leith, Knatt, F. McDonald
Followers; W. Woodhouse, J. Balharry, R. Frost, G. Smith
Rover; J. Aitken
In: W. Brazil, Breeze, Bremner, J.Ingram, Knatt,
Out: Bernstein, Blake, Roberts, Thompson, Tyrell
Umpire; Trait.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.2 0.4 0.5 2.6
Coll. 1.0 1.2 1.8 3.8
Goals; Frost, Knopp/Knatt.
Players mentioned; (16) Aitken (Capt.), B. Hannah, G. Smith, Woodhouse, Breeze, W. Brazil, Stewart, Patterson, Walton, R. Calder, Rolfe, Frost, Knopp/Knapp, James Ingram, Turner, J. Burns.
Plus; J. Balharry, Bremner, J. Leith, E. Walton.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton twelfth.
Played 12 Won 2 Lost 10 Drawn 0 Goals For 38 Against 65 points 8.
August 04
"Markwell" from The Australasian on last week's match against Collingwood."When will Carlton regain it's lost position in the domain of football?
Certainly not while it's executive continue to place reliance upon men who will only serve them when the humour takes them.
Surely the old club had the right to expect more consideration from Peter Williams, if not from Thompson, and then to be left in the lurch against Collingwood.
I am prepared to admit that it is a strain upon the patriotism of a pair of champions like the players mentioned to be asked to turn up Saturday after Saturday to share defeat with so poor a crew; and were I the Carlton executive they should never again be asked to do their vanity such violence.
They should be given to understand that Carlton no longer requires their services, though they were twenty times the players they are.
What the old club really wants is a team with hearts strong enough to bear up against defeat, and bold enough to keep on struggling even against Fate itself, and if such a team cannot be got together the sooner Carlton retires from the scene altogether the better.
My own impression is that recent defections can be easily supplied, and that the team will gain rather than lose by the exchange.
I am convinced that the game played last Saturday in the absence of the cracks gives warrant for future success."
August 04
Carlton played Richmond on the M.C.G.
Carlton's 100th match at the M.C.G. Won 55, Lost 32, Drawn 10
This match was the battle for the wooden spoon.
Richmond were the favourites to win the game.
A. Thompson was dropped.
Peter Williams was given another chance and returned to captain the side.
The only interest in this game was which of the two teams would be on the lowest rung of the ladder.
At the final bell the Blues had hit rock bottom.
The Dark Blues were badly beaten in the ruck, with Blake about the only Carlton player worth mentioning.
Carlton team; (26 named)
Aitken, Blake, Brazil, Breeze, J. Burns, Balharry, R. Calder, Frost, Hannah, Houston, Heffernan, James Ingram, Loel, Nicholson, Leith, McDonald, McDonald, Paterson, Rolfe, Smith, Stuart/Stewart, Turner, Williams, Walton, Knott, Park.
R. Calder, Houston, Loel, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, R. Stewart did not play.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, T. Blake, W. Brazil, R. Breeze, J. Burns, R. Frost, B. Hannah, Heffernan, J. Ingram, Knatt, J. Leith, Nicholson, J. Park, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, G. Smith, F. Turner, E. Walton, P. Williams.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; E. Walton, F. Rolfe, Patterson
Half backs; Smith, Brazil, Turner
Centre; Hannah, P. Williams (Capt), Nicholson
Half forwards; Burns, Breeze, Leith
Forwards; Knatt, Ingram, Park
Followers; Blake, Balharry, Frost, Heffernan
Rover; Aitkin
In: P. Williams
Umpire; Crebbin.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.0 0.1 1.3 2.5
Rich. 0.1 0.4 1.6 3.6
Goals; Breeze, Balharry.
Players mentioned; (12) J. Aitken, Balharry, T. Blake, W. Brazil, Breeze, Hannah, Leith, Patterson, F. Rolfe,Turner, Walton, P. Williams,
Plus; (8) J. Burns, R. Frost, Heffernan, J. Ingram, Knatt, Nicholson, J. Park, G. Smith.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton thirteenth.
Played 13 Won 2 Lost 11 Drawn 0 Goals For 40 Against 68 points 8
August 11
"The reflections of our Carlton friends over the position of their club must be more or less puzzling. How is it that the Blues have toppled from top to bottom so completely?A lady who lives not far from the sea, and who plays the part of " mine host," puts it that keeping a boarding-house is the back-achn'-ist, fluctuatin-ist business in the world. The Carltonians will be ready to pit the football against the other business in both these particulars, while some of the old committee men will add "heart-achin"-ist" to the catalogue.
It is downright disheartening to see one's old love go so completely to pieces. Now then, you young Carlton fellows, brace yourselves up, and give us old supporters of the club a gleam of hope to carry us through the approaching summer."
(Rover - Weekly Times August 11)
August 11
Carlton played Williamstown at the University Cricket Ground.
The Blues intend to play some home games there, despite what the academics think. The ground is one of the best in the city.
With a number of regular players not available the Blues were forced to play three debutants in this game, Edwards, S. Matthews, and Shearn.
F. McDonald once again wasted shots at goal, all six within range missed.
Shearne scored 2 goals on debut.
"In Rolfe, Carlton possesses a fine dashing youngster, whose capacity for marking over the heads of the throng is undeniable, and their wing man Hannah still has an unbeaten record for the year. Stewart and Patterson helped the latter on Saturday to keep always a point or two in advance of Williamstown's central section. Aitken, captain (pro. tem.) and rover, was in his customary excellent form, whilst Woodhouse, Balharry, Walton, Ingram, Knatt, and a freshman about whose identity there was some confusion, but who kicked a brace of stylish goals, was rather above the level of the ramainer of the company." (Australasian August 18 p18)
Carlton team; (28 named)
Aitken, Balharry, Blake, Breeze, T. Burns, Brazil, Edwards, Frost, Hannah, Houston, Heffernan, James Ingram, Knott/Knatt, Loel, Leith, Matthews, F. McDonald, J. McDonald, Park, Patterson, Rolfe, Smith, Stuart/Stewart, Shearn, Walton, Williams, Woodhouse, Nicholson.
(8) T. Blake, T. Burns, Houston, Loel, J. McDonald, Nicholson, Park and P. Williams did not play.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, W. Brazil, R. Breeze, Edwards, R. Frost, B. Hannah, Heffernan, J. Ingram, Knatt, J. Leith, F. McDonald, S. Matthews, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, Shearn, G. Smith, R. Stewart, E. Walton, W. Woodhouse.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; Leith, Rolfe, Ingram
Half backs; Brazil, E. Walton, Smith
Centre; Breeze, Shearn, Mathews
Half forwards; Edwards, F. McDonald, Knatt
Forwards; Hannah, Patterson, Stewart
Followers; Balharry, Frost, Woodhouse, Heffernan
Rover; J. Aitken (Capt)
Out: P. Williams
Umpire; McCoy.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.3 2.6 3.10 4.12
Will. 0.2 1.4 4.4 6.6
Goals; Shearn 2, Leith, Knatt.
Players mentioned; (14) Aitken (Capt.), Leith, F. McDonald, Hannah, Rolfe, Stewart, Knott, Woodhouse, Patterson, Brazil, Balharry, James Ingram, Walton, Shearn.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton thirteenth.
Played 14 Won 2 Lost 12 Drawn 0 Goals For 44 Against 74 Points 8.
August 18
Carlton had the bye.
August 25
Carlton played Fitzroy at Fitzroy C. G.
Not so long ago the rivalry between these teams was intense, not so now.
Gate takings used to reach £300, now they are £30!
Only ardent supporters of both teams attend.
Only Fitzroy's inaccurate kicking made the Blues score look respectable.
This week, the Blues were without the services of Peter Williams, Tom Blake, Bill Woodhouse, and F. McDonald.
Rolfe made several good high marks, while the Blues played through Aitkin who played .
Carlton team; (23 named)
Aitken, Blake, Breeze, Bernstein, Balharry, Edwards, Frost, Hannah, Heffernan, Houston, James Ingram, Irwin, Knatt/Knopp?, Loel, Leith, McDonald, Mathews, Patterson, Rolfe, Smith, Stuart/Stewart, Walton, Woodhouse.
Blake, Bernstein, McDonald and Woodhouse did not play.
J. Roberts was named in the 23 man squad.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, R. Breeze, Edwards, R. Frost, B. Hannah, Heffernan, Houston, J. Ingram, Irwin, Knatt, J. Leith, H. Loel, S. Matthews, W. Patterson, J. Roberts, F. Rolfe, G. Smith, R. Stewart, E. Walton.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; Smith, Ingram, E. Walton
Half backs; Edwards, Rolfe, Houston
Centres; Stewart, Patterson, Hannah
Half forwards; Breeze, Knatt, Leith
Forwards; Irwin, Loel, Mathews
Followers; Balharry, Heffernan, Frost, Roberts
Rover; Aitken
In: Houston
Umpire; McNab.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.0 1.3 2.4 3.4
Fitz. 2.4 2.6 3.12 5.16
Goals; Houston, Leith, Loel.
Players mentioned; Rolfe, Aitken, Houston, Hannah, Leith, James Ingram, Frost, Herbert Loel, Breeze, Patterson, Richard 'Dick' Stewart.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton thirteenth.
Played 15 Won 2 Lost 13 Drawn 0 Goals For 47 Against 80 Points 8.
September 01
Carlton played Essendon at the University Cricket Ground.
Peter Williams and one or two other players were missing.
Cox made his debut.
The score line says it all, a thrashing.
Essendon's Thurgood kicked 8 goals.
Carlton team; (24 named)
Aitken, Blake, Breeze, T. Burns, Balharry, Bernstein, Edwards, Frost, Hannah, Heffernan, James Ingram, Irwin, Knatt, Leith, Loel, Patterson, Park, Rolfe, Stuart/Stewart, Smith, Shearn, Walton, Woodhouse, Williams.
Blake, T. Burns, Bernstein, Park, Woodhouse, Williams did not play.
Cox and F. McDonald were not named in the 24 man squad.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, R. Breeze, Cox, Edwards, R. Frost, B. Hannah, Heffernan, J. Ingram, Irwin, Knatt, J. Leith, H. Loel, F. Mc Donald, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, Shearne/Shearn, G. Smith, R. Stewart, E. Walton.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; Ingram, Edwards, E. Walton
Half backs; Rolfe, F. McDonald, Irwin
Centre; Stewart, Patterson, Hannah
Half forwards; Smith, Breeze, Leith
Forwards; Loel, Shearne, Knatt
Followers; Balharry, Frost, Heffernan, Cox
Rover; Aitken
Out: Houston
Umpire; Hallett.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.0 3.2 3.2 3.3
Ess. 1.4 6.8 11.13 14.21
Goals; Leith, Loel, Shearn.
Players mentioned;(9) Leith, Balharry, Rolfe, Patterson, Loel, Hannah, Ahearn, Walton, Ingram.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton thirteenth.
Played 16 Won 2 Lost 14 Drawn 0 Goals For 50 Against 94 Points 8.
September 08
The Australasian on last Saturday's match;"What would happen if a cow got on the track? was the question asked the great engineer who constructed the first locomotive, and the reply came quick and apt - "It would be the worse for the cow."
Carlton last Saturday obstructed the line over which the powerful Essendon steam-engine had to pass, and it was all the worse for Carlton.
Their feeble attempt to stay the onward career of the premiers was weaker than it might have been; for Peter Williams and one or two more of the usual team were missing when the "fall in" sounded.
There is no disguising the fact that they were badly beaten, and as the sympathetic "Tracker"* put it when I met him after the game - "Poor old Carlton! that two or three years ago never knew when they were beaten, were the saddest of sorry pictures."
The ball was nearly all day at their end and beyond it.
Thirty-five times it passed their goal line, and only on half a dozen occasions did it reach the Essendon border.
Essendon had by no means had it's strongest twenty in the field."
_* Charlie "Tracker" Forbes, one of the Dons' stars who did not play against the Blues.
September 08
Carlton played Melbourne at the University Cricket Ground.
The Blues were now running short of players willing to play.
Carlton's secretary John 'Jack' Melville, aged 38, had to strip and take the field to make up the numbers.
Carlton team; (25 named)
Aitken, Balharry, Bell, Bernstein, Breeze, R. Calder, Cox, Edwards, Frost, Hannah, Heffernan, James Ingram, Irwin, Leith, Loel, McDonald, Melville, Patterson, Rolfe, Stewart, Shearn, Walton, Woodhouse, Williams, Blake.
(5) Blake, R. Calder, Edwards P. Williams and Woodhouse did not play.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, Bell, F. Bernstein, R. Breeze, Cox, R. Frost, B. Hannah, Heffernan, J. Ingram, Irwin, J. Leith, H. Loel, J. Melville, F. McDonald, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, Shearne, R. Stewart, E. Walton.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; E. Walton, Ingram, Irwin
Half backs; F. McDonald, Rolfe, J. Melville
Centre; Stewart, Patterson, Hannah
Half forwards; Bell, Leith, Breeze
Forwards; Shearne, Loel, Bernstein
Followers; Balharry, Heffernan, Frost, Cox
Rover; J. Aitken (Capt)
In: J. Melville, Bell, Bernstein
Umpire; Schaeffer.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.0 1.1 1.2 2.4
Melb. 4.1 5.3 6.6 6.6
Goals; Loel, Cox.
Players mentioned. (8) Rolfe (Carlton's best), John 'Jack' Melville, Leith, Balharry, Loel, Cox, Hannah, Patterson.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton thirteenth.
Played 17 Won 2 Lost 15 Drawn 0 Goals For 52 Lost 100 Points 8.
September 15
The Australasian's "Markwell" on last week's game;"Last Saturday saw the conclusion of Melbourne's engagements for the year, and a quite and uninteresting finish it was against the weakly modern representatives of their ancient doughty adversaries of Carlton.
It was a dull game in every respect, for there was no bustle amongst the players, and the few disconsolate-looking spectators who hung onto the fence for fear of being swept away by the hurricane, were silent as the sadness of the occasion warranted.
Where were the thousands that in times gone by crowded round to watch the doings of the dear old reds and blues? Alas! Where? "Vanished into air, into thin air, like the insubstantial fabric of a vision."
I had almost said "never again to be re-embodied," but hope clings to me that the time is not far off when Carlton, reassociated, and Melbourne, still in the van, will battle, as of yore, for topmost place, and draw their huge assemblages of interested and delighted patrons.
But the hard fact remains that their meeting last week was patronised by the smallest attendance that ever in the history of the game turned out to see them play.
Carlton had some difficulty in getting twenty men to strip, and the executive were glad, at the last moment, to be able to induce the battered warrior, Jack Melville, to take the field.
To be sure, the form he showed was not what it used to be, but the heart was there as of old, and neither feet nor form failed for want of trying.
His spirit and the spirit of a few more of the old boys infused into the youngsters of to-day would make all the difference.
Just three of the dark-blue team came into special prominence during the day, namely, Rolfe, whose soaring for marks and the sturdiness of whose defence were features of the play; Leith who kicked and played in excellent fashion; and Balharry, concerning whose labours in the ruck his opponents held a very high opinion."
September 15
Carlton played Collingwood at Victoria Park.
The Dark Blues were completely out of the game in the first half.
They put up a bit of an effort in the third quarter scoring three goals to nil.
However, their opponents walked away with the points in the final term.
Carlton team; (25 named)
Aitken, Breeze, Blake, Balharry, Bernstein, Bell, Cox, Edwards, Frost, Hannah, Heffernan, Knatt/Knopp?, Loel, Leith, McDonald, Melville, Patterson, Rolfe, Roberts, Stuart/Stewart, Smith, Shear, Walton, Woodhouse, Williams.
J. Breeze, Blake, Edwards, McDonald, Woodhouse and Williams did not play.
James Ingram was not named in the 25 man squad.
Carlton's Starting 20 (Mark Pennings)
J. Aitken, J. Balharry, Bell, F. Bernsein, Cox, R. Frost, B. Hannah, Heffernan, J. Ingram, Knatt, J. Leith, H. Loel, McNamara, J. Melville, W. Patterson, F. Rolfe, Shearne, G. Smith, R. Stewart, E. Walton.
Carlton line-up (Pennings)
Backs; Bell, Rolfe, E. Walton
Half backs; McNamara, Ingram, Smith
Centres; Hannah, Patterson, Stewart
Half forwards; Leith, Knatt, Melville
Forwards; Bernstein, Loel, Shearn
Followers; Cox, Balharry, Frost, Heffernan
Rover; Aitken
In: McNamara,
Out: Irwin
Umpire; Molyneaux
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.0 0.1 3.1 3.1
Coll. 2.3 4.7 4.8 8.9
Goals; Hannah, Balharry, Leith.
Players mentioned; (8) Aitken, Hannah, Rolfe, Balharry, Patterson, James Ingram, Leith, Stewart.
V.F.A. Ladder; Carlton thirteenth.
Played 18 Won 2 Lost 16 Drawn 0 Goals For 55 Against 108 Points 8.
SENIOR GAMES PLAYED - 50 Players in 18 Matches.
18: E. Walton, W. Patterson, B. Hannah, F. Rolfe, J. Aitken, J. Frost.17: J. Leith, R. Stewart, J. Balharry
16: G. Smith
15: F. McDonald
13: J. Ingram
12: W. Woodhouse, T. Blake,
11: P. Williams, Breeze
10: J. McDonald
9: Turner
8: A. Thompson
6: Knatt, Heffernan, Burns
5: F. Bernstein
4: H. Loel, Roberts, Shearn
3: Irwin, Edwards, Brazil, Bremner, D. Greenwood, Gallagher, Polykett, Cox, J. Park
2: Bell, Jack Melville, Batters, T. O'Brien, Mathews, Calder
1: R. Cameron, A. Warren, W. Warren, McNamara, Houston, Nicholson, Coulson, Tyrell, Ryan
Leith 12, F. McDonald 9, Aitken 4, Rolfe, Woodhouse, Breeze 3, Balharry 2, Loel 2, Blake, Cox, Frost, Hearen, Knopp, Knatt?, Houston, Lad?, Roberts, Shearn, P. Williams, Smith, Hannah, Thompson 1.(Melbourne Punch)
September 17 Monday
"Last on the list comes the once mighty Carlton, who cut a very inglorious figure with a record of only two victories out of 18 matches.The team is composed almost entirely of young players, and until the Carlton executive succeed in getting a home ground for the club which they can call their home there is not much chance of them retaining their men from one season to another, and until they can do this they can have no possible show of competing successfully for the premiership."
Leith was 21st. on the VFA goal kicking list, he was the Blues top goal scorer with 11 goals.
"Follower" of the Leader reproduced in the Age (p6)"The football season of 1894 was brought to a conclusion with the sound of the bell at 5 o'clock last Saturday afternoon, and in accordance with the usual custom I present a resume of the doings of the several teams during the winter months.
Firstly, it must be granted that the season just passed has not been as successful as could have been wished. This fact is to be ascribed to two causes - the super-excellence of Essendon and the great preponderance of ruck play. The first cause is a matter for regret, which is all that can well be said about it; nobody, of course, can blame Essendon for being so much stronger than their rivals.
A very different note is struck, however, when the question of ruck play is considered. As now played, everything is subordinated to the followers, and, as was pointed out in my review of season 1893, there is now an almost entire absence of those long, dodgy runs and long kicks that used to be the features of the Australian game.
It is at best but a melancholy satisfaction to find the evil foretold at that period greatly accentuated at the close of this season, and the association should endeavor to frame some laws to prevent the game from degenerating to a scamble in the ruck, where a subversion of the general rule is often seen, and brute strength prevails over science.
To my mind 20 men aside on the circumscribed grounds the game is now played on are too many, and were the number reduced to, say, 15, and the ruck limited to three, it would cause the play to be more open. A modification of the Rugby "off side" rule might also with great advantage be applied to the Australian game as at present played. There is not degeneration in the men who play the game; it is the mode in which it is played that needs looking into; and if the association would transfer a little of it's parental anxiety from the players to the play there is no doubt it could frame some much needed regulations that would restore some of the fast waning prestige to Victoria's national winter pastime."
"It is to regretted that another season has been allowed to pass without anything being done in regard to the scoring of behinds. To have them signalled and recorded without any bearing on the score is anomalous, and many will doubtless agree with me that they should be given some tangible valuable or abolished altogether. If they must be retained let them count as points in favor of the team gaining them, and insititute a method of scoring similar to the Rugby game, giving say 2 points for a behind and 5 for a goal. At present a team scoring a behind actually impose a handicap upon themselves, as it gives their opponents virtually a free kick, without any compensating advantage to them."
For the first time since the club's formation in 1864 Carlton finished last.
Carlton did break a 15 game losing streak in Round 3.
Now the Blues have lost the last 12 games in the 1894 season.
September 22
The Australasian it's very brief review of Carlton's season, mentions;
"Aitken, Rolfe, Leith, Balharry, Blake, Hannah, and at times Peter Williams, have done their best on behalf of Carlton."
September 22
A composite VFA team played this year's premiers Essendon.Carlton's Brook Hannah and Fred Rolfe were selected in the combine, which was captained by Collingwood's, and former Blues' captain, Billy Strickland.
The combination all wore their club colours.
Hannah played on the wing.
£66 ($132) was raised for charity.
Umpire; Frank Coffey
The VFA Combine won.
Ess. 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.7
Com. 1.4 2.5 5.9 5.11
October 10 WednesdayThe South Australian Register October 11 (p7) reporting on the replay of the Norwood - South Adelaide match for the 1894 premiership carried some interesting statistics.
Norwood; 7, 13, 5, 4 - Total 29South Adelaide; 11, 6, 2, 9 - Total 28
Norwood; 11, 20, 5, 17 - Total 53South Adelaide; 19, 8, 23, 6 - Total 56
Out of Bounds:
17, 17, 25, 28 - Total 87Ball Ups:
4, 5, 11, 4 - Total 24This was the second "Grand Final" to have been played in South Australia.
The first one was back in 1889 between Norwood and Port Adelaide when both teams finished the season with the same number of wins/losses/draws and goals kicked.
The Carlton Story. Hugh Buggy and Harry Bell. Pages.73, 74, 259.
Mullin’s Footballers Australian Almanac of 1951. Page 66.
The Rivalry. Michael Roberts. Page. 52.
Histroy of the Carlton Football Club. Brian Hansen, p87.
The Argus 1894 editions.
The Carlton Gazette 1894 editions.
The Fitzroy City Express, 1894 editions.
The Herald 1894 editions.
The Australasian, 1894 editions.
The Age, 1894 editions.
The Inquirer & Commercial News (W.A.), 1894 editions.
The Record (Emerald Hill), 1894 editions.
Weekly Times, 1894 editions.
The South Australian Register, 1894 editions.
Mark Pennings' records.