Season 1892


Carlton Captain. W. Walton.
Vice Captain. E. Sutton.
President. A. Gillespie.
Secretary. J. Melville
Premiership Games Played. 20. Won 12 Lost. 7 Drew. 1.
Goals Scored 83 for. 71 against.
Goal Scorers. J.Geddes 15. George Williams 12.
Second Twenty Captain. William Hannah

1892 Membership Ticket

1892 V.F.A. Ladder

Pos TeamPlayed WinsLosses DrawsGoals For Goals Against%
6South Melbourne21984918544.00
7Port Melbourne209101768839.90
11North Melbourne2041425511421.00

1892 Second Twenty Ladder

Pos TeamPlayed WinsLosses DrawsPoss Points Points Scored%
1South Melbourne20 1721807070.00
4North Melbourne197120762829.47
7Port Melbourne173140681214.11

Fitzroy disbanded it's Second Twenty, players not selected in the seniors played for the Fitzroy Juniors.


1892 V.F.A. Fixture.

May 07 Collingwood at Victoria Park.
May 14 Richmond at Punt Road.
May 21 Port Melbourne at M.C.G.
May 24 Collingwood at Victoria Park.
May 28 North Melbourne at North Melbourne.

June 04 Fitzroy at M.C.G.
June 11 Bye; South Ballarat at Ballarat.
June 18 Geelong at M.C.G.
June 25 Victoria vs South Australia.

July 02 Essendon at East Melbourne.
July 09 South Melbourne at M.C.G.
July 16 St.Kilda at St.Kilda.
July 23 North Melbourne at M.C.G.
July 30 Williamstown at the Warehousemen's Ground.

August 06 Essendon at M.C.G.
August 13 Footscray at Warehousemen's Ground.
August 20 Melbourne at M.C.G.
August 27 Fitzroy at Fitzroy.

September 03 Richmond at Punt Road.
September 10 South Melbourne at South Melbourne.
September 17 Geelong at Geelong.
September 24 Collingwood at Victoria Park.


1892 Carlton Teams.
Some details are missing, especially Second Twenty/Reserves teams and results.
If anyone has these could they please contact Blueseum.

March 22
The Camperdown Chronicle reports;
"Carlton Football Club annual balance sheet has receipts amounting to £1253 5s 3d ($2506.54), and yet there is only a credit balance of £11 14s 6d ($23.45)."

March 25
The Argus reports of the Carlton F. C. AGM.
Office bearers elected;
Patrons; Colonel Robertson, Cr. Pigdon, Major Ballenger, Mr. E. Latham.
President; Mr. A. Gillespie.
Vice presidents; Messrs J. Gardiner MLA, A. Gunn, J. S. Henderson, W. Ievers jun., J. Moloney.
Committee; Messrs, Hutchison, Bailey, James M. Irons, Hemsworth, Donaldson, Strickland, McCutchan, McMurtie, Moloney.
Hon. Secretary; Mr. J. Melville.
Hon. Treasurer; Mr. M. B. Hearne.
Captain; Mr. W. J. Walton.
Vice captain; Mr. E. Sutton.
(The Argus March 26 1892 p11)
Mr. W. Donaldson retired as hon. secretary, see April 30.
Illuminated address for long service presented to E. Sutton (formerly of the Castlemaine Club)

April 09
Carlton played a practice match at Princes Oval.

Carlton Second Twenty played North Carlton Juniors at Royal Park
Carlton team; (28 named)
Adams, Ashton, Burston, Brodie, Barton, Carsons, Cook, Crapp, Chapman, Cummins, Dean, Farley, Grant, Hodge, Hannah, Kelly, Lemon, Monk, Miller, Minogue, Maplestone, Mitchell, Price, Randall, Stewart, Shaw, Taylor, Terry.
Result unknown

April 16
Carlton played Carlton Juniors at the Brunswick C. G.
Carlton team; (27 named)
Ashton, Brodie, Buzolich, J. Bowen, J. Bowen, Bannister, Bosworth, D'Olivera, Gill, Geddes, Hannah, Kerr, Luxon, Manuels, McCallum, McLeod, McOwan, O'Dea, Roberts, Richardson, Simpson, Strickland, Turner, Thurgood, Thomson, Toll, Walton. (Capt.)
No result details.

April 19


By Nunquam Dormio*


Our toeballers are girding up their loins, and as a matter of course the druggists are getting their oils and lotions and embrocations in readiness, whilst the genus barracker are getting their lungs up to the proper concert pitch. There's only one little fly in the oinment at present, and that is the discovery that a Bloomer was committed when the number of clubs forming the senior association was raised from 12 to 13.
The thing was not done hurriedly either, and that makes it all the more remarkable it should have escaped the notice of the majority. A leading junior club, named Britannia, had tried unsucessfully for a couple of years to get into the senior ranks; but it wasn't till a Bob Best (an M.L.A., but as a decent fellow as you would find in a twelvemonth and a day, so to speak) interested himself in their favour that they stood even the proverbial dog's show. But on the President of the V.F.A. casting a favourable eye on their appeal the Secretary of the Association (Theophilis S. Marshall) set his napper to work, and a Committee of Inspection was appointed to visit the Victoria Park, the headquarters of the proposed Collingwood Football Club.
The visit of inspection was a perfect farce; the thing was all cut and dried, as the office bearers of the Brittania F.C. had pledged themselves to pay twenty-five guineas into the coffers of the V.F.A. in consideration of being allowed to join its ranks. But however, the farce was gone through, and facts and figures demanded as if the committee weren't aware in the slightest degree of the "consideration" to be received. It was a first-class exemplification of the Anglo-Bengalee Disinterested Loan and Life Insurance Company over again. You remember in "Martin Chuzzelwit," where the Medical Officer of the company, Dr. Jobling, was wont to bolt abruptly out of the board room, and proceed, in his own official department, to impress the lives in waiting with a sense of his keen conscientiousness in the discharge of his duty, and the great difficulty of getting into the Anglo-Bengalee; by feeling their pulses, looking at their tongues, listening at their ribs, poking them in their chest, and so forth, though if he didn't well know beforehand that, whatever kind of lives they were, the Anglo-Bengalee would accept them readily, he was far from being the Jobling that his friends considered him, and was not the original Jobling, but a spurious imitation.
Well, the committee of inspection passed the Collingwood Football Club, and the Collingwood Football Club having passed the coin, all went merry as a wedding bell - until (and now comes the big ("Until") - it was discovered that thirteen clubs couldn't possibly play two matches against each other on twenty-one afternoons. But the majority of them got airily over that difficulty by averaging from 19 to 21 matches with each other, and left poor little Collingwood out in the cold with only 17. And the rule says that a club must engage in at at least 18 senior matches to on the Premiership list, and so there were - where were they? "Oh" said the solons of the Association, "this won't do. You clubs mustn't have 21 matches and Collingwood only 17; you must cancel some of your engagements and let them come in. Here, Melbourne, take off so and so, and so and so, and so and so."
And behold the Secretary of Melbourne did as he was desired; but still Collingwood fell short, because Fitzroy and Geelong scooped up their quantum, of which they had been short before. And when it was all over it was discovered that the Melbourne team, under the new arrangement, will only meet Carlton, South Melbourne, Fitzroy and Geelong once during the ensuring season, and the wail is loud in the football land, that the Premiership is a gift to them. But for once I don't think so.
(Inquirer & Commercial News Perth April 30 1892 p3)
.*Nunquam Dormio was the pen name for George F. Bowen who was one of 8 men who founded the Carlton Football Club and was an original player and committeeman.

April 22 Friday
VFA meeting.
The VFA balance sheet showed that the Association had donated 120 pounds ($240) to various charities in Melbourne and the suburbs.

April 23
Carlton (21) played Brunswick (24) at the University C. G.
A good attendance with all the gate money (£6 2s 6d) going to the 'Wicks.
Walton captained the Blues who kicked to the eastern goal, the game got underway at 3.30pm.
21 Carlton players played to give as many of the juniors a go. Billy Strickland played for his old club Brunswick.
"There was one or two of the Brunswick men also who stood out prominently, and as I noticed Sam English (the Carlton trainer), Jack Melville (the sec.), Sir Herky (the adipose), and several others of the acknowledged cognoscenti taking notes, more is likely to come of it.
One thing was manifest, that being the fact that never during the eight-and-twenty years of its existence has the Carlton Football Club had such an influx of aspiring football talent offer itself on approval."
(Olympus Melbourne Punch April 28)
Roberts and Alsop kicked the two first quarter goals, Williams and Thompson scored in the second term,
Carlton team; (29 named)
Aston, Aylwin, Alsop, Brodie, Bosworth, Bowen, Cummings, Davis, D'Olivera, Gill, Geddes, Keenan, Kerr, Lemon, F. Manuels, Morgan, Mitchell, Memmott, McOwan, McLeod, O'Connor, Roberts, Richardson, Simpson, Strickland, Sutton, William 'Herbie' Turner, Thompson, Walton. (Capt.)
Carlton won;
Carl. 2.2 4.3 4.? 4.10
Brun. 1.0 1.1 1.? 1.2
Goals; Roberts, Fred Alsop, Williams, Thompson.
Players mentioned; Fred Alsop, J. J. Bowen (ex Camberwell), Thomas Keenan, Thompson, Roberts, Williams, "Carbine" Simpson, Sutton, Walton
Two thirds of the Carlton side were juniors.

Carlton Second Twenty played Fitzroy Wanderers at Princes Oval
Carlton team; (28 named)
Adams, Ashton, Burston, Brodie, Barton, Carsons, Cook, Crapp, Chapman, Cummins, Dean, Farley, Grant, Hodge, Hannah, Kelly, Lemon, Monk, Miller, Minogue, Maplestone, Mitchell, Price, Randall, Stewart, Shaw, Terry, Taylor.

April 25 Monday


Melbourne v Richmond, South Melbourne vs North Melbourne, Williamstown v Port Melbourne, Carlton v Essendon, St.Kilda a bye.
Contests will be held each night this week.
Doors open at 7pm, a first class band will be playing and admission is 1/- (10c)
10 men per side
Essendon defeated Carlton after a struggle lasting 25 minutes and 7.5 seconds.

April 26 Tuesday
Tug-Of-War at the Exhibition Buildings.
Carlton defeated St.Kilda. 10 minutes 15.75 seconds.
The Essendon vs Richmond contest lasted 1 hour 19 minutes and 48 seconds!

April 27 Wednesday
Tug-Of-War at the Exhibition Buildings.
South Melbourne defeated Carlton. 38 minutes 13 seconds.

April 28 Thursday
Tug-Of-War at the Exhibition Buildings
Melbourne defeated Carlton. 9 minutes 30 seconds.

April 29 Thursday
Tug-Of-War at the Exhibition Building.
Williamstown defeated Carlton. zero minutes 42 seconds.

April 30 Friday
Completion of the Tug-Of-War at the Exhibition Buildings.
Won by North Melbourne who were undefeated, then Williamstown, and South Melbourne.
Winners received £120, £80, and £50.
Each losing team received £24.

April 30 Friday
G. Williams fronted the VFA Annual Meeting held at Young & Jacksons Hotel. He had been reported by Umpire Roy and was found guilty of rough play in last season's match against Melbourne. Williams received a reprimand.

April 30
Carlton played the Next 23 at the University C. G.
Alsop ex Camberwell Juniors
Carlton team; (28 named)
Aitken, Aylwin, Fred Alsop, Brewer, J. Bowen, Bosworth, George A. Davis, D'Olivera, Gill, Geddes, Thomas Keenan, Kinnane, F. Manuels, Memmott, Henry Mitchell, McOwan, McKechnie, O'Connor, Roberts, Strickland, Simpson, Smart, Sutton, William 'Herbie' Turner, Thompson, Warren, P. Williams, Walton. (Capt.)
Next 23 team; (38 named)
Adams, Ashton, Burston, Brodie, Barton, Bowen, Barclay, Carsons, Carlyle, Cook, Crapp, Chapman, Cummins, Dean, Duffus, Grant, Hodge, Hanlon, Hannah, Kelly, Monk, Miller, Minogue, Mitchell, Price, Randall, Ryan, Riley, Shaw, Scotson, Stewart, Stuart, Speakman, Taylor, Terry, Weir, Woods, Williams.
Due to heavy rain the match was abandoned at half time.
The scores were Carlton First 20, 6.4 - Next 23, 2.1
Carl; Alsop 3, Roberts, Matherson, Williams
Next 25; H. Williams, unknown

April 30


The Australasian commenting on the lack of recognition from the recent VFA meeting to Mr. Donaldson when the Association praised the services of a retiring Essendon delegate.
"Similar kind words should have been uttered on behalf of Mr. W. Donaldson, the esteemed Carltonian, whose long and most meritorious innings as hon. secretary to the dark blues terminated admist well merited applause at the annual general meeting of the club a week or two ago."

April 30


The Australasian;
"In the struggle for matches it was to be expected that the newcomers from Collingwood should be placed at a disadvantage, and it was not surprising to learn that they had been able to secure only 17 games, and were thus practically excluded from competing for premiership honours.
However, the good sense of delegates at a subsequent meeting of the association, aided by the magnanimity of Carlton and South Ballarat, enabled them to secure their proper compliment; and though perhaps it would have been more satisfactory had they been set against Fitzroy twice, rather than against Carlton three times, they are grateful for the consideration shown them, and they deem themselves fortunate in having been vouchsafed a right to claim first honours should they come out on top."

May 02 Monday


The Argus reports;
"The M.C.C., for example, has broken up a business partnership with Carlton, and once more taken the Melbourne Football Club under it's control, so far, it must be confessed, very much to the advantage of the latter body."
To read this article and other football matters in The Argus;
Click here> http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page297161

May 02


Melbourne's population 489,185; Sydney 390,000
Trove: Prahran Telegraph (p2)

May 05


"I have heard a pig's whisper that a certain proprietary of a racecourse have already twigged the small cloud, the size of a policeman's foot, on the football horizon, and have thrown out overtures for the Carlton boys to transfer their trysting-ground to ............ but that's telling."
(Melbourne Punch p11)

May 07
The Argus;
"From Carlton the names of such well known players as Batters, Bailey, Currie, Hutchison, Keane, Morehouse, Spedding, and White are absent, but as they are not seeking permits they have either retired or are standing out in order to give new men a trial. If the latter is the case it would appear to indicate that Carlton are pretty confident of beating the new seniors even without their best twenty.
The team is understood to have been considered strengthened forward by the new additions, Allsop, a Camberwell junior, being put in as a goal sneak."

Geoff Moriarty has applied for a transfer to Fitzroy, the VFA Permit Committee is considering the application.

Mercury & Weekly Courier May 05

May 07
Opening round of the 1892 Premiership season.
Carlton played Collingwood at Victoria Park.
The Blues were missing their ruck trio of Currie, Moorhouse and McKechnie.
The very first V.F.A. game for the former Britannia, now Collingwood club.
The Blues came to the Magpies' aid when they did not have enough matches (18) to qualify for the VFA premiership.
Carlton stepped in and fixtured an extra match.
This was in fact a Carlton home game, and the Blues donated the gate takings to the new club.
The Carlton players were cheered onto the ground by all the spectators for the club's gracious generosity.
The Collingwood City Council has provided a playing surface that is very suitable for football.
Embankments have been constructed around the ground and a grandstand is being built.
Crowd; 15,000. Takings: 159 pounds
Players changed in the nearby Yarra Hotel.
At half time a tent was set on the ground for the players to rest and to rubbed down.
Collingwood's team is largely comprised of juniors with 7 players with senior experience.
Their colours are described in The Argus as "Black and white diagonal stripes". Printer's error?
The black and white design is not unique.
The South Australians wore black and white vertical stripes, white shorts and black socks, in a match against Victoria on June 13 1891.
One of the newspapers said the South Australians were wearing the uniform of an undertaker!
Victoria Park's playing surface was soft and slippery.
The Blues continued their old ways of wasting opportunities in front of goal.
A very close and rough game in which the newcomers, with a bit of luck, may have won.
Walton played on despite a broken finger.
Carlton tended to play the man rather than the ball, and one report said the umpire should have reported one or two offenders.
New players; Alywin (South St.Kilda), Alsop (Camberwell), Bowen (Surrey Hills), Davis (Port Arlington), Manuels (South St.Kilda), Keenan (Carlton Juniors), Turner (Scotch College), Mitchell (South St.Kilda), Gill.
Bosworth, Gill, Thomas Keenan, F. Manuels, Henry Mitchell and McKechnie did not play.
Carlton team; (26 named)
Aitken, Fred Alsop, Alywin, J. Bowen, Bosworth, C. Coulson, George A. Davis, Fullarton, Geddes, Gill, Thomas Keenan, F. Manuels, Henry Mitchell, Mathieson, McOwan, McKechnie, Roberts, Richardson, William Strickland, Sutton, Simpson, William 'Herbie' Turner, Thomson, Walton (Capt.), G. Williams, P. Williams.
Umpire; W. Hayes.
The Mercury Courier Weekly's report on the following Thursday (12th.), published a very rare team line up.
Backs; McAwon/McOwen, Sutton, Coulson.
Half Backs; Angwyn/Alywin, Walton, P. Williams.
Centre; Simpson, Strickland, Bowen.
Half Forwards; Richardson, G. Williams, Mathieson.
Forward; Aitken, Roberts, Allsop.
Followers; George A. Davis, Geddes, Fullarton, Thompson.
Rover; Turner.
(20 players on the field)
Carlton won;
Carl. 1.3 2.4 3.6 3.13
Coll. 0.2 1.5 1.9 2.11
Goals; Geddes 2, Mathieson.
Best; McOwan, Simpson, Geddes, Jack Roberts, Strickland, Peter Williams, Sutton.
Players mentioned; (20) Aitken, Fred Alsop, Alywin, Balharry, J. Bowen, Coulson, Fullarton, Geddes, Mathieson, McOwan, Richardson, Roberts, Simpson, Strickland, Sutton, Thompson, Turner, Walton, G. Williams, P. Williams.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton second.
Played 1 Won 1 Lost 0 Drawn 0 Goals For 3 Against 2 Points 4.

Carlton Second Twenty played South Melbourne at the Lake Oval
The team met at Kelly's Lygon Street, 2.30 sharp.
Carlton team; (26 named)
Adams, Ashton, Brewer, Burston, Barclay, Bowen, Carson, Cook, Crapp, Chapman, Cummings, Grant, Hannah, Hanlon, Kelly, Miller, Mitchell, Price, Ryan, Riley, Stewart, Speakman, Stuart, Smart, Woods, Williams
No details

May 07


The Australasian;
"It is very much to be regretted that many of our senior clubs manifest no interest whatever in what should be an object of some solicitude with them, namely, the establishment and maintenance of second twenties.
I learn from the last annual report of the Second Twenty Association that it was only with the greatest difficulty the association managed last year to carry out a programme of matches.
Melbourne, St. Kilda, Geelong, and Port Melbourne are justly censured for having given their second teams so little encouragement that the latter were compelled to disband.
The report states that as early as the month of May last year the Melbourne team, without giving any warning whatever, retired from the competition, and they were speedily followed by the other clubs mentioned.
There were thus left only eight teams to carry on the competition, and even these were reduced by two and sometimes more on certain Saturdays towards the close of the season.
In the old days the second twenty of a club was the training-school from which the ranks of the first were recruited, and it is more than a pity that this custom has, like a good many others equally sound, been allowed to fall into disuse."
See June 4, and Second Twenty Ladder at top of this page (only 7 clubs competed)

May 11 Wednesday
The Coburg Leader reported that Brunswick players Fullarton and Hartley are going to play with Carlton.

May 14
Carlton played Richmond at the Richmond C. G.
A fine day drew a large crowd to the game. (One report said 9,000)
The Punt Road ground was too small for the crowd.
Carlton expected to "run over" Richmond, but the Yellows proved worthy opponents.
Sutton captained the Blues. Walton injured hand
The Sporting Judge, May 21, said;
"Carlton do not seem to have got into one another's ways. Their play, so far, has not been what we expected, and their attempts at goal kicking especially last Saturday, has been simply sickening. Fraser (Port Melb) will give you a lesson today.
They have a number of brilliant players, Sutton in particular, but some of them we regret to say, were extremely rough last Saturday. If these players cannot contol themselves against Richmond, how will things be when they meet their friends, the Fitzroy?"
"Carlton deserved to lose because of their atrociously feeble attempts at goal-kicking. The fluke that emanated from Richardson's toe and made it 'three all' within five minutes of the finish, as decidedly rough luck for the local team. And then Brodie added insult to injury, and defeat to darned impertinence by putting up the winning goal with nearly as big a fluke." (Sportsman May 17 p6)
This week the Blues played 11 players from last season, plus 9 juniors.
Carlton team; (25 named)
Alywin, Fred Alsop, J. Bowen, Brodie, Curran, Coulson, Deane, Fullarton, Geddes, Gill, Thomas Keenan, F. Manuels, Mathieson, Henry Mitchell, McKechnie, McOwan, Roberts, Richardson, Sutton (capt.), Simpson, Strickland, William 'Herbie' Turner, Thomson, G. Williams, P. Williams.
Aitken, Fred Alsop injured, J. Bowen, Curran and Gill did not play.
Umpire; Alessio.
Carlton won;
Carl. 0.0 1.5 2.6 4.8
Rich. 1.0 2.0 3.1 3.4
Goals; Roberts, Geddes, Richardson, Brodie.
Players mentioned (20); approx team line up.
Back; Sutton, McOwan, and Coulson.
Half Back; Alywin, P. Williams, Mathieson.
Centre; Simpson, Strickland and Fullarton.
Half Forward; Deane, Roberts, and G. Williams.
Forward; Brodie, Richardson, F. Manuels.
Followers; Currie, Geddes, Thomas Keenan, Thompson.
Rover; Turner.
(20 players on the field)
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton second.
Played 2 Won 2 Lost 0 Drawn 0 Goals For 7 Against 5 Points 8.


By a Blue Barracker

"Richmond leads us by a goal!
Never mind! We'll stay, they'll tire;
Watch us now! Fill high the bowl!
Carlton's snatched it from the fire!"
(Sportsman May 17 p6)

Carlton Second Twenty played South Melbourne at Princes Oval.
Two weeks in a row Carlton played the same team. Is this due to the lack of Second Twenty teams?
Carlton team; (28 named)
Adams, Brewer, Bowen, Cameron, Carlyle, Cook, Crapp, Chapman, Cummings, Duffus, Grant, Hastings, Hannah, Hanlon, Kelly, Monk, Minogue, Mitchell, Price, Shaw, Stewart, Stuart, Speakman, Smart, Terry, Weir, Woods, Williams.

May 21
Carlton played Port Melbourne at the M.C.G.
The Blues kicked to the railway end.
Port scored the first two goals, but the Blues soon assumed the upper hand.
McKechnie shouldered the ruck work and scored 4 goals.
George Williams also 4 goals, and Simpson played a dashing game.
Fullarton played well.
Coulson was too good for Port's Fraser.
Carlton team; (26 named)
Aitken, Alywin, Fred Alsop, J. Bowen, Brodie, Currie, Coulson, Deane, George A. Davis, Fullarton, Geddes, Thomas Keenan, Henry Mitchell, Mathieson, McOwan, McKechnie, Roberts, Richardson, Sutton, Simpson, Strickland, William 'Herbie' Turner, Thompson, Walton, P. Williams, George Williams.
Alsop, Bowen, Deane, Mitchell, Mathieson, Thompson did not play.
Carlton team line-up (M. P.)
Backs; McOwan, Sutton, Coulson
Half backs; Aylwin, Walton (Capt.), P. Williams
Centre; Turner, Strickland, Aitken
Half forwards; Fullarton, Roberts, G. Williams
Forwards; Davis, Brodie, Keenan
Followers; Currie, McKechnie, Geddes, Richardson
Rover; Simpson
Umpire; Shaw.
Carlton won;
Carl. 0.2 4.8 6.9 10.12
Port. 2.2 2.3 3.5 4.5
Goals; McKechnie 4, G. Williams 4, Currie, Richardson.
Players mentioned; (17) Aitken, Brodie, Coulson, Currie, Fullarton, Geddes, Thomas Keenan, McKechnie, McOwan, Richardson, Roberts, Simpson, Strickland, Sutton, Billy Walton, G. Williams, P. Williams. (plus Aylwin, Davis, Turner)
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton third.
Played 3 Won 3 lost 0 Drawn 0 Goals For 17 Against 9 Points 12.

May 24 Tuesday Queen's Birthday Holiday.
Carlton played Collingwood at Victoria Park.
A magnificent day for football, the match started at 11am.
The new comers are yet to win a game.
Crowd; 4,000
It was reported in The Sydney Morning Herald that players of all teams this day wore red crepe on their left arm as mark of respect to those members of the Mornington Football Club who died in the Mornington Disaster, May 21. (see June 8)
Flags were flown at half mast at all football grounds as a mark of respect.
Sporting Judge;
"There was abundance of free kicks given against Carlton.
Carbine Simpson showed a clean pair of heels, Billy Strickland was very prominent, and that there is life in the old warrior yet?
Gib Currie went to work with great determination.
Why the players do not play a bit more to Allsop?"
Brodie, Deane, Geddes did not play.
Richardson played.
Carlton team; (22 named)
Aitken, Fred Alsop, Alexander, Brodie, Coulson, Currie, Davies, Deane, Fullarton, Geddes, Thomas Keenan, McKechnie, McOwan, Mathieson, Strickland, Sutton, Simpson, William 'Herbie' Turner, Thompson, Walton, P. Williams, G. Williams.
Brodie & Deane did not play.
'Alexander' was Danny Hutchison playing under an assumed named.
Mark Pennings records Brodie as rover.
Umpire; J. J. Trait.
Goal umpires; Drew, Barrass. (former Blues?)
The Mercury and Weekly Courier in their match report, once again published the team line up.
Backs; McOwen, Sutton, Coulson.
Half Back; 'Alexander'/Hutchison, Walton, P. Williams.
Centre; Simpson, Strickland, Fullarton.
Half Forward; Aitken, Thompson, G. Williams.
Forward; Mathieson, Fred Alsop, Keenan.
Follower; Currie, McKechnie, Richardson, Davies/Davis.
Rover; Turner (Herald), (Brodie - Mark Pennings)
Carlton won;
Carl. 2.1 6.6 7.7 7.7
Coll. 0.1 0.1 2.2 3.5
Goals; McKechnie 2, Fred Alsop, Mathieson, G. Williams, Thomas Keenan, Davies.
Players mentioned; (11) McKechnie (BOG), Simpson, Fred Alsop, Strickland, Currie, McOwan, Sutton, Coulson, P. Williams, Aitken, G. Williams.
Others that played; (9) Alexander, Walton, Fullarton, Thompson, Mathieson, Thomas Keenan, Richardson, Davies, Turner (or Brodie)
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton third.
Played 4 Won 4 Lost 0 Drawn 0 Goals For 24 Against 12 Points 16.

May 26 Thursday


"Football under Victorian rules is slowly but surely dying out in Sydney. Year by year the game is played in a more perfunctory sort of way. To add to this decadence also, I notice the St.Ignatius boys have turned the Australian game up this year and fallen back on Rugby.
Here in Victoria the Rugby Union has had to be disbanded."
(Olympus, Melbourne Punch p11)

May 28
Carlton played North Melbourne at North Melbourne.
Despite the weather, a good crowd attended.
"The Gluepot" as the ground is known was in poor condition, a waterlogged ball made scoring difficult.
Strickland said "it was like kicking a brick"
"Gib Currie kicked a splendid goal."
McOwan, Sutton, and Coulson defended well.
"George Williams wears a most bewitching smile when he kicks a goal."
"Hensley kicked a great angular goal for Carlton towards the finish, but a Northern finger grazed the leather, and a splendid kick became a one flag affair."
(Sportsman May 31 p6)
Bill Hensely made his debut at 15 years 223 days!
Carlton team; (25 named)
Aitken, Fred Alsop, Alywin, Brodie, Currie, Coulson, Davies, Fullarton, Geddes, Hensley, Thomas Keenan, Mathieson, Moorhouse, McKechnie, McOwan, Roberts, Richardson, Sutton, Simpson, Strickland, Spedding, William 'Herbie' Turner, P. Williams, G. Williams, Walton.
Carlton team line-up (M. P.)
Backs; McOwan, Sutton, Coulson
Half backs; Aylwin, Walton (Capt.), P. Williams
Centres; Simpson, Strickland, Spedding
Half forwards; Hensley, Roberts, G. Williams
Forwards; Aitken, Geddes, Richardson
Followers; Currie, McKechnie, Moorhouse, Davis
Rover; Turner
Umpire; Hopkins.
Carlton won;
Carl. 1.0 1.6 2.10 4.16
N.M. 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.5
Goals; G. Williams, Currie, Aitken, Geddes.
Players mentioned; (12) Aitken, Coulson, Currie, Geddes, Hensley, Moorhouse, McKechnie, McOwan, Roberts,Strickland, Sutton G. Williams. (plus Aylwin, Davis, Richardson, Simpson, Spedding, Turner, Walton, P. Williams)
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton third.
Played 5 Won 5 Lost 0 Drawn 0 Goals For 28 Against 13 Points 20.

May 28


The Inquirer & Commercial News (Perth) p5
"The great Victorian winter pastime promises to take a greater hold this year on the public than ever; and this may be credited to the General Depression. You see, people can't afford to go racing for pleasure nowadays; it cost too much. But they must have some pleasure on a Saturday afternoon notwithstanding; and in this connection witnessing a good match of football is not only invigorationg, but very cheap.
If anyone has a fancy for any particular club he has only to purchase a member's ticket at the cost of 5s., and, hey, presto! he can attend their full tally of premiership contests (not less than 18) and recline in the grandstand when they are playing on their own ground, whilist possessing free right of entry to the outside portion when they are away from home.
So that, if you are at all economical, and like to join one of the leading clubs - say, Essendon, South Melbourne, Carlton or Fitzroy, your afternoons doesn't stand you the "gentle thrumbo" on the average. Of course, the hoi pollio don't think of this and pass their "sprats" religiously Saturday after Saturday; but even there the entertainment is not only good but cheap. You can take my word for that, unless the weather during the winter proves too inclement, there will be more money taken at football "gates" than ever before, and some seasons they have footed up over £20,000. And that's just where the trouble arises. The best clubs command the biggest gates; ergo, each secretary tries his darndest the best available talent for his particular club. And your footballer has becomed siezed by the fact, and expandeth his chest (pulmonary and monetary) in consequence.
Regularly at the beginning of every season the "Honorary" (!) Secretary of the Victorian Football Association, (who himself receives £75 a year for "clerical assistance") brings up a voluminous report, in which a fervid hope is expressed that all traces of professionalism may be stamped out tof the game; at which the individuals constituting that august body applaud vehemently. But, all the same for that, they "wink the other eye," and continue offer tempting baits to Bill Noakes and Jack Styles (as the case may be) to come and join their ranks, as Codlin' s the friend - not Short. The thing is extremely laughable to anyone who, like myself, is a little behind the scenes in these transactions; and the eagerness with which some of our Press scribes "gush" over the annual homilies proves to demonstration how thin a coat of veneer it takes to gloss over the shadiest of shady things. Sometimes, indeed, the "Honorary" Secretary does let the cat out of the bag a little, as to wit last year, when he stated in his report that "some fastidious people might consider it savours of meaness for one club to lure players from other clubs; but that is quite a mistake - they all do it" or, again, in this years' effusion, when he states that "already nasty rumours are in the air of billets being found for certain men on the various grounds under the control of the Melbourne Cricket Club; although he need hardly say that it was a weak invention of the enemy which declared "footballers are being employed this year to shoot sparrows and so save the seed on the Melbourne and Warehouseman's Cricket Grounds."
But then he has to be extremely careful for the Melbourne Cricket Club is a great institution, and Mr. (or Ben) Wardill it's Secretary), will not allow anyone - not even an "honorary" secretary - to "make mows" at it. This was made manifest a few days after a few days after the Secretary's annual report was published, as he inserted a letter in the Argus disclaiming any intention of besmirching the fair fame of "the Marylebone of Australia." But evidently this "letting of blood" didn't satisfy the Melbourne Club people, for last Friday night at the meeting of the Victorian Football Association, the matter again cropped up, as is thus reported in the Age: - "Apology to the Melbourne Club, - Mr. Marshall wished to withdraw a paragraph in his annual report with reference to the Melbourne club. He might say that he was sorry he wrote such a statement, because it looked as if he believed that such a thing as the professionalism he had referred to had been done." He might have cut that paragraph out altogether.
Whatever the Melbourne club had done had been fairly and openly done, and above board. Now such a state of affairs as that not does not augur well for the style in which the V.F.A. is carried on and their latest action - or rather the action of their Permit Committee (of five) - in refusing to give men who had not only got their clearances from their clubs but in the case of Peter Burns actually changed residences from South Melbourne to Geelong permits to play has been very freely criticised. So much so indeed that the renowned Peter (who has been out of work for some months) is now allowed to play with the Portonians.
The newly formed Collingwood Club isn't up to much, and Carlton will be very "pussy" this year. Melbourne, on the contrary, will be very strong, and are playing a tremendously hard determined game.
To indulge in a tip I shall place the first four clubs thus:-
Geelong 1; Essendon 2; Fitzroy 3; Melbourne 4."

May 31 Tuesday
Carlton played South Adelaide at the M. C. G.
All proceeds of the match will go to the South Adelaide club.
Crowd; 3,000
Weather fine, ground heavy, an exciting but rough game developed after half time.
The umpire virtually let the players do as they pleased and fights developed.
G. Williams kicked the Blues' fifth goal.
It was mentioned that the umpire bounced the ball after a goal was scored.
It is most probable that Daniel Alexander Hutchison sometimes used the alias 'Alexander'. His employment often took him to country areas and perhaps he went by the name Alexander to hide the fact he was in Melbourne. Although the match report in The Argus mentions Hutchison!
Carlton team; (24 named)
Alywin, Fred Alsop, Alexander/Hutchison, Brodie, J. Bowen, Cook, Currie, Deane, Fullarton, Geddes, Henry Mitchell, Mathieson, Moorhouse, McOwan, Sutton, Strickland, Simpson, Spedding, Snowball, William 'Herbie' Turner, Thompson, G. Williams, W. Walton, E. Walton.
Umpire; Miller.
Match drawn;
Carl. 1.2 2.2 4.2 5.5
S.A. 0.4 3.6 5.7 5.8
Goals; Currie, Geddes, Spedding, Moorhouse, G, Williams.
Players mentioned; (13) Strickland, Geddes, Hutchison, Allsop/Alsop, Cook, Currie, Moorhouse, G. Williams, Sutton, McOwan, Alywin, Spedding, Walton.

June 04
Carlton played Fitzroy at the M. C. G.
Crowd; 20,000 approx.
Most of the Fitzroy team wore sleeveless jerseys on which The Argus commented "looks workmanlike, but has really nothing to recommend it, especially on a day when the ball is greasy".
Geddes' goal "bought the house down."
.* The Evening News in it's match preview said;
"Alexander is an old Carltonian; who has assumed the name for business reasons." (Dan Hutchison?)
Carlton team; (24 named)
Aitken, Alywin, Fred Alsop, Alexander*, Brodie, Currie, Coulson, George A. Davis, Fullarton, Geddes, Henry Mitchell, Moorhouse, McOwan, McKechnie, Roberts, Richardson, Strickland, Simpson, Sutton, Spedding, William 'Herbie' Turner, Walton, P. Williams, G. Williams.
Alywin, Fred Alsop, Brodie, Henry Mitchell did not play.
Carlton team line-up (M. P.)
Backs; McOwan, Sutton, Coulson
Half backs; 'Alexander'/Hutchison, Walton (Capt.), P. Williams
Centre; Simpson, Strickland, Fullarton
Half forwards; Spedding, Roberts, G. Williams
Forwards; Aitken, Geddes, Richardson
Followers; McKechnie, Currie, Moorhouse, Davis
Rover; Turner
Umpire; Hopkins.
Carlton won;
Carl. 2.2 3.4 3.8 4.9
Fitz. 0.0 1.5 2.6 3.8
Goals; Spedding 2, G. Williams, Geddes.
Players mentioned, (20) Aitken, Alexander or Hutchison*, Coulson, Currie, George A. Davis, Fullarton, Geddes, Moorhoouse, McKechnie, McOwan, Richardson, Roberts, Simpson, Spedding, Strickland, Sutton, William 'Herbie' Turner,G. Williams, P. Williams, Walton.
.*The Leader June 11 (p17) mentions Hutchison as one of Carlton's better players.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton first.
Played 6 Won 6 lost 0 Drawn 0 Goals For 32 Against 16 Points 24.

Carlton Second Twenty played Essendon at the Friendly Societies Gardens.
Umpire; Hickey
Blues' captain J. Kelly
Carlton lost; 1.3 - 7.8
The Age published this round's Senior Second Twenty's fixture.
Only 6 reserve teams are mentioned.
North Melbourne vs South Melbourne (at Arden St.); Essendon vs Carlton; Port Melbourne vs Williamstown (at Port Oval).

June 04
Markwell of The Australasian reports that at the VFA meeting, it was suggested by Mr. Marshall and supported by Mr. Rannard, that delegates receive a long service badge after 5 years for assisting in deliberations, discussions, and inquiries.
Markwell says;
"I am not, however, quite sure that five years, or even 50 years, of the selfish, narrow minded, one club serving tactics, persued by certain delegates could be productive of anything beneficial to the game."

June 08 Wednesday


The Mordialloc Football Club played the Mornington Football Club at the old Mordialloc ground on May 21.
Some of the Mornington players came up by the newly completed railway line, others opted to go by sea on a yawl owned by experienced seaman Charles Hooper, a 35 year old member of the Mornington team.
After the 2-2 all drawn game, the yawl set off from Mordialloc pier.
The craft never made it back to Mornington.
All 15 persons onboard drowned, aged from 14-38.
A memorial now stands on the Mornington foreshore to the 15 who perished.

A North vs South benefit match was organised.
£100 ($200) cash donated at the gates.
A grand total over £260, including £11 6s 6d from the Blues, have been raised by the clubs and the Association.
The Northern team wore Fitzroy guernseys;
Carlton, Fitzroy, Essendon, Melbourne, North Melbourne and Collingwood.
The Southern team wore South Melbourne guernseys;
Footscray, South Melbourne, Port Melbourne, Williamstown, Richmond, St. Kilda and Geelong.
Carlton players; Currie, Simpson, Spedding.
Crowd; 3,500.
Umpire; Mr. J. J. Trait.
Match drawn.
South; 1.4 1.5 4.7 4.8
North; 0.3 1.4 3.5 4.8


"In the Melbourne Sportsman 31st May there appears a very excellent portrait of Mr. Theophilis S. Marshall, the Secretary of the V.F.A., together with some highly eulogistic letterpress, which that gentleman has fully and deservedly earned. At the same time the inditer thereof has fallen into error when he states that Mr. Marshall captained the Carlton Football Club until Jack Conway assumed command.
Mr. Marshall may have been appointed captain in some odd match, when the regular captain was away; but prior to Jack Conway assuming command the recognised captains of the Carlton Football Club were:-
Ben James, Henry Chadwick, Robert Richardson, James Byrne, James Horan, Frank Goodall, Dave Adamson, Robert McFarland, Frank Hillsden, J. C. Duncan, Thomas P. Power, "Lanty" O'Brien and Harry Guy.
(Mem, - In those days the captain was elected before each match - not for the season.)"
George F. Bowen writing as 'Olympus' in the Melbourne Punch June 09 1892 (p11)

Ballarat Star June 11p3

June 11
Carlton played South Ballarat at Eastern Oval Ballarat.
A wet, miserable day in the Golden City, even the ball burst!
The Carlton forwards were on target, for once.
Davis snapped the first early in the first quarter and Geddes the second.
Eight players, P. Williams, Coulson, McOwan, Strickland, Roberts, Simpson, Aitken, and Fullarton did not make the trip.
Carlton team; (27 named)
Alywin, Fred Alsop, J. Bowen, Brodie, Currie, Coulson, Dean, George A. Davis, Fullarton, Geddes, Thomas Keenan, Hutchison, Moorhouse, Henry Mitchell, Mathieson, McOwan, McKechnie, Roberts, Richardson, Sutton, Simpson, Spedding, William 'Herbie' Turner, Thompson, W. Walton (Capt.), G. Williams, P. Williams.
Umpire; W. Johnson.
Carlton won;
Carl. 2.1 4.1 7.1 10.3
S.B. 1.0 1.1 1.6 2.7
Goals; Moorhouse 2, G. Williams 2, Geddes, Davis, Snowball, Currie, Brodie, Alsop.
Players mentioned; (13) Fred Alsop, Spedding, Thompson, Moorhouse, Walton, McKechnie, G. Williams, Perry?, Currie, Geddes, Davies, Snowball, Brodie, McShane?

June 17 Friday


"On Tuesday evening no less than 18 Carlton players turned up for training at the gymnasium, near the East Melbourne ground, out of a possible 21. They went whole-hearted into their work, and the secretary, Mr. J. Melville, tells us that 'Gip' Currie ran about five miles in one exercise. Last evening every player was in attendance, and Sam English expresses his belief that a team could not have received a better preparation within the time. Strickland will have a hot opponent in Armstrong in the centre, but he is setting himself out to beat him. If Carlton have luck at goal-kicking there will be nothing wanting from their ruck and back men, though Peter Williams will be greatly missed ...." (Evening Standard)

June 18
Carlton played Geelong at the M.C.G.
Crowd; 30,000.
A huge loss for the Blues were McOwan and Moorhouse.
Geelong were without former Carlton champion Jack Baker who had retired from football.
Carlton kicked with a very strong wind.
Game was in the balance with 10 minutes remaining, then Geelong ran away with the win scoring 4 goals.
Fred Alsop, Moorhouse, Mathieson,Thompson and McOwan did not play.
Moorhouse injured toe, and McOwan suffering a swollen leg.
Carlton team; (24 named)
Aitken, Fred Alsop, Brodie, Currie, Coulson, Davies/Davis, Fullarton, Geddes, Hutchison, Moorhouse, Mathieson, McOwan, McKechnie, Roberts, Richardson, Simpson, Sutton, Strickland, Spedding, William 'Herbie' Turner, Thompson, G. Williams, P. Williams, Walton (Capt.).
Moorhouse, McOwan, Brodie, and Mathieson did not play.
Carlton team line-up (Evening Standard)
Backs; Sutton, Aylwin, Coulson
Half backs; Hutchison, Walton, P. Williams
Centre; Simpson, Strickland, Fullarton,
Forwards; Spedding, Roberts, G. Williams
Half forwards; Aitken, Keenan, Richardson
Followers; Currie, Davis, Geddes, McKechnie
Rover; Turner
Umpire; J. Shaw.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.3 0.4 1.4 2.5
Geel. 0.2 0.4 2.5 6.6
Goals; Spedding 2.1, Currie 0.1, Richardson 0.1, Hutchison 0.1, G. Williams 0.1
Players mentioned; (20) Jack Roberts, Dan Hutchison, Alf. Spedding, Alfred H. Richardson, 'Gib' Currie, Billy Strickland, H. Simpson, Walton, George Williams, Jack Geddes, Peter Williams, Wally McKechnie, George A. Davis, William 'Herbie' Turner, Thomas Keenan, Robert 'Jack' Fullarton, Harry Alywin, Ned Sutton, Charlie Coulson, Jimmy Aitken
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton third.
Played 7 Won 6 Lost 1 Drawn 0 Goals For 34 Against 22 points 24.
Image: SLV, Evening Standard June 18

Carlton Second Twenty played Geelong on Princes Oval.
Carlton lost; 1 - 3
No further details

June 25
Victoria played South Australia at the M.C.G.
Crowd; 20,000.
South Aust; Black and white jersey and cap, black hose and white knickerbockers.
Vic; Royal blue jersey with a gold sash, blue cap and hose with white knickerbockers.
The curtain raiser was a baseball match put on by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Baseball nines.
Carlton representatives are;
Sutton (fullback), Currie (ruck) and Roberts (half forward flank).
Currie "the brilliant Carlton follower," was severely injured shortly after quarter time and was assisted from the field to seek medical attention.
He took no further part in the game.
The Inquirer & Commercial News (W.A.) July 9.
" 'Gib' Currie of Carlton sustained a frightful accident through an adversary's knee jambing him in the pit of the stomach, necessitating half a dozen stiches. He is now progressing favourably, but it is feared the untoward accident may affect him for life."
Umpire; J. J. Trait
Victoria won;
Victoria 2.2 4.3 8.6 10.9
S. Aust 2.0 6.2 7.3 8.6
Carlton players mentioned; Currie, Roberts, Sutton.
Roberts was named among Victoria's better players.
Goal; Roberts.

Intercolonial matches between Victoria and South Australia 1879-1892.
Years played; 1879, 1880, 1881, 1890, 1891, 1892.
Played 11, Victoria Won 9, Lost 2.
S.A.'s first win was July 10 1890 on the South Melbourne ground.

June 25
The Carlton Second Twenty are sitting last on the ladder in the 7 team competition.
1. South Melbourne, Geelong, North Melbourne, Williamstown, Port Melbourne, Essendon, Carlton.
Carlton; Played 7, Won 1, Lost 6, Drawn 0, Points 4.

July 01 Friday
North Melbourne Advertiser;
"The latest in the shape of a novelty invention is the game "Table Football," which in our opinion is one of the best games yet devised for evening amusement, it is played in accordance with Victorian Football Rules."

July 02
Carlton played Essendon at the East Melbourne C. G.
Most probably a large portion the days takings will be donated to help relieve the distress of unemployment now affecting the colony, due to the depression.
Crowd; 20,000. 25,000 (Evening Standard)
The curtain raiser was a baseball match between the Melbourne and East Melbourne clubs.
W. Walton led the Blues out to enthusiastic applause.
There was very little wind and the Dons kicked to the railway end.
Currie was injured last week and "replaced in the Carlton team by 'Dolly' Batters, the ancient rover of the old blues." (Evening Standard)
Batters made his first appearance for the year. Hutchison played.
At six minutes past three the umpire bounced the ball to start the match.
The match was marred by fighting and wrestling. Carlton were mostly the instigators.
Aitken kicked the first two majors, and his final goal (the fourth) was from a dubious free kick.
Best players up to half time were; Spedding, P. Williams, McKechnie, Moorhouse, McOwan, Sutton, Davis, Aitken, and Roberts.
When Richardson booted the Blues third goal in the third term the crowd roared "Go in Carlton," the Blues did just that.
When the match was to be won in the final quarter it developed into a fast and exciting game.
Carlton team; (24 named)
Aylwin, Aitken, Alexander, Batters, Coulson, George A. Davis, Fullarton, Geddes, Thomas Keenan, Henry Mitchell, Moorhouse, McOwan, McKechnie, Roberts, Richardson, Simpson, Strickland, Sutton, Spedding, William 'Herbie' Turner, Thompson, W. Walton (Capt), G. Williams, P. Williams.
Alywin, Fullarton, Thomas Keenan, and Henry Mitchell, did not play.
Team line up; (Evening Standard)
Backs; McOwan, Sutton, Coulson
Half backs; Hutchison, Walton, P. Williams
Centres; Fullarton, Simpson, Strickland
Half forwards; Turner, Roberts, G. Williams
Forwards; Richardson, Geddes, Aitken
Followers; McKechnie, Moorhouse, Spedding, Davis
Rover; Batters
Umpire; J. J. Trait.
Match drawn.
Carl. 1.1 2.3 3.3 4.5
Ess. 2.3 4.6 4.7 4.9
Goals; Aitken 3, Richardson.
Free Kicks;
Carl; 3, 2, 1, unknown
Ess; 2, 5, 5, unknown
Best; Sutton, P. Williams, Hutchison, Strickland, McKechnie, Aitken.
Other players mentioned; (20) Aitken, P. Williams, Sutton, Hutchison, Spedding, Richardson, Strickland, George A. Davis, Moorhouse, Roberts, McKechnie, Simpson, Geddes, McOwan, Batters, Coulson, Walton, G. Williams, Thompson, Turner.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton second.
Played 8 Won 6 Lost 1 Drawn 1 Goals For 38 Against 26 Points 26.

Carlton Second Twenty played Essendon on Carlton Oval
Umpire; C. Drake.
Carlton lost.
No details.
Carlton Second Twenty, last of 7 teams; Played 8, Won 1, Lost 7, Drawn 0, Points 4.

July 05 Tuesday
Carlton Second Twenty will hold a general meeting at the Clyde Hotel at 8pm
"Business important"

July 07


The Melbourne Punch's football writer George F. Bowen alias "Olympus" reported;
"Whenever I hear of any enterprising individuals I like to give them all credit due, and with this object in view I'd like to mention the fact that a go-ahead news agent of Nicholson-street, Fitzroy, has actually had a new sporting song written. It is entitled, "The Football Premiership," and is very well written, by-the-way. The song, which deals with the different clubs (with just a little leaning towards Carlton and Fitzroy), is in great demand, something like 25,000 printed copies having been given away gratis.
L. B. Carrick, the news agent in question, deserves to succeed, and will."
The words and music were co-written by Pat Finn and L. B. Carrick. Pat Finn was the brother of Carlton player Edmund Finn (jnr)
128 years later in May 2020, Blueseum has located the words to this song. They have been saved for posterity on Warren Fahey's Australian Folklore Unit web site.

July 08 V.F.A. meeting
Umpire J. J. Trait wrote a letter to the Association charging Spedding and Moorhouse with unduly rough play in last week's match against Essendon.
He said they were the main cause of bitterness with which the game was played with in the second half.
Trait said Moorhouse was the main offender and he had to caution him several times, and he had called him a b..... cheat.
The matter has been referred to a committee.

July 09
Carlton played South Melbourne at the M.C.G.
Crowd; 10,000.
Carlton kicked with the wind.
Geddes, and Currie who is still injured did not play.
McKechnie was badly injured had to be carried from the field shorty before the end of the game.
Carlton team; (23 named)
Aitken, Batters, Coulson, George A. Davis, Fullarton, Geddes, Hutchison, Thomas Keenan, Lewis, Henry Mitchell, Moorhouse, McKechnie, McOwan, Roberts, Sutton, Simpson, Spedding, Strickland, William 'Herbie' Turner, Thompson, G. Williams, P. Williams, W. Walton (Capt.).
Geddes, Keenan, McOwan did not play.
Carlton team line-up (M .P.)
Backs; Thompson, Sutton, Coulson
Half backs; 'Alexander'/Hutchison, Walton (Capt.), P. Williams
Centres; Fullarton, Strickland, Mitchell
Half forward; Turner, Roberts, G. Williams
Forward; Richardson, Lewis, Aitken
Followers; Moorhouse, McKechnie, Spedding, Davis
Rover; Batters
Umpire; Hopkins.
Carlton won;
Carl. 2.0 3.2 5.3 6.6
S.M. 0.2 2.4 2.6 4.8
Goals; Richardson 4, Lewis, Davis.
Players mentioned; (17) Batters, Coulson, George A. Davis, Fullarton, Hutchison, Lewis, Henry Mitchell, Moorhouse, McKechnie, Roberts, Richardson, Spedding, Strickland, Sutton, Thompson, Walton, P. Williams. (plus Aitken, Turner, G. Williams)
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton first.
Played 9 Won 7 Lost 1 Drawn 1 Goals For 44 Against 30 Points 30.

Carlton Second Twenty played South Melbourne.
Carlton lost.
No details.
Carlton Second Twenty, last of 7 teams; Played 9, Won 1, Lost 8 Drawn 0, Points 4.

V.F.A Ladder top 5 placings;
1. Carlton, leads by 2points.
2. Essendon
3. Geelong, equal with Melbourne
4. Melbourne, equal with Geelong.
5. Fitzroy, 2 points behind 3rd & 4th.

July 15 V.F.A. meeting.
Moorhouse and Spedding attended the sub committee meeting over the charges laid against them.
Spedding was reprimanded.
They had taken into account Moorhouse's 8 years of good behaviour in the game, and he received a reprimand for abusive language, and a 4 weeks suspension for unduly rough play.
The suspension starting after tomorrow's game.

July 16
Carlton played St.Kilda at St.Kilda.
Crowd; 7,000
Improvements to the St.Kilda ground over recent years enabled larger crowds to attend.
Rain made the ball as slippery as soap, which made the game less attractive.
The Blues wasted their opportunities in the final quarter.
The Australasian;
"It was undoubtedly their wretched kicking for goals that led to Carlton's defeat, as no one who saw the game will deny that they had more chances and easier ones than their opponents, who neverthe less deserve every credit for their splendid victory."
McOwan played.
George A. Davis, Thomas Keenan, and Turner did not play.
Carlton team; (22 named)
Aitken, Batters, Coulson, Currie, George A. Davis, Fullarton, Geddes, Hutchison, Lewis, Thomas Keenan, Moorhouse, Henry Mitchell, McKechnie, Roberts, Richardson, Sutton, Strickland, Spedding, William 'Herbie' Turner, G. Williams, P. Williams, Walton.
Carlton team line-up (Herald)
Backs; McOwan, Sutton, Coulson
Half backs; Hutchison, Walton (Capt.) P. Williams
Centres; Fullarton, Strickland, Mitchell
Half forwards; G. Williams, Lewis, Roberts
Forwards; Richardson, Geddes, Turner
Followers; McKechnie, Currie, Moorhouse, Spedding
Rover; Batters
Umpire; Hopkins.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 1.4 2.4 3.7 3.10
St.K. 1.2 4.5 5.5 6.5
Goals; Geddes 2, G. Williams.
Players mentioned; (20) Batters, Coulson, Currie, Fullarton, Geddes, Hutchison, Lewis, Henry Mitchell, Moorhouse, McKechnie, McOwan, Richardson, Roberts, Spedding, Strickland, Sutton, Walton, G. Williams, P. Williams, Turner.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton fourth.
Played 10 Won 7 Lost 2 Drawn 1 Goals For 47 Against 36 Points 30.

July 23
The Inquirer & Commercial News (p3) (W.A.)


Some rather peculiar cases of quasi-professionalism have been bought before the Victorian Football Association, and little interesting "episodes" in connection with the great winter pastime will doubtless shortly find the light of day.
Doran, of South Melbourne, will not be picked by the selection committee of that club again because he refused to play with them against Geelong (it was said unless he received the sum of £2, but it couldn't be proved); and a letter had been handed in, addressed to a South Australian, purported to be written by C. S. Cock, secretary of Fitzroy, stating with regard to a good S. A. player named Bushby:- "I would guarantee £25 to give him a start in business in Fitzroy, and get him appointed trainer to the club, salary £2 per week. This and the keeping of a small business, and employment as comedian, out of which he could also make something, would, I consider, he a good thing."
With regard to Doran, the V.F.A. have called upon the South Melbourne Football Club to make a strict inquiry into the case, with an idea that some exposures relative to the South Melbourne and Carlton boil-over two years ago, in which so much money changed hands.
Mr. Cock has been called upon to give an explanation as to the meaning of his letter. Bushby could "get employment as a Comedian". Comedian, quotha! Ah! Just so! A disciple of the sock and buskin. With the emphasis on the 'sock' ".

July 23
Carlton played North Melbourne at the M.C.G.
The curtain raiser was a baseball match between Malvern and Melbourne at 1pm.
Aitken, George A. Davis, Hutchison, and Moorhouse (susp) did not play.
The Herald match report said George Williams is Peter Williams' brother.
The Blues kicked to the Richmond end goal. Geddes from a scrimmage kicked the first goal soon after the start. Both Currie and Batters missed chances in front of goal. Like the first goal, Brodie scored the second from a scrimmage. North were on the defensive and the Blues continued their attack. Brodie, Simpson Keenan and Williams all had chances. Spedding, Walton, Currie combined for fine goal to Fullarton. Walton to McKechnie , Batters to Geddes who kicked the fouth goal. Brodie soon scroed the fifth. North scored a late goal in the third term. Play was fairly even in the final term and no goals were scored.
Team squad was not published.
Carlton team line-up. (Herald)
Backs; McOwan, Sutton, Coulson
Half backs; Fullarton, Walton (Capt.), P. Williams
Centres; Simpson, Strickland, Mitchell
Half forward; G. Williams, Roberts, Keenan
Forwards; Turner, Geddes, Brodie
Followers; Currie, McKechnie, Spedding, Richardson
Rover; Batters
Umpire; J. J. Trait.
Carlton won;
Carl. 2.4 3.5 5.7 5.9
N.M. 0.1 0.3 1.7 1.11
Goals; Brodie 2, Geddes 2, Fullarton.
Players mentioned; (20) Batters, Brodie, Coulson, Currie, Fullarton, Geddes, Henry Mitchell, McOwan, McKechnie, Roberts, Simpson, Spedding, Strickland, Sutton, Turner, Walton, G. Williams, P. Williams, Keenan, Richardson.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton fourth.
Played 11 Won 8 Lost 2 Drawn 1 Goals For 52 Against 37 Points 34.

Carlton Second Twenty played North Melbourne on the N. M. Rec. Reserve.
Carlton lost.

July 30
Carlton played Williamstown on the Warehousemen's Ground.
A miserable day for football and a miserable crowd of only 300 attended.
The ground was sodden and slippery.
The Argus described the match as "uninteresting", both teams having players missing.
The Blues fielded a team that was described as "weak."
Hutchison, Simpson, and captain Walton did not play.
Blake, a follower from the juniors played. Fred Rolfe made his senior debut.
Strickland captained the Blues this week.
Carlton rushed into attack and Rolfe marked but kicked a behind. The ball was returned to the forward line where Rolfe scored the first major.
In the scond term Williams had two chances but scored behinds, then Thompson added the Blues second goal. Good play by Batters and Roberts led to a mark by Fullarton who kicked the third. No goals were scored in the final term with Carlton adding 3 behinds to Williamstown's 2.
The Sporting Judge, August 6;
"The match was a farce, and that there is great disruption in the Carlton team."
"They tell us there are three sections in the team, and that the captain is unpopular."
"That some of the players think that he should not be part of the twenty."
Carlton team; (22 named)
Batters, Blake, Brodie, Coulson, Currie, Fullarton, Geddes, Lewis, Henry Mitchell, McOwan, McKechnie, Roberts, Richardson, Rolfe, Simpson, Strickland (Capt.), Spedding, Sutton, William 'Herbie' Turner, Thompson, G. Williams, P. Williams.
Carlton team line-up (Herald)
Backs; Coulson, Sutton, McOwan
Half backs; Thompson, Mitchell, Spedding
Centres; Blake, Brodie, Strickland (Capt.)
Half forwards; Fullarton, G. Williams, Roberts
Forwards; Lewis, Richardson, Fred Rolfe
Followers; Currie, Geddes, McKechnie, Turner
Rover; Batters
Umpire; W. Hayes.
Carlton won;
Carl. 1.3 2.7 3.7 3.7
Will. 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2
Goals; Rolfe, Fullarton, Thompson.
Players mentioned; (12) Strickland, Rolfe, Thompson, Geddes, Fullarton, George Williams, Roberts, Lewis, Spedding, Batters, Sutton, Richardson,.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton fourth.
Played 12 Won 9 Lost 3 Drawn 1 Goals For 55 Against 37 Points 38.

August 06
Carlton played Essendon at the M.C.G.
There is always a bitter struggle between these two teams, and the last outing was marred by fighting and wrestling with Carlton's Spedding and Moorhouse charge with rough conduct.
Saturday's Argus said;
"Carlton have the opportunity today of doing the handsome thing and retrieving their reputation for manliness by giving the umpire the cordial assistance in making the game a fast and fair one, but it may be feared that chivalry and generosity are qualities rarely exercised in connection with football, and in this respect no special reference is made to Carlton more than any other team."
Crowd; 25,000.
The ill feeling displayed by these two clubs at their last meeting did not surface. This game was played in true spirit, and was described as the best match of the season so far.
A magnificient display by all 40 players whose efforts were for the ball, with little rough play.
The Blues dominated the first quarter and had 7 attempts at goal, for a return of 0.3, while Essendon had 3 and scored 2.1
"Had the Carlton's forwards been as capable of the club's representatives in other departments proved themselves, a much greater number of chances, and perhaps a goal or two more, would have been theirs, as the ball was in the vicinity of Essendon's citadel more frequently than at the other end of the ground."
This was Carlton's first loss to Essendon on the M.C.G.
Carlton team; (23 named)
Aitken, Blake, Batters, Coulson, Currie, Davies/Davis, Geddes, Fullarton, Hutchison, Lewis, McOwan, McKechnie, Henry Mitchell, Roberts, Rolfe, Richardson, Sutton, Spedding, Strickland, William 'Herbie' Turner, G. Williams, P. Williams, Walton.
Blake, Henry Mitchell, and G. Williams did not play.
Carlton team line-up (Herald)
Backs; McOwan, Sutton, Coulson
Half backs; Hutchison, Walton (Capt.), P. Williams
Centre; Fullarton, Strickland, Turner
Half forwards; Aitken, Roberts, Richardson
Forwards; Lewis, Geddes, Rolfe
Followers; Currie, Davis, McKechnie, Spedding
Rover; Batters
Umpire; J. J. Trait.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.3 1.4 2.5 2.5
Ess. 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.9
Goals; Currie, Geddes.
Best; Sutton and Williams back ("they are always good"), Strickland in the centre, Roberts half forward, Coulson & Walton half back, Hutchison ("who played as well as anyone on the ground"), Batters, Currie, McKechnie, George A. Davis, following.
Players mentioned; (20) Aitken, Batters, Currie, Coulson, George A. Davis, Fullarton, Geddes, Hutchison, Lewis, McKechnie, McOwan, Richardson, Roberts, Rolfe, Spedding, Strickland, Sutton, Turner, Walton, P. Williams.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton fourth.
Played 13 Won 9 Lost 3 Drawn 1 Goals For 57 Against 40 Points 38.

August 06
Football Notes in the Argus mentions the problems of money distribution in the Association with the same top clubs playing on public holidays, boundary umpires, and the Ballarat clubs.
To read the article, click here> http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article8447112

August 12 V.F.A. meeting.
The Blues topped the V.F.A. list of income earners.
Carlton £1210 ($2420) South Melb. £1124 ($2248) Ess. £999 ($1998) Fitz. £977 ($1954)
However expenses out weighed all club's incomes and Carlton's expenses were £1239. ($2478)

August 13
Carlton played Footscray at the Warehouseman's Ground.
The Blues fielded a rather weak team with the absence of several top players.
The Blues won the toss and kicked with the wind.
Footscray put up a fight at the St.Kilda Road ground, but the Blues were too strong.
Blake is a brother of a former Carlton player.
Carlton team; (23 named)
Alywin, Aitken, Blake, Currie, Coulson, George A. Davis, Fullarton, Geddes, Lewis, Henry Mitchell, McOwan, McKechnie, Roberts, Richardson, Rolfe, Sutton, Strickland, Spedding, Walton, P. Williams, G. Williams, William 'Herbie' Turner and Thompson.
Batters, Coulson, Geddes, Hutchison, McOwan, P. Williams did not play.
Carlton team line-up (M. P.)
Backs; Thompson, Sutton, Mitchell
Half backs; Walton (Capt.), Fullarton, Jessop/Spedding*
Centre; Tom Blake, Strickland, B/J. Mitchell
Half forwards; Aylwin, Roberts, Aitken
Forwards; Leith, Lewis, Rolfe
Followers; McKechnie, Davis, Currie, Richardson
Rover; Turner
Umpire; Shaw.
Carlton won;
Carl. 3.5 4.5 7.7 7.9
Foot. 1.0 4.3 4.3 4.5
Goals; Lewis 3, Roberts, Leith, Rolfe, Blake.
Players mentioned; (16) Alywin, Blake, Currie, Geddes, Leith, Lewis, McKechnie, Roberts, Rolfe, Spedding, Sutton, Strickland, Barney Thomson, Richardson, Turner, Walton. (plus? Aitken, Davis, Fullarton, B/J. Mitchell, H. Mitchell.)
Blueseum believes Spedding* was playing under the name of Jessop.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton third.
Played 14 Won 10 Lost 3 Drawn 1 Goals For 64 Lost 44 Points 42.

Carlton Second Twenty played North Melbourne at Princes Park.
No details

August 20
Carlton played Melbourne on the M.C.G.
This is the last football match for the year at this venue.
Both Geddes and G. Williams out, injured.
Weather fine, ground in good condition.
A good size crowd attended.
Plenty of old time warriors from both of these pioneer clubs attended.
Once the rivalry between these two teams was so intense, that four games were arranged each season to satisfy the public's interest.
After a slow start the Blues gradually wore Melbourne down.
The Sporting Judge said;
"Richardson is badly handicapped by being under a skipper who will not give him a proper chance."
"The foul play that laid out McKechnie was not noticed. If McKechnie had laid out one of the Melbourne's in he same way would he have been brought up?" (to the tribunal)
Carlton team; (24 named)
Aitken, Batters, Blake, Currie, Coulson, George A. Davis, Fullarton, Geddes, Hutchison, Lewis, Henry Mitchell, Moorhouse, McKechnie, McOwan, Roberts, Richardson, Rolfe, Sutton, Strickland, Spedding, William 'Herbie' Turner, Thompson, P. Williams, Walton.
Geddes, Fullarton, Henry Mitchell, and Thompson did not play.
Carlton team line-up (M. P.)
Backs; McOwan, Sutton, Coulson
Half backs; Hutchison, Walton (Capt.), P. Williams
Centre; Turner, Strickland, Blake
Half forwards; Richardson, Roberts, Spedding
Forwards; Rolfe, Aitken, Lewis
Followers; Currie, Davis, Moorhouse, McKechnie
Rover: Batters
Umpire; J. J. Trait.
Carlton won;
Carl. 0.2 2.5 4.5 7.6
Melb. 3.8 3.8 3.12 4.12
Goals; Lewis 3, Moorhouse 2, Batters, Spedding.
Players mentioned; (20) Aitken, Batters, Blake, Charlie Coulson, Currie, George A. Davis, Danny Hutchison (BOG), Lewis, McKechnie, McOwan, "Jigger" Moorhouse, Richardson, Rolfe, Roberts, Spedding, Strickland, Sutton, Turner, Walton, Peter Williams.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton second.
Played 15 Won 11 lost 3 Drawn 1 Goals For 71 Against 48 Points 46.

August 23 Tuesday
Football Notes in the Argus;
"Carlton's conquest of Melbourne, on the other hand, was distinctly creditable, achieved as it was under the handicap of their old rivals getting three goals in to start with, and when Melbourne gets a start of that kind it usually keeps going.
For one or two reasons it was just as well that Carlton won, the first being that it's defeat would have still further decreased the interest in the premiership competition; the second that the club in winning will be enabled to place some of the credit of it's victory where it has placed so much of the blame of it's defeat - to the account of the field umpire.
And yet it would not be surprising to find that in this case the club had made a departure from custom, and joined with the general public in the impression that it won the game against Melbourne on it's merits."

August 26
VFA meeting held at Young and Jackson's Hotel.
Jack Worrall Fitzroy's delegate put forward a motion that the three Ballarat clubs, Ballarat Imperial, South Ballarat, and Ballarat be excluded from the VFA.
He said that there were too many clubs now competing for the premiership.
Mr. Rannard said they should be given a trial.
"They were as much a portion of the association as the Carlton or any other club, and it was unfair to ask them to forfeit that position simply for the convenience of the association."
Mr. W. H. Williams said it was inexpedient for the Ballarat clubs to compete for the premiership.
It had tried once and proved a fiasco.
The Williamstown, Collingwood, and the other clubs would not be able to visit Ballarat.
After much discussion it was suggested they be given a 12 month trial and J. Worrall withdrew the motion.

August 27
Carlton played Fitzroy at Fitzroy.
Crowd; 20,000.
The ground was wet and slippery.
Although next-door neighbours, the two clubs are bitter rivals, this game was no different.
The Blues kicked against the wind.
Carlton seemed lethargic, they fumbled, hesitated, and miskicked the ball.
As Fitzroy got on top, wrestling and fights erupted.
So many Carlton players played poorly, especially the forwards, who once again failed to put the score on the board.
"...Carlton's failure resting largely in erratic goal-shooting. The game was a rough one, played with bitter feeling on both sides." (Evelyn Observer)
"Currie, Richardson, Batters, Sutton, Aitken, and McKechnie did a fair amount of work for the dark blues."
Coulson his best game of the season, played without much help on the back line.
Hutchison, for some reason, was kept out of the ruck until the last quarter and he immediately made some impact.
"In young Blake the Carltonians possess a most promising footballer, who pleased everybody on Saturday with his ability, his fearlessness, and his cool and collected style from the start to the finish of the match."
This would be Islay McOwan's final game for the Blues. He would soon depart for Fiji to take up an administrative position in the colonial government .
Carlton team; (25 named)
Aitken, Blake, Batters, Currie, Coulson, Davies/Davis, Fullarton, Geddes, Hutchison, Lewis, Henry Mitchell, Moorhouse, McOwan, McKechnie, Roberts, Richardson, Rolfe, Sutton, Spedding, Strickland, William 'Herbie' Turner, Thompson, G. Williams, P. Williams, Walton.
Robert 'Jack' Fullarton, Henry Mitchell, Fred Rolfe, Barney Thompson & George Williams did not play.
Carlton team line-up (Herald)
Backs; Walton (Capt.), McOwan, Coulson
Half backs; Hutchison, Sutton, P. Williams
Centres; Aitken, Strickland, Turner
Half forwards; Spedding, Geddes, Roberts
Forwards; Richardson, Blake, Lewis
Followers; Currie, Davis, McKechnie, Moorhouse
Rover; Batters
Umpire; Trait.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.1 0.3 0.5 1.7
Fitz. 2.1 4.2 4.4 5.5
Goal; Moorhouse.
Best; Coulson (BOG), Moorhouse, McKechnie.
Players mentioned; (19) Aitken, Batters, Blake, Coulson, Currie, George A. Davis, Geddes, Hutchison, Lewis, Moorhouse, McKechnie, Islay McOwan, Richardson, Roberts, Spedding, Strickland, Sutton, William 'Herbie' Turner, P. Williams. (plus Walton)
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton third.
Played 16 Won 11 Lost 4 Drawn 1 Goals For 72 Against 53 Points 46 Prop. Points 48.87

Carlton Second Twenty Ladder.
Carlton Last, Played 15, Won 3, Lost 12, Drawn 0, Points 12

September 03
The Sporting Judge commenting about Carlton's match against Fitzroy;
"The sorry figure Carlton cut against Fitzroy has led me to the conclusion that the dark blues are in the same street as the Saints, and the sooner the committee make arrangements with some of their players, the sooner will they have some chance of gaining the premiership.
It is unnecessary to dilate on the exhibition they gave last Saturday, as well nigh everybody has but the one opinion - Carlton played a losing game."
"We know a great Carlton supporter, who rarely, if ever, fails to attend race meetings, but who deserted the racecourse for the football field last Saturday and backed the maroon and blue.
When this bookey gentleman bets on football "he knows something."
Perhaps some of the dark blues were indisposed?
Even in these dull times you cannot get men to play, let alone work for nothing."

September 03
Carlton played Richmond at the Richmond C. G. Punt Road.
Lewis kicked the first goal of the game, then The Blues twice hit the post in the opening term. Richardson score Carlton's second goal.
Richmond held a match winning 3 goal lead at the last break. Carlton attacked and could only add 4 behinds before Moorhouse scored Carlton's third, then McKechnie, Geddes and Keane added goals
After a slow start, the Blues' stamina told out in the final quarter.
Carlton had to overcome a three goal deficit, and in the end had a brilliant victory.
The Blues powered home kicking 4.6 and keeping the 'Monds scoreless.
The Blues were without two of their better players in Hutchison and Currie.
McOwan has gone to Fiji, Jack Keane will replace him.
Carlton team; (23 named)
Aitken, Batters, Blake, Currie, Coulson, Davies/Davis, Fullarton, Geddes, Keane, Lewis, Henry Mitchell, Moorhouse, McKechnie, Roberts, Richardson, Sutton, Spedding, Strickland, William 'Herbie' Turner, Thompson, G. Williams, P. Williams, Walton.
H. Mitchell, A. Spedding, Thompson did not play.
Carlton team line-up (Herald)
Backs; Davis, Sutton, Coulson
Half backs; Fullarton, Walton (Capt.), P. Williams
Centres; Bailey, Strickland, Turner
Half forwards; Richardson, Keane, Geddes
Forwards; Lewis, G. Williams, Roberts
Followers; Moorhouse, McKechnie, Aitken, Blake
Rover; Batters
Umpire; J. Hopkins.
Carlton won;
Carl. 1.2 1.3 2.5 6.11
Rich. 1.1 3.4 5.6 5.6
Goals; Lewis, Richardson, Moorhouse, McKechnie, Geddes, Keane.
Players mentioned; (16) Aitken, Bailey, Batters, Blake, Coulson, George A. Davis, Geddes, Keane, Lewis, Moorhouse, McKechnie, Richardson. Roberts, Strickland, G. Williams, P. Williams. (plus Fullarton, Sutton, Turner, Walton)
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton third.
Played 17 Won 12 Lost 4 Drawn 1 Goals For 78 Against 58 Points 50.

Carlton Second Twenty played North Melbourne.
Carlton won.
Carlton Last, Played 16, Won 4, Lost 12, Drawn 0, Points 16.

September 07
The body of VFA umpire W. J. Welsford was found floating in the Yarra River.
William John Welsford, married, aged 28 years, was working as a brassfounder.
He had been missing since August 15.

September 10
Carlton played South Melbourne at South Melbourne.
Crowd; 7,000.
Carlton kicked to the lake end goal.
The Blues were expected to win, and up until half time the teams were on even terms. South over-powered Carlton in the remaining two quarters.
Spedding, G. Williams, Currie and others did not play.
Carlton team; (23 named)
Aitken, Batters, Blake, Bailey, Coulson, Davies/Davis, Fullarton, Geddes, Hutchison, Lewis, Keane, Henry Mitchell, Moorhouse, McKechnie, Roberts, Richardson, Sutton, Strickland, William 'Herbie' Turner, Thompson, Walton, G. Williams, P. Williams.
Lewis, Thompson, G. Williams did not play
Carlton team line-up (Herald)
Backs; Aitken, Sutton, Coulson
Half backs; Hutchison, Walton (Capt,), P. Williams
Centres; Bailey, Strickland, Mitchell
Half forwards; Fullarton, Keane, Roberts
Forwards; Richardson, Geddes, Turner
Followers; Moorhose, McKechnie, Blake, Davis
Rover; Batters
Umpire; H. Wilson.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 1.0 2.4 2.4 2.5
S.M. 2.3 2.5 4.7 5.7
Goals; Batters, Moorhouse.
Players mentioned; (18) Aitken, Bailey, Batters, Blake, Coulson, George A. Davis, Geddes, Hutchison, Keane, Moorhouse, McKechnie, Richardson, Roberts, Strickland, Sutton, William 'Herbie' Turner, Walton, P. Williams. (plus Fullarton, Mitchell. )
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton fourth.
Played 18 Won 12 Lost 5 Drawn 1 Goals For 80 Against 63 Points 50.

Carlton Second Twenty played South Melbourne at Princes Park
Carlton lost.
Carlton Last, Played 17, Won 4, Lost 13, Drawn 0, Points 4.

September 07
The Sporting Judge's "Free Kick" wrote;
"The bad form shown by some of Carlton's players in their late match with Fitzroy not only received due consideration in these columns, but also from the Carlton itself.
Last Saturday, I am sorry to say, certain other members of the dark blues did not appear over anxious to come out on top.
When a club's players freely confess that some of their team played as if they wanted the opposite side to win, surely the same must have also made itself manifest to the committee, and if one or two who played for Carlton last Saturday play to-day, all I can say is that a serious neglect of duty has taken place."

September 07
Brunswick intend forming a senior team, representatives this week met with the local council.
Some of the Association's best players have come from the Brickies.
Carlton's, Strickland, Hutchison, and Fullarton started their careers at the club.

September 17
Carlton played Geelong at Geelong Cricket Oval.
Large crowd in attendance.
A fairly good game up until half time.
The roughness started when it appeared Moorhouse attacked Marmo of Geelong, the players became excited then began wrestling, goaded on by the spectators.
"In the final quarter the excitement reach fever heat, the players reverting to the old rules of the Australian game, and the umpire appeared powerless to check them. At times stand-up fights promised to be the order of the day...."
When the game finished a mob estimated at 1,500 rushed onto the ground. Seconds player William Hannah was arrested accused of striking Reid of Geelong
The umpire was attacked by a Carlton supporter who was quickly arrested.
A report said at least 6 players from either team should have been reported, but the umpire did not want the extra paper work. However he did lay a charge against Spedding.
Wellington Times & Argriculture Gazette, (Tas);
"The football match on Saturday, between the Geelong and Carlton clubs was characterised by very rough play, the players disregarding the umpire. A free fight occurred at the conclusion of the match."
Alywin, Fullarton, Lewis, Henry Mitchell, and Thompson did not play.
Carlton team; (25 named)
Alywin, Aitken, Blake, Batters, Currie, Coulson, George A. Davis, Fullarton, Geddes, Hutchison, Keane, Lewis, Henry Mitchell, Moorhouse, McKechnie, Roberts, Richardson, Strickland, Spedding, Sutton, William 'Herbie' Turner, G. Williams, P. Williams, Walton, and Thompson.
Alywin, Fullarton, Lewis, H. Mitchell, Thompson did not play.
Carlton team line-up (M. P.)
Backs; Sutton, Coulson, Spedding
Half backs; P. Williams, Walton (Capt.), Hutchison
Centres; Keane, Strickland, Turner
Half forwards; Richardson, Geddes, Roberts
Forwards; G. Williams, Aitken, Moorhouse
Followers; Currie, Davis, Blake, McKechnie
Rover; Batters
Umpire; Joseph Shaw/Joe McShane (Herald)
Carlton lost;
Carl. 0.3 1.6 2.7 2.8
Geel. 0.2 1.2 3.3 4.6
Goals; Aitken 1.1, Geddes 1.1 G. Williams 0.1 Spedding 0.1, McKechnie 0.1, Moorhouse 0.1, P. Williams 0.1, Keane 0.1.
Player mentioned; (20) Moorhouse, Hutchison, Richardson, McKechnie, Strickland, Batters, Walton, Coulson, Sutton, Spedding, Geddes, Roberts, G. Williams, Aitken, Blake, Currie, George A. Davis, Keane, P. Williams, Turner.
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton fourth.
Played 19 Won 12 Lost 6 Drawn 1 Goals For 82 Against 67 Points 50.

September 20 Monday
The Traralgon Record (Sept. 23), reported that on Monday the 20th. William Hannah, captain of the Carlton Second Twenty was "fined £10 or three months' imprisonment for insulting behaviour. He was one of the crowd who rushed the ground on Saturday last, when some disgraceful conduct took place."
The Capricornian Rockhampton October 01, also said "... he commenced an attack on umpire J. Shaw. The captain of the Geelong team, Houston, went to Shaw's assistance, and was also assaulted. The police arrested Hannah, and it is very satisfactory to know that he was subesquently fined £10, with the option of three months imprisonment."

September 22 Thursday


Former original Carlton player and administrator George F. Bowen sportswriter for the Melbourne Punch:-
By "Olympus" aka George F. Bowen Melbourne Punch

September 23 Friday V.F.A. meeting.
Carlton's Spedding charged with rough play and striking Kearney of Geelong.
See October 14.

September 24
Final round of the season.
Carlton played Collingwood at Victoria Park.
Many of the Blues better players were absent.
"Carlton with a wretchedly weak team, suffered an unequivocal defeat at the hands of Collingwood..."
If the Blues had won, Collingwood would have won the wooden spoon outright.
However, the 'Woods still shared the wooden spoon with Williamstown.
Amazingly, the two teams ended the season with the same number wins, losses, and draws, and goals for and against, and the same proportional points.
Sporting Judge;
"Collingwood beat Carlton.
Some funny things happen at times; so people cease to wonder. What's up with Geddes?
Richardson again worked with a will. He tried to work with a Currie, but the latter was off."
Carlton' s defeat was due to the "reprehensible apathy shown by a large number of their players leaving the club in the lurch."
Carlton team; (24 named)
Aitken, Batters, Blake, Currie, Coulson, George A. Davis, Hector C. Donohoo, Fullarton, Geddes, Bill Hensley, Lewis, Henry Mitchell, Moorhouse, James Pullar, Roberts, Richardson, Sutton, Spedding, Strickland, William 'Herbie' Turner, Thompson, Walton, G. Williams, P. Williams.
H. Mitchell, Lewis, Moorhouse, Strickland, P. Williams did not play
Leith played.
Carlton team line-up (M. P.)
Backs; Thompson, Sutton, Coulson
Half backs; Hensley, Walton, Aitken
Centres; Blake, Turner, Fullarton
Half forwards; Spedding, Roberts, Donohue
Forwards; Leith, Pullar, G. Williams
Followers; Currie, Richardson, Davis, Geddes
Rover; Batters
Umpire; Thewlis.
Carlton lost;
Carl. 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4
Coll. 0.0 1.3 1.3 4.6
Goal; Roberts.
Players mentioned; (4) Richardson, Currie, Geddes, Roberts. (plus Aitken, Batters, Blake, Coulson, Davis, Donohoo, Fullarton, Hensley, Leith, Pullar, Spedding, Sutton, Thompson, Turner, Walton, G. Williams)
V.F.A. ladder; Carlton fifth.
Played 20 Won 12 lost 7 Drawn 1 Goals For 83 Against 71 Points 50

The Blues were heading the VFA ladder after round 9 with 7 wins.
Then in Round 10 they unexpectedly lost to St.Kilda, then, from the next 10 games they won only 5 more, and those were against the bottom sides.
The Argus said
"Carlton, on the other hand, after commencing in their best form, collapsed towards the close of the season, and now appear to have reached a state of disorganisation. Their great want has again been a reliable goal-kicker, none of the new men tried in that position have been successful."

September 26 Monday
The Melbourne City Council met to consider a proposal by Alderman Amess for the encolsure of land in Princes Park for the use by the Carlton Football Club.
To read The Argus report, click here> http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article8462973

Herald Sept 29 p3

October 01


The Australasian's "Markwell" season review said of the Blues;
"Carlton's declined from second to fifth place on the list, after having honourably and ably maintained the former position for three consecutive years, has not been due to lack of ability, for their form during the greater part of the year was all that could be desired, nowithstanding that they failed to secure the services of a reliable forward.
Their first match with Essendon was drawn, after a very severe tussle, and though they suffered a defeat in the return encounter they played well enough to make the struggle one of the finest ever witnessed in the colony.
During the latter portion of the year they have rarely appeared in anything like their proper form, but they gave Geelong no end of trouble last Saturday week.
Their defeat by Collingwood last week was due to the reprehensible apathy shown by a large number of their players in leaving the club in the lurch.
But for this reverse they would have headed their ancient foemen the metropolitans.
In everyone of their most exciting combats Hutchison has enacted a leading part, and must be counted amongst the most brilliant performers of the season.
Currie, too, rendered very valuable assistance prior to the intercolonial match with South Australia; but the severe accident he met with in that contest affected his play ever afterwards.
Other members of the dark-blue brigade who have battled manfully for the welfare of their club are McKechnie, P. Williams, Coulson, Sutton, McOwan (up to the time of his departure for Fiji), Batters, Richardson, Aitken, Strickland, Geddes, G. Williams, and Roberts.
Moorhouse and Spedding likewise have been hard workers, and would deserve praise, had they at all times devoted their attention to the ball alone."

October 14 Friday
V.F.A. final meeting for the year.
Spedding of Carlton was reported for striking Kearney of Geelong. He was also charged for rough play and using insulting signs to people in the reserve in the same match.
The committee investigating found him guilty, and recommended that Spedding be disqualified for next seasons games in the months of May, June, July, and August.
The recommendation was adopted.

October 29


The Capricornian, Rockhampton;
"A Southern paper says;
A proposal was brought before the Victorian Football Association last week to do away with behinds in the game, and consequently in the scoring, but the motion was lost by one vote. It certainly would not injure the game if the proposed alteration had been agreed to."

The Carlton Story. Hugh Buggy and Harry Bell. Pages. 70, 71, 259.
Mullin’s Footballers Australian Almanac of 1951. Page 66.
The Rivalry Michael Roberts. Pages 12, 52.
The History of the Carlton Football Club. Brian Hansen p83.
The Argus 1892 editions.
The 1893 ABC Football Book.
The Sydney Morning Herald, 1892 editions.
The Australasian, 1892 editions.
The Sporting Judge, 1892 editions.
The Age, 1892 editions.
The Traralgon Record, 1892 editions.
The Mercury and Weekly Courier, 1892 editions.
The Capricornian, Rockhampton, 1892 editions.
The Riverina Recorder, 1892 editions.
The Geelong Advertiser, 1892 editions.

Pre VFL Players | Pre VFL captains | Pre VFL Vice Captains | Formation of the Club | The Guernsey | Pre VFL Venues | Pre VFL Rules of Football
Melbourne Rules Years: 1864 |Challenge Cup Competition: 1865 | 1866 | 1867 | 1868 | 1869 | 1870 | 1871 | 1872 | 1873 | 1874 | 1875 | 1876
VFA Years: 1877 | 1878 | 1879 | 1880 | 1881 | 1882 | 1883 | 1884 | 1885 | 1886 | 1887 | 1888 | 1889 | 1890 | 1891 | 1892 | 1893 | 1894 | 1895 | 1896

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